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Ganja in pla ra. Where do they get the ingredients?

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Pla ra traditionally contains a few leaves of ganja to make it more "aroi" . If ganja is illegal, where do they get the ingredients?

I asked a few Thais and they said that people could grow one plant if they used it for cooking. I asked if you could just grow a bush in your front yard and they said you had to hide it in the backyard and if anyone complained the police would either give it the blind eye or ask you to destroy it.

Having to hide it doesn't make it seem like it's officially tolerated.

Has anyone else heard of the one plant for cooking story?

If it's not tolerated, is there some pla ra mafia somewhere paying tea money so they can brew up Issan's second favorite addiction ?


oh thats all we need a bloody druggie in our midst

I guess you dont drink alcohol do you ? That is a hard drug and far more damaging as Ganja.

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I could only imagine how disgusting it would be without the drugs. Maybe if one smoked the weed then ate it, it could be tolerable. Never mind. When a rat won't it, that's enough for me.


I know of a reputable lady who likes to make Kanom Chin/ Gaeng kiouw waan and give it for fee at temple fairs... A handful of leaves on a 8L pot will no one give a high.

So, she always comes back with no leftovers, dont know if it is bec of the secret ingredient.


problem is if you run into a random street drug test.....

Believe most of those tests are for Yabaa.. not for Ganja. These are different tests and the focus is on yabaa. I am no expert and to be honest I would not want to have THC in my blood when doing such a test.

Though I have never ever been anywhere where I have been tested in Thailand in my 8 years.


oh thats all we need a bloody druggie in our midst

I guess you dont drink alcohol do you ? That is a hard drug and far more damaging as Ganja.

Depends on the size of the glass Rob :P

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My wife (who knows everything not) says it sounds like some home made pla ra, not a standard mix.

Takes 2 years to make a good pla ra/ba dek.

Disgusting stuff, but she loves it.


oh thats all we need a bloody druggie in our midst

I guess you dont drink alcohol do you ? That is a hard drug and far more damaging as Ganja.

Depends on the size of the glass Rob tongue.png

Hmmm innocent look.. you would not be thinking about Hoegaarden would you


problem is if you run into a random street drug test.....

Believe most of those tests are for Yabaa.. not for Ganja. These are different tests and the focus is on yabaa. I am no expert and to be honest I would not want to have THC in my blood when doing such a test.

Though I have never ever been anywhere where I have been tested in Thailand in my 8 years.

I don't know what the Thai Police uses but there are test sticks which detects a wide area of drugs on a single stick.

Use of these would be the most efficient to collect your fee....


oh thats all we need a bloody druggie in our midst

I guess you dont drink alcohol do you ? That is a hard drug and far more damaging as Ganja.

Depends on the size of the glass Rob tongue.png

Hmmm innocent look.. you would not be thinking about Hoegaarden would you

We need to visit the Cabana again soon mate!

Lovely beer that one.


I know of a reputable lady who likes to make Kanom Chin/ Gaeng kiouw waan and give it for fee at temple fairs... A handful of leaves on a 8L pot will no one give a high.

So, she always comes back with no leftovers, dont know if it is bec of the secret ingredient.

Was tested many times whilst working on the mines in West. Australia. Urinate into a glass, then a card would be dropped in. This card could detect opiates, cannabis and amphetamines. Whether the BIB have this test I have no idea as I have never been tested here.


problem is if you run into a random street drug test.....

Believe most of those tests are for Yabaa.. not for Ganja. These are different tests and the focus is on yabaa. I am no expert and to be honest I would not want to have THC in my blood when doing such a test.

Though I have never ever been anywhere where I have been tested in Thailand in my 8 years.

I don't know what the Thai Police uses but there are test sticks which detects a wide area of drugs on a single stick.

Use of these would be the most efficient to collect your fee....

Sure but these are more expensive... we all know how it goes. What I heard (wont say its the truth as i really dont know) They just have strips for amphetamine not Ganja. But again I would not bet my life on it.

Depends on the size of the glass Rob tongue.png

Hmmm innocent look.. you would not be thinking about Hoegaarden would you

We need to visit the Cabana again soon mate!

Lovely beer that one.

It was fun for sure so yes we should do it again. I liked the Hoegaarden a bit too much biggrin.png

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problem is if you run into a random street drug test.....

Believe most of those tests are for Yabaa.. not for Ganja. These are different tests and the focus is on yabaa. I am no expert and to be honest I would not want to have THC in my blood when doing such a test.

Though I have never ever been anywhere where I have been tested in Thailand in my 8 years.

I don't know what the Thai Police uses but there are test sticks which detects a wide area of drugs on a single stick.

Use of these would be the most efficient to collect your fee....

Sure but these are more expensive... we all know how it goes. What I heard (wont say its the truth as i really dont know) They just have strips for amphetamine not Ganja. But again I would not bet my life on it.

Well the strips aren't that expensive and the going rate for a positive was 5.000-10.000 Baht. Beside have and not have it would be possible that they sometimes in some regions have it. I wouldn't play with that one.....


A couple of related comments and or questions....

1) I have seen a plant here in Thailand ( some were in a planter box, in front of a Police station ) that looks EXACTLY like marijuana...I was a legal grower of medical marijuana in California and do know it pretty well.

I have seen it a few growing a few other places as well.

In one case, growing in a pot in front of a cafe!

My wife tells me that there is a plant that grows here that looks like it but it is not marijuana.

It this true?

2) I have seen road side drug testing take place numerous times and it seems the police only test young Thai males.

I have been told they are shy to ask a female to drop her drawers and pee in a bottle for them.

3) I know it is available here. I have been offered some for sale a few times, but since I am a farang, living here with my Thai family, I don't want to take any foolish risks, I have always declined.

4) A friend who does indulge tells me the safest place to buy it is from one of the BIB. " they confiscate it, and save a bit for themselves and to generate a little extra cash" he also says they are very unlikely to "bust" you for something they supplied you with.

I'm not being judgmental, but I find this to be a very interesting theory.

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A ganja plant in your yard for cooking? Geez you're a braver man than me. I stick to som tum, dum sua, bing plah....


he also says they are very unlikely to "bust" you for something they supplied you with.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. To me, it sounds more like a good deal for the BIB: They confiscate someone's weed, sell it to you, stop you the next day and extort some money out of you for not going to jail and the whole cycle begins. Not the worst investment.


In a nutshell. I just checked with the wife and her sister.

Good news. It is not common to use ganga in pla ra but some try, and the jail is just South of Bueng Kan. So at least the weather will be nice and cool on the inside.


I know a guy (A friend from my home country) that grew a 2 meter Thai herb Plant on his top floor balcony in Nonthaburi, it toke about 6 months to grow fully and was quite a beautiful plant.

He also ordereds seed of a smaller variety and planted them along isolated public grounds.

The funny thing is he is an English Teacher and smokes in the morning before class. (True Story)

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

The funny thing is usually teachers have no common sense.


when I was in uni i would just walk through klong toey to buy drugs. easy. klong toey market is also a well known place to buy narcotics. Also asking about isnt " this" illegal in Thailand is kind of a joke eh?

Also if you can find some English teachers that smoke dope before class rather than crack or speed, then, thats great! The majority are prefer the latter, and they quite possibly come close to providing real education for young learners in Thailand than many products of Thai education system.

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problem is if you run into a random street drug test.....

Believe most of those tests are for Yabaa.. not for Ganja. These are different tests and the focus is on yabaa. I am no expert and to be honest I would not want to have THC in my blood when doing such a test.

Though I have never ever been anywhere where I have been tested in Thailand in my 8 years.

I don't know what the Thai Police uses but there are test sticks which detects a wide area of drugs on a single stick.

Use of these would be the most efficient to collect your fee....

Are you joking? Get real .


If it looks like ganja it could be false schefflera (Plerandra elegantissima).

That's the most similar looking plant I know of, but if you grew med MJ you could definitely tell the difference, unless you were speeding by in a vehicle.

I concur with point 4. I heard it from someone who definitely isn't me.

A couple of related comments and or questions....

1) I have seen a plant here in Thailand ( some were in a planter box, in front of a Police station ) that looks EXACTLY like marijuana...I was a legal grower of medical marijuana in California and do know it pretty well.

I have seen it a few growing a few other places as well.

In one case, growing in a pot in front of a cafe!

My wife tells me that there is a plant that grows here that looks like it but it is not marijuana.

It this true?

2) I have seen road side drug testing take place numerous times and it seems the police only test young Thai males.

I have been told they are shy to ask a female to drop her drawers and pee in a bottle for them.

3) I know it is available here. I have been offered some for sale a few times, but since I am a farang, living here with my Thai family, I don't want to take any foolish risks, I have always declined.

4) A friend who does indulge tells me the safest place to buy it is from one of the BIB. " they confiscate it, and save a bit for themselves and to generate a little extra cash" he also says they are very unlikely to "bust" you for something they supplied you with.

I'm not being judgmental, but I find this to be a very interesting theory.


problem is if you run into a random street drug test.....

Believe most of those tests are for Yabaa.. not for Ganja. These are different tests and the focus is on yabaa. I am no expert and to be honest I would not want to have THC in my blood when doing such a test.

Though I have never ever been anywhere where I have been tested in Thailand in my 8 years.

I don't know what the Thai Police uses but there are test sticks which detects a wide area of drugs on a single stick.

Use of these would be the most efficient to collect your fee....

Are you joking? Get real .

??? many of my staff were tested on the street. Positive means 5.000-10.000 Baht in the pocket of the police.


Sorry guys, discussion of illegal activities is not permitted.

How this thread lasted this long is anybodies guess, I expect all the other mods were tied up like I was installing digital TV for SWMBO sad.png

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"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

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