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One killed in Washington state school shooting

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One killed in Washington state school shooting

WASHINGTON: -- One person was shot dead and four students wounded in a school cafeteria by a student who then took his own life, police in the US state of Washington have said.

The shooting occurred at Marysville Pilchuck High School near Seattle.

The four students, including two cousins of the gunman, were shot in the head, with three severely wounded.

Officials said the gunman, identified by local media as Jaylen Fryberg, died at the scene.

Read More: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-29764996

-- BBC 2014-10-25

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US school shooting leaves gunman, student dead

WASHINGTON: A US student who had issued chilling warnings on Twitter opened fire in a school cafeteria yesterday (October 24), killing at least one person and critically injuring three before taking his own life.

The gunman, identified by media reports and fellow students as Jaylen Fryberg, launched his attack in a school in the northwestern state of Washington, as terrified classmates dived for cover.

"I was sitting down two tables away and I heard one loud bang and I was wondering what it was. And then I heard about four or five more," a student identified as Jordan told CNN.

"People started screaming and people started getting to the ground and going for the nearest exit. So I hit the ground. But after he'd already put some bullets into the backs of students."

The shooting, just the latest in a long line of such rampages in the United States, erupted in Marysville, 35 miles (55 kilometers) north of Seattle.

Town police spokesman Robb Lamoureux said: "At this point we are confirming that there are two deceased ... We are confident that there was only one shooter and the shooter is deceased."

"The shooter died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound."

Television footage showed swarms of police descending on the Marysville-Pilchuck High School as students, some with hands on heads, came out of the sprawling campus, which has some 2,500 students.

"I was eating... I heard four gunshots and it was behind me. I saw a gun pointed at a table... then I ran out of the exit," one student in the cafeteria, named only as Alex, told KIRO TV news.

A student identified as Austin told a CNN affiliate how the gunman was initially "quiet" before opening fire on fellow diners.

"There was just a big group of kids. ... He was quiet. He was just sitting there. Everyone was talking. All of a sudden I see him stand up, pull something out of his pocket," he said.

"At first I thought it was just someone making a really loud noise with like a bag, like a pretty loud pop until I heard four more after that, and I saw three kids just fall from the table like they were falling to the ground dead."

Fryberg, a Native American, left a series of tortured posts on Twitter in the months leading up to his attack, painting a portrait of a teenager well used to handling firearms.

One post on Instagram showed him brandishing a hunting rifle. "Probably the best BirthDay present ever! I just love my parents!!!!," he posted in a message accompanying the photo," he wrote.

In his final post on Twitter on Thursday (October 23), Fryberg had stated ominously: "It won't last...It'll never last...."

Earlier, in August, he had issued threats to an apparent love rival: "Your not gonna like what happens next."

But some schoolmates voiced shock after the attack.

"When I saw him, I was like, oh my gosh, that's Jaylen. I would have never expected it would have been him out of all people. It was really heartbreaking for me to see that. I saw him with a gun in his hand shooting," student Rachel Heichel said on CNN.

Austin, also speaking to a local CNN affiliate, said: "I jumped under the table as fast as I could and when it stopped I looked back up and I saw he was trying to reload his gun.

"When that happened I just ran the opposite direction and I was out of there as fast as I could."

Dr Joanne Roberts of Providence Medical Center told local TV station KOMO that three young people were in a "very critical" condition" after the shooting.

Previous mass shootings, like that which killed 20 children and six adults in Newtown, Connecticut in December 2012, have triggered intense debate about America's relatively lax gun control laws.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/us-school-shooting-leaves-gunman-student-dead-49333.php

-- Phuket News 2014-10-25

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Another day and another school shooting in the U.S. Who would send thier kids to school there?

Wait until the gun pro lobiest gang arrive and the rubbish crew about their rights to bear arms......which is basically the same as saying, we can slaughter our own kids.

It's about time the world strongly denounces the United States about the way they are allowing their children to be needlessly slaughtered. What a retarded place to live.

RIP innocent children....it's a pity your parents and peers have failed you so seriously.

What a disgrace.

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Another day and another school shooting in the U.S. Who would send thier kids to school there?

Wait until the gun pro lobiest gang arrive and the rubbish crew about their rights to bear arms......which is basically the same as saying, we can slaughter our own kids.

It's about time the world strongly denounces the United States about the way they are allowing their children to be needlessly slaughtered. What a retarded place to live.

RIP innocent children....it's a pity your parents and peers have failed you so seriously.

What a disgrace.

Well, I wouldn't quite go far with the America bashing.

But as an American I actually wish there was more international pressure on the USA about some basic and shameful domestic issues such as the gun thing and also shockingly high incarceration rates.

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Another day and another school shooting in the U.S. Who would send thier kids to school there?

Wait until the gun pro lobiest gang arrive and the rubbish crew about their rights to bear arms......which is basically the same as saying, we can slaughter our own kids.

It's about time the world strongly denounces the United States about the way they are allowing their children to be needlessly slaughtered. What a retarded place to live.

RIP innocent children....it's a pity your parents and peers have failed you so seriously.

What a disgrace.

Well, I wouldn't quite go far with the America bashing.

But as an American I actually wish there was more international pressure on the USA about some basic and shameful domestic issues such as the gun thing and also shockingly high incarceration rates.

No JT, I'm being extremely critical of the USA for the gun issue only. I have no other axe to grind and share friendship in the real world with Americans. Only take offence on the one issue, the failings of Americans to protect their own children @ schools (& places of the like).

The most important asset of any community is the children, your countries children are being slaughtered due to failings and short comings of the greater community.

There's some sort of illness, the people are getting confused between what is or isn't happening. Time to start displaying the bodies of these poor children in the streets.....time to drive this down everyone's throats.

I weep for your nation for the love of the people. No axe,to grind here, I rarely comment on anything other than the gun issue.

Shame, shame shame, it's such a shame.

How can such an advanced 'smart' country be so retarded?

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How can such an advanced 'smart' country be so retarded?

In many ways "democracy" isn't working very well there. The majority of Americans are actually for more gun control but politically is IMPOSSIBLE.


If there was ever any time (ANY TIME) for the people to take to the streets, it would be NOW.

I'm repulsed at yet another needless slaughtering, as is understand you are.

There is a way to improve this situation, I mean significantly improve the situation.

Prayers and thoughts for these latest victims and their families and loved ones. :(

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Take to the streets?

Fat chance.

There is really too much good stuff on television!

I won't say anymore on THIS THREAD.

I will however reserve the right to comment on the next SLAUGHTERHOUSE, which is due at any moment, at this rate.

Good luck USA, something has got to change for you.

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Another day and another school shooting in the U.S. Who would send thier kids to school there?

Wait until the gun pro lobiest gang arrive and the rubbish crew about their rights to bear arms......which is basically the same as saying, we can slaughter our own kids.


They might be a while. They are off elsewhere decrying other ancient texts which also bear little relevance in today's age.

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Take to the streets?

Fat chance.

There is really too much good stuff on television!

I won't say anymore on THIS THREAD.

I will however reserve the right to comment on the next SLAUGHTERHOUSE, which is due at any moment, at this rate.

Good luck USA, something has got to change for you.

Shooting rampage in California yesterday leaves two cops dead and several others wounded.


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Take to the streets?

Fat chance.

There is really too much good stuff on television!

I won't say anymore on THIS THREAD.

I will however reserve the right to comment on the next SLAUGHTERHOUSE, which is due at any moment, at this rate.

Good luck USA, something has got to change for you.

The psychiatrist Dr Keith Ablow was interviewed this morning about this and he expressed his disgust that since previous school shootings in America there has been virtually no follow up in making available adequate financial resources to help identify potential psychological problems at an early stage in children and young people that lead them to carrying out these actions.

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Soon the head at NRA will come out again asying school security guards should be armed. Until the USA change certain aspects of the gun laws these events will continue to occur.

Yes they can happen anywhere in thw world, but seems to me tgat it happens a lot in the USA

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There will never be enough mental health services available to prevent things like this happening in schools under the present system. Children are by nature impulsive and the very first thing that might manifest a problem is a kid pulling out a gun and starting to blow people away. Of course, in hind sight there will be indicators that maybe there was a problem, but it won't amount to any thing substantial enough for intervention.

At this point in time, I doubt that gun control would be the answer, at least in the short term. There are simply too many guns in circulation to stop this from happening. Gun control might slow it down, but it won't stop it.

Until a longer term solution can be found there is going to have to be some rather drastic ways of keeping schools safer than they are now. These shootings get a fair amount of attention and that will breed more copy-cat shootings.

So, metal detectors, pat downs, locker searches are probably going to have to be a short term solution.

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There will never be enough mental health services available to prevent things like this happening in schools under the present system. Children are by nature impulsive and the very first thing that might manifest a problem is a kid pulling out a gun and starting to blow people away. Of course, in hind sight there will be indicators that maybe there was a problem, but it won't amount to any thing substantial enough for intervention.

At this point in time, I doubt that gun control would be the answer, at least in the short term. There are simply too many guns in circulation to stop this from happening. Gun control might slow it down, but it won't stop it.

Until a longer term solution can be found there is going to have to be some rather drastic ways of keeping schools safer than they are now. These shootings get a fair amount of attention and that will breed more copy-cat shootings.

So, metal detectors, pat downs, locker searches are probably going to have to be a short term solution.

" Of course, in hind sight there will be indicators that maybe there was a problem, but it won't amount to any thing substantial enough for intervention."

But what happens now in the average school in America after more than one of these incidents?

Is it openly discussed these days?

Is there equivalent of a school counsellor interviewing everyone individually and saying please come to see me if you have any feelings of wanting to do this ?

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There will never be enough mental health services available to prevent things like this happening in schools under the present system. Children are by nature impulsive and the very first thing that might manifest a problem is a kid pulling out a gun and starting to blow people away. Of course, in hind sight there will be indicators that maybe there was a problem, but it won't amount to any thing substantial enough for intervention.

At this point in time, I doubt that gun control would be the answer, at least in the short term. There are simply too many guns in circulation to stop this from happening. Gun control might slow it down, but it won't stop it.

Until a longer term solution can be found there is going to have to be some rather drastic ways of keeping schools safer than they are now. These shootings get a fair amount of attention and that will breed more copy-cat shootings.

So, metal detectors, pat downs, locker searches are probably going to have to be a short term solution.

Pretty much agree with all you said Scott.

Also many gun laws exist but need stronger teeth

If someone commits a crime with a gun threat it should be many years of a mandatory prison sentence period.

If someone commits a crime with a gun & kills/injures someone it should be many more years added to the above.... if not an automatic death sentence.

If a minor gets a gun to use that is already unlawful but, if that minor got it from a parents

ill conceived secure storage of that gun then the parent & the child should do time.

Same for anyone caught unlawfully trafficking/selling illegal arms. Major jail time period

None of this 3 strikes & your out deals

There are many laws but few major deterrents.

For instance I think most drug traffickers think twice about transporting drugs thru Taiwan where the airports have many signs clearly stating

drug trafficking is a capital offense & punishable by death in Taiwan

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Wait until the gun pro lobiest gang arrive and the rubbish crew about their rights to bear arms......which is basically the same as saying, we can slaughter our own kids.

It is not just the conservative right wing pro gun folks who mistake the lobbying of the gun industry solely for profit's sake as a casus belli for their own perceived inadequacies. You also have the faux liberals in Hollywood and the faux libertarians in the gaming industry who do everything possible to romanticize weapons and violence in order to sell product.

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I used to get all worked up over gun control. Read all the recent decisions interpreting various 2nd Amendment interpretations and debated the issue until I was blue in the face. I have close friends that are nutty prepper types with walk in gun safes, fully autistic weapons and guns every where. I love those guys despite their nuttiness and I just don't talk guns with them.

It's American and deeply engrained. Nothing will change any time soon or in my life time. No reason to get worked up over something I cannot change or control. Hate to see child victims. I hate to see adult victims. Gotta take the good with bad sometimes.

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There will never be enough mental health services available to prevent things like this happening in schools under the present system. Children are by nature impulsive and the very first thing that might manifest a problem is a kid pulling out a gun and starting to blow people away. Of course, in hind sight there will be indicators that maybe there was a problem, but it won't amount to any thing substantial enough for intervention.

At this point in time, I doubt that gun control would be the answer, at least in the short term. There are simply too many guns in circulation to stop this from happening. Gun control might slow it down, but it won't stop it.

Until a longer term solution can be found there is going to have to be some rather drastic ways of keeping schools safer than they are now. These shootings get a fair amount of attention and that will breed more copy-cat shootings.

So, metal detectors, pat downs, locker searches are probably going to have to be a short term solution.


There is no single facet approach to this that will work, simple as that. The strange thing I get in feedback from Americans is they seem to think the are living in some 'special bubble' in the USA. They are not. This is not 'invention' of the wheel & the steps to regaining control are clear. Gun control is long overdue. Gun control doesn't mean the complete removal of all weapons from society.

Gun control is imperative to regain control. Nothing would stop overnight, it's a long windy road but even if there was a 25% reduction in the total death of American children that would be a fantastic improvements.

There is no reason that a country as great as the USA can't improve on the systems put in place by the Australians & really tackle the problem. Strangely enough, motivation seems to be the problem.

Time to listen to Mister John Howard me thinks and regain control of your streets. The nonesense needs to stop.

I'd hate to be policing over there, what a bloody nightmare.

Sad times in the USA. Anyway, in a couple of days you guys are overdue for the next killings. Are the dead from yesterday hurried yet?


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I used to get all worked up over gun control. Read all the recent decisions interpreting various 2nd Amendment interpretations and debated the issue until I was blue in the face. I have close friends that are nutty prepper types with walk in gun safes, fully autistic weapons and guns every where. I love those guys despite their nuttiness and I just don't talk guns with them.

It's American and deeply engrained. Nothing will change any time soon or in my life time. No reason to get worked up over something I cannot change or control. Hate to see child victims. I hate to see adult victims. Gotta take the good with bad sometimes.

Understand what you are saying, but it's not acceptable. Change must be forced.

Imagine if we took the same approach with child molestation. This problem is potentially the same as that, your children are being raped with bullets......it's that distasteful.

I really feel movies and games AND constant wars have desensitised the general public. PLEASE NOTE IM NOT blaming these things for these crimes but I do think people don't realise how nasty it is to die either ones body being torn apart by bullets. I think it's time to start displaying the victims in the shopping malls.....let the people see, touch, feel and smell. NOT NICE & it's REAL. I don't think the general public there are getting the full taste ATM.

Now go vote, resolve this sensibly.

Thoughts and prayers to the families of these innocent victims.

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I used to get all worked up over gun control. Read all the recent decisions interpreting various 2nd Amendment interpretations and debated the issue until I was blue in the face. I have close friends that are nutty prepper types with walk in gun safes, fully autistic weapons and guns every where. I love those guys despite their nuttiness and I just don't talk guns with them.

It's American and deeply engrained. Nothing will change any time soon or in my life time. No reason to get worked up over something I cannot change or control. Hate to see child victims. I hate to see adult victims. Gotta take the good with bad sometimes.

Understand what you are saying, but it's not acceptable. Change must be forced.

Imagine if we took the same approach with child molestation. This problem is potentially the same as that, your children are being raped with bullets......it's that distasteful.

I really feel movies and games AND constant wars have desensitised the general public. PLEASE NOTE IM NOT blaming these things for these crimes but I do think people don't realise how nasty it is to die either ones body being torn apart by bullets. I think it's time to start displaying the victims in the shopping malls.....let the people see, touch, feel and smell. NOT NICE & it's REAL. I don't think the general public there are getting the full taste ATM.

Now go vote, resolve this sensibly.

Thoughts and prayers to the families of these innocent victims.

NRA has so much lobbying power. Here in Tennessee, a well liked Republican stood her ground against permitting guns on employer premises. A very reasonable position that is not anti-gun. The NRA went after her with a large TV as campaign saying a bunch of untrue crap and she got defeated by a new tea party type that would allow guns in day cares to keep his job.

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^. Yes, I'm aware of these people & how they move. Let's hope some of their children are needlessly murdered by someone with a gun..... I mean if a child has to die, let it be one of theirs.

Sadly it won't happen that way, will it.

Edited by neverdie
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