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UK female jihadists run ISIS sex-slave brothels

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And all that, I'm sure, in the name of the great Allah yes? no doubt they have twisted some phrases

in the Quran to justify such bestiality and an abhorrent treatment of women ,,,

Perhaps you should try reading the Koran some time. It's one of the worst horror stories of all time. I can assure you that in absolutely everything they do these Islamists are following the Mohammed's example. They have done nothing their prophet didn't do first: rape, beheading, crucifixion, sex slaves, "regular" slaves, forced conversions, killing or exiling non-Moslems, subjugating women, approving of prostitution, paedophilia, looting and plundering.

There is no twisting whatsoever of the Koran. They are taking their holy book as a literal guide on how to live in the 21st century since it is the literal, unquestionable word of their god. These are Moslems expressing Islam in its purest form. And I'm sure Allah is very pleased with them.

As you are such an expert, could you point us to the parts of the Koran that confirms your comments please?

IS are complete lunatics who have been condemned by many Moslem's. Just wondering how your interpretation is different.

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To think the UK once lead the world for the standard of it's higher education, but now it is a festering hotbed of indoctrination by radical Islam, all paid for by oil money whilst everyone averts their gaze and pretends it's not their business.


I read about a girl baby having her head cut off by these "religious" folk today...........coffee1.gif

Link? Can PM it to me if you can't post here.

This is shocking stuff and it doesn't seem to be improving. Bombings are not going to help get these women and children out of the brothels. There needs to be a ground operation. We need boots on the ground.

Put some boots on and go then. By boots on the ground I assume you mean American boots. We joined to defend the constitution of the united states, not some horribly unfortunate situation in whatever barbaric country is in the news this week


I read about a girl baby having her head cut off by these "religious" folk today...........coffee1.gif

Link? Can PM it to me if you can't post here.

This is shocking stuff and it doesn't seem to be improving. Bombings are not going to help get these women and children out of the brothels. There needs to be a ground operation. We need boots on the ground.

Put some boots on and go then. By boots on the ground I assume you mean American boots. We joined to defend the constitution of the united states, not some horribly unfortunate situation in whatever barbaric country is in the news this week

It is not just US nationals posting on this forum. Many Western countries have now joined the coalition and contributing militarily. Our governments have decided IS pose a sufficient threat to Western security & the regional balance of power to commence an aerial campaign; in conjunction with material supplies & SF support. Media sources suggest local national forces will not be sufficiently retrained and so on to commence a concentrated ground campaign to retake IS occupied territory for about a year.


IS are complete lunatics who have been condemned by many Moslem's. Just wondering how your interpretation is different.

They are not lunatics, they are fanatics and fundamantalists - and they enjoy widespread support.

According to a survey by a respected British polling company (ICM Research), support for ISIS among the general population (not just Moslems) ran as follows:

15% France

7% UK

2% Germany

Given that the percentage of Moslems in France is 7.5%, UK 4.6% and Germany 5.0% it would suggest a very high level of support for ISIS amongst the Moslem populations of these countries, and a very worrying level of support outside the Moslem community in France and the UK.





Thais have got it right.If You dont tick all the Boxes, no Visa, Kids or Not.

You're forgetting the internal problem with Moslem terrorists in the south. What is it now? 6,000 dead or thereabouts since 2004.

The country is also a pretty much safe haven for foreign Moslem terrorists. For example, Hambali lived in Ayutthaya for quite some time undetected, plotting to blow up Thai hotels and the 2003 APEC Summit. It was the CIA that located him - not Thai immigration. Perhaps he wasn't doing his 90 day reports like a good terrorist.


Thais have got it right.If You dont tick all the Boxes, no Visa, Kids or Not.

How so

They seem all stocked up with bomb throwing murderous muslims down south



Perhaps he wasn't doing his 90 day reports like a good terrorist.

Yep they've no damn scruples at all

being a terrorist without a WP


(that'll cause more ire here than centuries of barbarism and murder)


Thais have got it right.If You dont tick all the Boxes, no Visa, Kids or Not.

You're forgetting the internal problem with Moslem terrorists in the south. What is it now? 6,000 dead or thereabouts since 2004.

The country is also a pretty much safe haven for foreign Moslem terrorists. For example, Hambali lived in Ayutthaya for quite some time undetected, plotting to blow up Thai hotels and the 2003 APEC Summit. It was the CIA that located him - not Thai immigration. Perhaps he wasn't doing his 90 day reports like a good terrorist.

If Thailand is a 'safe haven' for foreign terrorists, the Thais would not have co-operated in the arrest of Hambali. In addition Thailand would not have provided facilities during the rendition program. In the public domain it is known Thailand, at a minimum works with Oz and US security agencies in counter terrorism activities. In the past few years 450 plus militants / terrorists have been killed by Thai security forces in the deep South.

With your proclaimed knowledge, you may like to provide links that conclude Thai authorities provide a safe haven environment for foreign terrorists.

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There's an interesting interview in Der Spiegel with an ISIS recruiter, giving an insight into their way of thinking.


Interesting interview - thanks.

"One gets the impression that your actions are driven by an inferiority complex. The same holds true of your recruits: They tend to be people who feel like they don't belong and finally see an opportunity to live out their fantasies of power."

Nail - head.


And all that, I'm sure, in the name of the great Allah yes? no doubt they have twisted some phrases

in the Quran to justify such bestiality and an abhorrent treatment of women ,,,

Perhaps you should try reading the Koran some time. It's one of the worst horror stories of all time. I can assure you that in absolutely everything they do these Islamists are following the Mohammed's example. They have done nothing their prophet didn't do first: rape, beheading, crucifixion, sex slaves, "regular" slaves, forced conversions, killing or exiling non-Moslems, subjugating women, approving of prostitution, paedophilia, looting and plundering.

There is no twisting whatsoever of the Koran. They are taking their holy book as a literal guide on how to live in the 21st century since it is the literal, unquestionable word of their god. These are Moslems expressing Islam in its purest form. And I'm sure Allah is very pleased with them.

You obviously have not read the Qur'an and your comments are disgusting. If you had read it, then you would know that much of it is identical--identical--to the Christian New testament.

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You obviously have not read the Qur'an and your comments are disgusting. If you had read it, then you would know that much of it is identical--identical--to the Christian New testament.

I have read the Koran - more than once. It's true that some parts of the Koran were borrowed from Christianity (and Judaism), though fairly inaccurately. (But then, given that Mohammed was illiterate, the mistakes and misunderstandings are to be expected.)

Given that the Koran is ordered by surah (chapter) length rather than in logical order it's difficult to make a coherent narrative out of it. However, my understanding is that the Christian-type teachings date from Mohammed's early phase in Mecca where he did preach tolerance. However, he failed to attract many adherents - perhaps a couple of dozen.

After the flight to Medina he became a bloody and violent warlord and the tolerance for others was abandoned.

Consider the Massacre of Banu Qurayza. Mohammed besieged the Jewish town for 25 days. When they surrendered he ordered the beheading of all males who had passed puberty. The women and children were taken as slaves. And all possessions were looted. The number of men murdered is believed to have been in the region of 600-900 in a single day.

That is simply one incident in the 11 years (622-632 CE) where he was pretty much permanently in battle with one group or another.

There is just no comparison between the later teachings and actions of Mohammed and those of Jesus and his followers.

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If you had read it, then you would know that much of it is identical--identical--to the Christian New testament.

One point I forgot to make explicitly is that the later teachings theologically abrogate the earlier teachings. In other words, even though the Koran contains verses about tolerance and kindness to others, those verses are cancelled out by subsequent verses.

It is disingenuous of Moslems to cherry pick the peaceful verses to promote acceptance of Islam when they know (or at least should know) that they have been nullified. But then under the principle of "taqiyya" Moslems are permitted to lie to non-Moslems in defence or promotion of their religion, so they don't think they're doing anything wrong.

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And all that, I'm sure, in the name of the great Allah yes? no doubt they have twisted some phrases

in the Quran to justify such bestiality and an abhorrent treatment of women ,,,

Perhaps you should try reading the Koran some time. It's one of the worst horror stories of all time. I can assure you that in absolutely everything they do these Islamists are following the Mohammed's example. They have done nothing their prophet didn't do first: rape, beheading, crucifixion, sex slaves, "regular" slaves, forced conversions, killing or exiling non-Moslems, subjugating women, approving of prostitution, paedophilia, looting and plundering.

There is no twisting whatsoever of the Koran. They are taking their holy book as a literal guide on how to live in the 21st century since it is the literal, unquestionable word of their god. These are Moslems expressing Islam in its purest form. And I'm sure Allah is very pleased with them.

You obviously have not read the Qur'an and your comments are disgusting. If you had read it, then you would know that much of it is identical--identical--to the Christian New testament.

You are referring to the Old Testament.

...which Mohamed plagiarized to da max.

Throw in a few arab tribal customs and such, shake well... you got yourself a religion.

Christianity and Judeaism borrowed spear to also have borrowed from the past, if you look at Christian practices and festivals many follow previous pagan rituals.

Basically anyone who believes the world was created 3 thousand years ago needs their head examining.


If you had read it, then you would know that much of it is identical--identical--to the Christian New testament.

One point I forgot to make explicitly is that the later teachings theologically abrogate the earlier teachings. In other words, even though the Koran contains verses about tolerance and kindness to others, those verses are cancelled out by subsequent verses.

It is disingenuous of Moslems to cherry pick the peaceful verses to promote acceptance of Islam when they know (or at least should know) that they have been nullified. But then under the principle of "taqiyya" Moslems are permitted to lie to non-Moslems in defence or promotion of their religion, so they don't think they're doing anything wrong.

You've obviously never read the Koran or bible as they both contain both inflammatory and radicalised words in some sections and nice things in others I also understand although never read as don't read Hebrew that Judaism is very similar? If you believe in any of this nonsense written in either book or scroll in any case?

And back to the topic if we're going to base a war on this story then we need to invade the North of England as many men of muslim (Pakistan origin) have been raping and pimping mainly white young children in their 1000s and no one has dealt with it due to not wanting to offend the "local community" so we allow it to happen on our door step, and the Police even arrested the father of one girl trying to rescue her.


You've obviously never read the Koran or bible as they both contain both inflammatory and radicalised words in some sections and nice things in others I also understand although never read as don't read Hebrew that Judaism is very similar? If you believe in any of this nonsense written in either book or scroll in any case?

Funnily enough, I've read both several times. And I've taken time to try to understand both Koran and Bible. I find religion very interesting, though a non-believer myself.

You are quite right that both contain material that is thoroughly unpleasant. There is, however, a difference:

In the Bible the nasty stuff is all in the Old Testament. Jesus came along and everything changed. The nasty stuff was abrogated and replaced with a doctrine of love and tolerance encapsulated in the New Testament. For example,

Jesus was asked "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?

Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself.

(Matthew 22:36-38)

This epitomises the new thinking - or New Covenant to use religious jargon.

In the Koran the situation was quite the opposite. Mohammed's original teachings were peaceful and tolerant, but they were wiped out following his flight to Medina and a new doctrine of profound intolerance and violence developed.

There is an enormous gulf between Mohammed's actions and those of Jesus. For one thing, Jesus didn't order the massacre of hundreds of Jews because they wouldn't accept him as a prophet.

There's no escaping the fact that Mohammed was by modern standards a not very nice human being: mass murderer, paedophile, rapist, virulently racist. Islam teaches we should consider him a role model, the perfect man. I'm really not quite sure how they come to that conclusion, but find it very scary when people such as ISIS do so.

And I find it shocking that some people seem to think there's a moral equivalence between Islam and Christianity, between the Koran and the New Testament. There just isn't.

If Jesus existed at all, and if not in any case the New Testament was written and translated at a much later date and in any case how would anyone know verbatim what he said, it's all fiction almost a political document to suit the needs of the rulers to control the masses, as to Jesus he was Jew in any case. It seems that everyone seems to want the jews gone and dead throughout history, I wonder why they have inspired so much hatred it seems strange for one single group to have such hatred against them for no reason.


You obviously have not read the Qur'an and your comments are disgusting. If you had read it, then you would know that much of it is identical--identical--to the Christian New testament.

I have read the Koran - more than once. It's true that some parts of the Koran were borrowed from Christianity (and Judaism), though fairly inaccurately. (But then, given that Mohammed was illiterate, the mistakes and misunderstandings are to be expected.)

Given that the Koran is ordered by surah (chapter) length rather than in logical order it's difficult to make a coherent narrative out of it. However, my understanding is that the Christian-type teachings date from Mohammed's early phase in Mecca where he did preach tolerance. However, he failed to attract many adherents - perhaps a couple of dozen.

After the flight to Medina he became a bloody and violent warlord and the tolerance for others was abandoned.

Consider the Massacre of Banu Qurayza. Mohammed besieged the Jewish town for 25 days. When they surrendered he ordered the beheading of all males who had passed puberty. The women and children were taken as slaves. And all possessions were looted. The number of men murdered is believed to have been in the region of 600-900 in a single day.

That is simply one incident in the 11 years (622-632 CE) where he was pretty much permanently in battle with one group or another.

There is just no comparison between the later teachings and actions of Mohammed and those of Jesus and his followers.

There is very little evidence for many things in the bible Noha? Really? The world floods after a bit of rain and he saved all the animals. The world was created a few thousand years ago? What about geology and fossils? There is some possible historical evidence for Jesus existing but not his magical powers? The Romans were unlikely to have put him on a "cross" as they used an x shape to kill people I.e. Two bits of woods strapped together (trees were generally short in the area to create something like what we see today, and good long wood would not have been wasted on what was considered a criminal). Towns were often besieged during war and still are, it was is a way of waging war and many would have died from infection and hunger before they were captured, so 25 days is not long in those terms, 600 to 900 in a single day to be beheaded seems quiet possible and the woman probably raped to kill the bloodlines most likely, more probable than the millions claimed gassed by the Germans I guess. I'm not sure I always believe the numbers claimed as it's usually the victors who have written history in the first place and politics is always at play. Did 2000 Palestinians really die recently in not that many days, we can probably get closer to the truth in today's time as lots of reporting and social media now. But politics still gets involved in everything we see and have seen. IS running brothels with forced woman, I am not surprised at all it's all part of war unfortunately, murder, rape, torture, genocide, all horrible, but we've all got less excited about Rwanda and what's happened over the years in Africa, perhaps no oil or we consider it normalisation.


Consider the Massacre of Banu Qurayza. Mohammed besieged the Jewish town for 25 days. When they surrendered he ordered the beheading of all males who had passed puberty. The women and children were taken as slaves. And all possessions were looted. The number of men murdered is believed to have been in the region of 600-900 in a single day.

Do you seriously believe that Christian armies at the time never did similar?

For example; the Siege of Constantinople, 1204.

The Library of Constantinople was destroyed.[9] Despite their oaths and the threat of excommunication, the Crusaders systematically violated the city's holy sanctuaries, destroying or stealing all they could lay hands on; nothing was spared. The civilian population of Constantinople were subject to the Crusaders' ruthless lust for spoils and glory; thousands of them were killed in cold blood. Women, even nuns, were raped by the Crusader army, which also sacked churches, monasteries, and convents. The very altars of these churches were smashed and torn to pieces for their gold and marble by the warriors who had sworn to fight in service of Christendom without question.

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IS are complete lunatics who have been condemned by many Moslem's. Just wondering how your interpretation is different.

They are not lunatics, they are fanatics and fundamantalists - and they enjoy widespread support.

According to a survey by a respected British polling company (ICM Research), support for ISIS among the general population (not just Moslems) ran as follows:

15% France

7% UK

2% Germany

Given that the percentage of Moslems in France is 7.5%, UK 4.6% and Germany 5.0% it would suggest a very high level of support for ISIS amongst the Moslem populations of these countries, and a very worrying level of support outside the Moslem community in France and the UK.




People are daft they probably thought it was some kind of washing powder


More proof that Islam is doctrines call for sex slaves.


Ah, yes. Frontpage Mag; an unbiased, rational outlet; not!

They use as their excuse this Guardian article about the Coffey Report, the section People who commit sexual offences (starts page 103) of which includes

2. The term ‘sexual offender’ was once established in

people’s minds as the dirty old man in a rain mac

hiding in the park. However, many of the people

who commit sexual offences are far more ordinary

in appearance and are part of every community

and class.

7. Child sexual exploitation by groups of men is a small

proportion of CSE in Rochdale and elsewhere. In

Rochdale, the Sunrise CSE Team told me that only 15

per cent of their cases are groups of men, and the other

85 per cent are single offenders, including peer on peer.

8. The majority are single offenders. The sad fact is that

children are the victims of sexual exploitation and

grooming from individuals, gangs and groups from

all sections of the community.

9. In Rochdale, the nine men convicted of grooming

girls with alcohol, drugs and gifts and then passing

them round multiple men for sex were predominantly


10. Sian Griffiths, the author of the Rochdale overview

report, published on 20 December 2013, noted that

the lack of information about the men offered limited

opportunities to reflect on their attitudes. She said:

“Being Asian is not an explanation of the motivation

for the offending behaviour. There needs to be an

understanding of the combination of personal,

cultural and opportunistic factors that created the

conditions for sex offending.”

11. A small minority of British Pakistani men are

criminal sex offenders as in other communities. So

it is important to understand why those particular

men became criminal sex offenders. The assertion

that it was a racial crime in that the girls were targeted

because they were white is undermined by the fact

that one of the men in the Rochdale case was also

convicted of a serious sexual offence on a British/

Pakistani girl. We do not know whether these men

also abused other British/Pakistani girls.

12. One British/Pakistani woman who I talked to was

concerned about an underreporting of sexual assaults

in the community because of the shame it is felt to

bring on the victim and the victim’s family.

Of course, Frontpage Mag and similar outlets leap on the fact that the most famous recent case did involve Muslim men grooming and sexually exploiting young girls and ignore the rest of the evidence which shows that this horrendous crime is not a just a crime committed by Muslims; it is a crime committed by men, and sometimes women, of all religions or none.

As the abuse of young boys in Catholic children's homes shows.


Rochdale? What about Rotherham? Personally I think this report in tainted, as in the earlier Rotherham report by political correctness and fear of being labeled racist.

The fact is British muslims of Pakistani descent are hugely over represented in child grooming crimes and no apologist spin is going to change that.

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