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Yep, fair enough, I hate that too.

What irritates me more, though, is that the days are the same length all year round.

I think Thailand should have much longer days in the summer, and shorter ones in the summer, just like at home.

Try asking the Thai people about it, though. They just look at you funny and walk off muttering in Thai.


I just say "I can look alone...I not baby", they usually get the hint.

I once received an explanation for it though. One lady told me her boss (Chinese)gave her strict instructions to pressure every customer that came into the shop to buy something, the boss was more interested in getting her money's worth out of her employees than losing customers. Calmed me down a bit when I heard this, even felt sorry for the worker. Something along the same lines might apply in the bigger stores...be seen to be working.

It reminded me of my days in the army...while we were waiting for room inspection the older soldiers used to tell us younger ones to always have a piece of rag at the ready....so when an officer came into the room we could immediately start busying ourselves rubbing some well worn item like we were constantly on the go. I guess we have all tried to look more busy that we actually were at some point in our lives.

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I don't really care for this sales approach either… however, I am not the only one here. The sales help have surely been taught to do this. Many Thai seem to like the attention.

When you say that Thai don't like it either, remeber that when you ask questions of a Thai it is often impolite to disagree with you. My wife never minds.

"Dtu choi choi" works pretty well - they smile and leave.


Actually I love it when I walk into a shop and they are all busy on their mobiles. It's like having a free pass to shop un harassed by someone who doesn't know their own products.

I do understand that they are supposed to assist on behalf of the manager but the manager should be responsible for ensuring that their staff actually understands their product. If they did know their product range I would be much more amenable to having them stalking me while I browse.


Let me see if I understand this post:

1) YOU like living in Thailand

2) YOU live here by choice

3) YOU do NOT like people that are TRAINED to be courtious to YOU

4) YOU do not like Thai customs

SOLUTION: Move to LA DOWNTOWN, I think you would be back herre in 40 hours or less ( 26 TRAVEL hours included )

I enjoy living in a culture that is polite ( Phony or not ) I teach ADULT English and my ""students - business management level"" greet me when I am on the street with the TRADITIONAL GREETING. What do you find wrong with that?

Learn the meaning of "FACE"


I can't wait for his next topic. "Thai people keep looking at me funny"?

You have been negative throughout my threads.

But no, I'm not going to open a thread as you described.

I've already posted a thread complaining about the opposite.

Well, considering one can't visit "General" or "Pub" without tripping over a slew of threads you've started in rapid-fire succession, I think SoiBiker's being quite polite.

You seem to complain an awful lot for someone who supposedly happy here.

I know most people need to vent on occasion but where do you actually find the time to be harassed by staff or go to those restaurants when you're welded to your armchair posting on TVF?


I might make eye contact but no way do I say Sawatdee Krub and bored of that word so much I prefer to shorten it to "Watdee" or even just hi to hell with it.

Those staff are useless as we all know. I really hate it was buying some underpants once and the kitty was just behind me watching every move I make like I am going to steal 10 bucks worth of underpants it makes me fume. On top of that then they stamp every packet like this is a game. Havent they heard of computerization?

Any Thais reading this - Foreigners DO NOT like to be watched and attended to every step of the way when shopping, we prefer to be left alone and will contact you if needed and in Thailand you will not be needed as most of your staff are clueless in my experience. I like going into 7 as its short and sweet.


Last resort don't wear any deodorant that should fix it, especially with Thai females who we all know like everything so "Kwaam Sa-aat" (Clean)


Usually in Home Pro/Global/Thaiwatsadu I'll have something I'm trying to match up - I usually just show it to them and point in the direction I'm walking and they lleave me alone.....even if nothing in hand I'll point in the direction of the department I'm heading for and they tend to leave me alone....I tend to walk a little faster if I get the unwanted attention and it's also an effectively silent signal.....

I never swadie someone beyond the threshold doors - once you do they're on you.......zombie style.....

At least it's what it feels like.....


I would write a letter to all major companies not to harass a skirt wearing man walking about saying Sawadee Khrap to himself.

My heart is bleeding for you, the mental anguish they put you through. At least you have a shoulder to cry on with all the compassionat members here.

On that note moved to PUB.

Skirt wearing man? A Scotsman? Oh, I know, one of these Greek guys who wear these mini skirts. Sorry Costas, only joking, I could'nt resist it.


All of these Thai employees are trained to say this, and each one only says it once. If you want to mimimize the amount of times it's said to you, then know the store your going to and walk directly to the department that has what you need, if you window shop while your there, then guaranteed you'll be approached many times. Don't dilly-dally, get what you need quick and leave. This is a silly thing to be concerned about really, like try to find someone to help you in the USA at Home Depot. Sawadee Kha


Please list all the things you don't like about your home country do ver boring reading what people don't like. Life is to short to let little stuff go to your head. Relax your in Disneyland here enjoy all the good stuff it has


Why don't you go to Home Mall or HomePro if you don't like the staff/service in Global Home?

I've been to Global Home before and didn't have this problem that staff wouldn't leave me alone but if that's what's happening just go somewhere else. Plenty of choice here and also plenty of family run smaller shops to buy electric appliances..


If your really 97 yo as your profile states I won't say go home cuz the flite might kill you and I don't expect at your age for you to adapt or get over how you are treated here. If I have a complaint at restaurant I complain or chill and pay no big tip. If in store and swamped by sellers and it bothers me I walk out. Heck in USA you can't find a sales clerk to find you something


I simply walk out. For information, it's even worse in China, where I also walk out. I've talked to many Chinese people on this - they hate it, too.

Yeah - in China they're not afraid to touch or try and hook your arm....steer you.....


I just say "I can look alone...I not baby", they usually get the hint.

I once received an explanation for it though. One lady told me her boss (Chinese)gave her strict instructions to pressure every customer that came into the shop to buy something, the boss was more interested in getting her money's worth out of her employees than losing customers. Calmed me down a bit when I heard this, even felt sorry for the worker. Something along the same lines might apply in the bigger stores...be seen to be working.

It reminded me of my days in the army...while we were waiting for room inspection the older soldiers used to tell us younger ones to always have a piece of rag at the ready....so when an officer came into the room we could immediately start busying ourselves rubbing some well worn item like we were constantly on the go. I guess we have all tried to look more busy that we actually were at some point in our lives.

I agree that this is the thai way of doing thing. Labour in Thailand is so insanely cheap that hiring 10 people has almost no effect on profitability of a shop. So Thais have gotten used to people paying attention to them and I think that if someone ran a supermarket the was discount stores are run in my home country (only the bare minimum op people needed to run the shop are there) the Thais would not like it even if the products are a bit cheaper.

Personally I’m only a tourist in Thailand and have visited for almost 14 years. So I don’t really get to the point where things like this bother me. However trying to go out for a beer in a Tourist area without being presented with the possibilities to buy something extra is annoying. However I think there are similarities with your shop keeper example. Me and my brother just wanted to go out for a few beers, found a small bar that did not look like a go go bar. After some time the bar owner told 2 of the staff to go over to us and keep us company even if we didn’t want it.


I just smile and look like a man on a mission. They don't seem to follow me around but the moment I look confused like I can't find something there is someone there to assist. At least at Global House in Chiang Mai they seem to do it just right. Places like BigC or Lotus and you have to go drag a salesman to help ( except in the car supply section where I want to go postal on them for being such an annoyance.) biggrin.png

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I just smile and look like a man on a mission. They don't seem to follow me around but the moment I look confused like I can't find something there is someone there to assist. At least at Global House in Chiang Mai they seem to do it just right. Places like BigC or Lotus and you have to go drag a salesman to help ( except in the car supply section where I want to go postal on them for being such an annoyance.) biggrin.png

Yes....Global House here seems the least intrusive. of the box stores.....


I can't wait for his next topic. "Thai people keep looking at me funny"?

You have been negative throughout my threads.

But no, I'm not going to open a thread as you described.

I've already posted a thread complaining about the opposite.


You mean people don't look at you funny? That's because the guy looking at you is jealous because your skirt is shorter than his shorts.


It annoys the heck out of me too, but I just Sawasdee Krap back to them and keep on walking.

They are paid to do it, so we just have to put up with it.


Because there's nothing inherently personal in it, I am not bothered by the attention. If someone gets a little pushy (auto section is where this happens most - or used to), I just quietly turn my back and shut them out. Never a problem. Best staff seem to be in the paint sections of places like Homeworks and Watsadu in Pattaya - don't know why, but anyway they're a pleasure to deal with.

(ayejaidee, where are you? I just praised someone in Thailand)


I bought pillows at Home pro the other day and the guy got quite upset that I didn't also buy a new king size bed with them - the nerve of me really!? (despite having bought one there two months prior)

Jokes aside, normally I just smile and keep walking and try not to react badly to the staff. They just want their commission, which sometimes makes me think the issue is really caused by the international companies taking advantage of minimum wage. Does the bedding section really need 20 staff? No way. Are they getting employment, yes and that's great. Could you buy from a local business instead? Quite often yes.

There's a number of sides to this but as always the simple answer is to be kind to others.


Let me see if I understand this post:

1) YOU like living in Thailand

2) YOU live here by choice

3) YOU do NOT like people that are TRAINED to be courtious to YOU

4) YOU do not like Thai customs

SOLUTION: Move to LA DOWNTOWN, I think you would be back herre in 40 hours or less ( 26 TRAVEL hours included )

I enjoy living in a culture that is polite ( Phony or not ) I teach ADULT English and my ""students - business management level"" greet me when I am on the street with the TRADITIONAL GREETING. What do you find wrong with that?

Learn the meaning of "FACE"

Be fair! He did say he walked into the shop to find some staff, and left with a switch of some kind.

Now THAT's confusing!!


I find stores here are overstaffed and they are suppose to help you -- so it is not surprising that once one person backs away someone else sees no-one helping you and comes forward and it does get irritating. In Canada I once spent 10 minutes looking for some staff on the floor because of the LACK of staff. I just wish they were somehow psychic and could sense when I wanted someone and the rest of the time just letting me browse (I actually hate asking for help). Well, nothing is perfect. If I find myself being crowded -- I just leave and go somewhere else / maybe some other time....

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