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Russian media hits back on Australia's Abbot: 'rude, unpleasant'


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Tony Abbott slammed as ‘rude, insolent, unpleasant’ on Russian news site Pravda

SYDNEY: -- RUSSIAN media is less than impressed by Tony Abbott and his aggressive talk towards their president, Vladimir Putin.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has been pummelled with a barrage of personal insults for his tough talk over Russia’s part in the MH17 disaster.

News website Pravda, widely considered a mouthpiece for the Russian Government, has slammed Abbott as “rude, insolent, insulting, impolite, impertinent, unpolished, gross, unpleasant and downright impudent” in a particularly harsh opinion piece.

The stinging rebuke came before Mr Abbott’s foot-in-mouth moment yesterday when he threatened to “shirt-front” Mr Putin at the upcoming G20 leaders summit in Brisbane.

Mr Abbott’s comment was sparked by his anger over Russia’s support for separatists who shot down the Malaysia Airlines flight in eastern Ukraine, killing 298 people including 38 Australian residents.

Full story: http://www.news.com.au/world/europe/tony-abbott-slammed-as-rude-insolent-unpleasant-on-russian-news-site-pravda/story-fnh81p7g-1227089902606

-- News.com.au 2014-10-14

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A prime minister with no international relations decorum ...a disgrace ! Using words like shirt front ? Putin has a black belt I am unsure what abbot has besides understanding Aussie Rules footsie

Just like the British Cameron who shot his mouth by asking for a creation of a separatist parliament in his own country by alienating the Scots

Whatever happen to manners this days ?

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"Yea but they never did prove that Abbot did it, did they???"

The SAM was Russian. Sold by Russia to Ukranian rebels. At the very least they're guilty of negligence, and Putin is the Capo of it all.

I read that USA gave $200,000+ for the families of each member of the Iranian flight it shot down

I read here (
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2195035/Vladimir-Putins-presidential-perks-include-palaces-planes-yachts-white-gold-watches-47k-toilet.html) that Vlad the Pute paid over $50,000 for a single toilet on a single plane in his nearly 40-plane arsenal. If the man wants to be respected rather than treated - rightfully - as a cruel mafia boss, he should adjust his own behavior rather than expect the Aussie leader to censor his thoughts.

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Abbott has every right to be pissed at Putin. All those lives have been lost and the finger squarely points at Russia and they will not accept responsibility. The perps should be in Jail for the rest of their lives at a bare minimum but nothing has been done, what about the families? No one seems to care as if its all old news.

No he does not. Preliminary report by the Dutch has no indicators it was russia or Russian rebels who shot down the plane .

Facts do not support what West wants

Edited by konying
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Far out konying.

The rocket came from the ground

Who is on the ground?

The Russians and their war opposition are on the ground.

Who has the hi reck weapons.

I think Abbott is right to tell Putin he did it or caused it.

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Abbott has every right to be pissed at Putin. All those lives have been lost and the finger squarely points at Russia and they will not accept responsibility. The perps should be in Jail for the rest of their lives at a bare minimum but nothing has been done, what about the families? No one seems to care as if its all old news.

No he does not. Preliminary report by the Dutch has no indicators it was russia or Russian rebels who shot down the plane .

Facts do not support what West wants

Go research across the internet. Nobody has direct evidence it was the separatists but you have to have your fingers in your ears shouting 'I can't hear you' if you can't realise who it was : there are too many pieces of evidence for them all to be lies. All the Western governments know Russia was to blame for this outrageous massacre. Use something else to vent your dislike for the West : defending these murderers for your own agenda is disgraceful.

The Dutch report deliberately avoided any blame or direct cause to avoid the diplomatic fallout it would cause. They didn't even say it was a missile even though it is clear to everyone it could not have been anything else.

Well done Mr Abbot.

I am sure searching Internet will find you Allians in your own backyard .

You have no idea what was deliberate in Dutch report , so try using brain instead of speculation.

Little too late to worry about diplomatic falling outs, though be rather embarrassing if it was west supported Ukraine who shot down the plane ;)

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A prime minister with no international relations decorum ...a disgrace ! Using words like shirt front ? Putin has a black belt I am unsure what abbot has besides understanding Aussie Rules footsie

Just like the British Cameron who shot his mouth by asking for a creation of a separatist parliament in his own country by alienating the Scots

Whatever happen to manners this days ?

Shooting down a civilian plane is REALLY bad manners.

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A prime minister with no international relations decorum ...a disgrace ! Using words like shirt front ? Putin has a black belt I am unsure what abbot has besides understanding Aussie Rules footsie

Just like the British Cameron who shot his mouth by asking for a creation of a separatist parliament in his own country by alienating the Scots

Whatever happen to manners this days ?

Shooting down a civilian plane is REALLY bad manners.

Politicians threatening to shirt each other is not bad manners ? Wow ...guess watching Taiwanese scruffles and believe this is how your elected officials should behave in public makes it perhaps less violent.

Acceptable behavior of public servants / officials ...not in my books

Edited by LawrenceChee
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A prime minister with no international relations decorum ...a disgrace ! Using words like shirt front ? Putin has a black belt I am unsure what abbot has besides understanding Aussie Rules footsie

Just like the British Cameron who shot his mouth by asking for a creation of a separatist parliament in his own country by alienating the Scots

Whatever happen to manners this days ?

Respect is earned, not given. Putin so far has not earned respect in the international community. Until he does so, comments like this will happen. And for good reason.

His handling of the Ukraine invastion and the MH17 disaster are terrible.

Comments like this cause a lot of problems, he should know better:


Putin: "Ukraine is not even a Nation"

In the eyes of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Ukraine is not an independent nation.

Apparently, during a private meeting with US President George W. Bush at the recent NATO summit in Bucharest, Putin said, “Don’t you understand, George - Ukraine is not even a nation! What is Ukraine? Part of her territory is Eastern Europe, and part, a considerable part, was given by us!â€


The real surprise was Putin's bold assertion that if Ukraine and Georgia were included in the MAP, Russia may initiate a process to incorporate the Russian-speaking regions of eastern Ukraine and Crimea into its own territory, possibly by force. Yes, that's right ... Russia would claim a large amount of Ukraine as their own! This is hilarious - inclusion in the MAP does not even guarantee NATO membership.


So, to recap, the outgoing President of Russia has decided that his country will deny sovereignty to a fellow former Soviet republic and neighbor, possibly by force, if NATO formally considers Ukraine's application for membership, and Ukrainian Prime Minister Tymoshenko makes a weak public response, but declares it to not be official. You just can't make this stuff up - it truly writes itself!

Problem is Putin does not care.

It is like putin is saying "the international community is not my older brotger"

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Just like the British Cameron who shot his mouth by asking for a creation of a separatist parliament in his own country by alienating the Scots

Whatever happen to manners this days ?

Whatever happened to brains?

You people are slacking, it took four posts for someone to have a dig at an Englishman on a topic completely unrelated!

Though off-tangent, FYI there is no other body besides the all encompassing Westminster representing England in the UK, whereas all lesser home nations (Scotland, Wales and NI) have one. Having an English parliament for England is not separatist, it is playing fair and something sorely lacking from the UK. Bottom line: English people cannot vote on Scottish matters, Scottish people can vote on English matters. England generates 90% of UK GDP and bends over backwards for the rest. Get it? Got it? Good!

Moving on topic: Putin is a bit of a one, yes, but the Russian media is right, Abbot is all those things but could be forgiven somewhat as those are classic Aussie traits. ;)

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