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PM Prayut: Only 10 percent of 18 million tonnes of rice in stockpiles are good


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90% gone bad in just four months??

And before anyone get started on YL, this was under the present government!!coffee1.gif

Unbelievable the intelligence of some red posters. The rice gone bad under the YL government and of course got worse under this one. There was just no storage good enough available. Unlike you I realize you can't just change that fast. Its all a result of YL and she should be punished for it. She was responsible. She set up the program had to check it and made sure the storage was good. We see the result.

Wish they could again impound Thaksins money to pay for this loss.

Add millions of tons of rotted rice and tens of thousands of tons of missing rice onto the huge debacle of the Yingluck rice scam.

With the latest news, the accumulated total of waste, fraud, and corruption will be near One Trillion Baht.

Unprecendented in history.

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Yay for the Great Thinker, and his scheme to get his sister into power, worked a treat but at a horrendous cost to the country & to the rice-growing industry, as is now absolutely clear to all ! wink.png

Lets hope that the missing 100,000 tons can be traced, and the guilty punished properly, whoever they are.

And that some way can be found, to clear these ageing/rotting stocks, without impacting further on the reputation of Thai rice.

Wonder if Mr T has any grand ideas, about that ? whistling.gif

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And now? What's the plan for the yellow rice? Will it end up in a store somewhere on the world or being processed in ricenoodles or animalfood?

And who's to blame for this scandal? Also a lot of rice was missing and sure some people had their hand in that.

Don't tell me the Thai didn't know that rice can't be stored this way for so long.

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"General Prayut pointed out at the need of farmers to have their own barn or storage which, he said, to store their crops when the prices are down and to sell them when the prices are right. The rice storages can help stabilize rice prices, he added."

Very important that. Store when the price is low, sell when it is high.

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Animal feed or ethanol feedstock, but even that requires transport. Probably best to just bury, burn or otherwise dispose of it. Take the loss and move on.

Yes, yes, brilliant idea, let's try to torrefy that rice, like coffee beans, has been done before succesfully before with malt, no coffeeine, and even positive elements for health, still for sale today! Imagine when it would work out, could even become a big hit with good branding/pricing/packaging/advertising, have it in dried form and in drinks, etc.! No joke!

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Why was this allowed to happen, given the importance of the fiasco in the first place?

How much of it was rotten prior to July??

If all the warehouses that had these stockpiles? We're placed under lock and key, by the Junta, shouldn't they shoulder a portion of the blame ?

When the investigations started months ago why were they not selling it off at lower price just to reduce the stockpile and avoiding further degradation and contamination ?

Were they stupid enoug to place this years crops inside the same warehouses?

How on earth can Thailand think they can retain number 1 exporter on the world, when they can't shift what they have, ands it's pretty clear the storage facilities are not good enough either?

Would you want to buy rice at a premium rate from Thailand, given this latest revelation ??

Action is needed now otherwise the new crops are going to head the same way, as for farmers having their own storage facilities, will he have to purchase more land, and build these at a cost to himself, and to a standard that would meet international health and safety and hygiene standards?

I don't think the PM fully understands the costs of having such storage facilities built for each farmer, then you have added costs of maintaining said rice in their storage too.

There's a reason why farmers get rid of their produce quickly , it's partly to reduce the chance of it getting spoiled and contaminated on his own location.

Sounds like an opportunity for another scam/scheme as in building up to spec warehouses all over the rice producing regions. !!

Your off mark here, the warehouses are just not up to spec. The junta can't change that. They can't create better storage. New storage won't be build as this is a temporary problem the ROI wont be good enough if they build it now.

This problem was caused by JL. You cant expect the junta to build new warehouses and such. They are just not available.

Not really off the mark per say, as I did ask how much was rotten before they started their audits and checks??

And yes, you answered my point as expected about the warehouse facilities, and correct as well this is a YL fiasco, but it's what he poems to everything now Rob, that's equally important, what steps are being taken to prevent wastages and contminInation now for the future crops, as the way I'm looking at it, the problem isn't going to go away, till these current stocks are dumped burned or whatever, you're still going to have rice piling onto inferior warehouses.

You've also said the current ones are not good enough more or less, so what's being done to upgrade all the rice storage locations across Thailand?

Any potential buyer wants to see the product from start to finish and all the processes in between, NOBODY should be buying a product on faith alone.

If I was placing a multi million baht order for Rice from Thailand, damn right I want to see the process, and the conditions it's stored in, it's called due diligence mate.

The problem isn't going away, the new rice is still arriving so now it IS a junta problem to sort and solve mate .

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The credibility of this report should be considered. The government has put out many misleading and completely untrue statements in the last month. 90% bad rice smells a lot like 93% approval rating.

All the rice in all 1800 warehouses was stored improperly and has all gone bad? What is the statistical probability of this occurring? Or, is it possible the numbers have been tweaked to discredit the previous government? And what an amazing opportunity for fresh corruption to officially write off the rice at cents to the dollar, and then sell it at full price.

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90% gone bad in just four months??

And before anyone get started on YL, this was under the present government!!coffee1.gif

You may need to have your head examined. How much rice has the present government accumulated? How much rice did the past government leave to rot? Thank you 3 times for trying to get your idol off the hook.

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"General Prayut pointed out at the need of farmers to have their own barn or storage which, he said, to store their crops when the prices are down and to sell them when the prices are right. The rice storages can help stabilize rice prices, he added."

Very important that. Store when the price is low, sell when it is high.

The average Thai farmer isn't aware of current market values, that's why they rely I the warehouses and cooperatives to deal with.

Farmers right now cannot afford to start aquiring more land to start building storage barns, unless they get a subsidy to do so, there's no incentive to keep a product on their farms, your're talking about anything between 50,000 > upwards for a basic dry storage facilities that can take care of humidity problems, 50,000 is very conservative too, probably too low.

A local builder charged me 40,000 baht to put a small 2 room extension onto my wife's family home, maybe 20m2 to me it was a good deal, I'd think building a storage building would be beyond most farmers desires to do and fianance themselves.

They still need buyers it's very seldom a farmer knows who his client is, that's the middle man and sales peoples area of expertise.

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"General Prayut pointed out at the need of farmers to have their own barn or storage which, he said, to store their crops when the prices are down and to sell them when the prices are right. The rice storages can help stabilize rice prices, he added."

Very important that. Store when the price is low, sell when it is high.

Revive or create strong farmers' cooperatives, far away from 'red villages', and apolitical!

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Why was this allowed to happen, given the importance of the fiasco in the first place?

How much of it was rotten prior to July??

If all the warehouses that had these stockpiles? We're placed under lock and key, by the Junta, shouldn't they shoulder a portion of the blame ?

When the investigations started months ago why were they not selling it off at lower price just to reduce the stockpile and avoiding further degradation and contamination ?

Were they stupid enoug to place this years crops inside the same warehouses?

How on earth can Thailand think they can retain number 1 exporter on the world, when they can't shift what they have, ands it's pretty clear the storage facilities are not good enough either?

Would you want to buy rice at a premium rate from Thailand, given this latest revelation ??

Action is needed now otherwise the new crops are going to head the same way, as for farmers having their own storage facilities, will he have to purchase more land, and build these at a cost to himself, and to a standard that would meet international health and safety and hygiene standards?

I don't think the PM fully understands the costs of having such storage facilities built for each farmer, then you have added costs of maintaining said rice in their storage too.

There's a reason why farmers get rid of their produce quickly , it's partly to reduce the chance of it getting spoiled and contaminated on his own location.

Sounds like an opportunity for another scam/scheme as in building up to spec warehouses all over the rice producing regions. !!

Your off mark here, the warehouses are just not up to spec. The junta can't change that. They can't create better storage. New storage won't be build as this is a temporary problem the ROI wont be good enough if they build it now.

This problem was caused by JL. You cant expect the junta to build new warehouses and such. They are just not available.

Not really off the mark per say, as I did ask how much was rotten before they started their audits and checks??

And yes, you answered my point as expected about the warehouse facilities, and correct as well this is a YL fiasco, but it's what he poems to everything now Rob, that's equally important, what steps are being taken to prevent wastages and contminInation now for the future crops, as the way I'm looking at it, the problem isn't going to go away, till these current stocks are dumped burned or whatever, you're still going to have rice piling onto inferior warehouses.

You've also said the current ones are not good enough more or less, so what's being done to upgrade all the rice storage locations across Thailand?

Any potential buyer wants to see the product from start to finish and all the processes in between, NOBODY should be buying a product on faith alone.

If I was placing a multi million baht order for Rice from Thailand, damn right I want to see the process, and the conditions it's stored in, it's called due diligence mate.

The problem isn't going away, the new rice is still arriving so now it IS a junta problem to sort and solve mate .

The problem here is an economical one.. they are trying to unload the current rice.. so there will never be as much demand for storage as now. So building something that will be obsolete in the future is not a smart thing.

Upgrading current ones ok but only for what is normally needed for storage.. it makes no economic sense to do otherwise. Remember these warehouses are privately owned. I know that I (if i could own land and had money) would not build any storage right now as there is enough storage for a normal situation and the goal is to return to that situation.

But forcing the millers to upgrade the stuff for normal storage is ok.. but that will cost money and they would want to see return on investment.

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"Regarding some 100,000 tonnes of rice which have mysteriously gone missing from the book,


the prime minister...would investigate the case to ascertain how they had gone missing,


where was the mistake and who would be held accountable."


In 3 or 4 crops of 25mn tonnes, the mice have eaten 100k tonnes don't worry. Its completely insignificant.

Maybe it's a good idea to call the 'influential persons' who have made an easy 1.5Billion Baht with it, 'mice', as it could hurt their macho pride and make them come out calling: 'me no mouse, me proud Thai man, me love Thaksin, me do it, uh'... rolleyes.gif

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"General Prayut pointed out at the need of farmers to have their own barn or storage which, he said, to store their crops when the prices are down and to sell them when the prices are right. The rice storages can help stabilize rice prices, he added."

Very important that. Store when the price is low, sell when it is high.

The average Thai farmer isn't aware of current market values, that's why they rely I the warehouses and cooperatives to deal with.

Farmers right now cannot afford to start aquiring more land to start building storage barns, unless they get a subsidy to do so, there's no incentive to keep a product on their farms, your're talking about anything between 50,000 > upwards for a basic dry storage facilities that can take care of humidity problems, 50,000 is very conservative too, probably too low.

A local builder charged me 40,000 baht to put a small 2 room extension onto my wife's family home, maybe 20m2 to me it was a good deal, I'd think building a storage building would be beyond most farmers desires to do and fianance themselves.

They still need buyers it's very seldom a farmer knows who his client is, that's the middle man and sales peoples area of expertise.

Too bad there is not much trust among Thais.. I mean farmers cooperatives and such.. it would help eliminate the middle man.

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90% gone bad in just four months??

And before anyone get started on YL, this was under the present government!!coffee1.gif

I hope this is irony from you! Cause even a 70 IQ realises it has taken a few years for that rice to go bad, and guess who was 'in charge', yes, the photo op girl, the main reason probably being the guys made 'responsible'(?!) for storing (paid with taxpayers' money to do so) never heard of the 'first in, first out' principle, and always got the last harvest out first (because they had it piled up in front of the older one maybe too?), but will they be held accountable? Fat chance... But 'fashion girl' should be, 'the buck stops at the top', even when we know the real boss was Mr Thaksinomics, she was PM!

According to JOC, you cannot blame her she is not in charge now.

It's not only poor JOC, denying the evidence is a local sport, and every time it happens, that image comes back: Saddam's minister of 'information' calling a press conference on the river bank to say the invadors had been thrown back into the sea, while the US humvees and RVs were seen in the background driving on the other side...

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The credibility of this report should be considered. The government has put out many misleading and completely untrue statements in the last month. 90% bad rice smells a lot like 93% approval rating.

All the rice in all 1800 warehouses was stored improperly and has all gone bad? What is the statistical probability of this occurring? Or, is it possible the numbers have been tweaked to discredit the previous government? And what an amazing opportunity for fresh corruption to officially write off the rice at cents to the dollar, and then sell it at full price.

Who could blame you for this complot theory of yours, after having had Thaksin, his Shin clan, his PPP, TRT and PTP, his UDD, spinning so many complots, and executing their evil plans, over the past 15 years, costing the country way more than a trillion Baht, and so many hundreds of lifes lost or ruined, one would become suspicious for less! Or am I too kind with you, and it is just a basic example of 'pot blames kettle'?

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90% gone bad in just four months??

And before anyone get started on YL, this was under the present government!!coffee1.gif

Unbelievable the intelligence of some red posters. The rice gone bad under the YL government and of course got worse under this one. There was just no storage good enough available. Unlike you I realize you can't just change that fast. Its all a result of YL and she should be punished for it. She was responsible. She set up the program had to check it and made sure the storage was good. We see the result.

Wish they could again impound Thaksins money to pay for this loss.

Add millions of tons of rotted rice and tens of thousands of tons of missing rice onto the huge debacle of the Yingluck rice scam.

With the latest news, the accumulated total of waste, fraud, and corruption will be near One Trillion Baht.

Unprecendented in history.

AND that trillion would be one third of Thailands rail and road renewal cost, Apologists- take note of the scale of PTP Shin, self rich program.

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Whatever, they had better start doing something with it, that's one hell of a lot of rice to deal with.

if no one worldwide want to buy this rotten rice ? what you think to do ?

grant and poison poor people in africa ?

or burn it in Sibiria in the winter ?

better ideas ??

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the prime minister said that the National Anti-Corruption Commission would investigate the case to ascertain how they had gone missing, where was the mistake and who would be held accountable.

"WOULD investigate" My God, there should have been tons of investigation DONE already and indictments handed out. Is this stall tactic just more of the same Thai policy of avoiding accountability for corruption and criminal activity? Does nothing ever change in this unbelievable society? Where are the reporters who, in any other democratic society, would be doing their own investigating and exposing the corruption? I had hopes that this guy would be different but it looks and smells just like same old- same old Thai BS. Disgusting!

you dont have any free press in Thailand, don't you know ?

They write what their owner orderes !

Free means, if the journalist don't want to write what his boss says,

he is free to go !!

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90% gone bad in just four months??

And before anyone get started on YL, this was under the present government!!coffee1.gif

You have got that wrong pal.

18 million tonnes was the quote, and everyone knows that 18 million tonnes was built up since 2012.

They meant the checking started in June. Just bad grammar. You know full well that 18 million tonnes was not built up since June alone... You must know that, you are just shielding YL for her crimes.

Well it doesn't fly with anyone with a brain.

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90% gone bad in just four months??

And before anyone get started on YL, this was under the present government!!coffee1.gif

Unbelievable the intelligence of some red posters. The rice gone bad under the YL government and of course got worse under this one. There was just no storage good enough available. Unlike you I realize you can't just change that fast. Its all a result of YL and she should be punished for it. She was responsible. She set up the program had to check it and made sure the storage was good. We see the result.

Wish they could again impound Thaksins money to pay for this loss.

And no yellow shirts made a satang out of the Rice Scheme?cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

And next you will be saying NO YELLOWS made out of the 1st time car buyer scheme coffee1.gif

It isn't about who made money legally from any scheme. It is about who ran the scheme and who voted in those people to run the scheme the way they did.

That will be the reds.

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90% gone bad in just four months??

And before anyone get started on YL, this was under the present government!!coffee1.gif

More like it has taken them 4 months to dig through the stockpiles and see what is good and what is Rotten & Missing.

Good thing he put and end to this when he did.

This is the single biggest tragedy to be perpetrated against Thailand in modern history.

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Wow and the have regained the title of number rice exporter in the world, that is amazing. The rest of the World's producers must really be sub standard.

Thailand produces enough high quality fresh rice each year to be number one rice exporter!

All ways has.

It's only stupid pledging storage schemes that have dented that!

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Whatever, they had better start doing something with it, that's one hell of a lot of rice to deal with.

if no one worldwide want to buy this rotten rice ? what you think to do ?

grant and poison poor people in africa ?

or burn it in Sibiria in the winter ?

better ideas ??

20% is rotten so has to be discarded. 70% is yellowed so will have to be rinsed at further expense(yellowing is what happens when rice is stored to long) Edited by casualbiker
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Whatever, they had better start doing something with it, that's one hell of a lot of rice to deal with.

if no one worldwide want to buy this rotten rice ? what you think to do ?

grant and poison poor people in africa ?

or burn it in Sibiria in the winter ?

better ideas ??

Make the entire PTP government buy it back.

The bonus make it compulsory for them to eat it.

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