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Turkey loses out on UN Security Council seat


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Turkey loses out on UN Security Council seat

NEW YORK: -- Turkey failed to win a seat on the United Nations (UN) Security Council after member states voted on Thursday.

The five non-permanent seats were given to Venezuela, Angola, Malaysia, New Zealand and Spain, the latter two beating Turkey to represent the West.

Turkey has been under international pressure to help combat Islamic State militants waging war along its border.

The new members of the Security Council will begin their two-year appointment on 1 January 2015.

Despite lobbying heavily amongst the UN's 193 member nations, Turkey lost out to Spain who won the third round of run-off voting for the second of the two Western seats.

New Zealand won the first round with 145 votes.

The state-run Anadolu Agency reported Turkish foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu as saying: "We could not abandon our principles for the sake of getting more votes."

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-29654003

-- BBC 2014-10-17

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Malaysia got what Thailand wanted .... Guess the Thai coup didn't go over big with the UN Assembly.

Thailand's bid for non-permanent membership with the United Nations Security Council is for 2017-2018, membership that has yet to be decided.

Australia spent $32 million in lobbying for it's seat, don't know what the Thai budget is for lobbying efforts.

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Good result. Turkey is a heavy player in the current Middle East conflict and had they been given a seat, the thought of conflict of interest would be an issue. As it is an issue for most of the 5 permanent members.

Mmm! Quite the useless apparatus the UN Security Council is.

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As an anti-fascist Turk, I am so glad this has happened.

The Islamofascist government of Tayyip Erdogan is an embarrasment.

And, all the best luck to PKK/YPG guerillas who are fighting Erdogan and his proxy jihadi forces.

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Seems to me none of it ever matters

As long as the Five Permanent Members have the all powerful Veto power given to them

as well as never having to stand at a reelection....then really why even call it a United Nations anything?

Put all seats up for election every two years & let the world/United Nations decide

It is no such United thing...It is just a play...a show...to give the impression of choice/Unity.

No need to even comment of their charter given the history of the permanent members voting

not for peace but brownie points that suit their interests

  • to maintain international peace and security;
  • to develop friendly relations among nations;
  • to cooperate in solving international problems and in promoting respect for human rights;
  • and to be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations.
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Turkey lost me when they refused to help the Kurds with their fight in that border town. Goodbye keebabs!! coffee1.gif

Not only that, instead of attacking IS, they bombed the Kurds.

But Angola and Venezuela? Someone's got a sense of humor!

That's the U.N. for you -- a big barrel of laughs!cheesy.gif

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