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Koh Samui prison chief fears Koh Tao murder suspects may commit suicide


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Now wouldn't it be incredibly convenient and it would be played up as an obvious sign of guilt ?

Do you think that they plan that far ahead? Think your giving them a little more credit then they deserve

' Played Up ' could easily come as an after thought. I'm not crediting them with anything.

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I am afraid they may commit suicide, because they show signs of stress," said Chanin Liangsuwan, chief of Koh Samui District Prison. "They may be feeling guilty for the crime they have done."

Duh! Get it right!

They may be feeling hopeless victims accused of a crime they have not done.

May be it would be very convenient for some if those guys cannot say anything anymore.

Makes it more urgent to check the DNA of some more people, even if they are "non-suspects"

Hopefully it's not kind of announcement. (Chalerm comes to my mind)

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One thing many people is missing, when they talk about the DNA - who monitored, what DNA samples was taken from where, when, labeled, what?

There is no way we will ever get the real truth here....and we all know it....sadly.

I have been saying this for days and getting cremated by TVF members for saying it.

All DNA evidence collected from the crime scene must be assumed contaminated.

Article in Bangkok Post today criticising the way the DNA was taken.

They didn't call in forensic people.

Tourists walked all over the crime scene.

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Good to see the "innocent until proven guilty" concept being given high priority here . . . and the safety of those accused also . . . it's not like they don't have enough prisons here and can't put them into solitary under 24 hour watch . . . but then I guess that would make their upcoming suicides a little harder to explain away . . .

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This sort of resolution was mentioned when the Burmese scapegoats were first apprehended: there would be an announcement, by Thai authorities, of their suicide. Done for reasons of remorse, of course. Well, that would wrap it up then, as far as authorities are concerned. Neat and tidy.

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Oh man. Not even sure what to say. Sad thing is, they will get away with it and it will be swept under the rug like every other police crime / murder that has happened here over the years.

Oh no. If something happens to the two poor guys the backfire for the thai authorities and police will be overwhelming.

'The power of the people in the internet will come out in full force and

other countries will have no choice to get in.

Am I too optimistic?

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If the powers that be considr suicide a risk, and suicides actually occur, they should be held accountable.

Appointing other inmates to observe is not the answer, they should have proper observation from the prison staff.

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Three Myanmar witnesses in Koh Tao murder of two British tourists will be brought before the court probably next week to testify in advance before the start of the trial.

Pol Maj-Gen Apichart Boonsriroj, commander of Surat Thani provincial police, said today (Thursday) that the three Myanmar migrant workers were under the care of the police and the public prosecutor had been asked to seek the court’s permission to bring the three witnesses to testify in advance.


Testify in advance ?? thats a new one on me rolleyes.gif

Anyone get the impression they are trying to rush this though and get something on record before a nasty incident might happen ........i hope not.

Presumably one of these "witnesses under the (tender) care of the police" would be the one referred to in the BKK post this morning who has told lawyers he saw nothing, read the rest yourself.

Meanwhile, Thailand’s most-respected forensics specialist cast doubts on the police investigation, saying investigators erred when they neglected to consult a forensic pathologist. Khunying Porntip Rojanasunan,director-general of the Central Institute of Forensic Science, told the Manager news agency that police did not understand that the investigation required a medical examiner.

"The weak point [in the investigation] is that police did not understand the murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller required a forensic pathologist, so the officers who collected evidence did not call one in from Surat Thani Hospital," she said. "A case with two murdered people certainly needs a forensic physician."


It might have been better if she'd weighed in earlier but maybe being careful after not coming out of the fake explosive detector fiasco too well.

Her comments make her an ideal witness for the defence IF this ever goes to trial and she was not prevented from giving evidence.

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So, one more tragedy in this travesty of a case is about to unfold. The 'suicide' of the alleged murderers.

Someone (General are you listening) needs to hold all these police and prison officials accountable. Someone also needs to step in NOW to prevent this (no doubt) soon to be 'suicide'.

Just when you think things could not get any worse... they do.

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I have instructed other inmates to monitor the two Burmese men. I am afraid they may commit suicide, because they show signs of stress," said Chanin Liangsuwan, chief of Koh Samui District Prison. "They may be feeling guilty for the crime they have done."

Inmates running the prison? You have to be kidding.

My past work took me into prisons. One unfortunate inmate was rehoused with a new prisoner. The new fellow was a rock spider. Within half an hour the new prisoner was dead. The man charged, a car theif was charged with his murder; they were cellmates. You don't put vulnerable people with other vulnerable people in the goal system.

How does Chanin know they are guilty? No conviction as yet.

It sounds as though these two accused are being set up? Dead men tell no tales.

Edited by Chris Lawrence
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If anything happens to these two whilst in custody itll be murder.

If the prison chief is worried then put them in isolation with a guard each, they shouldnt even be in the main prison community atm.

I suggested on here these guys would commit suicide soon after their (dubious) arrest ...

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We all know that already ! then the RTP will close the case end of story and tHe tabloids will announce Migrant sus pets found dead in Koh Samui prison how convienant that would be everyone saves face and life carries on with the local Tao mafia once again ruling the roost !

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Let's .see what today brings???

Today ?

How about a young lad who died on KT new years day that seems to be full of it.

Parents are convinced he was murdered and dont buy the Dave and Hannah killed by these two lads either.


I'm inclined to think we may have a serial killer or more than one on KT the more incidents come out

Thank you for this post

I am pasting one part of the link which I consider qite interesting:

She (the mother of the man who was found dead in Koh Tao on new years day) added: “The police didn’t look at his room or the area where he was found. There was no attempt to investigate. They spent most of their time laughing and joking as we asked questions.”

Tracy said her son Matt was warned there are “powerful people on the island”, and that the family should leave rather than stirring up trouble.

They also heard other holidaymakers had died on the island and their bodies “thrown into the water in the hope they’d be washed away”.

So calling Koh Tao a murder island might not be so wrong?

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We all know that already ! then the RTP will close the case end of story and tHe tabloids will announce Migrant sus pets found dead in Koh Samui prison how convienant that would be everyone saves face and life carries on with the local Tao mafia once again ruling the roost !

And the local police considerably richer.

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Let's .see what today brings???

Today ?

How about a young lad who died on KT new years day that seems to be full of it.

Parents are convinced he was murdered and dont buy the Dave and Hannah killed by these two lads either.


I'm inclined to think we may have a serial killer or more than one on KT the more incidents come out

Perhaps there needs to be a new petition.

Investigation about, how many tourists have been raped, murdered, or beaten up on goh tao in the last 10 years.

So far I have heard of 4 unprosecuted rapes and 3 unprosecuted murders.

Edited by greenchair
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