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While driving from BKK to Samui and back we had a coconut falling from a truck on the hood of the car. A helmet falling from a motorbike and we couldn't avoid it. North of Bangkok we had a bag of charcoal falling from a big truck and couldn't avoid it.

It seems many people with trucks have no idea how to actually stack things up and secure a load.

Can I assume you (or your insurance) had to pay for the damages in the end in all cases?

Well i always let my wife drive for cases like this but the car had only some scratches so we let it be. Also how can we claim the damage to the truckdriver who sure knows he overloaded the truck. They stash their loads very high onto the truck and the labourers have to sit on top of it while they drive to the processing plant. Those people are not the ones who are reasonable, in fact they don't care at all if they loose some of their load which causes damage to other roadusers.

If you want to claim the damage then both parties have to wait on the road untill the insurance experts arrive, that's no fun in the scorching sun in the middle of nowhere and sure those truckdrivers don't want that so better accept it and try to make the best of the day.

I still wonder what will happen if a hi-so thai in his new Benz gets involved in a situation like that.

Yesterday i rode behind a truck that was loaded extreme high (5-6 metres high) but the load was covered with a tarp. The truck drove very slow and had to avoid the roadsigns (above the road) because it would hit the sign that high it was loaded. When i passed it i saw the police in the distance, they had a temporary checkpoint (like they always do) and sure they were waiting for that truck. These days the police is after overloaded trucks so i hope they got him.

Those farmers/transporters think they can do anything they want but i have seen several times that their whole load fell all over the road (in Bangkok) causing huge traffic jams.

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i mostly hit dogs, mostly when they put them selves in positions that force me to either take evasive action; or not.

i never stop, either because to do so would be dangerous with respect to conditions (see above); or possibly to me with respect to response from any "owner".

i have had to repair/repaint/wash some front areas of road vehicles, but nothing that's put a vehicle out of action.

lesser of two evils.

i don't really count chickens or snakes, too common.

i've not yet met a cat with as small a brain as a dog; hence no score there.

you never know what's round the next corner, but with a good aim............

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I always chase dogs, love it. Also when i'm on my motorbike and they follow me then i turn around and chase them into their home. I see the owners sometimes and they also don't know how to react. I don't stay there though, when they are home i follow my way.

If they try to bite me then i kick, mostly only lifting my leg is enough and they are gone.

Also packs of dogs when i 'm walking i don't care no more, just walk straight into them and the more agressive they start looking the same do i. Whenever the first one starts to back off i go straight for him, when he turns around i make some noise with my feet so it thinks i'm coming for him and if it starts running i do the same for 3 steps. Always works, i've never been bitten by soidogs or any other dog in my life.

It's just a game of who is the boss and who has the most guts. If one ever really bites me he will never forget that and probably won't survive it. I'm not an agressive person at all and love dogs but soidogs are my enemy's on the street. It's so funny to see them come very proud with their pack and after they found out they got the wrong person they will all run home as fast as they can.....love it.

One day a soidog was laying dead next to the road on the grass. His friend was sitting next to him for 3 days! When we stopped the car next to them (for the stoplight) i was talking to his friend (my wife was driving) but my window was closed. When it saw me it got very agressive, came to the car and jumped to my window barking loud. Then it started biting the tires and when we pulled of it chased the car for a while biting the rear tires. We had so much fun but i liked that dog, he really was a friend for the dead one.

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i mostly hit dogs, mostly when they put them selves in positions that force me to either take evasive action; or not.

i never stop, either because to do so would be dangerous with respect to conditions (see above); or possibly to me with respect to response from any "owner".

i have had to repair/repaint/wash some front areas of road vehicles, but nothing that's put a vehicle out of action.

lesser of two evils.

i don't really count chickens or snakes, too common.

i've not yet met a cat with as small a brain as a dog; hence no score there.

you never know what's round the next corner, but with a good aim............

^^^That's^^^ not what you posted in the Eastern Thailand Forum on 2014-10-20 / 17:00:31--

"Thanks for the update mrtoad. Pleased to hear k.p. quieter; maybe the flash flood flushed some garbage away.

This trip I aim to mostly target diseased white bitches, try to reduce the breeding stock.

Looking forward to some action, maybe even go "off road" now and again.

If the road aint safe for humans, why should the pavement be safe for dogs?"

The words p********h and hypocrite come to mind...


Help them out guys - they are trying hard to commit suicide.

I have accidentally run over 4 dogs since I've been driving here, I just hope they died quick.

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My wife hit a cow at night just past Wat Huayyai. There used to be a lot of cattle wandering about that area with snapped/untied ropes attached.

Broke the cow's leg and made a mess of her little Daihatsu. The police kept the poor animal behind the police station for days until the owner paid for the car repairs!

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Earlier this year I was cycling in Wales and spent some time tryiing to figure out what squashed animal a crow was picking the innards out of. Turns out it was a pheasant.

As a motorcyclist, I normally smell other people's roadkill rather than hit any. However, about 4 years ago, I came a dead body (with rigor mortis) that some wise guy decided to dump on Sukhumvit north of Pattaya. I made a thread on Thaivisa about it. The result was a number of posters attacking me for not calling the police or trying to administer CPR. facepalm.gif It got 2 lines on the local news.


A couple of years ago, I was driving on the main road on Phuket Island. 2 dogs were playing on the central reservation and then suddenly ran into the road in front of my vehicle.

There was no chance to avoid them, but I was driving a pick-up with fairly good ground clearance. So I steered my vehicle so that I would pass directly over the dogs, without hitting them.

They were lucky! My vehicle passed right over them and I saw them in my rear-view mirror as they emerged unscathed behind me.

Unfortunately, the vehicle behind me was a low-slung sporty car, and a second later, both dogs disintegrated........ bah.gif

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I got a suicidal chicken one day, whilst driving sensibly through our village, it decided too-late to make a run for the far side of the road.

So "why did the chicken cross the road", we'll never know, it's snuffed it and gone to chicken-heaven, which I suspect involves batter & cooking-oil ! rolleyes.gif


My ex FIL once hit a young wild pig wit the motorbike. We roasted it on a spit in the back yard. That was some good roadkill.

Hi another Tim, I've hit a couple of pigs over the years en route to the shops. On the way home a short time later they were gone and like yours, probably barbequed. Nothing you can do about roadkill. I try to be a bit more cautious in the early evenings as that seems to be when the dogs and cats wake up. Also once collected a beautiful monitor lizard in Oz one day. I was quite grief stricken for some weeks.

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My wife hit a cow at night just past Wat Huayyai. There used to be a lot of cattle wandering about that area with snapped/untied ropes attached.

Broke the cow's leg and made a mess of her little Daihatsu. The police kept the poor animal behind the police station for days until the owner paid for the car repairs!

Thats some scary shit as the weight of a cow is up to windscreen level meaning it can come through it if you drive fast enough.


There was no chance to avoid them, but I was driving a pick-up with fairly good ground clearance. So I steered my vehicle so that I would pass directly over the dogs, without hitting them.

That is exactly what I am trying to avoid.

I have heard of so many accidents with drivers dying just because they tried to avoid a duck/chicken/dog/cat. Or you crash into a car next to you, or the one behind you bumps into you. I rather go straight over them and arrange the damages with the insurance company later than ending up in the hospital.

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i mostly hit dogs, mostly when they put them selves in positions that force me to either take evasive action; or not.

i never stop, either because to do so would be dangerous with respect to conditions (see above); or possibly to me with respect to response from any "owner".

i have had to repair/repaint/wash some front areas of road vehicles, but nothing that's put a vehicle out of action.

lesser of two evils.

i don't really count chickens or snakes, too common.

i've not yet met a cat with as small a brain as a dog; hence no score there.

you never know what's round the next corner, but with a good aim............

^^^That's^^^ not what you posted in the Eastern Thailand Forum on 2014-10-20 / 17:00:31--

"Thanks for the update mrtoad. Pleased to hear k.p. quieter; maybe the flash flood flushed some garbage away.

This trip I aim to mostly target diseased white bitches, try to reduce the breeding stock.

Looking forward to some action, maybe even go "off road" now and again.

If the road aint safe for humans, why should the pavement be safe for dogs?"

The words p********h and hypocrite come to mind...

it's only you <deleted>, only you; what colour is the sky in your world ?

scary to think you actually drive in thailand; prob a worse hazard than the dumb animals you stress over



Don't drive like you were born here!

How would you feel if they had been children...human children?

Drive Responsibly....


Please drive responsibly... Agreed...

If a Dog chooses to suddenly run out in front of you and you are doing 40 kmh or 120 kmh there is little you can do about it.

Don't slow down too much otherwise a lorry, pickup or any other of the numerous cars travelling 100 kmh + will plough into the back of you.

I've yet to see a young child playing on or trying to cross the express way or upcountry highway.

I've yet to see a young child playing on or trying to cross the express way or upcountry highway.

I am seeing them daily. So far good luck both my wife and I drive very carefully and we have not hit anything in the past 3 years.


i mostly hit dogs, mostly when they put them selves in positions that force me to either take evasive action; or not.

i never stop, either because to do so would be dangerous with respect to conditions (see above); or possibly to me with respect to response from any "owner".

i have had to repair/repaint/wash some front areas of road vehicles, but nothing that's put a vehicle out of action.

lesser of two evils.

i don't really count chickens or snakes, too common.

i've not yet met a cat with as small a brain as a dog; hence no score there.

you never know what's round the next corner, but with a good aim............

Karma will get you one day when some Thai runs over you with his truck. cheesy.gif


Long time ago i was in the hospital to visit my grandpa. That day they had brought in a man who tried to avoid a cat and drove into a streetlantern while avoiding it.

His whole legs were really black, dark black. I hope to never see that again in my life. I saw him declining every day untill his whole body became black and then he died.

I drive motorbikes for 25 years now, 4 years in Bangkok. See accidents with motorbikes weekly. Have seen several deads.

Also i avoid soidogs every day and know exactly who feeds them.

If i drove a car here it would be with a bullbar and then i wouldn't avoid those dogs. Sounds hard, attack me if you like but to protect all other bikers (and their family's) i would do it.

In Australia they also drive around with roobars and that's to protect themselves only. I don't see the difference between a roo or a soidog, the roo even looks more cute to me.

I think thai dogowners who let them run free are very selfish and irresponsible human beings. If i walk around the sois i 'm not scared for those pack of dogs, they are scared for me and run to their homes. Then the owners always act like they tried to call them back but after i have showed them who's boss. That's very hypocrit in my opinion, they could have called them when they saw me coming while they sit behind their bananashop.

Anyway, no offences to anybody here, i 'm a big doglover myself but my dog would never be walking around free.Also it would be vaccinated.

Again feel free to not agree with me, i even will drive you around on my bike if you don't understand my story.Maybe that will wake you up.

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Once a dog 3 years back then with my wifes civic. the whole front bumper went off. Didnt want try to avoid it while cornering - you might kill yourself

When i am underway with my motorcycle (has a very loud exhaust) they mostly just stay stationary and wont risk to run or are scared of the sound - seems like sound saves lives

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Don't go to Australia and drive at night time around a full moon, that's why every second car has a big bull bar on the front of it, or should I say roo bar


I ride the most quiet motobike i've ever seen in Thailand but i'm still doubting to change the exhaust. I hate noisy bikes but it sure is much safer.

I also think the Toyota fortuners are much safer because of their height/big wheels.

Thailand should grow up and get more responsible. Soi dogs are not cute, they are a pest and carry diseases. Stop feeding them and blame the ones who do feed them for causing accidents.

Good thing is that hi-so ( i mean rich, never seen a hi-so Thai) now all have bicycles, maybe now they understand how dangerous soidogs or other animals are when running on the roads.

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If its on the road where it shoudlnt be it will get killed at some point, any owner who wants to run out saying I killed their dog will get a "my car will cost x0000 baht to fix you are liable" response.

How about how many people are killed each year with incidents like this, worse still some village idiots actually think its hilarious when their dog chases a car/motorcycle.

How do I feel.................. I dont feel anything except incredulity.

Tell your Wife she kills millions of other things every day she doesnt see.

I can't think of what millions of things might be?

Flies, Moths & Myths etc all stuck on the front of the car. biggrin.png


i mostly hit dogs, mostly when they put them selves in positions that force me to either take evasive action; or not.

i never stop, either because to do so would be dangerous with respect to conditions (see above); or possibly to me with respect to response from any "owner".

i have had to repair/repaint/wash some front areas of road vehicles, but nothing that's put a vehicle out of action.

lesser of two evils.

i don't really count chickens or snakes, too common.

i've not yet met a cat with as small a brain as a dog; hence no score there.

you never know what's round the next corner, but with a good aim............

Karma will get you one day when some Thai runs over you with his truck. cheesy.gif

I embrace my karma, as i assume all other animals do


So let me ask you guys:
what have you hit (animals, other stuff) on Thai roads so far, what was the damage, and what did you do after it happened?

A speeding Kathoey driving a pick up, doing a red light in the morning at 6 am on my way to work almost killed me when he hit my pick up with high speed. ( Didn't mean that he/she was an animal)

​Many broken bones, stitches and a six week no work in a lot of pain holiday included.

Took 15 months for two companies to "redo" the completely destroyed car. When I could finally pick it up, i wanted to take a short cut to my wife's village, when an airborne Honda CBR 125 hit the front of my car. Only to hit the brakes saved our lives, as it would have crashed into my windshield.

The driver didn't see a trailer on the road, which was attached to the tractor, drove onto the trailer, flew over both vehicles and landed without injuries in front of the tractor.

This happened on a road with almost no traffic and all vehicles involved had to be brought to the local police station, for any further investigation. I had nothing to do with the accident, but..............

I saw some vehicles there, that were there for the same reason for two years, or longer....

I had to borrow a friend's car to get to work, but finally got my damage paid. ( And had to wait another week to get it fixed.)

I'm not surprised about anything here anymore. But I could always avoid to kill a dog, or a cat in 12 years of driving in this country.


As posted by Bob12345 the OP:

I am not willing to swirl around as another car might be next to be (I also learned that you should never break or swirl around animals on the road as long as they are not taller than the hood of your car as it makes you much more likely to kill yourself or someone around you).

This is good advice. In my home country, the uk, cars have ended up on their roof in a ditch because some young girl swerved to avoid a rabbit.

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