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TAT to promote 'martial law tourism'


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Thawatchai said that martial law is beneficial to tourism, because it ensures that foreign tourists can be safe 24 hours a day.

Ohhhh <deleted>.. here they go again.. "foreign tourists can be safe" - In light of whats been going on recently.. ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THIS... REALLY?

I wonder if we'll EVER be able to go a week without some stupidity leaking out of a government agency, politician, policeman etc.

I thought Thailand was AGAINST losing face, but it seems, from ridiculous ideas like this (and the countless others) that they actually ENJOY losing face.

If I didn't know better, I would have thought that these plonkers have some kind of bet going - who can come up with the most stupid idea.. winner gets a Benz.

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It seems that TAT are working hard on obtaining an International Award called the LSP (Laughing Stock Prize), because their suggestions, decisions and opinions are getting crazier and crazier every day.

OK, so here are a three more ideas they ought to consider if they wish to boost up tourism in Thailand :

- A swimming competition in the klongs of Bangkok,

- An International Scout Jamboree in Pattani province (which is safe because it's under martial law),

- A tour of the art galleries of Pattaya.

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Please re-think this and think what people view as a serious situation is not made a joke of !

If you want to help Tourism do it with legalizing Medicinal Marijuana before the USA and others follow suit or try Legalized gambling , but please don't

try to BS Tourists that MARTIAL LAW , Makes them feel safer , they may not be a group of Geniuses that come here to Thailand , but a story of a POLICE STATE & Martial Law being a FUN place to go ,

will not go over well with the Average tourists !

What's next a Tour Of The Prisons or How about a Daily Caning or Be-headings like the Good Old Days !



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The logic on this forum amazes me.

The sad story of the Koh Tao murders are remembered as if martial law is a complete failure.

I say how many terrorist attacks have there been in the capital of Thailand since martial law? None. Martial law was implemented because General Prayuth was sick of seeing innocent blood spilt by the red terrorists. It was not implemented in late May because of tourists getting murdered or raped. Was it? It was to stop the senseless killings by red shirts. It worked and my golly gee it worked well. 10/10 for the Good General on that one. Complete success.

But lets pretend ( a bit of red shirt "make believe" if you will) martial law was implemented to protect tourists. Below is a list of a few crimes committed under a democratically elected government like;

Two female tourists die mysteriously at same Koh Phi Phi resort

Fishermen find body of murdered British tourist

Pirates attack, kills British yachtie near Koh Dong

Thai man arrested, charged with murdering tourists

Two female tourists shot dead on Thailand resort beach

Murder in Thailand: another tourist shot dead

Paradise lost: Another tourist raped at Thailand resort island

Increasing violence against tourists threatens Thailand's tourism industry

A Swiss woman was found dead on a beach in Krabi where she may have been strangled and robbed. Edith Jungen, believed to be in her 30s, was found in shallow water on Noppharat Beach in Tambon Ao Nang in Krabi's Muang district.

German woman was killed during a full moon party on a beach in southern Thailand.

Two young female tourists were murdered on the beach in Pattaya.

Two Thai men were convicted of raping and killing 21-year-old British tourist Katherine Horton on Koh Samui.

The next day a Swedish woman who was visiting Thailand with her husband and children, was also raped on Koh Samui.

So through deductive reasoning tourists are safer under martial law according to the frequency of murders and rapes (or the lack there of) since they have implemented it when comparing it to a democratically elected government.

That is PTP logic right there.

I for one feel a lot safer walking the streets of Bangkok knowing I can walk freely anywhere and not be a casualty of a red terrorist attack.

Under martial law and under a democratically elected government the crimes against tourists go unabated. That won't change.

Great post. Unfortunately you are throwing pearls of wisdom at swine. I have read the first 50 posts and yours was the first one to make sense.

I was thinking they could offer a tour of mindless uninformed prejudiced posters with Thai Visa being the star attraction. Could add in sore losers as a side attraction.

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The logic on this forum amazes me.

The sad story of the Koh Tao murders are remembered as if martial law is a complete failure.

I say how many terrorist attacks have there been in the capital of Thailand since martial law? None. Martial law was implemented because General Prayuth was sick of seeing innocent blood spilt by the red terrorists. It was not implemented in late May because of tourists getting murdered or raped. Was it? It was to stop the senseless killings by red shirts. It worked and my golly gee it worked well. 10/10 for the Good General on that one. Complete success.

But lets pretend ( a bit of red shirt "make believe" if you will) martial law was implemented to protect tourists. Below is a list of a few crimes committed under a democratically elected government like;

Two female tourists die mysteriously at same Koh Phi Phi resort

Fishermen find body of murdered British tourist

Pirates attack, kills British yachtie near Koh Dong

Thai man arrested, charged with murdering tourists

Two female tourists shot dead on Thailand resort beach

Murder in Thailand: another tourist shot dead

Paradise lost: Another tourist raped at Thailand resort island

Increasing violence against tourists threatens Thailand's tourism industry

A Swiss woman was found dead on a beach in Krabi where she may have been strangled and robbed. Edith Jungen, believed to be in her 30s, was found in shallow water on Noppharat Beach in Tambon Ao Nang in Krabi's Muang district.

German woman was killed during a full moon party on a beach in southern Thailand.

Two young female tourists were murdered on the beach in Pattaya.

Two Thai men were convicted of raping and killing 21-year-old British tourist Katherine Horton on Koh Samui.

The next day a Swedish woman who was visiting Thailand with her husband and children, was also raped on Koh Samui.

So through deductive reasoning tourists are safer under martial law according to the frequency of murders and rapes (or the lack there of) since they have implemented it when comparing it to a democratically elected government.

That is PTP logic right there.

I for one feel a lot safer walking the streets of Bangkok knowing I can walk freely anywhere and not be a casualty of a red terrorist attack.

Under martial law and under a democratically elected government the crimes against tourists go unabated. That won't change.

Are you still wearing your yellow shirt disguise?

Are you still unable to rebut my posts?

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Come to Thailand... get a facelift, a tummy tuck, breast augmentation, teeth whitening and learn to shoot an automatic weapon and meet the men who cancelled democracy.... after all that, take few days off at Koh Tao the focus of the entire developed world...

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So why they have forbidded that videogame to buil a virtual state under dictatorship ? To make their own game ?

Unfortunately this is not a game and for people who were born here and live here ,this is not a funny attraction.

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Are they serious??

Tourists are no safer here now than before martial law?

In fact many cannot get travel insurance to a place under martial law.

"Thawatchai said that martial law is beneficial to tourism, because it ensures that foreign tourists can be safe 24 hours a day.

I feel less safe, since Gen Prayuth took up the PDRC banner,...and even lessor since he praised the Ko Tao police confession-by-torture.

Before martial law was declared, Gen Prayuth told me ‘Khun Suthep and your masses of PDRC supporters are too exhausted. It’s now the duty of the army to take over the task’, ” Mr Suthep said.

Very glad I don't live in southern Thailand,...but the punishment of the Northern Thai by the NCPO for voting in Yingluck has seen dramatic cut backs in services,...like 3-5 waits at immigration, which was unheard of during Yingluck. Heard Immigration in Bangkok is only 10 minutes.

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This is absolute proof that the high amounts of MSG in the Thai diet has completely retarded any and all critical thinking skills.

Trust some health food nut to jump on the band wagon. Notice not one iota of proof that MSG retards intelligence.

Could deduce from given information lack of it reduces intelligence.

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The logic on this forum amazes me.

The sad story of the Koh Tao murders are remembered as if martial law is a complete failure.

I say how many terrorist attacks have there been in the capital of Thailand since martial law? None. Martial law was implemented because General Prayuth was sick of seeing innocent blood spilt by the red terrorists. It was not implemented in late May because of tourists getting murdered or raped. Was it? It was to stop the senseless killings by red shirts. It worked and my golly gee it worked well. 10/10 for the Good General on that one. Complete success.

But lets pretend ( a bit of red shirt "make believe" if you will) martial law was implemented to protect tourists. Below is a list of a few crimes committed under a democratically elected government like;

Two female tourists die mysteriously at same Koh Phi Phi resort

Fishermen find body of murdered British tourist

Pirates attack, kills British yachtie near Koh Dong

Thai man arrested, charged with murdering tourists

Two female tourists shot dead on Thailand resort beach

Murder in Thailand: another tourist shot dead

Paradise lost: Another tourist raped at Thailand resort island

Increasing violence against tourists threatens Thailand's tourism industry

A Swiss woman was found dead on a beach in Krabi where she may have been strangled and robbed. Edith Jungen, believed to be in her 30s, was found in shallow water on Noppharat Beach in Tambon Ao Nang in Krabi's Muang district.

German woman was killed during a full moon party on a beach in southern Thailand.

Two young female tourists were murdered on the beach in Pattaya.

Two Thai men were convicted of raping and killing 21-year-old British tourist Katherine Horton on Koh Samui.

The next day a Swedish woman who was visiting Thailand with her husband and children, was also raped on Koh Samui.

So through deductive reasoning tourists are safer under martial law according to the frequency of murders and rapes (or the lack there of) since they have implemented it when comparing it to a democratically elected government.

That is PTP logic right there.

I for one feel a lot safer walking the streets of Bangkok knowing I can walk freely anywhere and not be a casualty of a red terrorist attack.

Under martial law and under a democratically elected government the crimes against tourists go unabated. That won't change.

Great post. Unfortunately you are throwing pearls of wisdom at swine. I have read the first 50 posts and yours was the first one to make sense.

I was thinking they could offer a tour of mindless uninformed prejudiced posters with Thai Visa being the star attraction. Could add in sore losers as a side attraction.

You must be daltonic. When you talk about pluriassassins monsters ultracorrupt you mean your heroes the yellow shirts who have massacred innocents , lynched people who tried to vote, stole, bribed etc... Not a single innocent has ever been attacked by a Red Shirt and even less a tourist. Instead the pluriassassins corrupt yellow shirts have killed dozens and lynched people trying to go to the airport.

Edited by max72
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My god, what is going on in this country.... The brown nosing to the Junta shows Thailand for what it really is, an uneducated feudal kleptocracy. The campaign for happiness has absolutely no future, given the pea brains running it. . I think it is time to leave............

English being my second language, I had to look that one up! Fits well. And feudal is the tension between red shirts and yellow shirts and more in Thailand.

Kleptocracy, alternatively cleptocracy or kleptarchy, is a form of political and government corruption where the government exists to increase the personal wealth and political power of its officials and the ruling class at the expense of the wider population, often with pretense of honest service.

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Come to Thailand... get a facelift, a tummy tuck, breast augmentation, teeth whitening and learn to shoot an automatic weapon and meet the men who cancelled democracy.... after all that, take few days off at Koh Tao the focus of the entire developed world...

When I first visited Pattaya, against my better judgment,...the moment I got off the bus from Suvarnabhumi, a Russian pushed a menu in my face, of automatic weapons.

Unfortunately, we live in sick world, and as such Ko Tao tourism will likely go up,...just like Aruba after Natalee Holloway murder.

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Holy moly.. I just followed your link, what an outrage! And then some jerk off copper says tourists need to make sure they only use legal taxis. What on earth do tourists know about the problems in Phuket with taxis especially when they are put into the taxi by their hotel.

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Martial law ensures that foreign tourists can be safe 24 hours a day. Tell that to the family of the murdered Brits who were killed under Martial Law. What a ridiculous statement to make. Another fine example of Thai's and their verbal diarrhea.

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So...KT murders during martial law is an exception?

I would love a job within the Thai Government...salary + bonuses paid to the most ridiculously elaborate nonsense the world has ever heard to boost our economy. Requirements: Minimum...primary school education, love's to dream and easily forgets about the immediate past. A brain is not required but would be a benefit. Come join us and get world recognition as being the laughing stock of the world!

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