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New York doctor tests positive for Ebola


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Ebola outbreak: NY doctor Craig Spencer tests positive

(BBC) A New York doctor who recently returned from Ebola-hit Guinea in West Africa has tested positive for the disease.

Dr Craig Spencer, who treated Ebola patients while working for the charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), came down with a fever on Thursday, days after his return, officials say.

He is the first Ebola case diagnosed in New York, and the fourth in the US.

More than 4,800 people have died of Ebola - mainly in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone - since March.

Dr Spencer, 33, left Guinea on 14 October, and returned to New York City on 17 October via Europe. On Tuesday he began to feel tired and developed a fever and diarrhoea on Thursday.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-29751495

-- BBC 2014-10-24

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August WHO report... The doctor adds to the lengthening list...


To date, more than 240 health care workers have developed the disease in Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone, and more than 120 have died.

And other WHO links relative to the virus and disease...

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New York confirms first Ebola case, world rallies

NEW YORK (AFP) - A doctor who recently returned to New York from treating Ebola patients in Guinea tested positive for the deadly virus on Thursday, the first confirmed case in the United States' largest city.

The doctor, Craig Spencer, was placed in isolation at Manhattan’s Bellevue Hospital Center earlier Thursday after suffering Ebola symptoms including a 103-degree Fahrenheit (39.4 Celsius) fever and nausea.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio confirmed Spencer’s positive test at a late-night press conference, but urged residents not to panic, insisting the city was fully prepared to stop the disease in its tracks.

"We want to state at the outset, (this) is no reason for New Yorkers to be alarmed. Ebola is an extremely hard disease to contract. It is transmitted only through contact with an infected person’s blood or other bodily fluids," said de Blasio.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said city officials had already identified four people believed to have crossed paths with Spencer, and said he did not expect a repeat of the situation in Dallas, where hospital staff appeared to have been caught off-guard by the arrival of the disease that has killed almost 4,900 people in West Africa.

"Dallas was caught before they could really prepare. We had the advantage of learning from their experience," he said.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/New-York-confirms-first-Ebola-case-world-rallies-30246166.html

-- The Nation 2014-10-24

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So hard to get that thousands have now died within months.

Doctors are not certain if their are mutant strains the cannot control. Refer to nightly news aljazeera and Asia news and sky news. It's hot topic and very frightening.

Ps what happened to the 179 people on air France in Spain last week? That has gone awfully quiet

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So hard to get that thousands have now died within months.

Doctors are not certain if their are mutant strains the cannot control. Refer to nightly news aljazeera and Asia news and sky news. It's hot topic and very frightening.

Ps what happened to the 179 people on air France in Spain last week? That has gone awfully quiet

The reality of it is bad enough in Africa. What's the purpose of jazzing up scare tactics about things that haven't happened yet and probably never will?

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The Doctor said he quarantined himself

Can you quote where it says this in the linked report.

While authorities said Spencer attempted to self-quarantine after feeling ill, and Bassett noted he took his temperature twice a day, he went on a 3-mile run and was at a pair of bowling spots in Willliamsburg, Brooklyn, on Wednesday. He took subways — the 1, A and L lines — went to the High Line and a restaurant and took an Uber cab home, officials said. http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/doctor-treated-ebola-patients-rushed-bellevue-fever-article-1.1984941

I was listening to CNN in Thailand as I was writing and heard it on there. I would think NYC papers have better information than the BBC

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Hard to piece together a timeline from that story. But he seems to have felt okay up until Thursday morning. Since he self-quarantined "after feeling ill", I read that as a fancy way of saying that he stayed home all morning until the paramedics took him to Bellevue around noon. The socializing was done the previous evening while he was still asymptomatic. I would still be concerned about anyone he had close personal contact with (girl friend, et al.) the previous night.

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This article is an excellent account of what has happened to people who have appeared in the U.S. with Ebola after arriving and /or acquired it from someone who brought it into America from West Africa ... concise and accurate ... a helpful piece of information ...

NYC Ebola Patient Is Ninth Case In America. Here's What Happened To The Other Eight.


Edited by JDGRUEN
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The key to this is education and it seems to be working. The disease is not all that easy to catch. Of the people who were closest to Duncan, including his girlfriend, none of them contracted Ebola. Health care workers seem to be at the highest risk, but they are also the people with the greatest chance of coming in contact with bodily fluids over a period of time.

The President is hardly responsible for the fact that some people are slipping through the net.

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just putting it out there. but i dont give a flying hoot about ebola. This is the biggest crock of .....

It'll blow over and then we'll be onto the next one,

I heard its a new crocodile super flu

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So hard to get that thousands have now died within months.

Doctors are not certain if their are mutant strains the cannot control. Refer to nightly news aljazeera and Asia news and sky news. It's hot topic and very frightening.

Ps what happened to the 179 people on air France in Spain last week? That has gone awfully quiet

The reality of it is bad enough in Africa. What's the purpose of jazzing up scare tactics about things that haven't happened yet and probably never will?

I think what generates fearful talk of the spread of Ebola - which becomes not much more than rumors... is the total resistance by some so called Western government leaders to stop the entrance of residents of the Ebola ridden countries into Western Countries. People around the world know that it is counter-intuitive to not stop issuing visas to these people... But these pontificated presidents and pm's know better than the mere citizens.

You are like a badly broken record.

The reason they don't want to block people from travelling is that then they have no way of tracking them if they go another route.

Plus it does not work to stop the spread of the virus.

Can you please stop regurgitating this nonsense as if it's some kind of good idea, just because you heard on the Alex Jones show that their neighbours have banned them and have armed troops ready to kill them if they try and cross the border.

It is a load of tripe.

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The key to this is education and it seems to be working. The disease is not all that easy to catch. Of the people who were closest to Duncan, including his girlfriend, none of them contracted Ebola. Health care workers seem to be at the highest risk, but they are also the people with the greatest chance of coming in contact with bodily fluids over a period of time.

The President is hardly responsible for the fact that some people are slipping through the net.

He is the captain of the ship when it comes to the nations safety and welfare. Breakdowns here are his responsibility for the lack of clear, unequivocal directives. He kind of tip toes around things and always leaves am out or wiggle room presumably so he does not step on someone's toes. That is bad leadership when it comes to issues of national safety.

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So hard to get that thousands have now died within months.

Doctors are not certain if their are mutant strains the cannot control. Refer to nightly news aljazeera and Asia news and sky news. It's hot topic and very frightening.

Put simply these news channels are talking mostly rubbish and want your continued custom.

There is nothing to be frightened about, you face a higher risk of death leaving your abode and crossing the road. Does that scare you?

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The key to this is education and it seems to be working. The disease is not all that easy to catch. Of the people who were closest to Duncan, including his girlfriend, none of them contracted Ebola. Health care workers seem to be at the highest risk, but they are also the people with the greatest chance of coming in contact with bodily fluids over a period of time.

The President is hardly responsible for the fact that some people are slipping through the net.

He is the captain of the ship when it comes to the nations safety and welfare. Breakdowns here are his responsibility for the lack of clear, unequivocal directives. He kind of tip toes around things and always leaves am out or wiggle room presumably so he does not step on someone's toes. That is bad leadership when it comes to issues of national safety.

Perhaps if they could get a Surgeon General confirmed then the captain would have a first mate during these medically-difficult times, but that might be too much for Congress to approve.

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I have just viewed using several sources a video of NYC police officers discarding rubber gloves and masks after leaving the apartment of the Ebola patient Dr. Spencer - placing the possibly contaminated articles into a sidewalk open trash container... Seems the lessons of Dallas Texas and Ebola are not being learned or passed on ...

I cannot post a link to this video because of excessive protectionism of the video where it is mixed into an array of still photos and videos making a clear link to view it nearly impossible ... Hopefully a clear - clean link will surface.

However - what I viewed shows a continuation of ignorance beyond any reason for people who are supposed to be trained to protect the public.

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The key to this is education and it seems to be working. The disease is not all that easy to catch. Of the people who were closest to Duncan, including his girlfriend, none of them contracted Ebola. Health care workers seem to be at the highest risk, but they are also the people with the greatest chance of coming in contact with bodily fluids over a period of time.

The President is hardly responsible for the fact that some people are slipping through the net.

The so called president of the United States of America will not institute a ban on issuing visas to people of the Ebola stricken West African Nations to visit America.. obama is most certainly responsible for the initial and continued entrance of Ebola infected people into America.

Similarly - obama WILL NOT institute a mandatory 21 day quarantine for returning Americans who have served valiantly in the fight against Ebola in West Africa -- BUT who should never the less be quarantined by Federal order anyway...

This is not an example of leadership --- it is an example of the old fashioned phrase 'COP OUT' or rather simply put - evading the responsibilities of the Office of the President of the United States. Most likely done to be Politically Correct or Expedient.

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I have just viewed using several sources a video of NYC police officers discarding rubber gloves and masks after leaving the apartment of the Ebola patient Dr. Spencer - placing the possibly contaminated articles into a sidewalk open trash container... Seems the lessons of Dallas Texas and Ebola are not being learned or passed on ...

I cannot post a link to this video because of excessive protectionism of the video where it is mixed into an array of still photos and videos making a clear link to view it nearly impossible ... Hopefully a clear - clean link will surface.

However - what I viewed shows a continuation of ignorance beyond any reason for people who are supposed to be trained to protect the public.

You should have heard CNN trying to explain that away today when it was breaking news.

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