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Koh Tao murder suspects tell rights commission they were beaten


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I guess you have never visited Brazil or Argentina (South America). Even the U.S. has somewhat softened its position on topless beaches in specific tourist areas. Many resorts in the Caribbean and Central America either allow nudity or have a designated beach for such. Even Turkey (Muslim) allows topless sunbathing at the hotel pools and beaches along the Turkish Rivera.

Herds of European tourists vacation at beach locations every year. Many European women prefer no top when sunbathing.

Tourist money drives the train for countries willing to cater and conform to tourist's desires! Atypical of Thailand "Money for Nothing" and the sex is not free.........

and Thailand wants to women to not wear bikinis!!!!
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No matter how much you were beaten no matter what kind of threats are you going to sit there in silence with your life on the line.

If you guys want to believe that these 2 were privately tutored in what they had to do when reinacting the crime then you are dumb.

They knew how the murders were committed, what weapon was used, where theygot it, how many blows were struck and went through te entire act without hesitation

Not one of them but both stayed silent because they were scared they would get another beating? Never mind if found guilty the death penalty awaits them.

Not a peep out of either of them but then along come their lawyers and suddenly "We were beaten"

Of course their lawyers ...lets call them Snow White and the Seven dwarfs would never advise their client to lie so the must be innocent.

Case closed let them go because all you would be detectives on Thai visa say so

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Sorry but thai visa forum is infiltrated by the mafia,that means police and army henchmen.

Censorship and people on the payroll of the mafia are here and sabotage constantly this forum.

Very disturbing but what can you do against multi millions of dollars

Thailand´s system is incurable sick.

And no,this is not off topic.

This desease of corruption is everywhere and will prevail in this country,its just too deep in the society.

Really sad but there is no solution.

To install normal society in this country its too late,

Too many generations of greed army and police at work already

Impossible to repair,its just irreparable

You could very well be right , I never noticed before.

Let them infiltrate...time they heard another opinion. Some may even become a bit more open minded if they can get pass FACE.

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a bit of a tangent i know, but it involves corruption, i was talking to a lady last night who has just opened a ligit massage parlour (no happy ending) and the first thing that happened is the police chief has come along and she has to pay 20,000 baht a month, to him. YEP its in Bangkok.

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Word on the street is these guys were also driving the Ferrari that ran over and killed a cop in Bangkok.

Yes, I heard they found some of the war weapons that was used against protesters last year in Win and Zaws apartments.

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Beaten or not. They need to make the accusation. With the whole world on their side they are apparently quite believable. And the BIB are not.

beaten or not, they should simply retract there confessions, let the police prove they did it, if they retract, the beating didn't give any result for the police.

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Has anyone read to book written by Aussie business get duped into a contract to supply oil rig divers for locations in Asia by some people who advertised in an oil magazine. The Aussie guy had a supply company in Australia who supplied divers on contract for oil work.

He lost some large money deposits and tried to get it back, had fight etc with the main guy Falange from US I think, this Falange guy got knife wound, it was reported to the Bangkok tourist police who arrested the Aussie guy and charged him with murder although no body found.

The book the Aussie guy wrote was unbelievable to what he went through, he spent 14yrs in prison most of the time in the BKK Hilton.

In the book he described his confession torture by the tourist police, electric shocks beating to parts of his body that do not show bruising, wet clothes over his face and the plastic bag over his face which he said was the worst.

You can buy this book in most book stores in the airports. Very frightening, you should read it. He also described his time in courts as completely useless as his defence lawyer would not insist things to the judge because you cannot push a judge in court, it is not done.

I am not accusing that the police did anything like this to the 2 your guys, just about this book. I forget the book name but it stands out on the shelf.

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Beaten or not. They need to make the accusation. With the whole world on their side they are apparently quite believable. And the BIB are not.

beaten or not, they should simply retract there confessions, let the police prove they did it, if they retract, the beating didn't give any result for the police.

The main issue is the DNA evidence... The court will probably not throw it out .. and claiming it's falsified would be defamation and a huge loss of face or something... turning 180 and admitting that it's falsified at this point seems unlikely as well... This is no longer about justice.. it's about politics and trying to save Thailands reputation ... obviously the only thing that could actually save it would be for the general to throw the police department under the bus and prove he is against corruption.. It seems like he was going to do it when he talked with Cameron in Milan .. But he later changed his mind for some reason.. maybe they threatened his family or made him understand some way.... .

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No matter how much you were beaten no matter what kind of threats are you going to sit there in silence with your life on the line.

If you guys want to believe that these 2 were privately tutored in what they had to do when reinacting the crime then you are dumb.

They knew how the murders were committed, what weapon was used, where theygot it, how many blows were struck and went through te entire act without hesitation

Not one of them but both stayed silent because they were scared they would get another beating? Never mind if found guilty the death penalty awaits them.

Not a peep out of either of them but then along come their lawyers and suddenly "We were beaten"

Of course their lawyers ...lets call them Snow White and the Seven dwarfs would never advise their client to lie so the must be innocent.

Case closed let them go because all you would be detectives on Thai visa say so

Bullshit. yes, they were privately tutored about the crime, in addition, at the "reenactment" , the cops were even telling them which way to point. It's obvious from the photos. i guess that you are so tough, you would not confess under torture. Or, are you just a buffoon who is on here to get attention?? I'm also guessing that you have never been subjected to torture. I get a large kick out of the assclowns on here who state that if the suspects were innocent, they would never have confessed, even under beatings/torture. These said assclowns should voluntarily submit themselves to torture, including suffocation, electroshock, beatings, etc, so that they can prove how tough they are. But for the ordinary mortal, life in a prison cell, or even a bullet to the head, can look mighty attractive when they are being tortured.

So you were there were you and you an read all that from a photo and I thought Shelock Homes was an imaginary charachter............I am surprised with your great mind the fact that the police did not need a confession slipped past you. They already had enough evidence to convict with the DNA matches...........so pray tell why beat them so badly they confessed? Did they get a few slaps during interegations?.................after whet they did to that young couple.....I bloody well hope so.

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Look at these two kids. The girl could have taken on both of them while the boy friend watched. I know for sure these kids could not beat up a British guy. Drunk it not drunk. Smell corrupted! Chia Mai

You can't know that.. maybe these two kids have been working in construction or something that made them strong and resilient.. Maybe they had one more assailant with them (police found 3 types of dna on the victims bodies from the beginning.. ) Maybe the victims were drugged .. Maybe they suprise attacked the victims striking them with a hoe in the back of the head... Getting hit in the back of the head can make anyone ko'd ...

Edited by hobz
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Having the Human Rights Watch website blocked speaks volumes.. wink.png

I'm not blocked, but I can see why you might be, there's an extensive outline in the form of a letter to General Prayuth from Human Rights Watch Asia that was published on the site just today, October 21, of what has been wrong with human rights in Thailand for about the last 10 years.

The letter is basically saying Thailand has no business seeking a seat on the UN Human Rights Commision for 2015-17 and explains at great length why not.

Read it and you have no reason to be surprised about happened on Ko Tao, if for any reason you were:


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"...encouraging tourists to dress properly when not swimming or sunbathing, ask them not to commit intimate acts in public, as well as regulate taxi services and publishing do's and don'ts about Thai culture on leaflets and in other media."

There are two things implied in this comment.

The first one about appropriate dress is virtually the same comment Prayuth got caught saying about women wearing bikinis, seeming to imply they brought it on themselves. So even after that controversy you have these idiots saying almost the same thing.

The second thing is the comment about falang needing to be more aware of Thai culture. However, it was not Thai people who supposedly killed this British couple, but two men from Myanmar, so how did not respecting Thai culture cause this problem...unless it really was Thai people who killed them...ah!

I personally do not see anything wrong with the statement.....I believe we should respect the culture of the country we are in and make sure you do not offend. Yesterday in the Bangkok Samui hospital at 10am a very large (obese) Russian was walking around in and out of the Orthapedics section not wearing a shirt; disgusting sight. How many times do you see tourists walking down the street in bikinis and/or speedos.....or in Tescos.....no Thai would ever do this. All he is saying is if you are not swimming or sunbathing please show some RESPECT for the Thai culture and wear modest attire......after all who are the ones expecting visitors/immigrants to respect our culture when in our countries.....double standards perhaps. This is not Ibiza or the Black Sea....it is Thailand which has its own culture.....respect it!

Indeed ... try to be respectful always everywhere.. atleast try... However, sometimes, perhaps walking to from the beach,, you might want to wear speedos .. nothing wrong with that I think.. people needs to stop being so damn sensitive... oh god he was wearing speedos ... omg .. kil lhim ...

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whats the point of wasting money fitting more cameras on Koh Tao when all that will happen if there is another henious crime is that footage will be doctored or lost

get the mafis families sorted first

you just cant have this alledged family rule

Why aren't the police made to explain a bit more about this SAFE HOUSE they were taken to..... How normal is that to take supposed crims with matching DNA (according to the bib) to a safe house.... Why would they need to do that. Bags over there heads. Those 2 young boys must have been absoluting frightened beyond words.... Can you just imagine the treatment they have had since then.... I'm actually amazed they r still alive...

What about this meeting by the islanders.... Wouldn't you think somewhere in that meeting they might suggest not employing illegal aliens with no I'd... I mean isn't that the problem here. What a joke. They don't even have the smarts to talk about their cover up to make the offenders look guilty. No mention of better CCTV footage. I think the meeting might have been held and chaired by students of the local kindergarten...

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whats the point of wasting money fitting more cameras on Koh Tao when all that will happen if there is another henious crime is that footage will be doctored or lost

get the mafis families sorted first

you just cant have this alledged family rule

Why aren't the police made to explain a bit more about this SAFE HOUSE they were taken to..... How normal is that to take supposed crims with matching DNA (according to the bib) to a safe house.... Why would they need to do that. Bags over there heads. Those 2 young boys must have been absoluting frightened beyond words.... Can you just imagine the treatment they have had since then.... I'm actually amazed they r still alive...

What about this meeting by the islanders.... Wouldn't you think somewhere in that meeting they might suggest not employing illegal aliens with no I'd... I mean isn't that the problem here. What a joke. They don't even have the smarts to talk about their cover up to make the offenders look guilty. No mention of better CCTV footage. I think the meeting might have been held and chaired by students of the local kindergarten...

CSI LA reported that the owners of the CCTV store on Koh Tao are close friends with the family of the village headman who's son refused to take DNA test...

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Dear MikePhuket1970 ... You are right but lets get this into perspective.

Every platform where opinions are published has pundits who are paid or volunteer to sway opinion including ThaiVisa.The Thai government, The Republicans/Democrats in the USA or Conservatives/Labor in the UK or the SPD/CDU Gemany ... all hire pundits to monitor and publish on forums.

This is Thailand. Censorship is a fact of life in all the media.

Hopefully the Thai government have people who read ThaiVisa to get people's perceptions on things that are important and maybe they can help do something to correct some of the many negatives in Thailand.

HOWEVER ... There are many Thai bashers on ThaiVisa. They flame anything and everything Thai; they flame every news story with no evidence to support their opinion. They put a negative spin on everything. These people hurt the input and reduce the credibility of the people on this forum who genuinely would like to see Thailand move forward as a free society, free of corruption with police we can trust and politicians who serve the people rather than themselves. Well, most of us wish the same for our native country.

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Having the Human Rights Watch website blocked speaks volumes.. wink.png

I'm not blocked, but I can see why you might be, there's an extensive outline in the form of a letter to General Prayuth from Human Rights Watch Asia that was published on the site just today, October 21, of what has been wrong with human rights in Thailand for about the last 10 years.

The letter is basically saying Thailand has no business seeking a seat on the UN Human Rights Commision for 2015-17 and explains at great length why not.

Read it and you have no reason to be surprised about happened on Ko Tao, if for any reason you were:


Wow, great read.. I love this part... Sure shows how much the current PM cares about justice: (You = PM)

You personally have maintained that soldiers did not kill anyone during the confrontations, despite clear evidence and numerous eyewitness accounts that demonstrate soldiers did kill unarmed protesters. Successive Thai governments have also perpetuated these false claims instead of pursuing justice for victims of the violence and their families. Soldiers have been treated as witnesses in the investigations but inappropriately protected from any sort of criminal prosecution. As a result, no military personnel have been charged for the killings even though court inquests found soldiers shot dead 15 of the victims.
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I wish that a third party could interrogate all police, both Burmese and both Thai Mafia boys. Water boarding the cops could be a tourist attraction like jet ski beatings or lady boy shoe attacks.

What a country! The HUB of CUCKOOS NEST.

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According to this video from Astv the forensic team said they were beaten and suffocated with plastic bags.


Niran Pitakwatchara, chairman of the NHRC's sub-commission on civil and political rights, said his forensic team found that the Burmese was torture and abused. The torture include chest beating and suffocation using plastic bag. Dr. Niran also requested X -RAy examination for further analysis.

Is this what he said? Can someone please verify what he says in this video? If he says they were found to be beaten or they are not sure...


I hear it the same as you.I didn't hear an absolute yes until he gets results from x rays. He said they had painful areas when pressure given to those points but he wants to see x rays. I also didn't hear that he will get to take x rays or not.

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According to this video from Astv the forensic team said they were beaten and suffocated with plastic bags.


Niran Pitakwatchara, chairman of the NHRC's sub-commission on civil and political rights, said his forensic team found that the Burmese was torture and abused. The torture include chest beating and suffocation using plastic bag. Dr. Niran also requested X -RAy examination for further analysis.

Is this what he said? Can someone please verify what he says in this video? If he says they were found to be beaten or they are not sure...


I hear it the same as you.I didn't hear an absolute yes until he gets results from x rays. He said they had painful areas when pressure given to those points but he wants to see x rays. I also didn't hear that he will get to take x rays or not.

Why can't everybody just trust the word of the police, they clearly say they weren't going to use scapegoats this time and that they didn't torture the suspects. You have no idea how sad the cops are now ...

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