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Koh Tao Murders: Thai Authorities Deny 'Scapegoat' Allegation

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“The police are doing their job. If the police hear your accusation, they will be sad," Gen. Prawit said.

I wonder if that could be construed at a threat? Possibly, at all?


Wai, and lean the head, look guilty, or more hot water on your goolies!

I don't think you are far from the truth. Even if they did it, their genitals must be a shocking state by now.

in the video clip the cop in the blue shirt prodded the Burmese in the white shirt hard and told him to wai.

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Amazing how money CSI/Legal rights/Sherlock Holmes types we have on these threads. So let me get this strait unless its a Thai person the truth only involves a cover up? So an illegal(mobile) transient(Mobile) worker could never have done such a thing it makes more sense that some big shot is going to crap where he eats. Makes sense to me! So a lot of you are being Burmese apologists and Thai haters because you hate the place so much. The % of those guys being the killers are a lot higher than some of the retarded ideas people have about who did it. How dumb do you have to be if you do not understand unless these guys jerked off into a cup you will be hard pressed to plant semen. If the DNA matches they get a CLUE its called a D N A test any of you people ever take a science class? It really eliminates a lot of potential suspects because its >DNA<. I see the biggest groups of people piping off are English Thailand should let the English do the police work? Ohhh my bad I thought this was Thailand! But then again these are the same people who think Amanda Knox murdered her roommate in a Satanic sex orgy sacrifice. Can't be the transient AFrican who had DNA evidence all over the place including you guessed it Semen.

Hold on a minute mate. So you can honestly say with hand on heart that this investigation has been conducted in a professional and credible manner? I for one am not a Thai basher, my children are half Thai and my wife is Thai. What is obvious to see here is the dubious way that the RTP have conducted there investigation. Are you familiar with the patronage system here? I have first hand experience with local departments of the RTP being corrupt FACT.

Don't bother. Any questioning of the obvious is classed as Thai basing by some. That questioning corruption is actually the opposite of Thai bashing is beyond these peoples grasp of the situation. That some of us can separate the patronage system from normal Thai's is something else that's beyond these peoples limited experience of Thailand.

In supporting an anti-corruption stance it's beyond the comprehension that some of us have normal Thai's interests at heart.

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"Dont make them sad"?! Sad like the nice police offer who stopped me with my car and told me I was driving too fast what was absolutley wrong but of course after a few moments the nice officer lowered my 500 baht penalty to 200 baht but he couldn't give me a bill for it. Or the Immigration officer a few weeks ago who blackmailed me that if I dont pay 500thb I would only get 7 days instead of my regular 30 days entry to the country.

But of course I will not question that. I dont want to make these honest officers sad.

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Perhaps if we respectfully, in the most polite way ask some pertinent questions, and not just turn this thread into another behemoth someone will try to address our concerns?

For example:

Thai PBS posted an article on the morning of 3 October, wherein Pol. Lt. Gen. Jakthip Chaichinda, the acting Royal Thai Police deputy commissioner announced that a confession had been taken, and "revealed that the three men had admitted to having committed the crime."

In addition, "the acting assistant commissioner of the Royal Thai Police, Pol. Lt. Gen. Panya Mamen, identified the three Myanmar workers to the media Win, Mao and Sor and it was Win who first admitted to the crime."

The article then goes on to describe Win's statement, where he implicates his companions, Mao and Sor.

The question:

Can the discrepancy between the 'confessions' be explained? How could one confessor implicate both but then a mere two hours later change it so only one accompanied him? Are there signed copies of the three confessions? (First Win, then Win and Mao/Sor).

In addition, there is 2 minutes of cctv footage missing, would it be possible to publish the original, including all minutes 45 to 50. Perhaps someone can explain why this footage was removed, in the middle of the most vital time period.

With all due respect, it is only by addressing concerns such as these that closure will be found.

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Amazing how money CSI/Legal rights/Sherlock Holmes types we have on these threads. So let me get this strait unless its a Thai person the truth only involves a cover up? So an illegal(mobile) transient(Mobile) worker could never have done such a thing it makes more sense that some big shot is going to crap where he eats. Makes sense to me! So a lot of you are being Burmese apologists and Thai haters because you hate the place so much. The % of those guys being the killers are a lot higher than some of the retarded ideas people have about who did it. How dumb do you have to be if you do not understand unless these guys jerked off into a cup you will be hard pressed to plant semen. If the DNA matches they get a CLUE its called a D N A test any of you people ever take a science class? It really eliminates a lot of potential suspects because its >DNA<. I see the biggest groups of people piping off are English Thailand should let the English do the police work? Ohhh my bad I thought this was Thailand! But then again these are the same people who think Amanda Knox murdered her roommate in a Satanic sex orgy sacrifice. Can't be the transient AFrican who had DNA evidence all over the place including you guessed it Semen.

You are missing a 'D' from your nick! Either go back to sleep or have another slab of beer.

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The police are doing their job. If the police hear your accusation, they will be sad," Gen. Prawit said.

I wonder if that could be construed at a threat? Possibly, at all?



Wai, and lean the head, look guilty, or more hot water on your goolies!

I don't think you are far from the truth. Even if they did it, their genitals must be a shocking state by now.

in the video clip the cop in the blue shirt prodded the Burmese in the white shirt hard and told him to wai.

That picture makes my flesh creep.

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Oh the irony!!whistling.gif

For the last couple of weeks the hang-them-high-brigade has been out in full force here on Thaivisa.

Now the police has "solved" the case and the very same posters come out in full force to defend the alleged culprits.

I am not saying, that the police has got it right, actually I doubt it very much, BUT IF. THat would be quite ironic, wouldn't it?coffee1.gif

Lets take the pressure from the thai police

Give them the friendly chance to proof they are right. Let independant foreign police and labs check the case.

But if they denie (or find what way ever to avoid this) - that's some kind of proof, too isn't it?

Edited by sweatalot
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I don't see much complaining in the British media. It seems that they will go along with the story Thai police 'served' to the public. The British government is totally inactive. I'm afraid the deal has been made behind the scenes. This unfortunate affair is coming to a close.

Pair In Court Over Thailand Beach Murders


Two men have appeared in court charged with murdering British backpackers Hannah Witheridge and David Miller in Thailand.

Police say the Burmese workers, named Win and Saw, have admitted killing the pair on Koh Tao beach - claiming they were jealous.

The handcuffed suspects, who are also charged with rape and robbery, appeared before a judge on the neighbouring island of Koh Samui on Saturday.

They were remanded in custody for a further 12 days and could face the death penalty if convicted.

On Friday, the pair wore crash helmets and police vests to protect them from angry locals as they were paraded by officers in a bizarre reconstruction of the crime.

At one point Win was told to play the guitar as part of the reconstruction before acting out the murders of Mr Miller, 24, and Miss Witheridge, 23, on Sairee beach.

He also held a dustpan to represent the garden hoe allegedly used in the killings on 15 September.

Mr Miller, from Jersey, died from drowning and a blow to the head, while Miss Witheridge, from Great Yarmouth, died from head wounds.

Thai National police chief Somyot Poompanmoung said: "The suspects saw them kissing and were aroused, so they attacked and got rid of the man and proceeded to rape the female victim.

"There was clear evidence: forensic evidence, (testimony from) witnesses and other evidence, as well as closed-circuit television footage."

Provincial police chief Kiattipong Khaosamang said Win, 21, and Saw, 23, have also admitted raping Miss Witheridge.

A third Burmese man is being questioned on suspicion of involvement.

Edited by Mackie
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It is natural for the police to deny it.

Just as it is natural for many Falong's to admit the police did any thing rite.

Back home we would call it a Mexican stand off.

Except this time the police have DNA.

the sad part about the whole thing is the continues publication of it to just further the sorrow of those who knew them and loved them.

It happens all over the world. Just occasionally the media picks it up and keeps waving it in the face of the people who have lost loved ones.

Yes, the police have DNA. But, in Thai police procedures, are there the chain of evidence procedures that exist in most Western countries? And what about the poor girl's mobile phone? If that was planted, how can we believe anything else the police say? Sorry, these things do not happen all over the world. Only in police states!

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Amazing how money CSI/Legal rights/Sherlock Holmes types we have on these threads. So let me get this strait unless its a Thai person the truth only involves a cover up? So an illegal(mobile) transient(Mobile) worker could never have done such a thing it makes more sense that some big shot is going to crap where he eats. Makes sense to me! So a lot of you are being Burmese apologists and Thai haters because you hate the place so much. The % of those guys being the killers are a lot higher than some of the retarded ideas people have about who did it. How dumb do you have to be if you do not understand unless these guys jerked off into a cup you will be hard pressed to plant semen. If the DNA matches they get a CLUE its called a D N A test any of you people ever take a science class? It really eliminates a lot of potential suspects because its >DNA<. I see the biggest groups of people piping off are English Thailand should let the English do the police work? Ohhh my bad I thought this was Thailand! But then again these are the same people who think Amanda Knox murdered her roommate in a Satanic sex orgy sacrifice. Can't be the transient AFrican who had DNA evidence all over the place including you guessed it Semen.

You ever heard of switching samples?

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Yes, since this is a murder of two British citizens, I would hope that the government of Great Britain request the right to review the information regarding DNA and the accused. I would feel the Thai interests would be better served by creating an international team to review the evidence. After all, they should welcome all the help they can get and not be afraid to be right--or wrong. The interest is justice.

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This is getting interesting now because if the media were to up the pressure a couple more notches if something untoward happened then the cracks would appear, it is all about if the media and Myanmar / British diplomats have the balls to keep at the case.

Personally I am starting to think that they never even tested any DNA from these guys and that the confession and the fact that they bought cigarettes at a time close to the murder is about their only evidence. It just doesn't add up, they focused on Burmese in the days after the murder so how could they not have questioned these guys who worked and hung around the murder scene and were bloody well known by the locals?

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Nobody believes any of this.

The police account in this case may or may not be factual; I don't know, but it's a credible story, even if a tad too neat. The underlying problem is that the attempt to reform the police got scuppered in 2002 and the the credibility of the force has been spiraling downwards ever since. I consider it a litmus test of the Prayudh (Prayud for the cockneys) government to get serious police reform underway. If Gen Prayudh or the NRC does not do this, then sooner or later there will have to be another coup. At the moment, the outlook is not looking too good. Law and order starts with the police and carries on into the courts; the judiciary is very slowly cleaning up its act while the police are merely putting on an act.

Many years ago a police general told me that the process of cleaning up the police would only begin when the army drove tanks into the Bangkok Metropolitan Police Commission HQ. Under the current martial law and interim constitution, this would not be illegal. Gen Prayudh: what are you waiting for? This is the litmus test also of your credibility.

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why arent any lawyers in thailand standing up for the basic human rights of these two?

do thai lawyers do pro bono work?

is there any thai lawyer with a conscience?

isnt there any organisation in thailand to support and help these two?

In a word NO

Unfortunately it appears like the rest of things here, no money no honey or perhaps they are scared to go up against the RTP in such a high profile case, god forbid if the RTP were to lose face.

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