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US advises against Ebola isolation


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Your attempts to defame our positions will not work...[/size]

Your choice of words is... interesting to say the least. Defame? Really? If somebody says the Earth is flat and I disagree with them, am I defaming them? You've been reading too many Thai newspapers. I guess the next step to shut me up is threatening a lawsuit?

The only 'Mongering' going on around here are the 'Ebola Deniers' who want to dismiss the potential threat of the Ebola Epidemic.

Perhaps you should look up the word "monger". I don't think it means what you think it means. "The sky is falling!" reactions in this thread are mongering. In fact - it's not even "the sky is falling" reactions, it's "The sky might possibly be falling!" statements that are making so many people look so foolish.

And as to whether or not we're talking about the US or the world, I see so many statements faulting "The CDC and Obama administration" and "the media and Obama administration", in fact every cry of panic seems to have "and the Obama administration" tacked-on to the end for good measure. So my discussion of the "epidemic" has mostly been limited to the US, because that's where all the criticism seems to be aimed. That's why I pointed out that the epidemic in the US currently consists of one single fatality this year. Be afraid! Be very afraid!

My raising those ridiculous death stats was meant to parallel the ridiculous, over the top reactions to Ebola. So you've successfully spotted a ridiculous reply to a ridiculous situation - congratulations.

You who want to shut us up are on a Fools Errand

Who here has told you to shut up? Being an American, I am all for free speech. So go right ahead and say whatever ridiculous things you like. But be prepared to be called on them.

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"Anyone arriving in California from an Ebola-affected area and who has had personal contact with a person infected with the deadly virus will be quarantined for 21 days, according to an order issued Wednesday by the state's public health director."

I get the above but since the person may only have a fever how do they know if they have come in contact with a person who is infected?

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Provided without comment...

Ebola can survive on surfaces for almost TWO MONTHS


Ebola can be transmitted in aerosols up to 20 feet



Yep, gotta really love this part of the article cited:

Ebola : Deaths 60% of 100% = 60% (4 billion people potentially , with many more due to war , famine , etc)

. . .

8. Small , tight , heavily armed , xenophobic vertically integrated communities will tend to survive . Virtual tourism and sex will become very big . Pilots will need armed escorts .

The Internet will be the dominant force , overriding national concerns . If Governments were hoping to extend their control , they will find the opposite happening . After the Black Death , the social order in Europe collapsed . The Roman Catholic Church was nearly destroyed and endemic warfare and peasant rebellions bubbled up all over .

. . .

11. Flagellants , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geisslerlieder Mass hysteria . Mass lynchings of politicians , doctors , scientists , pilots , bankers , the wealthy . Fundamentalism grows . Expect resumption of the Crusades . (Remember the 100 years War happened in similar circumstances) Good luck .


Haha, all brought to you by the same guy who authored these fine writings:

The time to panic is before the Titanic has left the harbour .See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2014/08/ebola-friendly-reaper_6.html

If the Triffids don't get you, Ebola will : see http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2014/08/deader-guide-to-ebola.html

Plants have been breeding humans . See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2011/05/ebola-and-chocolate.html

Further examples of the Plant-Herbivore Wars : http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2011/04/garlic-and-plant-herbivore-wars.html http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2013/07/rabies-alzheimers-and-formic-acid....

Notice the cute trick to penetrate skin barriers . Reminiscent of hemorrhagic diseases like Ebola and Especially SuperEbola . SuperEbola is Ebola on steroids , then add some . The Fifth Horseman on a Harley ! : see http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2013/01/training-immune-system.html

for the desperate . : See http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2006/03/training-immune.html or try hiding : http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2012/03/monasteries.html Communication has tobe tightly controlled See what happened to death.html

Try potatoes . It helped before . http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2012/02/potatoes-and-bubonic-plague.html

http://andreswhy.blogspot.com/2012/02/potatoes-ii.html Good luck ! Andre Xxx

Why do you think I provided the links without comment? Because I knew some denier would take issue with the source... Thanks for not disappointing me...

In a time when TPTB are obfuscating the truth due to political motives, you need to search near and far for the truth... But as an attorney, you wouldn't know anything about that would you?

I can say one thing for sure, I didn't know anything about plants breeding humans until your source opened my eyes to that fact.

Perhaps you would like to cross-examine the same statement that was made by the CDC today, counselor...


CDC admits Ebola can be passed to others by sneezing
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Perhaps you would like to cross-examine the same statement that was made by the CDC today, counselor...


CDC admits Ebola can be passed to others by sneezing

I don't remember who he was but I believe there was a poster on Thai Visa who suggested that a few days ago. smile.png

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Perhaps you would like to cross-examine the same statement that was made by the CDC today, counselor...


CDC admits Ebola can be passed to others by sneezing

I don't remember who he was but I believe there was a poster on Thai Visa who suggested that a few days ago. smile.png

I have posted several times with link backs to other TVF Ebola Threads - at other times to the World Health Organization's - WHO - at their website it plainly states that aerosol transmission of the Ebola virus is quite plausible over a few feet of distance to another person by coughing or sneezing for any reason ... not necessarily related directly to Ebola... Aerosol does not mean classically 'airborne' ... which is another definition.

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BTW, where is Frieden in all this. The CDC director seems to have utterly disappeared. Geez, I wonder why.

Probably hanging out with Obama's new Ebola Czar, Ron Klain.


Obama Went And Appointed An Ebola Czar — And Now The Man Is Nowhere To Be Found
OCT. 29, 2014, 5:59 AM 33,018 81
It's not often that a White House official gets mocked on both "Saturday Night Live" and a major daily newspaper before he makes his first public appearance.
But Ron Klain's low-profile first week as President Barack Obama's behind-the-scenes Ebola "czar" has become another attack point for a White House struggling to show it's on top of the crisis.
Since starting last Wednesday, Klain has been seen only once, in a photo op on his first day, leaving health officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institutes of Health — and Obama himself — to be the public "face" of the response.
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BTW, where is Frieden in all this. The CDC director seems to have utterly disappeared. Geez, I wonder why.

Probably hanging out with Obama's new Ebola Czar, Ron Klain.


Obama Went And Appointed An Ebola Czar — And Now The Man Is Nowhere To Be Found
OCT. 29, 2014, 5:59 AM 33,018 81
It's not often that a White House official gets mocked on both "Saturday Night Live" and a major daily newspaper before he makes his first public appearance.
But Ron Klain's low-profile first week as President Barack Obama's behind-the-scenes Ebola "czar" has become another attack point for a White House struggling to show it's on top of the crisis.
Since starting last Wednesday, Klain has been seen only once, in a photo op on his first day, leaving health officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institutes of Health — and Obama himself — to be the public "face" of the response.

So obama appoints a political hack ... and he doesn't show ... maybe he is smart enough to know he has nothing of importance to say...

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Perhaps you would like to cross-examine the same statement that was made by the CDC today, counselor...


CDC admits Ebola can be passed to others by sneezing

I don't remember who he was but I believe there was a poster on Thai Visa who suggested that a few days ago. smile.png

That was me and it was actually a week ago.

Thanks for remembering.


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There is nothing inherently wrong with being afraid. It's a natural survival instinct. But we can't be guided solely by fear. The problems arise when the reactions to fear are irrational - even when those things seem like they ought to be plenty scary (fear of flying, fear of sharks, etc.) but in reality don't harm us to any significant degree. And when the fear stretches out to 'possibilities' that we're told we should be afraid of, that's when the behavior of otherwise rational people becomes positively surreal.

Seriously, take this statement:

Anyone who is not afraid of the possible dangers...

And apply it to other things that cause people to die:

  • Falling coconuts cause about 150 deaths annually
  • High school and college football injuries claim an average of 12 lives annually
  • Flying champagne corks kill almost 24 people each year
  • Almost 6,000 die from tripping and falling at home each year
  • Choking on food is the cause of about 3,000 deaths each year
  • Approximately 5,000 people die each year in the U.S. alone as a result of consuming uncooked, contaminated food
  • Cows cause the death of about 20 Americans each year, mostly from blunt-force trauma

(items selected from this list)

Now compare that to the present ebola "epidemic" which, thus far, amounts to one death in the US.

Yes, it's that word 'possible' that gets us into trouble. I'm sorry but that is the dictionary definition of fear mongering.

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.......why a czar, because, of obstructionist won't allow him to appoint a surgeon general of his choice, the senators owned by the NRA ; really should keep politics out of this imho

BTW, where is Frieden in all this. The CDC director seems to have utterly disappeared. Geez, I wonder why.

Probably hanging out with Obama's new Ebola Czar, Ron Klain.


Obama Went And Appointed An Ebola Czar — And Now The Man Is Nowhere To Be Found
OCT. 29, 2014, 5:59 AM 33,018 81
It's not often that a White House official gets mocked on both "Saturday Night Live" and a major daily newspaper before he makes his first public appearance.
But Ron Klain's low-profile first week as President Barack Obama's behind-the-scenes Ebola "czar" has become another attack point for a White House struggling to show it's on top of the crisis.
Since starting last Wednesday, Klain has been seen only once, in a photo op on his first day, leaving health officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institutes of Health — and Obama himself — to be the public "face" of the response.
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.......why a czar, because, of obstructionist won't allow him to appoint a surgeon general of his choice, the senators owned by the NRA ; really should keep politics out of this imho

BTW, where is Frieden in all this. The CDC director seems to have utterly disappeared. Geez, I wonder why.

Probably hanging out with Obama's new Ebola Czar, Ron Klain.


Obama Went And Appointed An Ebola Czar — And Now The Man Is Nowhere To Be Found
OCT. 29, 2014, 5:59 AM 33,018 81
It's not often that a White House official gets mocked on both "Saturday Night Live" and a major daily newspaper before he makes his first public appearance.
But Ron Klain's low-profile first week as President Barack Obama's behind-the-scenes Ebola "czar" has become another attack point for a White House struggling to show it's on top of the crisis.
Since starting last Wednesday, Klain has been seen only once, in a photo op on his first day, leaving health officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institutes of Health — and Obama himself — to be the public "face" of the response.

".......why a czar, because, of obstructionist won't allow him to appoint a surgeon general of his choice, the senators owned by the NRA ; really should keep politics out of this imho"

Blame Harry Reid, (D-NV).
As Senate Majority Leader he is the one that controls the Senate agenda and he has refused to bring the appointment up for cloture vote for the past year in order to protect the vulnerable Senate Democrats running for reelection.
Since applying the nuclear option to Presidential appointments in November 2013 all it takes is 51 Senators voting for cloture to have the nomination come up for a floor vote. The Democrats have had 55 votes in their caucus for the past two years.
All he has to do is place the nomination on the calendar and schedule a vote.
The blame doesn't lie with the Republicans. It rests squarely on the shoulders of Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats.
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Well Finally ... Some Country outside America or Europe is deciding to pitch in ... I bet China has a mandatory Quarantine for medical aid workers when they return to China.

China Is Sending An Elite Army Unit To Ebola-Hit Liberia

China will dispatch an elite unit from the People's Liberation Army to help Ebola-hit Liberia, the Foreign Ministry said on Friday, responding to U.N. calls for a greater global effort to fight the deadly virus in West Africa.


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why does the GOP have these delusional logic , when it's so plainly non-objective , a lipstick on a pig, is still a pig , but as I said, i won't post anything further political


.......why a czar, because, of obstructionist won't allow him to appoint a surgeon general of his choice, the senators owned by the NRA ; really should keep politics out of this imho

BTW, where is Frieden in all this. The CDC director seems to have utterly disappeared. Geez, I wonder why.

Probably hanging out with Obama's new Ebola Czar, Ron Klain.


Obama Went And Appointed An Ebola Czar — And Now The Man Is Nowhere To Be Found
OCT. 29, 2014, 5:59 AM 33,018 81
It's not often that a White House official gets mocked on both "Saturday Night Live" and a major daily newspaper before he makes his first public appearance.
But Ron Klain's low-profile first week as President Barack Obama's behind-the-scenes Ebola "czar" has become another attack point for a White House struggling to show it's on top of the crisis.
Since starting last Wednesday, Klain has been seen only once, in a photo op on his first day, leaving health officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institutes of Health — and Obama himself — to be the public "face" of the response.

".......why a czar, because, of obstructionist won't allow him to appoint a surgeon general of his choice, the senators owned by the NRA ; really should keep politics out of this imho"

Blame Harry Reid, (D-NV).
As Senate Majority Leader he is the one that controls the Senate agenda and he has refused to bring the appointment up for cloture vote for the past year in order to protect the vulnerable Senate Democrats running for reelection.
Since applying the nuclear option to Presidential appointments in November 2013 all it takes is 51 Senators voting for cloture to have the nomination come up for a floor vote. The Democrats have had 55 votes in their caucus for the past two years.
All he has to do is place the nomination on the calendar and schedule a vote.
The blame doesn't lie with the Republicans. It rests squarely on the shoulders of Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats.
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FORT KENT, Maine (AP) — A Maine judge on Friday rejected a bid by state health officials to restrict the movement of nurse Kaci Hickox, who defied a state quarantine for medical workers who have treated Ebola patients.

Judge Charles C. LaVerdiere ruled that Hickox should continue daily monitoring and coordinate travel with state officials so monitoring can continue. But, because she's not showing symptoms, the judge says she's not infectious.


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why does the GOP have these delusional logic , when it's so plainly non-objective , a lipstick on a pig, is still a pig , but as I said, i won't post anything further political


.......why a czar, because, of obstructionist won't allow him to appoint a surgeon general of his choice, the senators owned by the NRA ; really should keep politics out of this imho

".......why a czar, because, of obstructionist won't allow him to appoint a surgeon general of his choice, the senators owned by the NRA ; really should keep politics out of this imho"

Blame Harry Reid, (D-NV).
As Senate Majority Leader he is the one that controls the Senate agenda and he has refused to bring the appointment up for cloture vote for the past year in order to protect the vulnerable Senate Democrats running for reelection.
Since applying the nuclear option to Presidential appointments in November 2013 all it takes is 51 Senators voting for cloture to have the nomination come up for a floor vote. The Democrats have had 55 votes in their caucus for the past two years.
All he has to do is place the nomination on the calendar and schedule a vote.
The blame doesn't lie with the Republicans. It rests squarely on the shoulders of Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats.

You posted:

"why does the GOP have these delusional logic , when it's so plainly non-objective , a lipstick on a pig, is still a pig , but as I said, i won't post anything further political


Your post supports my position that Harry Reid is the stopper on this particular nomination. Thank you for posting.

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In relevance to the U.S. Governments position of ebola and isolation ... the overall Ebola Disease occurrence and number of deaths should be considered to shed light on the seriousness of the Ebola disease...


GENEVA (AFP) – The World Health Organization Friday revised its figures showing more people killed by the deadly Ebola virus, but the number of cases of the disease was slightly lower. The WHO said that 4,951 people had died across eight countries from Ebola and there was a total of 13,567 reported cases, up to and including October 29. Earlier this week the WHO had set the figures at 4,922 deaths and 13,703 cases.


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why does the GOP have these delusional logic , when it's so plainly non-objective , a lipstick on a pig, is still a pig , but as I said, i won't post anything further political


.......why a czar, because, of obstructionist won't allow him to appoint a surgeon general of his choice, the senators owned by the NRA ; really should keep politics out of this imho

".......why a czar, because, of obstructionist won't allow him to appoint a surgeon general of his choice, the senators owned by the NRA ; really should keep politics out of this imho"

Blame Harry Reid, (D-NV).
As Senate Majority Leader he is the one that controls the Senate agenda and he has refused to bring the appointment up for cloture vote for the past year in order to protect the vulnerable Senate Democrats running for reelection.
Since applying the nuclear option to Presidential appointments in November 2013 all it takes is 51 Senators voting for cloture to have the nomination come up for a floor vote. The Democrats have had 55 votes in their caucus for the past two years.
All he has to do is place the nomination on the calendar and schedule a vote.
The blame doesn't lie with the Republicans. It rests squarely on the shoulders of Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats.

You posted:

"why does the GOP have these delusional logic , when it's so plainly non-objective , a lipstick on a pig, is still a pig , but as I said, i won't post anything further political


Your post supports my position that Harry Reid is the stopper on this particular nomination. Thank you for posting.

Harry Reid is a disgrace to the Senate, who has avoided to bring any votes to the floor that might be used as a record against himself. I don't think that Harry Reid has brought a full budget (something that is part of his job) to be voted on since President Obama was first elected 6 years ago. It is not a surprise that he would fail to bring to the floor a nomination to be voted on.

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The French seem to understand that caution and high security is needed to not only keep the patient isolated for obvious reasons but I would think - mentioning such things a 'specialized aircraft' for evacuation and isolated in high security is a direct effort to assure the French public that every precaution is taken to prevent the patient from infecting others.

UN Ebola patient being treated in French hospital
The United Nations worker contracted Ebola in Sierra Leone and has been placed in isolation under high security

France is treating a UN employee who contracted Ebola in Sierra Leone, the health ministry said on Sunday.

“This person, who worked in Sierra Leone in the fight against Ebola, has undergone a secure medical evacuation by specialised aircraft,” the ministry said in a statement. The victim has been placed in isolation under high security in an army training hospital in Saint-Mande near Paris.


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FORT KENT, Maine (AP) — A Maine judge on Friday rejected a bid by state health officials to restrict the movement of nurse Kaci Hickox, who defied a state quarantine for medical workers who have treated Ebola patients.

Judge Charles C. LaVerdiere ruled that Hickox should continue daily monitoring and coordinate travel with state officials so monitoring can continue. But, because she's not showing symptoms, the judge says she's not infectious.


Is she going to make a list of everybody's names for those who come within sneezing distance, just in case she starts to feel unwell?

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The Judge's decision and especially his sidebar remarks shows that he is likely regurgitating a CDC memo of the previous 24 hours as it definitely a wrong headed attempt to redefine the term 'quarantine'. The Judge says she should not be quarantined because she is not showing symptoms of the Ebola disease...

This is NOT the criteria for quarantining a person. The nurse should be quarantined based upon her prior exposure to Ebola patients and the timing and conditions of such exposure making it a statistical probability that she would display symptoms and the full blown disease of Ebola withing the average incubation of the Ebola virus of 21 days.

People who have been exposed to Ebola and later display symptoms of the disease are sick and would be taken to a hospital - isolated and treated. This is a type of quarantine but not a prevention type of quarantine -- but rather an after the fact quarantine which is totally useless in the prevention of the disease out in the public. Once a person begins displaying symptoms of Ebola that person is infectious... the time involved does not allow the transition from non sick to sick with any degree of certainty. And during that time there is likewise not a defined period for which a person can be safely in the public without fear that they will infected others.

If this Judge's decision was used across the board in America then people will become infected with Ebola and possibly die - because the judge's decision strips the entire element of prevention of exposure to Ebola by others totally. It is silliness on steroids.

As with the NY doctor - Dr. Spencer - the Nurse could show up soon with Ebola symptoms while in the small Maine town - out in a restaurant for breakfast. And as with Dr. Spencer within a very short span of time she could begin showing symptoms and therefore be infectious... One minute - only barely noticing the discomfort of a rising fever and the aches and pains very similar to a the Flu where symptoms sneak up on a person and wham with Ebola such things as projectile vomiting and uncontrolled diarrhea happen while sitting in a restaurant. The episode with Dr. Spencer was just a fluke that his eruption of symptoms did not occur at bad time and came on a little less violently. But that was a matter of pure luck of the timing... and nothing else. Just take note of what happened with Mr. Duncan - the Liberian in Dallas, Texas... "vomiting wildly" his family members said.

The Judge's decision was a political decision and little else.. Having nothing to with science but rather a political redefining of the term 'quarantine' to suit a political agenda.

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"Science" has been turned on its head in this discussion. CDC, journalists, television commentators, and politicians are throwing it around like some magic totem. See, Anderson Cooper said, "science." Oooooh. No more need to look into things any further. It's science. Never mind that the scientific method is built upon skepticism and testable methods. Nowadays, our leaders say science, the church of the gullible nod in agreement, and society passes along in blissful ignorance of what will someday afflict them--right around the corner.

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