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the other side of the coin , an opinion.


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sense and sensibilities or

how we do not benefit from the pressure that the criticism of the government put's on them as they feel they are with the back against the wall and have to defend themselves.the effect i believe this has on a Thai of high ranking is very humiliating which is not at all appropriate for the rank the person has. are they however attacked as a nation then they see no other way out than blaming it on you,or us- foreigners.in any case will they then direct their power at you in a way that might destabilize you life a bit.

they are miffed.and i'd say more so every day.sold passports, the coup,police investigation on islands,all of it we think they do wrong from our perspective and we let them know it.my government does when they give them the report card on human trafficking or rights violations.but they never mention in these reports the safe houses the CIA had in Thailand to extract confessions from alqueda. we even tell them how they should run their country.

without that broadside the Thais would be even nicer to us . they are anyway,it is their nature , Thais are soft people.it is not smart to challenge them however.is un-thai to challenge people like that, as it leads to severe loss of face .they have a word for it ,krengjai,not trapping somebody else emotionally.the reality of the day is not surprisingly that the relationship between the officials and the foreigners has suffered.there are many new or never before enforced regulations to make our life harder.and it will escalate.the more we lecture them the more they will hold their ground just literally.they have a different way of doing things and it is their country and they know it too.we, the expats that live her can not win.

bad things happened down on them islands,but when you read the reports you also get a sense how much the Thais suffer from the behavior brought on by the masses of ignorant young foreigner in constant party mode and all the others that violate Thai codes constantly without ever reflecting .Thais mean all those things like the love for the king and the reverence for the monk but they will not point out to you the transgression. Thais rather not criticize you, that would be un thai. but it simmers and creates pressure.and it erupts occasionally.right now it is definitely a downward trend .too bad.

there is a reason that 15+ million foreigner visit every year.we like it here.its very nice and a little different.

if i ever got the chance to talk to the big man i would advise him not to take the rap: Thailand is a small country ,not rich either with limited resources.nobody likes murder cases like that but they stay often unsolved in the uk also.we'll do our best and our heart goes out. nuff said.

but that is also not to local standards....

where will it all end?

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From me ... and maybe many more Members ... interesting ... coffee1.gif



If you can brief me on this one, David, I'll give you a summary of the food court tables saga.

Probably not a very accurate one, although I suppose there is a chance it might be precise, given the infinite monkeys theorem


Edited by StreetCowboy
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Having read the OP a few times, here is my take on it,

the OP is concerned that Thailand is being affected by western ways. It is. Where will it end? It won't. It will keep on changing, just as everything else does.

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Having read the OP a few times, here is my take on it,

the OP is concerned that Thailand is being affected by western ways. It is. Where will it end? It won't. It will keep on changing, just as everything else does.

he didnt say that at all.

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