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DNA results from Ko Tao village head’s son don't match traces on slain British tourists

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here is a video showing how the victims were possibly attacked

I wonder how the two Burmese explained the apparent knife wounds to David. I thought during the re-enactment they showed how a hoe was used. You would think they would remember the weapon used. I would think at the time the police were not aware of the knife wounds as well. Have the Burmese handed over said knife to the police?

great question can you please give the police a call and report back here ? smile.png


here is a video showing how the victims were possibly attacked

I wonder how the two Burmese explained the apparent knife wounds to David. I thought during the re-enactment they showed how a hoe was used. You would think they would remember the weapon used. I would think at the time the police were not aware of the knife wounds as well. Have the Burmese handed over said knife to the police?

great question can you please give the police a call and report back here ? smile.png

Silly boys, its in the headmans fridge next to the DNA samples, between the leo and chang.


Whilst I'm not actively recommending a boycott I cannot ever see myself returning to that island if there is a chance my money may end up in the pocket of a family I suspect my be involved. I've also told friends and family who visit Thailand of my opinion and they agree 100% and also will not be visiting.

I spend many months each year in Thailand yet my wife , who is Thai, and I have decided that the bulk of our time abroad will now be spent in China and Vietnam. I know there is corruption everywhere but it's our little protest.

We are both just sick and fed up of the corruption at every level in Thailand and we don't want to contribute our money to it.

That is really sad Simon but, totally understandable and I suspect you are not alone in that decision.

If there has been a cover-up then the fear that the islanders feel is obviously greater than their survival instinct.

Sad all around, especially for this beautiful country and its wonderful people.

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I watched the Thai video. I don't speak Thai well enough, but at least half the footage dwelled upon David's wounds and how the evidence doesn't indicate David's wounds were caused by a hoe (not by a long shot, despite Thai officials hanging on to that idea). Instead, the video had a martial arts expert(among others) showing how David's wounds almost certainly were caused by a stubby blade - the type held in a fist. That is exactly what I and others on social media have deduced for weeks. Why are Thai officials sticking so stubbornly with a wrong theory? There's are only two viable answers:

>>> they just can't see clearly from the evidence


>>> a punch blade scenario would point evidence toward the headman's people and Sean, and away from the B2 scapegoats they're trying so desperately to nail for the crime.

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A fist-held punch blade is not likely the type of weapon which a couple of pint-sized 20 yr old Burmese immigrants would have. Just the cost alone, is about 5 days pay, if they're employed. If they had such weapons, we would have heard about it by now, because Thai officialdom is doing all it can to frame them. On the other hand, it's the sort of weapon mafia-wanna-be punks would have and/or cops. The plainclothes cop who was with Mon, the morning after the murder, and who threatened Sean, would be the sort of fellow who might have such a weapon and know how to use it to try and sever an adversary's jugular vein (several of David's wounds were in the neck).

It should be no mystery why Thai cops haven't pursued that line of inquiry. They're plainly shielding the headman's family and cop friends. And of course, it's not possible for a Thai policeman to be investigated in this case.

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Sounds reasonable but wasnt Hannah or David staying in room with others or at least next door to others and would have thought a lot of noise would have been made or at least some that neighbours would hear something,maybe some Backpackers did report noises etc and ignored by those in charge!

If she was drugged then could explain a lot in motive and lack of defensive wounds,blond hair in her hand would be one of the gang of murderers for sure.

Im pretty sure that it is well known exactly what happened on that fatefull night by many but money has changed hands(allegedly) then we can kiss goodbye to it ever being revealed...all we can hope for is burma guys get let off and the scum who did the crime suffer financially with people not going to the Island,sorry for all the good guys there trying to earn a living.Many people that live on the island probably would like to help the truth come out but who can they tell..the police? the army? the press...could be a deathwish!

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"So it is unnecessary to forward the DNA results to the British government because it had no doubt about the investigation being conducted by the Thai police, said Pol Lt Gen Prawut."

Anyone still believing in any of this BS??bah.gif

i agree BS but sorry this is here and how would you in your country feel if some forang said they dont trust your police sorry it is same. I understand 100% why they should say piss off forang this is not your country and agree but instead of saying that whatever the truth is Thais aren uch more polite than us forang. What about BS on sex scandals in /UK and all rest when police and authorities were totally inept and corrupt so mr know it all for forang here people in glass houses should not throw stones

It does not help at all in trying to find truth by demeaning police and authorities here even if its true and often police here are very corrupt but IMO west and forang here are hypocritical idiots

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Yeah i quess our countries are just better hiding our crimes. Not meny us even notice while it all happens and much cruel way.

No , plenty of crimes are commited in my country . Plenty of them are reported in the news , 99.9% carried out by civilians though not by the police who have sworn to uphold the law . 160,000 police officers in my country . Occasionally I hear of a cover up or abuse of authority etc .In Thailand however I cringe whenever a police officer approaches me as I anticipate him wanting money off me for some made up minor offense. I am sure there are some good police in Thailand but I would bet my house on them being in the minority.

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Methinks Islandlife is an account used by two people. Some of the posts are in poor English/spelling, others are articulate as you'd expect from a native English speaker. Am I off base on that?

He's one and the same trying to confuse, there is spell check available Islandlife no one's falling for it.


I would. There is a millions of ways to do it anonymously these days!

All this talks of mafia ,other danger talk. Shure like everywhere in Thailand or eny other countryes there is dark side,corruption ,etc in pretty much every place in world.

But id still say Koh tao is pretty much care free and very safe place to live,or come for holiday. Those old wild days are long gone,hippies have left years ago its pretty much diving and good food now days shure there is few odd parties once a while but nothing compared to our neighbours Samui, Phangan.

And yes i know 2 young people were murdered and lot of things dont match . But some of these theories ,accusations with out real proof its something what shud not be done just for laughts.

Its horrid thing ,and hope it gets investigated and they get to bottom of it all.

This all happened in Koh tao

but that doesnt make hole island and its people a bad!!

If it would be so terrible ,shure we would of not been selected best island to go in Asia, number 5 in world on trip advizor last year wich is based on independed reviews of tourist who visit the island.

Yet ,must remember even i speak about this bcase of so called "vested" intrest to my home.

All my sympathy goes to victims and their poor families it must of been horrible few months reading all newspapers ,internet gossiping.

I Hope justice will be served in the end , if it hasnt allready .

May they rest in peace.

Have you read trip adviser's feedback for the AC resort. If not I suggest you do. It ain't anywhere near 5th in the world.

The Headman's hotel is the worst resort on the Island and many of the reviews were done before this happened.


It just show's the caliber of the Island family treating tourists as shit. It's not their concern to keep guests happy and comfortable more so it's the money they want. Your just another farang to them as were Hannah and David.

Tourists take note do your home work before leaving home and check with your travel insurer what the coverage is for trips to the Island.

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Someone posted on here a couple of weeks ago that the murders took place in David or Hanna’s apartment, it appeared to be a locals viewpoint and they stated there was at least five perpetrator, one being a policeman, it was also claimed that the bodies were carried down to the beach and dumped their, which would explain the position of Hannah’s body. It takes a vivid imagination to fabricate something like that don’t you think, it’s not the sort of thing you come up with out of the blue.

I would like to know if water was actually found in David’s lungs and if it so, was it saltwater or freshwater, there’s no smoke without fire as far as I'm concerned. There are obviously locals on the island who know exactly what happened, nothing happens in Thailand without the locals knowing.

Most people realise that it would have be impossible for the two Burmese shrimps to have dealt with six-foot three of David with Hanna running around screaming her head off, it would have been impossible if Hanna wasn't there, they never would have had the confidence or ability to deal with a situation like that. The truth will be known and justice will be done one way or another.

They put the skids under Sean McAnna and got him out of the way before he put the finger on anyone.

Your post is spot on!!

Grauwulf, on 09 Nov 2014 - 17:42, said:snapback.png

Can I just say this I have it on good authority from contacts in Thai Military police after their behind the radar investigation that the case went down this way.

Hannah was getting hassled in the AC bar by bar 'security' (who are connected to the run businesses on the Island). They tried to slip a 'roofie' or some such date rape drug in her drink. She was targeted from the moment she walked in. David intervened and escorted her back to their accommodation where they were followed by at least 4 local Thai known wannabe hard men . They were assaulted in the hostel I.e David was rendered unconscious ( this has also been told to Army by very scared staff) And both taken to the beach where David was left to drown and Hannah brutalised and savagely killed. The culprits went to 'higher authority' and money quickly changed hands locally then to Sura Thani and then Bangkok all before the crime scene was discovered and sealed. The fiasco as you know carried on from there. The 2 Myanmar lads will in all likelihood and I quote ' be found to have committed suicide in detention in the near future'. Too much money passed over to police in high authority for them to retract their story go figure. I was asked to leak to British press to put pressure on Thai justice system and after 4 emails I got no reply. Whether that was thru internet censorship I do not know. The Thai army cannot corroborate their investigation as they will be shut down by police on a higher level. Everyone local on Koh Tao knows the real culprits but are running scared. The solution maybe to but a 10 million baht price tag on their heads because these scum would sell out their own mother for twenty thousand. But that is the way it went as we all know. Bout time the Thai justice system manned up and sorted out these so called mafia hoodlums once and for all. God even the mafia had a code of honour. Well I await the death threats and mysterious accidents which may befall me in this land of ( false) smiles. But enough is enough there are many decent Thai people in this beautiful country but it is time to clean house the hard way and permanently. I hope one of you can at least get this out to some press somewhere as to me it seems the correct version of events. I'm sure the British police were only shown what they needed to. Enough is enough time for change Thailand

  • Like 1

Someone posted on here a couple of weeks ago that the murders took place in David or Hanna’s apartment, it appeared to be a locals viewpoint and they stated there was at least five perpetrator, one being a policeman, it was also claimed that the bodies were carried down to the beach and dumped their, which would explain the position of Hannah’s body. It takes a vivid imagination to fabricate something like that don’t you think, it’s not the sort of thing you come up with out of the blue.

I would like to know if water was actually found in David’s lungs and if it so, was it saltwater or freshwater, there’s no smoke without fire as far as I'm concerned. There are obviously locals on the island who know exactly what happened, nothing happens in Thailand without the locals knowing.

Most people realise that it would have be impossible for the two Burmese shrimps to have dealt with six-foot three of David with Hanna running around screaming her head off, it would have been impossible if Hanna wasn't there, they never would have had the confidence or ability to deal with a situation like that. The truth will be known and justice will be done one way or another.

They put the skids under Sean McAnna and got him out of the way before he put the finger on anyone.

Your post is spot on!!

Grauwulf, on 09 Nov 2014 - 17:42, said:snapback.png

Can I just say this I have it on good authority from contacts in Thai Military police after their behind the radar investigation that the case went down this way.

Hannah was getting hassled in the AC bar by bar 'security' (who are connected to the run businesses on the Island). They tried to slip a 'roofie' or some such date rape drug in her drink. She was targeted from the moment she walked in. David intervened and escorted her back to their accommodation where they were followed by at least 4 local Thai known wannabe hard men . They were assaulted in the hostel I.e David was rendered unconscious ( this has also been told to Army by very scared staff) And both taken to the beach where David was left to drown and Hannah brutalised and savagely killed. The culprits went to 'higher authority' and money quickly changed hands locally then to Sura Thani and then Bangkok all before the crime scene was discovered and sealed. The fiasco as you know carried on from there. The 2 Myanmar lads will in all likelihood and I quote ' be found to have committed suicide in detention in the near future'. Too much money passed over to police in high authority for them to retract their story go figure. I was asked to leak to British press to put pressure on Thai justice system and after 4 emails I got no reply. Whether that was thru internet censorship I do not know. The Thai army cannot corroborate their investigation as they will be shut down by police on a higher level. Everyone local on Koh Tao knows the real culprits but are running scared. The solution maybe to but a 10 million baht price tag on their heads because these scum would sell out their own mother for twenty thousand. But that is the way it went as we all know. Bout time the Thai justice system manned up and sorted out these so called mafia hoodlums once and for all. God even the mafia had a code of honour. Well I await the death threats and mysterious accidents which may befall me in this land of ( false) smiles. But enough is enough there are many decent Thai people in this beautiful country but it is time to clean house the hard way and permanently. I hope one of you can at least get this out to some press somewhere as to me it seems the correct version of events. I'm sure the British police were only shown what they needed to. Enough is enough time for change Thailand

The above speculation has for me,

zero shred of belief.

not a chance that they were assaulted in their room as there were roomates and other hotel guests.

I don't buy a word of what you said,

and asking strangers to spread your disinformation is also, complete BS

you sound like more of a CCA setup than a credible source

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Yeah i quess our countries are just better hiding our crimes. Not meny us even notice while it all happens and much cruel way.

Island life

while there may be some others who believe you are a "plant" and another posters trying to hide your true identity

I am not among them

and I find your postings to be credible

I also do not think the innoncent people of Khp Tao should be paying the price for a select few, but we all know,

that is what happens in any neighborhood

there are some area of USA where kids can not even walk home from school without being abducted and killed, r shot by accident from a car that misses its main target

While Thailand may be "safe" in many places,

the Thai girl I knew wouldn't een go to the seond floor of her home, unless the doors and windows on the first floor were all locked, and wouldn't take taxi's alone

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Whilst I'm not actively recommending a boycott I cannot ever see myself returning to that island if there is a chance my money may end up in the pocket of a family I suspect my be involved. I've also told friends and family who visit Thailand of my opinion and they agree 100% and also will not be visiting.

I spend many months each year in Thailand yet my wife , who is Thai, and I have decided that the bulk of our time abroad will now be spent in China and Vietnam. I know there is corruption everywhere but it's our little protest.

We are both just sick and fed up of the corruption at every level in Thailand and we don't want to contribute our money to it.

Over the years I've met people who lived and worked there and they've all told me what a great place it is and so it was a place I'd always planned on visiting some day. It wasn't until this case that I found out the island is run by several mafia families and there have been many covered up deaths and rapes of expats. The same goes for my friends in the UK who had pretty much no idea the level of corruption and the mindset of what Thailand can be like. Hopefully this case is the straw that breaks the camel's back because it has sure put off myself and anyone in the UK I speak to about it.

I used to work on island and can tell you a fair few stories. None of the land is owned by anyone but leased on a permanent basis by the families. The farangs daft enough to get land on there are in effect sub-leasing existing land.

We had a pair of thai locals strike a woman who they thought was farang (in the dark) while on a motorbike and they were later caught and dealt with by the police and the woman in question (who was a thai tourist). The 'dealt with' was just few slaps in the face by the woman. I was there and saw the whole thing. Another time a Japanese woman (co-owner of a dive-company) ended up being found dead on the jungle floor The official verdict by the cops was it was a suicide but it's hard to hang yourself off a tree with a small regulator hose...

Her sister and the family kicked up a noise (she was supposed to be a Japanese VIP) but nothing came of it.

So there is a dark attitude to things where it's swept under the carpet.

Anyone in diving will tell you the dive companies don't really run the show, they operate the business of diving yes, but the families influence things in the shadows. Whenever immigration shows up to crackdown on farang dive instructors without a WP, the families pay off the immigration. Price fixing and their own agenda is always at the forefront. The local police are not much better either. They are very wealthy off the protection money payoffs from ALL the bars (family owned) on the island to keep on operating. While I was there for nearly a year I could count one time I saw them even in uniform and that was at the main Mae Haad pier for some VIP visiting.

I'd like to say it was these Burmese lads on the surface of it but the typical Burmese folks I knew of back then would always try and stay out of trouble because the thais would come down on them like a ton of bricks for the slightest thing.

So in my heart I fear one of the family mafia lads saw the girls beauty, was struck with the lust for her and set out to do his evil carefully, possibly with framing in mind prior to it?!

Well karma has some wild ways and if it hits the whole of Koh Tao and more I wouldn't be surprised.

The show ain't over yet folks but KT could end up with a desolate Xmas season and a lot of pssed off dive-farang.

it is very possible that the tourism will continue as rape and murder is an accepted part of life on earth

other than TV and a few expat sites, along with the now infamous CSI LA on facebook,

there may be very few people even concerned with this,

yes, I know there were 100,000 signatures,

but I wonder aloud how many signatures they could gather for a follow up,

my guess, not that many


Someone posted on here a couple of weeks ago that the murders took place in David or Hanna’s apartment, it appeared to be a locals viewpoint and they stated there was at least five perpetrator, one being a policeman, it was also claimed that the bodies were carried down to the beach and dumped their, which would explain the position of Hannah’s body. It takes a vivid imagination to fabricate something like that don’t you think, it’s not the sort of thing you come up with out of the blue.

I would like to know if water was actually found in David’s lungs and if it so, was it saltwater or freshwater, there’s no smoke without fire as far as I'm concerned. There are obviously locals on the island who know exactly what happened, nothing happens in Thailand without the locals knowing.

Most people realise that it would have be impossible for the two Burmese shrimps to have dealt with six-foot three of David with Hanna running around screaming her head off, it would have been impossible if Hanna wasn't there, they never would have had the confidence or ability to deal with a situation like that. The truth will be known and justice will be done one way or another.

They put the skids under Sean McAnna and got him out of the way before he put the finger on anyone.

Your post is spot on!!

Grauwulf, on 09 Nov 2014 - 17:42, said:snapback.png

Can I just say this I have it on good authority from contacts in Thai Military police after their behind the radar investigation that the case went down this way.

Hannah was getting hassled in the AC bar by bar 'security' (who are connected to the run businesses on the Island). They tried to slip a 'roofie' or some such date rape drug in her drink. She was targeted from the moment she walked in. David intervened and escorted her back to their accommodation where they were followed by at least 4 local Thai known wannabe hard men . They were assaulted in the hostel I.e David was rendered unconscious ( this has also been told to Army by very scared staff) And both taken to the beach where David was left to drown and Hannah brutalised and savagely killed. The culprits went to 'higher authority' and money quickly changed hands locally then to Sura Thani and then Bangkok all before the crime scene was discovered and sealed. The fiasco as you know carried on from there. The 2 Myanmar lads will in all likelihood and I quote ' be found to have committed suicide in detention in the near future'. Too much money passed over to police in high authority for them to retract their story go figure. I was asked to leak to British press to put pressure on Thai justice system and after 4 emails I got no reply. Whether that was thru internet censorship I do not know. The Thai army cannot corroborate their investigation as they will be shut down by police on a higher level. Everyone local on Koh Tao knows the real culprits but are running scared. The solution maybe to but a 10 million baht price tag on their heads because these scum would sell out their own mother for twenty thousand. But that is the way it went as we all know. Bout time the Thai justice system manned up and sorted out these so called mafia hoodlums once and for all. God even the mafia had a code of honour. Well I await the death threats and mysterious accidents which may befall me in this land of ( false) smiles. But enough is enough there are many decent Thai people in this beautiful country but it is time to clean house the hard way and permanently. I hope one of you can at least get this out to some press somewhere as to me it seems the correct version of events. I'm sure the British police were only shown what they needed to. Enough is enough time for change Thailand

This is a stupid theory and was posted by a troll on the spacebook page some time ago, I suspect Grauwulf is the possible misinformer of

the original post.

The scenario is impossible on so many levels only a complete moron would accept it.

Now we are additionally expected to believe that he is in personal danger through whistle blowing what his supposed contacts in the Thai navy told him.

Complete and utter tripe, you are a fkg idiot if you think people are going to go to Western media with this.

Dont forget to salute at morning parade, google how to.


Someone posted on here a couple of weeks ago that the murders took place in David or Hanna’s apartment, it appeared to be a locals viewpoint and they stated there was at least five perpetrator, one being a policeman, it was also claimed that the bodies were carried down to the beach and dumped their, which would explain the position of Hannah’s body. It takes a vivid imagination to fabricate something like that don’t you think, it’s not the sort of thing you come up with out of the blue.

I would like to know if water was actually found in David’s lungs and if it so, was it saltwater or freshwater, there’s no smoke without fire as far as I'm concerned. There are obviously locals on the island who know exactly what happened, nothing happens in Thailand without the locals knowing.

Most people realise that it would have be impossible for the two Burmese shrimps to have dealt with six-foot three of David with Hanna running around screaming her head off, it would have been impossible if Hanna wasn't there, they never would have had the confidence or ability to deal with a situation like that. The truth will be known and justice will be done one way or another.

They put the skids under Sean McAnna and got him out of the way before he put the finger on anyone.

Your post is spot on!!

Grauwulf, on 09 Nov 2014 - 17:42, said:snapback.png

Can I just say this I have it on good authority from contacts in Thai Military police after their behind the radar investigation that the case went down this way.

Hannah was getting hassled in the AC bar by bar 'security' (who are connected to the run businesses on the Island). They tried to slip a 'roofie' or some such date rape drug in her drink. She was targeted from the moment she walked in. David intervened and escorted her back to their accommodation where they were followed by at least 4 local Thai known wannabe hard men . They were assaulted in the hostel I.e David was rendered unconscious ( this has also been told to Army by very scared staff) And both taken to the beach where David was left to drown and Hannah brutalised and savagely killed. The culprits went to 'higher authority' and money quickly changed hands locally then to Sura Thani and then Bangkok all before the crime scene was discovered and sealed. The fiasco as you know carried on from there. The 2 Myanmar lads will in all likelihood and I quote ' be found to have committed suicide in detention in the near future'. Too much money passed over to police in high authority for them to retract their story go figure. I was asked to leak to British press to put pressure on Thai justice system and after 4 emails I got no reply. Whether that was thru internet censorship I do not know. The Thai army cannot corroborate their investigation as they will be shut down by police on a higher level. Everyone local on Koh Tao knows the real culprits but are running scared. The solution maybe to but a 10 million baht price tag on their heads because these scum would sell out their own mother for twenty thousand. But that is the way it went as we all know. Bout time the Thai justice system manned up and sorted out these so called mafia hoodlums once and for all. God even the mafia had a code of honour. Well I await the death threats and mysterious accidents which may befall me in this land of ( false) smiles. But enough is enough there are many decent Thai people in this beautiful country but it is time to clean house the hard way and permanently. I hope one of you can at least get this out to some press somewhere as to me it seems the correct version of events. I'm sure the British police were only shown what they needed to. Enough is enough time for change Thailand

This is a stupid theory and was posted by a troll on the spacebook page some time ago, I suspect Grauwulf is the possible misinformer of

the original post.

The scenario is impossible on so many levels only a complete moron would accept it.

Now we are additionally expected to believe that he is in personal danger through whistle blowing what his supposed contacts in the Thai navy told him.

Complete and utter tripe, you are a fkg idiot if you think people are going to go to Western media with this.

Dont forget to salute at morning parade, google how to.

One thing to bear in mind. The weather on that early morning was quite nasty. Very windy and wet with limited light from the moon. The foreshore would not have been a "romantic" setting at the time. It was the last day of a period of very unsettled weather. It was something that jarred, the notion that 2 kids would have gone there for pleasure, when in reality it would have been cold, wet and uncomfortable.

Is it not possible that Hannah was attacked first at her resort premises, and then carried down to the beach? I can not accept that David was attacked at the resort due to his wounds would have bled profusely and there was no reported sign of blood at the resort. But then as David's father said, his son died a hero trying to save Hannah.

Apologies for commenting on speculative theories, I am groaning as I write this, but social media have been instrumental in guiding this case along to a chance at true justice.

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@ jaidam

I see where you are coming from but, if it was planned to attack her in her room then she would have had to be drugged, otherwise the potential commotion would have attracted attention in the resort.

So, assuming that was the scenario, why would they carry her to the beach??

Does not make sense.

The weather was not that bad on that night actually, a bit windy and cloudy but, for a farang, hot and humid.

Temperature on that night was around 28c, not so cold!

I do believe David died a hero though.

This potential for a commotion to be heard by bystanders/hotel guests is a strange part of this story.

The site where the bodies were found were very close to a resort. Any loud shouting/screaming there would have been easily heard by dozens of people.

This is the main reason(other than photographic evidence and the unexplained use of the hoe on Hannah's face) why I speculated early-on there may have been a gun involved. It is a great way to control somebody to do something they don't want to do. I know from my own experience during a heated dispute that when my opponent brought the gun out that it shut me the hell up quickly and I did what was asked of me.

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