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Astrologer Warns of 'Political Chaos' As Comet Zips By Mars

Lite Beer

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Most Thai's even don't know where Mars is.

straight beside the cashier at 7/11...

Yes that's what my Lassie said but planets are in a foreign country and not part of Thailand.

is there anything what is not part of Thailand? Edited by Crazy chef 1
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Most Thai's even don't know where Mars is.

Boy did you hit the nail on the head! Most Thais don't even know where Laos is

Come on Laos (at least in Isaan) they know but try ask them for Bali, Bagan or Mandalay and every answer is different.

Let me tell ya...if you showed them a map, I guarantee you most Thais would have no idea where it is...

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Most Thai's even don't know where Mars is.

Boy did you hit the nail on the head! Most Thais don't even know where Laos is

Come on Laos (at least in Isaan) they know but try ask them for Bali, Bagan or Mandalay and every answer is different.

Let me tell ya...if you showed them a map, I guarantee you most Thais would have no idea where it is...

Yes correct but it doesn' matter if they HiSo or LoSo. They might know Bali because of a holiday trip but surprisingly they all know where is Singapore or Hong Kong.

I have dealed in the last 20+ years with many HiSo's and they didn't even know where Kelantan or Kota Baru was. Cities they seems to not know but they do know what Indonesia is but pointing it on a map is a different story.

Thailand was build on everything about Thai history and everything outside Thailand is not important.

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Most Thai's even don't know where Mars is.

Most Thais don't even know where Europe is.

I would be impressed if they could just show me where Thailand is on a map let alone somewhere as insignificant as Europe.

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Don't need a comet to point out people are beginning to feel somewhat disgruntled at having been had. Again. And will show their displeasure in the not too distant future. This isn't 1992.

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I've always loved Shaw even though I've often disagreed with his works and opinions... I remember some 40 odd years ago in my first year at university: We had to write a critique on Major Barbra. My most salient point was, "Shaw tries to sacrifice too many sacred cows in this work and ends up being gored by his own bull." My English professor loved it... but I love Shaw because that essay was the inspiration for me to begin to critically think for myself. A man or boy doesn't think for himself if he isn't challenged.


Edited by Local Drunk
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