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TAT to promote 'martial law tourism'


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Holy moly.. I just followed your link, what an outrage! And then some jerk off copper says tourists need to make sure they only use legal taxis. What on earth do tourists know about the problems in Phuket with taxis especially when they are put into the taxi by their hotel.

To be absolutely fair, the family was given free passes to the Jet Ski rental.

from the army

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The logic on this forum amazes me.

The sad story of the Koh Tao murders are remembered as if martial law is a complete failure.

I say how many terrorist attacks have there been in the capital of Thailand since martial law? None. Martial law was implemented because General Prayuth was sick of seeing innocent blood spilt by the red terrorists. It was not implemented in late May because of tourists getting murdered or raped. Was it? It was to stop the senseless killings by red shirts. It worked and my golly gee it worked well. 10/10 for the Good General on that one. Complete success.

But lets pretend ( a bit of red shirt "make believe" if you will) martial law was implemented to protect tourists. Below is a list of a few crimes committed under a democratically elected government like;

Two female tourists die mysteriously at same Koh Phi Phi resort

Fishermen find body of murdered British tourist

Pirates attack, kills British yachtie near Koh Dong

Thai man arrested, charged with murdering tourists

Two female tourists shot dead on Thailand resort beach

Murder in Thailand: another tourist shot dead

Paradise lost: Another tourist raped at Thailand resort island

Increasing violence against tourists threatens Thailand's tourism industry

A Swiss woman was found dead on a beach in Krabi where she may have been strangled and robbed. Edith Jungen, believed to be in her 30s, was found in shallow water on Noppharat Beach in Tambon Ao Nang in Krabi's Muang district.

German woman was killed during a full moon party on a beach in southern Thailand.

Two young female tourists were murdered on the beach in Pattaya.

Two Thai men were convicted of raping and killing 21-year-old British tourist Katherine Horton on Koh Samui.

The next day a Swedish woman who was visiting Thailand with her husband and children, was also raped on Koh Samui.

So through deductive reasoning tourists are safer under martial law according to the frequency of murders and rapes (or the lack there of) since they have implemented it when comparing it to a democratically elected government.

That is PTP logic right there.

I for one feel a lot safer walking the streets of Bangkok knowing I can walk freely anywhere and not be a casualty of a red terrorist attack.

Under martial law and under a democratically elected government the crimes against tourists go unabated. That won't change.

You missed the part about how this lot were not going to tolerate this sort of stuff anymore but are daily digging a deeper hole. What I read from your above post is that you know you have backed the wrong horse and don't really know how to back out and say you were wrong so - "I know, I'll try the PTP blaming game again, it worked before"> You haven't mentioned "man from Dubai" yet.

Funny old world you live in huh?

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So much crap and depressing cynicism in the responses here to this news, come on now lets give this neutral Government of the people a chance for goodness sake !!.

For me and most folk I talk too here, I have to say we all feel a lot safer since the coup than before. So what they say is factual and indeed Thailand really IS a lot safer under marshal law for now, surely that is quite clear. Of that I have absolutely no doubt and still love what this proactive and relatively honest though for now necessarily unelected Government are doing positively for Thailand. Next year hopefully we can return to what should be a better more honest and true democracy. BUT sensibly we should only want that when there is an agreed new constitution, which will hopefully negate all future electoral fraud as we have seen for so long here now, and ensure that all low life like Thaksin, and his family and cronies, as convicted fraudsters and criminals would have no chance of of even standing for election let alone serving in Government, as would be the case in most Western societies like the UK for example.

I have to say that there is little wrong in my eyes with what the old PTP pretended to stand for (sad it was just lip service though to feather the nests of the convicted crooks like Thaksin). So hopefully with a new constitution, that will now be an honest mandate from the PTP (or its successor party) and without crooks like Thaksin they may even become honestly electable as a true people friendly party. So the new Thaksin free PTP along with the Democrat party (which personally I do not particularity like their elitist more right wing policies though they seem a far lesser evil than Thaksin's lot), should give folk a real proper choice between a centre left PTP for the ordinary people, or a more right wing Democrat party for the more elite sector. Hopefully we may even see a new more centre based peoples' party formed too that embraces all that is sensible and good from both the left and right, discarding all the extreme destructive bad stuff we have all had to tolerate.

At the end of the day it is down to the Thai people what they want as long as they are no longer cheated. The true and honest peoples' will hopefully start to become reality here, as that is what democracy is or should be all about. I believe this current temporary Government believes in those principles too and intends to see that Thailand gets that commendable wish. So for now if marshal law makes us safer then I am all for it until it is deemed wise and safe to remove it. All I care about it a return to a happier and safer and more sensible Thailand with true and proper democracy. I think we should now have clear hopes for the good Thai people that we may actually get that later next year if, and only if, we give this current interim Government our support for their commendable plans, and provided of course marshal law stays in place for now and stops the pond life elements from wrecking any chance of seeing such a decent true democracy come to Thailand and it's people.

So maybe it is a quirky idea but if it promotes a feeling of more safety for tourists coming here than pre coup days, then it is a good thing to promote for now the positive advantages of the current level of Thai marshal law. Getting rid of many of these corrupt tourist scams, which this Government seem to be doing, has got to help a great deal in this respect too.

Edited by rayw
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There is nothing wrong with wishful thinking for a resident but families looking for a holiday destination have an entirely different mindset. If all you hope for comes true then tourist numbers will rise , but not until it actually happens , why should parents take a chance with their kids safety . Military rule gives off a bad vibe for tourists , its that simple.

Edited by joecoolfrog
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Of course what are needed are some (unmassaged)figures

Year(s)/Months Pre martial law and Post Martial Law:

Number of murders per 10,000 population in Thailand

Breakdown of murders by ethnicity/nationality

Number of rapes as above etc.

Number of personal assaults etc

Conviction rates

Be interesting to to see the breakdown of tourist arrivals. If 10% Less tourists from where?

Has Martial Law reduced the number of deaths in road accidents?

Would be great to see their 'reasoning', ha ha. Who do they think would be enthused by Martial Law Tourism? Already have 'Ghetto' Tourism: ie Get off plane in HKT, swept in Limo to posh hotel, incarcerated in 'gated' hotel; pool and own beach for 2 weeks, Depart with a tacky souvenir and some photos

I want to see scantily clad 'Greeters' at Swampy. "Have you come on a Martial Law Tour?"

Of course there are few statistics, an inefficient judicial system and a lot of 'unaccountable' people. Not a 'failed state' yet; but don't hold your breath!

I think the Thai attitude to all this is according to wife: "In Thailand you have to look after yourself, because no-one else will!"

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Of course what are needed are some (unmassaged)figures

Year(s)/Months Pre martial law and Post Martial Law:

Number of murders per 10,000 population in Thailand

Breakdown of murders by ethnicity/nationality

Number of rapes as above etc.

Number of personal assaults etc

Conviction rates

Be interesting to to see the breakdown of tourist arrivals. If 10% Less tourists from where?

Has Martial Law reduced the number of deaths in road accidents?

Would be great to see their 'reasoning', ha ha. Who do they think would be enthused by Martial Law Tourism? Already have 'Ghetto' Tourism: ie Get off plane in HKT, swept in Limo to posh hotel, incarcerated in 'gated' hotel; pool and own beach for 2 weeks, Depart with a tacky souvenir and some photos

I want to see scantily clad 'Greeters' at Swampy. "Have you come on a Martial Law Tour?"

Of course there are few statistics, an inefficient judicial system and a lot of 'unaccountable' people. Not a 'failed state' yet; but don't hold your breath!

I think the Thai attitude to all this is according to wife: "In Thailand you have to look after yourself, because no-one else will!"

Camo hotpants.

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Er I think a certain person was elected by over 25 million people then was deposed by a military whose first act was to increase their budget by a further 5%. Oh I forgot the coups have been so successful they have carried them out on a regular basis every time the wrong people vote for the wrong person. The terrorism I experienced was the hijacking of the airport and the blocking of the major junctions in Bangkok both times to destroy a legally constituted, elected government.

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Are they serious??

Tourists are no safer here now than before martial law?

In fact many cannot get travel insurance to a place under martial law.


travel insurance is not really worth the paper its not printed on. If look into the policy every possible claim is negated somehow or other under many circumstance.

for instance, if you have accident and are under the influence if drugs or alcohol guess what.no claim.

Just this one clause would negate many claims from any farang in trouble in Thailand

insurance and those who sell really suck

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Do TAT really think tourists is coming to Thailand to see machine guns and soldiers?

Maybe it's time the morons who come up with this BS promoting should stay off the whiskey or what ever they are drinking.

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