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Universal doubts cloud 'perfect' Koh Tao murder investigation


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That article claims the 2 suspects had stolen the motorbike from the victim and kept it. Unbelievably stupid murderers to keep the clearly marked rental bike of the 2 tourists you just killed. Why did the police not make a song and dance about this, more damning than a mobile phone, if it is indeed true at all.

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Topic Headline: Universal doubts cloud 'perfect' Koh Tao murder investigation

From the Bangkok.Coconuts.co website:

"Coconuts Media is a local city website network that harnesses social media and video to amplify coverage of urban areas in Asia." including

Bangkok, Hong Kong, Jakarta ,Kuala Lumpur, Manila, and Singapore. Doesn't say much about its coverage in the rest of the Universe.

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How come we only get articles like this from 'Coconuts BKK'--surely, if the Burmese have recanted their confessions then major news syndicates would be running the story?

And this one today--where are the big Media players?

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I think it is only natural and right that this allegedly "perfect job" is being scrutinized and criticized by the public following all these inconsistencies and bizarre tales described in the OP. After all, no-one should be allowed to play with the lives of two people if there is even the slightest chance they may not be guilty of this horrendous crime.

I suppose that even the families and relatives of David Miller and Hannah Witheridge would not like to see a couple of scapegoats going to the gallows while the real culprits possibly still remain at large - or are perhaps even protected by some influential parties, as has been alleged more than once.

The RTP can at this point plead as much as they want how "perfect" this investigation has allegedly been, but a large proportion of the public both locally and abroad simply doesn't buy it. The RTP has nobody to blame but themselves for this situation, because in the past they have shown again and again what an incompetent, corrupt lot they are; nothing short of worthy of the Keystone Cops, actually.

That this latest case seemingly has been botched up once more only proves to the public that nothing has been learned from similarly botched-up cases in the past and that nothing has improved in terms of the RTP's investigative professionalism. THAT is why the public is suspicious. THAT is why the public demands transparency and honest answers. And THAT is why the public has the right to criticize and scrutinize.

And the RTPs stubborn refusal to permit an independent investigation and re-examination of evidence does not exactly help to remedy the current situation either, does it?

The police may have nailed down DNA evidence this time, even though they were unable to get a match the first time they checked samples from the suspects. But their case still depends on the suspects' confession, since the police will be unable to satisfactorily explain in court exactly what happened with all the discrepancies in their evidence.

It is very important that the suspects withdraw their confession and plead not guilty. The downside to them is no different is they lose. No deal from the police to spare them the death sentence can be honoured by the court. But they will not be executed for fear of bad relations with Burma. If they plead not guilty, decent lawyers would have a sporting chance of getting them off with only the illegal entry and work permit offences sticking. That's a fee trip to the Ranong crossing point. Change names, get new ID cards and passports and they could come back to Thailand as legal workers. The Thai authorities don't seem to know their real names anyway as they quote different names every time, all of which are different from the names quoted by the Burmese lawyer.

Edited by Dogmatix
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I don't believe these two young men are guilty for a moment. The whole thing looks like a crude cover-up that is fooling no one. But what it is doing I suspect is making a lot of people think twice before visiting Thailand (again), me included, and that can only result in a loss of tourism income. And I have to say that I am very concerned as to what might happen to two apparent scapegoats. Not good, not good at all.

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UK Rules--you often suggest that the UK Government 'should' do XYZ--but, as we all know, this is very unlikely--Cameron has enough on his plate with ISIS, UKIP, and other anagrams and really--does he have the balls? The UK Police are about as likely to get involved as Deputy Dawg.

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"there was one big problem for the police who’ve been under intense pressure to show results: No one bought it.

Not the international audience; not the domestic audience."

except these clowns: JohnThailandJohn,soumanioco,Hisseheo,SICHONSTEVE,balo,Tanlic,Beetlejuice

and don't forget UncleE--the SWAT,CIA/FBI dude.

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What as come out of this report that has not been said before (that I have seen ) is that the 2 "Suspects" do not speak Thai.

I suspected this all along and it begs the question : Did they really understand what was going on when they were arrested and taken to a safe house to be interrogated for however long it was ?

It is said that a Rohinga was used as a translator but I cant believe that one translator was with both of them, probably separated, throughout the whole interrogation.

I didn't see the reenactment but I read from those who did that the pair had to be coached as to where to point and what to do, no translator by the look of it, did they really know what was happening ?

Independent DNA tests are the only way to go and if the police really believe they have the right people why would they refuse ? For if those tests were positive then it would prove beyond doubt they have the right people and vindicate them.

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