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Koh Tao murders: Petition seeking new probe to be handed to PM David Cameron


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Over 80,000 signatures last time I looked.
And not 1 that matters. David Cameron has no authority to conduct any investigation in Thailand.

Mine matters to me.DC doesn't have to conduct any investigation - just provide assistance to Myanmar.

That won't happen either.

Your comment is speculative. Provide proof.

See International law. smile.png

also a confession from torture is against international law1

Is it? Probably. However, being accused of it is not proof it happened. It isn't what you know (or think you do) it is what can be proven.

I think they have the killers. I don't think that they will be convicted.

Maybe and that's a maybe, they might have the alleged rapists if it was rape - but I do not believe for 1 minute they have the murderer's. This was undertaken by one or vicious individuals who it would seem had a score to settle.

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no man on the street has seen the evidence. Just some hair brained conspiracy theories.

Would seem it is not only the man on the street with some hair brained ideas, does it ring any bells?

Nope. I am waiting on the trial to see the evidence.

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no man on the street has seen the evidence. Just some hair brained conspiracy theories.

Would seem it is not only the man on the street with some hair brained ideas, does it ring any bells?

Nope. I am waiting on the trial to see the evidence.

Here's a speculative guess, since the suspects first DNA tests in the first few days were reported by the RTP as being negative.

Roll on to this. The DNA semen samples matched the LM cigarette butts found at the crime scene. CCTV shows the accused buying LM cigarettes. Witnesses state that the accused were around 100 metres from the crime scene drinking three bottles of beer and singing. Clear circumstantial evidence, enough to convict.

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no man on the street has seen the evidence. Just some hair brained conspiracy theories.

Would seem it is not only the man on the street with some hair brained ideas, does it ring any bells?
Nope. I am waiting on the trial to see the evidence.

Evidence, now that's an overused term and definitely under utilised in this case

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no man on the street has seen the evidence. Just some hair brained conspiracy theories.

Would seem it is not only the man on the street with some hair brained ideas, does it ring any bells?
Nope. I am waiting on the trial to see the evidence.

Evidence, now that's an overused term and definitely under utilised in this case

That remains to be seen. Though I would agree it is overused. As in "they have no evidence"

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Getting 100,000 may not spark any investigation by itself but hopefully it creates momentum towards finding out the truth one day.

If they are the ones that did it I'm satisfied but show us some proof from a reliable and trustworthy source.

Anyone on team Thailand is a fool. You have proof of their corruption, the entire population of 67 million knows it as a fact. Only an uneducated halfwit would believe their word.

I predict they will be sentenced to life and the saddest part is they will probably be murdered by suicide and the chance of ever getting answers will be over.

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no man on the street has seen the evidence. Just some hair brained conspiracy theories.

Would seem it is not only the man on the street with some hair brained ideas, does it ring any bells?
Nope. I am waiting on the trial to see the evidence.

Evidence, now that's an overused term and definitely under utilised in this case

That remains to be seen. Though I would agree it is overused. As in "they have no evidence"

Better than "they have irrefutable evidence even" though it was suspiciously obtained to suit the predetermined outcome.

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Question why do you choose to believe one statement from the RTP and ignore another?

Like stated I am waiting on the trial.

Mainly because they are contradictory - but the initial one is what they reported to the whole world and his brother. You only have to troll though their statements to find exactly the same contradictions.

The trial is a foregone conclusion - the suspects are to be found guilty because that's how it has worked here in the past. I'd like to eat my words, but I don't hold out much hope.

If posters on here can stop for a moment and consider motive - the brutal slaying of Hannah is from one or more persons who is/are bent on revenge, such were her injuries. Wild enough to subdue David and drown him before/during raping Hannah, and then inflicting murder.

Apologies to anyone with family connections to the two victims.

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the DNA must not be the one from the victims, must be the sperm wich the took from the victim, if UK has this ? dont think so, but i hope so. can the UK not try to get is scottish guy sean to answer some qustions ? i think this guy knows everything, he know the guys from AC bar where involved and the proberly would have killed him if he wouldnt have run away very fast und poste on facebook that he is in danger. but i also think that now when he is on a save place he will not talk because he is also a criminal as far i can see, he proberly was jused by AC bar ,selling drugs to farang.i think this ac bar guys are the ones, otherwise the would have given there DNA on the first place when the startet to take DNA from many people. why they dindt give there DNA if they have nothing to hide? and there is always so much about DNA what about fingerprints on this hoe?

and how the burmese guys where able to find this hoe so fast? it was not found on the beach it was kept in a garden near by. i think the AC bar guys where for one or another reason pissed of by the victims and maybe they where already waiting for them on there way back home. maybe the burmes guys know something or saw something as well, because they where close to the crimeplace and there must be also some noise. iam so angry that me and many many people can see the thrues, but we can not do anything.

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no man on the street has seen the evidence. Just some hair brained conspiracy theories.

Would seem it is not only the man on the street with some hair brained ideas, does it ring any bells?
Nope. I am waiting on the trial to see the evidence.

Evidence, now that's an overused term and definitely under utilised in this case

That remains to be seen. Though I would agree it is overused. As in "they have no evidence"

Better than "they have irrefutable evidence even" though it was suspiciously obtained to suit the predetermined outcome.

Straw man. But hey....

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the DNA must not be the one from the victims, must be the sperm wich the took from the victim, if UK has this ? dont think so, but i hope so. can the UK not try to get is scottish guy sean to answer some qustions ? i think this guy knows everything, he know the guys from AC bar where involved and the proberly would have killed him if he wouldnt have run away very fast und poste on facebook that he is in danger. but i also think that now when he is on a save place he will not talk because he is also a criminal as far i can see, he proberly was jused by AC bar ,selling drugs to farang.i think this ac bar guys are the ones, otherwise the would have given there DNA on the first place when the startet to take DNA from many people. why they dindt give there DNA if they have nothing to hide? and there is always so much about DNA what about fingerprints on this hoe?

and how the burmese guys where able to find this hoe so fast? it was not found on the beach it was kept in a garden near by. i think the AC bar guys where for one or another reason pissed of by the victims and maybe they where already waiting for them on there way back home. maybe the burmes guys know something or saw something as well, because they where close to the crimeplace and there must be also some noise. iam so angry that me and many many people can see the thrues, but we can not do anything.

Which sums up exactly why murderers can get away with it. Is that what the citizens of Thailand want for ever?

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Over 80,000 signatures last time I looked.

And not 1 that matters. David Cameron has no authority to conduct any investigation in Thailand.

You are not wrong. HMG can't investigate, only the evidence gathered for the inquest may help. However it does raise awareness.

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Terry... Your characterization of injuries is based on what? Vast forensics experience? Or mere speculation?

How many defensive wounds were present?

Exactly what weapons were used and how?......

Have you seen the pictures, including those posted on F/B by a RTP? Which in itself is a gross dereliction of duty. You really ought to have followed this investigation from Day 1. A cover-up by its very nature is imperfect. What we're evidencing is the identification of these imperfections that will continue.

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but go and harass another poster, Maybe you'll hit 18k's worth of posts.

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Over 80,000 signatures last time I looked.

And not 1 that matters. David Cameron has no authority to conduct any investigation in Thailand.
You are not wrong. HMG can't investigate, only the evidence gathered for the inquest may help. However it does raise awareness.

The inquest has only one purpose. Determine cause of death

no inquiry into who killed them is part of the inquest

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Terry... Your characterization of injuries is based on what? Vast forensics experience? Or mere speculation?

How many defensive wounds were present?

Exactly what weapons were used and how?......

Others can answer this, including a F/B post by a RTP showing the injuries to Hannah..

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Terry... Your characterization of injuries is based on what? Vast forensics experience? Or mere speculation?

How many defensive wounds were present?

Exactly what weapons were used and how?......

Have you seen the pictures, including those posted on F/B by a RTP? Which in itself is a gross dereliction of duty. You really ought to have followed this investigation from Day 1. A cover-up by its very nature is imperfect. What we're evidencing is the identification of these imperfections that will continue.


I asked very pertinent questions. You characterized the wounds. Something I am not qualified to do. Based upon what? Since you are familiar with the wounds you would know if there were defensive wounds. You should also be able to tell us laymen what caused them.

Instead you shift argument and attack. Got it.

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Terry... Your characterization of injuries is based on what? Vast forensics experience? Or mere speculation?

How many defensive wounds were present?

Exactly what weapons were used and how?......

Have you seen the pictures, including those posted on F/B by a RTP? Which in itself is a gross dereliction of duty. You really ought to have followed this investigation from Day 1. A cover-up by its very nature is imperfect. What we're evidencing is the identification of these imperfections that will continue.


I asked very pertinent questions. You characterized the wounds. Something I am not qualified to do. Based upon what? Since you are familiar with the wounds you would know if there were defensive wounds. You should also be able to tell us laymen what caused them.

Instead you shift argument and attack. Got it.

No, I am suggesting you look for yourself so you can come to a conclusion. I'm certainly not going to do that for you.

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At least this case is receiving lots of attention on the BBC news today raising doubts about the suspects being scapegoats!!! Legally not much the UK can do other than apply pressure. Maybe they should make it clear that if the case is "flawed" and the wrong verdict is reached, the UK government might "recommend" travel to Koh Toa is unwise, at least that would hit the real perps in the pocket.....

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Terry... Your characterization of injuries is based on what? Vast forensics experience? Or mere speculation?

How many defensive wounds were present?

Exactly what weapons were used and how?......

Have you seen the pictures, including those posted on F/B by a RTP? Which in itself is a gross dereliction of duty. You really ought to have followed this investigation from Day 1. A cover-up by its very nature is imperfect. What we're evidencing is the identification of these imperfections that will continue.


I asked very pertinent questions. You characterized the wounds. Something I am not qualified to do. Based upon what? Since you are familiar with the wounds you would know if there were defensive wounds. You should also be able to tell us laymen what caused them.

Instead you shift argument and attack. Got it.

No, I am suggesting you look for yourself so you can come to a conclusion. I'm certainly not going to do that for you.

I understand. You made the characterization based on nothing. I know I am not qualified to make that assessment.

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This has now made the New York Times:


"The suspects chose a team of 20 lawyers on Monday." Wow, 20!

"We hit them with the handle of a hoe two or three times." If this is accurate, how come the metal part of the hoe was covered in blood? And for sure the handle would not have made those wounds on David.

I'm beginning to think this is not going to go away so easily and could haunt Thailand for a long time.

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Sondhi Limtrakul, owner of the Manager media group, has publicly come out with a conspiracy theory on his ASTV channel in which he suggests that the investigation was unsound from the start and he implies that a mafia family in KT has links with the NCPO. I don't know if this is far fetched or not but what is interesting is the balls of Sondhi in publicising his theory. He narrowly survived one assassination attempt and the police investigation got nowhere, despite several police claims they were about to grab the mastermind. Perhaps he has become over sensitive about police investigations into murders and attempted murders.

You can find this on YouTube and I listened to it this morning. My jaw dropped. He is not only accusing the Koh Tao mafia, but claiming they are supported by influential persons in Bangkok. There will certainly be defamation suits filed against him, notwithstanding the fact that most Thais recognize that his statements were factual. Conjecture: might his defense to the defamation suits be an excuse to re investigate the murders? Wild conjecture: he already has conclusive proof on those involved and their links to Bangkok, and his statements were deliberately designed to instigate his being sued as the way he can attack the police and their influential friends without breaching Prayut's rules any more than he did in the program.

A link to that YouTube video would have been nice.

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