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Yingluck barred from attending Fireball Festival


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Ah ha. The little red puppets' heads are starting to (predictably) appear over the parapets.

Yes and I predict they will remain until the poor of Thailand get a better distribution of the national income. Damn those poor, worldwide, they just will not accept their position in society and listen to their betters!

RTF on.

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Good. Let this old, washed-up has-been stay in oblivion and obscurity. Old hat. Yesterday's news.

Fair enough if that's your view.But the significance of the story is rather different.In other words why should ordinary Thais be so fond of the former democratically elected PM and why would they want her to be guest of honour at this important festival?

And equally to the point why should those who grabbed power be so terrified and threatened by her presence at an entirely non political occasion?

There's a wind blowing.

All it takes is a handful of people putting up posters sponsored by the Redshirt/Thaksin mafia leaders to spark distain and trouble

The reality of the matter is that Thailand needs to forget the abomination of the Yingluc PTP Thaksin government debacle and move on - they were on a path to destroy this country and anyone with a brain knows exactly that undisputed fact, having this woman at any high profile public event is just counter productive, the shins redshirt mafia propaganda machine is still smoldering in the background and needs to be exposed and extinguished once and for all, there's not much more to say

Yes well in the end a general election will be the true voice whether you like it or not.

It depends on the rules. We haven't seen those yet.

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Good. Let this old, washed-up has-been stay in oblivion and obscurity. Old hat. Yesterday's news.

Fair enough if that's your view.But the significance of the story is rather different.In other words why should ordinary Thais be so fond of the former democratically elected PM and why would they want her to be guest of honour at this important festival?

And equally to the point why should those who grabbed power be so terrified and threatened by her presence at an entirely non political occasion?

There's a wind blowing.

Who says everyone wants her there.. and I agree with the army keep her out of the lime light she will soon be forgotten. You are right a wind is blowing.. and its blowing to PTP to oblivion and all the previously oppressed by the red terrorist breath this new fresh air.

No longer risking bullets at your house if you say something bad about the government.

I thought saying bad things about the government was illegal now?

Yes it is. But the difference is you don't get shot or your house burned down now. Have you been out of the country for the last year?

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I see there's still the cheerleading Farang group who actually think Thais give a frak about what their opinions are but feel the need to denounce everything and play the fools game thinking their in with the In crowd and Junta!!

There's not a chance there will be elections next October and the suppression of peoples speach isn't going to last forever either but keep the heads buried in the sand at your own peril!!

Its not about us its what we think we like in the country, and i prefer the Junta over the PTP. The Thais don't care much about us so what does not have anything to do with this topic.

If there are no free elections so be it.. that means no PTP so that is a good thing for most of the foreigners here.

I get my amusement watching the red cheerleaders get real red from excitement and pent up anger, the whole coup was worth it for sure. Its great to see this its like live amusement.

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Visibly all members of the Shins' fanclub are present on this topic... Let all the twisted and biased stuff they are obviously able to write here, prove clearly to them and all onlookers that there is individual freedom of expression! Though personally I regret their propaganda is still allowed, here and elsewhere, as to me there is a big difference between the expressing of a personal opinion to inform and the concerted spreading of lies to mislead.

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Its not about us its what we think we like in the country, and i prefer the Junta over the PTP. The Thais don't care much about us so what does not have anything to do with this topic.

If there are no free elections so be it.. that means no PTP so that is a good thing for most of the foreigners here.

I get my amusement watching the red cheerleaders get real red from excitement and pent up anger, the whole coup was worth it for sure. Its great to see this its like live amusement.

What a sad post!!bah.gif

So if the the army took over in Holland, you would be okay with that as well, if it prevented a political party, you didn't support, from winning an election??

Or is it only okay in Thailand, because the Thais are less "developed" than their superior Dutch brothers?

Please explain it to me very s l o w l y, because I am one of the stupid ones, who believe in one person=one vote!!

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Without going into boring politics.

How these fireballs are produced?

In 2002, a TV program for iTV did some investigative journalism and caught people on Laos side faking the phenomenon using tracing rounds and fireworks.

The TV channel got immediately threatened and boycotted for being disrespectful of sacred beliefs.

Its a multi-million dollars business with several hundred thousands of people now attending the event every year. Unsurprisingly, the variety and intensity of the phenomenon has increased over the past few years as it started to attract international visitors rather than only locals.

A good analysis of the phenomenon can be found here: http://skeptoid.com/episodes/4183

OH NO!!!!!!

I have been deceived all these years.

And what is this, that famous humongous Naga Fish held up by the US Navy, purported to have been caught in the Naga.




It can't be true.

There must be a reason. The Farang have stolen the "Queen of the Nagas" from Thailand and claimed it for themselves.

Come on BIBs.

You have work to do.

That fish has to be repatriated.

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Good. Let this old, washed-up has-been stay in oblivion and obscurity. Old hat. Yesterday's news.

Fair enough if that's your view.But the significance of the story is rather different.In other words why should ordinary Thais be so fond of the former democratically elected PM and why would they want her to be guest of honour at this important festival?

And equally to the point why should those who grabbed power be so terrified and threatened by her presence at an entirely non political occasion?

There's a wind blowing.

Who says everyone wants her there.. and I agree with the army keep her out of the lime light she will soon be forgotten. You are right a wind is blowing.. and its blowing to PTP to oblivion and all the previously oppressed by the red terrorist breath this new fresh air.

No longer risking bullets at your house if you say something bad about the government.

I thought saying bad things about the government was illegal now?

Yes it is. But the difference is you don't get shot or your house burned down now. Have you been out of the country for the last year?

Sorry to hear about your misfortune and hope you are fully recovered now and had decent home insurance. I haven't been out of the country for some time but did just manage to survive.

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Its not about us its what we think we like in the country, and i prefer the Junta over the PTP. The Thais don't care much about us so what does not have anything to do with this topic.

If there are no free elections so be it.. that means no PTP so that is a good thing for most of the foreigners here.

I get my amusement watching the red cheerleaders get real red from excitement and pent up anger, the whole coup was worth it for sure. Its great to see this its like live amusement.

What a sad post!!bah.gif

So if the the army took over in Holland, you would be okay with that as well, if it prevented a political party, you didn't support, from winning an election??

Or is it only okay in Thailand, because the Thais are less "developed" than their superior Dutch brothers?

Please explain it to me very s l o w l y, because I am one of the stupid ones, who believe in one person=one vote!!

Why is no PTP good for foreigners?

I continue to be extremely curious as to why there is such a rabid pack of Yellows on TVF when political events in this nation run counter to pretty much everything we all would have encountered growing up in the relative equality and freedom of western nations.

Seriously, I genuinely want to know why you believe the absence of an elected government is good for foreigners here in Thailand?

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Can Harry Reid have reconciliation with the Koch Bros ?

Can Thailand see a reconciliation of the Thaksins with honest government, no political machine, and no aspirations to be tyrant new royalty?

Can Thailand reconcile with criminals, mafia dons, and on-the-take cronies?

A sane society does not seek reconciliation with criminals and thieves.wink.png

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Its not about us its what we think we like in the country, and i prefer the Junta over the PTP. The Thais don't care much about us so what does not have anything to do with this topic.

If there are no free elections so be it.. that means no PTP so that is a good thing for most of the foreigners here.

I get my amusement watching the red cheerleaders get real red from excitement and pent up anger, the whole coup was worth it for sure. Its great to see this its like live amusement.

What a sad post!!bah.gif

So if the the army took over in Holland, you would be okay with that as well, if it prevented a political party, you didn't support, from winning an election??

Or is it only okay in Thailand, because the Thais are less "developed" than their superior Dutch brothers?

Please explain it to me very s l o w l y, because I am one of the stupid ones, who believe in one person=one vote!!

Holland is not Thailand, here I cant vote anyway.. most of us can't.

The previous actively hid terrorists (remember all the dead protesters and how the guilty were found only after the army took over) I have yet to see this happen in a real democracy. (Charlems famous third party)

Remember how the votes were bought with a rice scam that was not even budgeted for and cost the country 700billion and its image as a rice producer.

So now I am happy that because of Thaksin who overreached ( he had to include himself in the amnesty and that was started it all) the junta is now in power and is making changes so the extreme nepotism and corruption that occurred will be hard to copy as there will be tougher laws.

So yes I am happy.

Edited by robblok
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I see there's still the cheerleading Farang group who actually think Thais give a frak about what their opinions are but feel the need to denounce everything and play the fools game thinking their in with the In crowd and Junta!!

There's not a chance there will be elections next October and the suppression of peoples speach isn't going to last forever either but keep the heads buried in the sand at your own peril!!

Its not about us its what we think we like in the country, and i prefer the Junta over the PTP. The Thais don't care much about us so what does not have anything to do with this topic.

If there are no free elections so be it.. that means no PTP so that is a good thing for most of the foreigners here.

I get my amusement watching the red cheerleaders get real red from excitement and pent up anger, the whole coup was worth it for sure. Its great to see this its like live amusement.

You sir are a perfect example of my last post, even by your own admission.

You clearly feel a sense of accomplishment from something at odds with your well being, by people who see you as inferior. Rather than pent up anger you have a pent up desire to succeed and win something that you clearly don`t get in the real world, probably sat in some remote Thai village.

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With the Thai concern for face being so ingrained/defended, I have often wondered how Those caught commetting illegal/immoral acts would react to the religous practice of public ''shunning''.? I know it is not within the realm of remotely possible in Thailand, but it sure would be entertaining to watch and see the results, if carried out in the way it is intended and practiced.

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Good. Let this old, washed-up has-been stay in oblivion and obscurity. Old hat. Yesterday's news.

Fair enough if that's your view.But the significance of the story is rather different.In other words why should ordinary Thais be so fond of the former democratically elected PM and why would they want her to be guest of honour at this important festival?

And equally to the point why should those who grabbed power be so terrified and threatened by her presence at an entirely non political occasion?

There's a wind blowing.

If she's there, it's a political occasion.

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There are different theories. One thing is for sure, though: they are not produced by a mythical giant serpent.

Some researchers believe these fireballs consist of self-igniting swamp gas (mostly methane), the result of organic debris (leaves, etc.) deposited at the bottom of the river at the end of the dry season, when the current is slow and weak.

As the material decomposes, it produces methane gas and other combustible substances (e.g. phosphorus) that are stored in pockets between the layers of deposited plant material. During the rainy season the river swells and its current becomes stronger, eventually "stirring up" and releasing the gas and its accompanying compounds, which then ignite on contact with the oxygen in the air.

Even more amazing: self-igniting gas bubbles shoot out of the water at the same velocity as a solid projectile, and right on cue for the assembled throngs.

Note to self: next time be born in a country with virtually no educational opportunities, where can be lead a short, unhealthy life of blissful ignorance.

Edited by Obb
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I see there's still the cheerleading Farang group who actually think Thais give a frak about what their opinions are but feel the need to denounce everything and play the fools game thinking their in with the In crowd and Junta!!

There's not a chance there will be elections next October and the suppression of peoples speach isn't going to last forever either but keep the heads buried in the sand at your own peril!!

Its not about us its what we think we like in the country, and i prefer the Junta over the PTP. The Thais don't care much about us so what does not have anything to do with this topic.

If there are no free elections so be it.. that means no PTP so that is a good thing for most of the foreigners here.

I get my amusement watching the red cheerleaders get real red from excitement and pent up anger, the whole coup was worth it for sure. Its great to see this its like live amusement.

You really do come across as a right wing redneck sometimes. "If there are no free elections so be it" So you are happy to disregard all the battles your forefathers fought back home to achieve democracy etc. Is why you can live comfortably in this country on your pension.

Edited by MickGC
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Good. Let this old, washed-up has-been stay in oblivion and obscurity. Old hat. Yesterday's news.

Fair enough if that's your view.But the significance of the story is rather different.In other words why should ordinary Thais be so fond of the former democratically elected PM and why would they want her to be guest of honour at this important festival?

And equally to the point why should those who grabbed power be so terrified and threatened by her presence at an entirely non political occasion?

There's a wind blowing.

If she's there, it's a political occasion.

Was this a "political occasion"?


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Good. Let this old, washed-up has-been stay in oblivion and obscurity. Old hat. Yesterday's news.

Fair enough if that's your view.But the significance of the story is rather different.In other words why should ordinary Thais be so fond of the former democratically elected PM and why would they want her to be guest of honour at this important festival?

And equally to the point why should those who grabbed power be so terrified and threatened by her presence at an entirely non political occasion?

There's a wind blowing.

If she's there, it's a political occasion.

Was this a "political occasion"?


Did they put up billboards to welcome her?

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Well this will be the interesting thing because they are trying to convince the democratic world that the reason this happened was because of the complete incompetence of the people holding office. This does not mean to say competent people could be appointed within this party. Changing the democratic process would simply clarify that the reasons given to the developed world for this action was a complete lie. Countries like the USA have a history of funding democracy and the people who fight for its values. If the world decides between them that enough is enough and this dictatorship is now deemed undemocratic you will see rivers of blood and civil war. The worlds democracies will begin with embargo's and tough talk, this will fuel a revolution as the people will believe the rest of the world are on their side. Then the silent majority will become activists. This military junta can never win this war because it has to suppress democracy to do so. This is why Taksin has ordered no resistance, he knows these people are in a no win situation. He knows the world will not trade with this country if the democratic process is changed, no trade leads to financial ruin. Unfortunately for the junta the only option they have is to sit down and make a deal with this party, they know this party will win a democratic election so if they want to have any kind of future for themselves and the establishment, agreements need to be made. The problem is they do not have this course of action in their armory. The country will find itself in civil war and if it gets to deep not even the king himself will have the power to stop it. Huge swathes of the army will also turn on each other. The future is very bleak indeed.

That was a very well written summary and prediction of the likely future. I would guess that you have a university education, unlike many others here on TV. Your analysis integrates a knowledge of history and political science and, in all probability, events that unfold will be very consistent with your prediction.

I see those who support the dictatorship as former blue-collar workers who retired in Thailand to achieve a feeling of superiority and status. Just like the dream that a 23-year-old girl will love them and be faithful, they believe the hi-so Thais will accept and respect them.

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If she's there, it's a political occasion.

Was this a "political occasion"?


Did they put up billboards to welcome her?

Well, there's a bit of a problem with that "argument". Firstly the NCPO Spokesman didn't specify that "being there" would make it a political occasion, in fact the reasons were "non specific". Secondly, the only people that can "legally" make decisions about what is deemed political (and therefore illegal) is the NCPO so if they didn't state it was because of political reasons it wasn't political, and thirdly, the NCPO didn't tell the locals to remove the billboards. Apparently it was everybody else

Yesterday afternoon, locals were forced to take down a massive poster that welcomed “Her Excellency, Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra, The 28th Prime Minister of Thailand.”

Col. Winthai added that the decision was jointly reached by the Governor of Nong Kai province, military officers, and administrative officials, but that the NCPO played no part in the process.

Edited by fab4
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Well this will be the interesting thing because they are trying to convince the democratic world that the reason this happened was because of the complete incompetence of the people holding office. This does not mean to say competent people could be appointed within this party. Changing the democratic process would simply clarify that the reasons given to the developed world for this action was a complete lie. Countries like the USA have a history of funding democracy and the people who fight for its values. If the world decides between them that enough is enough and this dictatorship is now deemed undemocratic you will see rivers of blood and civil war. The worlds democracies will begin with embargo's and tough talk, this will fuel a revolution as the people will believe the rest of the world are on their side. Then the silent majority will become activists. This military junta can never win this war because it has to suppress democracy to do so. This is why Taksin has ordered no resistance, he knows these people are in a no win situation. He knows the world will not trade with this country if the democratic process is changed, no trade leads to financial ruin. Unfortunately for the junta the only option they have is to sit down and make a deal with this party, they know this party will win a democratic election so if they want to have any kind of future for themselves and the establishment, agreements need to be made. The problem is they do not have this course of action in their armory. The country will find itself in civil war and if it gets to deep not even the king himself will have the power to stop it. Huge swathes of the army will also turn on each other. The future is very bleak indeed.

That was a very well written summary and prediction of the likely future. I would guess that you have a university education, unlike many others here on TV. Your analysis integrates a knowledge of history and political science and, in all probability, events that unfold will be very consistent with your prediction.

I see those who support the dictatorship as former blue-collar workers who retired in Thailand to achieve a feeling of superiority and status. Just like the dream that a 23-year-old girl will love them and be faithful, they believe the hi-so Thais will accept and respect them.

The two of you are demonstrating your ignorance of what is happening. now and in the last four months. Back to the corner with fabby.

Embargo.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif They won't let me have enough icons to give credit for that one..

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Its not about us its what we think we like in the country, and i prefer the Junta over the PTP. The Thais don't care much about us so what does not have anything to do with this topic.

If there are no free elections so be it.. that means no PTP so that is a good thing for most of the foreigners here.

I get my amusement watching the red cheerleaders get real red from excitement and pent up anger, the whole coup was worth it for sure. Its great to see this its like live amusement.

What a sad post!!bah.gif

So if the the army took over in Holland, you would be okay with that as well, if it prevented a political party, you didn't support, from winning an election??

Or is it only okay in Thailand, because the Thais are less "developed" than their superior Dutch brothers?

Please explain it to me very s l o w l y, because I am one of the stupid ones, who believe in one person=one vote!!

Well maybe not stupid...but certainly naive.

You see,its always important to remind ourselves that consolidating democracy requires more than elections. It requires the rule of law. It requires strong institutions, including an effective and impartial judiciary. It requires openness in government so citizens can hold leaders, accountable. Attributes like these ensure that democracy delivers concrete results to the people. And when those are subverted, as was the case with the YS/PTP Government ,there needs to be accountability

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If she's there, it's a political occasion.

Was this a "political occasion"?


Did they put up billboards to welcome her?

Well, there's a bit of a problem with that "argument". Firstly the NCPO Spokesman didn't specify that "being there" would make it a political occasion, in fact the reasons were "non specific". Secondly, the only people that can "legally" make decisions about what is deemed political (and therefore illegal) is the NCPO so if they didn't state it was because of political reasons it wasn't political, and thirdly, the NCPO didn't tell the locals to remove the billboards. Apparently it was everybody else

Yesterday afternoon, locals were forced to take down a massive poster that welcomed “Her Excellency, Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra, The 28th Prime Minister of Thailand.”

Col. Winthai added that the decision was jointly reached by the Governor of Nong Kai province, military officers, and administrative officials, but that the NCPO played no part in the process.

What "argument"? Yingluck was going to be there. A billboard welcoming "the 29th prime minister" was put up. That makes it political.

I didn't say anything about the NCPO.

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Well this will be the interesting thing because they are trying to convince the democratic world that the reason this happened was because of the complete incompetence of the people holding office. This does not mean to say competent people could be appointed within this party. Changing the democratic process would simply clarify that the reasons given to the developed world for this action was a complete lie. Countries like the USA have a history of funding democracy and the people who fight for its values. If the world decides between them that enough is enough and this dictatorship is now deemed undemocratic you will see rivers of blood and civil war. The worlds democracies will begin with embargo's and tough talk, this will fuel a revolution as the people will believe the rest of the world are on their side. Then the silent majority will become activists. This military junta can never win this war because it has to suppress democracy to do so. This is why Taksin has ordered no resistance, he knows these people are in a no win situation. He knows the world will not trade with this country if the democratic process is changed, no trade leads to financial ruin. Unfortunately for the junta the only option they have is to sit down and make a deal with this party, they know this party will win a democratic election so if they want to have any kind of future for themselves and the establishment, agreements need to be made. The problem is they do not have this course of action in their armory. The country will find itself in civil war and if it gets to deep not even the king himself will have the power to stop it. Huge swathes of the army will also turn on each other. The future is very bleak indeed.

The coup wasn't because of the incompetence. It was because of the violence.

I haven't seen anything where they've said that the took over because of incompetence. If you've seen that, please show me.

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Bunch of scared children, just goes to show how headless some people in the higher echelons of society are.

Scared of a firework ceremony LOL Pathetic really.

The future of Thailand is looking very very bleak

I don't think they're scared. They know there is opposition, but they're not interested in dealing with it. They're doing other things.

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There's still substantial support for YL? Hmm... odd. I thought I read somewhere 97% of Thais loved and are HAPPY with the current government? Hmm... coffee1.gif

Funny I was wandering about that. I assumed that I couldn't understand because I am one of those "moronic. Red Cheer leaders that spout twisted lies and smouldering propaganda" Fortunately I am about to be extinguished by the clean fresh wind which is blowing through this brave new world!

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