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Any Out of Body Experiences Anyone?


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I know there is a bunch of old farts out there like me who have experienced a lot. Has anyone in all honesty feel that he has come back from the brink. Any bright lights at the end of the tunnel? Many years ago I was talking to one of my tenants a serious young fellow and he told me that he been through an operation. They had wheeled him into the operating room already sedated. As they were operating he said his spirit floated above his body and after he was in the recovery room he could describe all the details in the room although apparently he was sedated. Was I skeptical YES. So have at it anyone else out there have an out of body experience. (I know sometimes when we drink to much we think we have had one)

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OP, I had an out of body experience.

Some 30 years ago, I was in Amsterdam having a cigarette in one of those coffee bars.

In about 10 minutes, I was floating around my body and although I could see everything, I knew it wasn't me.

I was pinching myself and I could feel nothing.

The worst thing is when my mates put a plate of food in front of me.

They are still running away..............

That was my first and last out of body experience.

PS. Do not listen to Australians giving advicew00t.gif

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OBE's or out of the body experiences are well documented

It does not mean ( although for some it is the only one they recall ) you are close to death

If you would like to read a good book of someones accounts look for

Journeys Out Of The Body by Robert Monroe

Some folks are lucky? to be able to instigate many of these in their life.

There is also something similar ( but not the same) called lucid dreaming where they try to consciously wake in their dream

or are conscious they are dreaming but are able to continue in the dream state without waking their body

This is not the same thing but also sounds interesting.

They have created sleeping masks as a tool which look like those eye masks folks wear to sleep in the day.

But these lucid dream masks have a timer set to go off after your sleeping x amount of time or are in REM state it flashes a light....In theory

they say you will be dreaming & suddenly see like a bush or whatever object your looking at in your dream flashing....

This they say will trigger you to remember your dreaming & hopefully stay calm enough to not wake back to your sleeping body

but instead look around ...touch things...see your surroundings etc etc etc

Edited by mania
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OP, I had an out of body experience.

Some 30 years ago, I was in Amsterdam having a cigarette in one of those coffee bars.

In about 10 minutes, I was floating around my body and although I could see everything, I knew it wasn't me.

I was pinching myself and I could feel nothing.

The worst thing is when my mates put a plate of food in front of me.

They are still running away..............

That was my first and last out of body experience.

PS. Do not listen to Australians giving advicew00t.gif

....and don't bend over in front of Greek milkers ;)

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"They had wheeled him into the operating room already sedated. As they were operating he said his spirit floated above his body and after he was in the recovery room he could describe all the details in the room although apparently he was sedated."

Drugs do funny things to the brain.

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I think there are a few "out of body" experiences right here on TVF. They come on here as other people, make wild claims and accusations, some pretend they are women, others think they are someone else entirely !

Many many believe in reincarnation on here that's for sure.

Those are not complete "out of body" experiences....the only thing leaving their body is their brain.

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I think there are a few "out of body" experiences right here on TVF. They come on here as other people, make wild claims and accusations, some pretend they are women, others think they are someone else entirely !

Many many believe in reincarnation on here that's for sure.

Many, many people used to believe that the sun went around the earth.

Maybe something more modern? Many, many people believed, including doctors, that stomach ulcers were caused by stress (look up Heliobactor Pylori).

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Yep! after a pretty horrific road smash on my bike some 5 years back in Spain..fell myself floating away wanted to close my eyes, was drifting

the fire fighter (female) would nt let me..bloody women..never shut up do they! even when you are trying to kick the bucket!

Back to the serious note I quickly came round to jolts of excruciating pain when my leg, severly broken and twisted, contorted in an impossible angle

got straightened out! No drugs or pain killers until later when a doctor had to be called road side to administer a huge amount of morphine prior to

getting in the ambulance..so bad the crew refused to move me without a doctor giving the morphine!

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"They had wheeled him into the operating room already sedated. As they were operating he said his spirit floated above his body and after he was in the recovery room he could describe all the details in the room although apparently he was sedated."

Drugs do funny things to the brain.

My farther had a heart attack, he was on the operating table, When he came round he told the doctors and Nurses who had worked on him to resuscitate him. he was correct, he said he was looking down on them. The Doctors and Nurses said that this was a common thing., Make of it what you will ,

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Now anyone can have a NDE using the drug ketamine, which, unfortunately, is illegal.

My point is that out-of-body experiences are not real. The brain is tricked by chemistry.

Are you saying you don't believe we are souls in a physical body? I find that funny :cheesy:

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Now anyone can have a NDE using the drug ketamine, which, unfortunately, is illegal.

My point is that out-of-body experiences are not real. The brain is tricked by chemistry.

Are you saying you don't believe we are souls in a physical body? I find that funny cheesy.gif

That's exactly what I'm saying.

But with your belief system Neeranam (you'll believe in absolutely anything), I'm not surprised you would ask that question.

I start from something basic.

I believe in Evolution and regard mankind is just another animal.

What is true for one animal is true for another.

If I have a soul, then all life must have "souls" even bacteria.

That, I find, is preposterous and laughable.

If only man has a soul, then, the only way he could have got one is by a God and I don't believe in God.

Therefore, I have to believe that the soul is just a made up thing by mankind as a forlorn hope for something he can never have; immortality.

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Now anyone can have a NDE using the drug ketamine, which, unfortunately, is illegal.

My point is that out-of-body experiences are not real. The brain is tricked by chemistry.

Are you saying you don't believe we are souls in a physical body? I find that funny cheesy.gif

That's exactly what I'm saying.

But with your belief system Neeranam (you'll believe in absolutely anything), I'm not surprised you would ask that question.

I start from something basic.

I believe in Evolution and regard mankind is just another animal.

What is true for one animal is true for another.

If I have a soul, then all life must have "souls" even bacteria.

That, I find, is preposterous and laughable.

If only man has a soul, then, the only way he could have got one is by a God and I don't believe in God.

Therefore, I have to believe that the soul is just a made up thing by mankind as a forlorn hope for something he can never have; immortality.

ok Karen, if you say "my finger" or "my body"...where do you locate the "my" or "mine"?

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Now anyone can have a NDE using the drug ketamine, which, unfortunately, is illegal.

My point is that out-of-body experiences are not real. The brain is tricked by chemistry.

Are you saying you don't believe we are souls in a physical body? I find that funny cheesy.gif

That's exactly what I'm saying.

But with your belief system Neeranam (you'll believe in absolutely anything), I'm not surprised you would ask that question.

I start from something basic.

I believe in Evolution and regard mankind is just another animal.

What is true for one animal is true for another.

If I have a soul, then all life must have "souls" even bacteria.

That, I find, is preposterous and laughable.

If only man has a soul, then, the only way he could have got one is by a God and I don't believe in God.

Therefore, I have to believe that the soul is just a made up thing by mankind as a forlorn hope for something he can never have; immortality.

I will pray that one day you may glimpse the wonderful world of the sacred.smile.png

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Now anyone can have a NDE using the drug ketamine, which, unfortunately, is illegal.

My point is that out-of-body experiences are not real. The brain is tricked by chemistry.

Are you saying you don't believe we are souls in a physical body? I find that funny cheesy.gif

That's exactly what I'm saying.

But with your belief system Neeranam (you'll believe in absolutely anything), I'm not surprised you would ask that question.

I start from something basic.

I believe in Evolution and regard mankind is just another animal.

What is true for one animal is true for another.

If I have a soul, then all life must have "souls" even bacteria.

That, I find, is preposterous and laughable.

If only man has a soul, then, the only way he could have got one is by a God and I don't believe in God.

Therefore, I have to believe that the soul is just a made up thing by mankind as a forlorn hope for something he can never have; immortality.

I will pray that one day you may glimpse the wonderful world of the sacred.smile.png

Hah! As if you've seen it without chemical help!

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I'm sure I'm the only one who cares, but I believe in God, for sure; however, that doesn't prove that God exists. I always chuckle (I used to get annoyed) when I hear people say they don't believe in God, therefore God doesn't exist. If you believe in the Tooth Fairy, does that mean the Tooth Fairy left a quarter under your pillow last night?

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Are you saying you don't believe we are souls in a physical body? I find that funny cheesy.gif

That's exactly what I'm saying.

But with your belief system Neeranam (you'll believe in absolutely anything), I'm not surprised you would ask that question.

I start from something basic.

I believe in Evolution and regard mankind is just another animal.

What is true for one animal is true for another.

If I have a soul, then all life must have "souls" even bacteria.

That, I find, is preposterous and laughable.

If only man has a soul, then, the only way he could have got one is by a God and I don't believe in God.

Therefore, I have to believe that the soul is just a made up thing by mankind as a forlorn hope for something he can never have; immortality.

I will pray that one day you may glimpse the wonderful world of the sacred.smile.png

Hah! As if you've seen it without chemical help!

I haven't taken any alcohol or mind-altering drug for nearly 15 years.

As it happens, I see it every single day.

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Apparently with access to a military training centrifuge you can pretty much schedule an OBE:


You know this part from that link you posted is kind of interesting...

"Out-of-body and Near-Death Experiences can both be triggered by electromagnetic fields bombarding the temporal lobes (just above the ears) of the brain"

Both because on one hand electromagnetism has always been an interesting subject.

Also on the other that they use it as a trigger does not mean some cannot trigger the same or similar themselves.

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