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War Criminal as a neighbour?


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It's all a bit vague- maybe you could tell us exactly why you believe he is a war criminal.

Like many on here, we have had parents who fought in the war, my Dad was a RAF pilot and Mum repaired spitfires in the WAAF.

My father spoke very little about about his experiences, and I know it was pretty grim at times, the chances of surviving as a pilot were very small- he did- with broken bones and teeth ( plane went through a brick wall! )

I have the utmost admiration for the service men and women who fought and hoped to make a difference.

Just leave him alone, you have no idea how he has dealt with his memories.

It's just revenge.

Edited by peterb17
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You should leave the man alone. You are fishing, or you would know. You do not. Idle time and idle conjecture can have a very real injury in the real world, outside your musings. It does not seem as the universe had made this your battle.

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Unless he is north of 96 years old - it is very unlikely he is a war criminal....

Maybe former yahuza? (although not likely since you don't retire from it)

(i.e. 2014 - 1945 + 17 years of age).... and even then he would have had been a very low level soldier....

With those numbers he should be 86 year.

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It could be worse, you could have Tony Blair as a neighbour

Or Barrack Obama, Gosh you could have one on each side with Pelosi & Harry Reid across the street then topping yourself would be a viable option. ha ha

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To all you absolutely rude individuals, to your utter amazement I'm sure, I am not a nutter, a conspiracy theorist or on drugs. I sought an opinion, based on evidence I have myself, which to be honest is not of any of your business. I asked a simple question. Where could I find more information to deny or confirm my suspicions and Do you think I should bother? After about the third rational post, I already made my decision to let sleeping dogs lie and now it has turned into a 'bash me' thread for some reason. You know nothing of me, period. GFY!


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Yes I already did those calculations, estimate him to be mid to late 80's. I lived there (Japan) for 20 years and ran night clubs, so I can conclusively say he is not a Yakuza. He lives in a low rent apt., not a hovel, and comes out only after 5pm to go to the supermarket for dinner, other than that he is a total recluse.


"... and comes out only after 5pm to go to the supermarket for dinner, other than that he is a total recluse."

That describes about half the people in my building in that age range ... except I doubt many eat their dinners at a supermarket. Probably he and the other people in your neighborhood have noticed you stalking him and assume you're some pervert planning to run a scam.

You're not Simon Wiesenthal or some bounty hunter. If you want to find war criminals there are plenty holding office around the world as we speak.

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Unless he is north of 96 years old - it is very unlikely he is a war criminal....

Maybe former yahuza? (although not likely since you don't retire from it)

(i.e. 2014 - 1945 + 17 years of age).... and even then he would have had been a very low level soldier....

Piece in the news today about former Nazi war criminals who were receiving money from the US government after the war. From the BBC: "Four World War Two suspects are said to still be alive and collecting benefits. One is former SS guard Martin Hartmann, another is Auschwitz camp patroller Jakob Denzinger."

So if German war criminals can still be alive, nothing to say Japanese ones aren't still out there somewhere...

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If he IS a War Criminal, I don't care how old he is, he needs to be dealt with.

How about sending his details to the RSL in Oz for starters and see what happens?

If he is not, and you do.... he is in Thailand and you can be held criminally liable for besmirching his name.

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Yes I already did those calculations, estimate him to be mid to late 80's. I lived there (Japan) for 20 years and ran night clubs, so I can conclusively say he is not a Yakuza. He lives in a low rent apt., not a hovel, and comes out only after 5pm to go to the supermarket for dinner, other than that he is a total recluse.


You did the calculations figured him to be in his late 80s and a WWII war criminal.... at 10 years of age..... wow, they did pump them out young back then tongue.png

Maybe you should re-calculate your first post formula. I think you are 10 years off. 86 not 96

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Yes I already did those calculations, estimate him to be mid to late 80's. I lived there (Japan) for 20 years and ran night clubs, so I can conclusively say he is not a Yakuza. He lives in a low rent apt., not a hovel, and comes out only after 5pm to go to the supermarket for dinner, other than that he is a total recluse.


You did the calculations figured him to be in his late 80s and a WWII war criminal.... at 10 years of age..... wow, they did pump them out young back then tongue.png

Maybe you should re-calculate your first post formula. I think you are 10 years off. 86 not 96

Already had, if you had worked your way forward through the posts....

Likelihood though is he is a private person that does not want to be congenial with undesirables...

The only war criminals from WWII that we chase after these days are Nazi ones.... all others are free and clear or dead.

Edited by bkkcanuck8
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The atrocities didn't end with WWII, and the Japanese weren't the only ones who committed them.

the scale of theirs was staggering

The publicity their atrocities received was staggering, but the numbers they killed couldn't compare with those of Stalin, Mao and some others. Not to mention August 5th 1945.

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It would be more useful to look for white pedophiles, their number outpass the number of war criminals. And their damages are happening now.

I don't think kiddy fiddling is just done by white people. Although any investigation that rounds up child abusers is a good one

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OZ - you are probably not reading the posts anymore - I agree with you the abuse that gets chucked around on TV is enough to make sure you never ever post again. But I think a couple of people have given you some decent answers - there is no active data base - the Japanese are our friends again - all outstanding war criminals are forgiven and forgotten. My uncle was on the Death railway and to his dying day he wouldn't watch a Japanese made television or ride in a Jap car. He took his hatred to his grave with him.

Also I think a couple of people have given you some good advice - befriend the guy further and tell him you are interested in History (that's what it is - history) and ask him directly what he did during the war - bring up the topic that some people don't like to talk about the war - and see if you can gain enough of his trust for him to tell you something / anything. Get started soon - it obviously fascinates you - and he might pop his clogs sometime soon - preventing you from ever even trying to find out anything. Go for it - don't give a sh*t about all the trolls on this site - I often regret that I didn't spend more time with my uncles who fought in the war before they died - I'd loved to have heard their story and what they thought about being alive and living in that amazing time - a real World War not a piffling little conflict like Vietnam, Bosnia or Ukraine.

By the way make sure you either watch the film - The Railwayman (I got a copy at mangpong in BKK) - truly beautifully crafted film or read the book by Eric Lomax. The book is a bit too heavy on trains for my liking but a terrible poignant story one of forgiveness and salvation - and it has a much sadder turn than the film.

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The atrocities didn't end with WWII, and the Japanese weren't the only ones who committed them.

the scale of theirs was staggering

The publicity their atrocities received was staggering, but the numbers they killed couldn't compare with those of Stalin, Mao and some others. Not to mention August 5th 1945.

and those were staggering too. whats your point?

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To all you absolutely rude individuals, to your utter amazement I'm sure, I am not a nutter, a conspiracy theorist or on drugs. I sought an opinion, based on evidence I have myself, which to be honest is not of any of your business. I asked a simple question. Where could I find more information to deny or confirm my suspicions and Do you think I should bother? After about the third rational post, I already made my decision to let sleeping dogs lie and now it has turned into a 'bash me' thread for some reason. You know nothing of me, period. GFY!


that post confirms it!

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To all you absolutely rude individuals, to your utter amazement I'm sure, I am not a nutter, a conspiracy theorist or on drugs. I sought an opinion, based on evidence I have myself, which to be honest is not of any of your business. I asked a simple question. Where could I find more information to deny or confirm my suspicions and Do you think I should bother? After about the third rational post, I already made my decision to let sleeping dogs lie and now it has turned into a 'bash me' thread for some reason. You know nothing of me, period. GFY!


Your OP outlines that because a certain Japanese person that you have conversations with -- does not want to be an open book with you that somehow because those two things (Japanese and not wanting to answer some nosy person) he must be a war criminal and you want to check him out. I am very wary of westerners in Thailand, and I would not necessarily be looking to be open to you if you asked too many questions... The fact that you make that leap in itself indicates to me that he has reasons to be wary of you -- even if he could not put a finger on why.

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