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What right do we have to judge/comment about a girls physique!?!?

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This is the way of the world, and there are good evolutionary reasons for it (that I'll spare you). Women are simply shallow in their own way. Consciously or not, they look for 'earnings potential' or existing assets. They also look for cues that the man will stick around and actually funnel those assets/earnings to them and especially their children. Now, some people will say that women are less shallow because they also look for intelligence and a sense of humour. Well, intelligence is a good (not perfect) indicator of earnings potential and sense of humour is an indicator of both intelligence and warmth (the guy will stay around and take care of his family).

There's some interesting research that shows that women find beefcake types more attractive during the most fertile part of their cycle and that they prefer guys that 'look nice and intelligent' at other times in their cycle. There's good evolutionary reasons for this also....

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I'm buying, they're selling. That gives me the right to criticize the product.

I don't just mean the working girls, ALL women are selling one way or another.

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Why do you feel guilty? You don't state what you feel is wrong with it.

People are judgemental. Deal with it.

Maybe its just me, but I feel im being a total hypocrit,

much like I wouldnt get personal trainer advice from someone overweight,

I feel a little self conscious thinking "oh she has a better body so ill choose her" when i dont have a "hot male body"

and yet I see overweight, balding, sloberring men (regardless of country) talk about how physically hot a woman is and seem to have an entitlement to it

Iguess its just me! wink.png

It is unfair to refer to men as balding, along with being overweight, slobbering, and in many other cases, tattooed. All these things are self inflicted, being baldy is not, and again I say, no, I am not bald.


Why do you feel guilty? You don't state what you feel is wrong with it.

People are judgemental. Deal with it.

Maybe its just me, but I feel im being a total hypocrit,

much like I wouldnt get personal trainer advice from someone overweight,

I feel a little self conscious thinking "oh she has a better body so ill choose her" when i dont have a "hot male body"

and yet I see overweight, balding, sloberring men (regardless of country) talk about how physically hot a woman is and seem to have an entitlement to it

Iguess its just me! wink.png

It is unfair to refer to men as balding, along with being overweight, slobbering, and in many other cases, tattooed. All these things are self inflicted, being baldy is not, and again I say, no, I am not bald.

you are correct, however, not many people would find bald as attractive

like being short, its not self inflicted, but that excuse isnt going to pass in the dating world ;)

or even ugly haha


What right do we have to judge/comment about a girls physique!?!?

The same right as they have to comment about ours.


Why do you feel guilty? You don't state what you feel is wrong with it.

People are judgemental. Deal with it.

Maybe its just me, but I feel im being a total hypocrit,

much like I wouldnt get personal trainer advice from someone overweight,

I feel a little self conscious thinking "oh she has a better body so ill choose her" when i dont have a "hot male body"

and yet I see overweight, balding, sloberring men (regardless of country) talk about how physically hot a woman is and seem to have an entitlement to it

Iguess its just me! wink.png

It is unfair to refer to men as balding, along with being overweight, slobbering, and in many other cases, tattooed. All these things are self inflicted, being baldy is not, and again I say, no, I am not bald.

you are correct, however, not many people would find bald as attractive

like being short, its not self inflicted, but that excuse isnt going to pass in the dating world wink.png

or even ugly haha

That is very true.


OP. What gives us the right? A long time friend of mine of many years standing here in Thailand has a phrase that about covers it: "He who has the money makes the rules!"

To put a little bit more meat on that pithy statement and to get in my own two cents worth at the same time why should a guy living in Thailand or any other third work or developing country for that matter, regardless of his physical condition or age (mine own condition putting me at the lower end of both spectrums) settle for anything less than what he wants in a woman if he has money? I always seek out the best and will not settle for anything that I don't consider a nine or a ten. Most of the time I go home alone but I don't care. Compromising my standards just isn't in me.

That said, Thailand is changing. Many of the really good looking girls who work the bars have so many guys chasing them that they can be just as picky as us guys and many of them will not go with a guy who doesn't meet their standards. Even when they do go with you forget long time, most of the good looking ones only go short time. Given my attitude, I can't say I blame them because if I was in their shoes I would want to be barfined by a younger, thin, good looking guy rather than i guy like me. What really depresses me these days in the bar scene is that you get a good idea of your status when the good looking girls won't even smile at your much less let your barfine them even if you have the money to pay them well for their services. You really know what yoru status is in a bar when the old ugly women in their late thirties or older with two kids and a lot of stretch marks come up to you uninvited because they think you are so desperate for companionship you won't turn them away!


You make it sound like only men judge the opposite sex. And then you feel guilty when you are not up to par and thus have the "right" to judge others while others are not judging you.


Put on a microphone next time you are walking. You will hear this.

"Oh look, there comes the walking Dunkin Donut."

"Kids look! Michellin Tires is walking towards us."

So no, not all men think like you. Besides earning more and more money, we also strive to be fit muscular and juicy, so the members of the opposite sex can compliment us.


It is perfectly natural for a man to comment upon the appearance of a woman, in his head at least. Men are hunters by nature, women are attracted to 'hansum' men with strong healthy sperm. This is down to earth human natural characteristics with which most of us were brought into this world. Long may they continue.


hellohello it is best you do no learn how many times you have been called a, old fat ass fart by a pretty women. your ego is a bit much, no one here cares about your body fat or you deep thoughts of fabio bronzed....ehh..ehh the honeys at the bar are only interested on what a big fat.. ...wallet you have :-)


Men are "programmed" to look for the fittest, healthiest specimens of the opposite sex....that's why we look for good strong boobs and good loins, it has been that way since the beginning, nothing to do with choosing to do so. It was(is)nature's way of insuring the survival of the species as men were originally designed to place their seed in as many of the opposite species as possible. (you will not see a Lion seeking out a sick feeble female).

Come to think of it, not much has changed down through the centuries....especially when you take a look around Pattaya.


Suggest you take a look at the animal kingdom. Standards of beauty may vary from species to species, but lots have to do with looks. I do find it humorous that seems much of the time it is the males that are all done up in beauty (compare Peacock with Peahen sometime). Bring back cod pieces!


As a human being...you have the right to judge other humans...calling attention to less than desirable human anatomy...is bad form...

and of course, this one also MUST comment !


Men are "programmed" to look for the fittest, healthiest specimens of the opposite sex....that's why we look for good strong boobs and good loins, it has been that way since the beginning, nothing to do with choosing to do so. It was(is)nature's way of insuring the survival of the species as men were originally designed to place their seed in as many of the opposite species as possible. (you will not see a Lion seeking out a sick feeble female).

Come to think of it, not much has changed down through the centuries....especially when you take a look around Pattaya.

Err I think you are wrong when it comes to boobs.

The mating partner selction instinct goes way back, apparently to when we were getting around on all fours and the reproduction act was a- la- doggie...or more likely a- la- ape. The bum was the attraction not the boobs.

At least that's my excuse - being a bum man.

Just to clarify that ...a female bum admirer just in case you were getting any impure thoughts!

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I have no right to comment on others because I am too fat. I am working on that and i am working up to one 90 minute workout each day. I have lost 15 kg. A lot of Thai women say i look young or handsome. There is the occasional woman who will stop and say I am too fat. Agreed but when someone does not appeal to my tastes, I make no comment. A good looking woman whom I do not recall ever having any contact with drove up on her motorbike last week while I was chatting with a Thai neighbour. She stopped and said, " You are too fat. " So I responded by saying, " You are too rude. " It probably went right over her head and she drove off.


I think we're wired to do that by our genetics, like other male mammals. We're programmed to answer the question, "Which one is best to carry my progeny?" Youth and fitness help to ensure our offspring will survive to breeding age themselves. If she's a "good milker" so much the better.

Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna get jumped on for those sexist remarks, but that's not where I'm coming from at all. I have a degree in biology, and I believe human evolution is not so different from other mammals' evolution. Radical feminists and religious evolution deniers can take the emotion out of my statement by thinking of these physical traits in terms of liverstock.

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I don't just judge girls if a guy is fat or ugly I will tell him.

If a chick is fat or needs bigger hootters she can fix it. It's not being judgmental it's helping her be hotter.

I have a hot body and work hard for it so it gives me the right to say what I like when I like to ugly or fat people.

If my wife's b00bs start getting saggy or that butt is not firm she can get going to the gym or doctor or I will find me a 2nd wife.


If you're paying, are they really your girlfriend?

And if she's paying, are you really her boyfriend ?

I think to be totally kosher you need a third party to foot the bills. The Thais use farangs for that.


Consciously or not, they look for 'earnings potential' or existing assets. They also look for cues that the man will stick around and actually funnel those assets/earnings to them and especially their children. Now, some people will say that women are less shallow because they also look for intelligence and a sense of humour. Well, intelligence is a good (not perfect) indicator of earnings potential and sense of humour is an indicator of both intelligence and warmth (the guy will stay around and take care of his family).

There's some interesting research that shows that women find beefcake types more attractive during the most fertile part of their cycle and that they prefer guys that 'look nice and intelligent' at other times in their cycle. There's good evolutionary reasons for this also....

Women are more like us than we generally give them credit for. They like a tight, buff body as much as we do but by the time they're a little older with their fertility heading south, they're more willing to compromise.

If a man isn't an oil painting, he can just play to his financial and intellectual strengths in order to get the girl he wants.

If he doesn't have those, he can always come to Thailand and reinvent himself as a love God for far less money than it would cost in the West.

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