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Changes to education visa requirements

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I went to my language school to collect the documents to extend my Education Visa. I was told there were now new requirements and my 1 year visa was now only valid for 6 months. The hours of study had doubled to 8 hours a week and I would therefore need to pay for another course in order to complete 1 years study. Furthermore I was expected to attend for 2 hours over 4 days a week. I study in Bangkok but live in Kanchanaburi so this is not a viable option for me. I started the course in August this year, when did these the new rules come into force? My school says just a week ago, is that true? Thanks in advance for any information

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There is no one year visa or even 6 months unless you have a multiple entry visa from an embassy or consulate.

You perhaps paid tuition or a year of study and had it approved by the MOE but that is not a visa.

There were changes made to the rules for extensions of stay that went into effect the 29th of August. The rules are such now that for language school studies extension are only for 90 days and are limited to one year from the date of entry on a ED visa. Then you have to go out for a new visa.

It seems you school can no longer get approval from the MOE for a course of study of less than 8 hours week.

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Is your school requiring you to attend classes to get the paperwork to extend your visa?

This may be a new school policy.

If the number of hours required is increased then it is possible schools will adjust the paperwork submitted to immigration to meet the requirements.

Maybe schools will double the hours on the schedule but be kind and not increase the cost.

As long as the school doesn't need more classrooms or more teachers it shouldn't effect them.

Depends how many people on Ed Visa actually attend many classes.

If the majority are not attending classes then doubling the hours shouldn't cost the schools much money.

Maybe schools could offer pay for 6 months and get 6 months free to allow you to keep your extension of stay to the original time.

Edited by brianp0803
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Thanks for your replies. I apologise for my incorrect terminology. I am going to Language Express this afternoon to discuss their schedule, I will let you know. I am required to attend class but am happy with that, I want to learn as well as having a legal way to stay in Thailand until I apply for a retirement visa next year. As for free classes, not a chance - they are offering a small discount. My problem with the new requirement is the 2 hours over 4 days and living in Kanchanaburi - it's just not practical and I would not have applied for an Education visa if I had know this.

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It seems you school can no longer get approval from the MOE for a course of study of less than 8 hours week.

Is this for all language schools, eg. Language Express in BKK?

Is for all language schools everywhere, I signed up in phuket and had all the paperwork signed and stamped from the MOE approved for 2 days (4hours) week and then got denied in penang telling me that i needed to be studying 4 days a week for a min 8 hours


Edited by theonetrueaussie
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It's frustrating they are increasing the hours you must pay a school but not having any enforcement that students actually attend.

Unless recently changed, one of the most advertised visa school in bkk always marked perfect attendance even for all the students that never attend a class.

But this keeps class sizes small.

Schools can't raise prices too much or people will use other options.

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It's frustrating they are increasing the hours you must pay a school but not having any enforcement that students actually attend.

Unless recently changed, one of the most advertised visa school in bkk always marked perfect attendance even for all the students that never attend a class.

But this keeps class sizes small.

Schools can't raise prices too much or people will use other options.

What other options do you mean, non-immigrant visa maybe, like the non-students are supposed to have anyway?

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I would think there was an implied contract that you were buying a one year visa.

It wouldn't hurt the schools if they adjusted the paperwork to get you your one year visa- similar to adjusting attendance reports for non attending students

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I would think there was an implied contract that you were buying a one year visa.

The only "contract" is that one pays a number of school hours/lessons. One never buys a visa. Then if MoE, consulates or immigrations changes their requirements the only thing a school can do is trying to be flexible, but they are not obligated in any way.

It wouldn't hurt the schools if they adjusted the paperwork to get you your one year visa- similar to adjusting attendance reports for non attending students

Beside that there is no such thing as "one year visa", schools are being closely examined now. I can imagine that routinely representing false facts will cause a school to not have their applications processed anymore.

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Is the product being sold the huge signs in the windows and the large print in the newspaper or the small print offering Thai language class?

Sure. Legally they are offering Thai language classes.

Correct, but the thing has become so expensive and inconvenient that many schools have closed already, others will follow, so you may not be disturbed their advertisements anymore.

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Have to agree with Paz. Every language school I have spoken to is sticking to the 8 hours a week over 4 days and attendance. Immigration are apparently doing spot checks and checking attendance on random students. Shame, I'll have to go back to teaching just when I was enjoying studying and having a night in Bangkok once a week. Thailand is very good at moving goal posts!

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Have to agree with Paz. Every language school I have spoken to is sticking to the 8 hours a week over 4 days and attendance. Immigration are apparently doing spot checks and checking attendance on random students. Shame, I'll have to go back to teaching just when I was enjoying studying and having a night in Bangkok once a week. Thailand is very good at moving goal posts!

Once a week? 4 hours?

Go back to teaching?

Depending how much you taught before, teaching may not be an option.

Did you use your waivers yet? Each waiver is good for maximum 2 years.

After 2 waivers, you will need an education degree on attending school to get an education degree.

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If schools double their cost they may loose 25% of their students.

If actual attendance 4 times a week is required they probably loose 75% of the students.

But true Thai schools offering quality instructions and good value for the money will continue to get students interested in learning.

Immigration probably assumes a true student can attend 4 days a week.

But in reality most are working.

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Immigration probably assumes a true student can attend 4 days a week.

But in reality most are working.

Assumption and accusations must to come from you at some point, in every single ED visa thread.

Edited by paz
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I'm surprised there's no

"Yeah I hope this will force all those young pikeys staying illegally in Thailand to go home and find a job " posts yet.

the old guys go to bed early, they'll rise soon, give it time

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I am in complete agreement with the Thai government's immigration changes.

It seems they have the same opinion as me on Ed Visa abuse by students and schools.

They are trying to improve the country.

This may be an unpopular opinion.

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I confirm that the required number of lessons has increased.

Since which exact date was the required number of lessons increased? Previously language schools were mostly saying that it's still 4hrs a week but possibly going to 8hrs a week maybe in a few month's time.

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Also, if now the required hours are 8hrs/week but already have the MOE's approval documentation from our school for 4hrs/week, does that mean we will get an ED visa from the Embassy/Consulate but only get one renewal at Chaeng Wattana totalling 6 month's stay only?

If this is the case that it's now 8hrs/week, what is the minimum percentage attendance rate? 75%?

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I would like to know the exact date as well, my application was approved in July. I got my Ed visa in the UK on 1st August and landed in Thailand on 8th August and started the course a week later. A week before my first extension of stay I'm told that everything has changed. 8 hours a week is not a big commitment, it's the 2 hours over 4 days that is a problem. I have consulted with other language schools and while they promise a flexible schedule now, I am concerned after I have paid (again!) they will not be able to keep to that and I will have spent even more money and be back to square one. (flexible schedule, I have been offered 8 hours in 1 day)

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I just paid for a new 1 course at LX school after getting MOE approval at end of Sept and then flew to UK where I am now to get a new ED visa and Im flying back to BKK tomorrow. Not sure what I should do now though, I dont wish to study 8 hrs per week nor 4 days per week and its not what I signed up for so most likely I will ask for a refund.

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I just paid for a new 1 course at LX school after getting MOE approval at end of Sept and then flew to UK where I am now to get a new ED visa and Im flying back to BKK tomorrow. Not sure what I should do now though, I dont wish to study 8 hrs per week nor 4 days per week and its not what I signed up for so most likely I will ask for a refund.

Did the UK embassy already give you the ED Visa in your passport? Was it in the past few days?

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I just paid for a new 1 course at LX school after getting MOE approval at end of Sept and then flew to UK where I am now to get a new ED visa and Im flying back to BKK tomorrow. Not sure what I should do now though, I dont wish to study 8 hrs per week nor 4 days per week and its not what I signed up for so most likely I will ask for a refund.

Did the UK embassy already give you the ED Visa in your passport? Was it in the past few days?

yes already go it, about 2 weeks ago, did it by post.

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I'm currently looking to start studying, not sure if I should hold off and get a tourist visa until everything is clear?

I'm in Chiang Mai, currently looking to find a school, any recommendations would be great. Ideally cheap, but a legit place where you learn and there's no visa issues. I know Walen is close although I've heard mixed reviews and they're on the higher end of the price scale, so I'm just looking for others before I jump in.

As for the changes, 4 or 8 hours, no difference, it's not exactly gonna wear you out, plus you'll probably learn a bit better, the only thing would be the price rising for a year's study, bit of a pain.

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As for the changes, 4 or 8 hours, no difference, it's not exactly gonna wear you out, plus you'll probably learn a bit better, the only thing would be the price rising for a year's study, bit of a pain.

The hours is not an issue, at least not for legitmate students but paying double now from what was paid before is the issue.

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