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Pakistan mob kills Christian couple over 'blasphemy'


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The sad thing is that there is one God - you can call God anything you like but it is essentially the same thing. We are all human and if you go back far enough we all come from the same place on Earth, and a Earth shares its beginning from the same place as the rest of our universe. And yet people want to control other people and for some reason want to hurt each other and thus the philosophy of religion is abused to form a dogma and excuse to kill and abuse others. It is rather a sad thing about humans that we have not evolved beyond that yet.

In reality there is no god and if people believed that there would be a lot less violence. Brain washing is a very dangerous thing!

For me God is everything in the universe - so it depends how you define the idea. I agree there is no bloke with a white beard dishing out numerous virgins for defiling at the pearly gates. It just depends ones philosophy - the abuse is the use of religion for control of people which is what it is used for. But then people screw up everything for their own evil anyway unfortunately.

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The blasphemy law is self-preserving since nobody can criticise it without they themselves blaspheming, thus it never gets modified.
No law should be self-preserving.
How to tackle it? I don't know.


It reminds me of the classic stoning scene in Life of Brian.

Where the character pronouncing the offence (of committing blasphemy by uttering the word 'Jehovah') couldnt do his job without also committing blasphemy.
Monty Python beautifully captured the circularity and hypocrisy of the whole idiotic idea of blasphemy.

If Islam and Mohammed are so great, why do they get so offended at how someone treats a physical book?

Pathetic is the word for it.

And why do they need a band of stone age simpletons to rumble on their behalf? Laughable... If you were running any kind of worthy organisation would you have people like this representing you? Hell no. They're an embarrassment to humanity.

Edited by toooa
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Those following islam are a bunch of intolerant, sick <deleted>!!!
Religion of peace? Like hell it is.
Unfortunately Hiseho they are in sufficient numbers in many countries, and breeding like rabnits, for them to already be a significant problem.

Edited by metisdead
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I'd make a few points in response to arjunadawn and monkeycountry.

1.I make no claim to be a Islam expert, to be clear. I m an athiest. I just believe in truth - Im not defending Islam here. I just dislike oft repeated falsities and twisting of the facts.

2. Sharia law is interpreted by adherents of Islam, it is not set out in the Koran. It is primarily a reflection of the cultural, not religious, values of Middle Eastern societies.

You can be a true Muslim and completely reject sharia law. Yes its true.

TV posts are frequently making this basic mistake.

Mohammed did not set out sharia law, its roots can be traced back long before he was born, in the cultural attitudes of the society of which he was a part. But Islam has moulded it since then for sure.

3. Islam had a venerable tradition of religious tolerance for centuries. Intolerance is not inherent in Islam, it is inherent in some of the humans who interpret it to the masses, and in their cultures. And in ours, apparently.

4. What we know of Mohammed has been passed to us and shaped by Islamic powerbrokers. Much of it (as with the New Testament) is likely suspect. I dont know but I suspect Mohammed would think mob violence a violation of his principles. I could be wrong.

5. At the time of Mohammeds life it was common in Europe for people of all classes to marry girls we today would consider way too young. Royalty, lords, peasants, they all did it. It was culturally acceptable at the time. Its a red herring, monkeycountry. Its meaningless. It says nothing about the man. Also, marriage to very young girls didnt mean sex. Often the girl didnt cohabit with her husband until sexually mature. Hell, even Gandhi married his wife in her very early teens.

6. If we were posting on TV about Christianity back in the Reformation days we'd be saying how bloodthirsty it was and evil. But we know now it was twisted then for political and personal power purposes. It can be a force for good (in the right hands). It isnt inherently evil. Its core message is actually peaceful and hopeful. Same goes for Islam. Its just going through a really bad patch now. And many of its adherents are naive third world peasants with no education, from particularly intolerant cultures, which doesnt help.

Ok, I ve tried. Now let the misrepresentation begin!!

You are right you are no expert on islam so better keep quiet that make yourself look like a complete FOOL

Educate yourself first before posting complete drivel

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Youve got a big mouth mate. But its easy to spout sh@t and leave out the substance.

Why dont you put your money where your mouth is and tell us why youre the expert. And then tell me where Im wrong.

Go on.

Otherwise crawl back to your pond and bore the cr@p out of the slime.

Edited by simondan
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The sad thing is that there is one God - you can call God anything you like but it is essentially the same thing. We are all human and if you go back far enough we all come from the same place on Earth, and a Earth shares its beginning from the same place as the rest of our universe. And yet people want to control other people and for some reason want to hurt each other and thus the philosophy of religion is abused to form a dogma and excuse to kill and abuse others. It is rather a sad thing about humans that we have not evolved beyond that yet.

"The sad thing is that there is one God" ! And I've got fairies at the bottom of my garden . . .

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And then there's Buddhism.

One of the true "assets" of Thailand.

If only the whole world was Buddhist. Would be a far more peaceful world.

Said, "tongue in cheek", keeping in mind what is happening to the Rohinga in Myanmar. I try to follow the Dharmma so don't disagree with the idea.

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Youve got a big mouth mate. But its easy to spout sh@t and leave out the substance.

Why dont you put your money where your mouth is and tell us why youre the expert. And then tell me where Im wrong.

Go on.

Otherwise crawl back to your pond and bore the cr@p out of the slime.

No answer?

Nah. You know you got nothing except p!ss and wind.

Or were you consulting your extensive library?

I suggest you follow your own advice.


Charcoalking more like.

Edited by simondan
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A Christian living among ignorant Muslims is a recipe for disaster...amazing how quickly events turn to mob violence in countries where the people are predominantly followers of Muhammad...hate and violence is a way of life for these morons...Allah Akbar!

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The blasphemy law is self-preserving since nobody can criticise it without they themselves blaspheming, thus it never gets modified.

No law should be self-preserving.

How to tackle it? I don't know.

Well, people could start by refusing to kill people based on hate and them use such laws to hide behind. The problem here is the people and their mentality, not the law. Making excuses for the despicable to act despicably is the root of the problem.

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Why desecrate a Koran in a Muslim country in the first place?

Now realization dawn how tolerant the Thai Buddhists are...

Would all these brave Thai bashers dare do the bashing living in a Muslim country?

Food for thought.


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Its a shame the world cannot put its differences aside and unite to eradicate ALL extreme religions from the face of the earth before its too late.

Children and their children will be brainwashed, education is stifled.

There is a cancer growing among us - and it gets bigger and bigger each day...

Unfortunately in the name of OIL we use Extreme religions as an excuse, but in reality nothing is done!

Which religion fought most of the wars in this planet?


And today, who are the worst warmongers?

Sometimes, ones gotta think...

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People still believe this religion stuff?

People still believe this Non-religion stuff?

Comments such as these go no where. Freedom to believe or disbelieve; to practice or blaspheme; to observe or peacefully condemn is the essence of choice and freedom.

Unfortunately, it is a concept lost to some.

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People still believe this religion stuff?

People still believe this Non-religion stuff?

Comments such as these go no where. Freedom to believe or disbelieve; to practice or blaspheme; to observe or peacefully condemn is the essence of choice and freedom.

Unfortunately, it is a concept lost to some.

Yes, they should be free to believe what they want if they don't affect others. Doesn't mean it's not all crap, which it is, but thy should be free to believe it.

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Im an atheist so blasphemy laws are a ridiculous concept to me , tragic that in some societies religion has had such a negative effect.

I read the full BBC report about this case and in actual fact most Pakistanis convicted of blasphemy are Muslim themselves. The majority of accusations are based on greed , spite , envy or revenge , much like those cherished witch trials we were so fond of in Europe.

Too many muslims are indeed stuck in the stone age but remember ' he without sin ' blah blah. An ever increasing number of evangelical Christians ( especially in Africa ) are happy to impede scientific progress if it conflicts with their dogmatic beliefs.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

And then there's Buddhism.

One of the true "assets" of Thailand.

If only the whole world was Buddhist. Would be a far more peaceful world.

Try telling that to the Burmese.

Being of Buddhist origin really toned down the Khmer Rouge too.
And old Hun Sen is another shining Buddhist example of tolerance and fair play...

People have certainly killed more in the name of Islam & Christianity than Buddhism.

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And then there's Buddhism.

One of the true "assets" of Thailand.

If only the whole world was Buddhist. Would be a far more peaceful world.

You are a blind dreamer, look at all the violence in LOS.

The blasphemy rule in Pakistan is almost the same as the defaming rule in Thailand, created to misuse it, the only difference is that in thailand still nobody got stoned, but high sentenced for nothing.

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And then there's Buddhism.

One of the true "assets" of Thailand.

If only the whole world was Buddhist. Would be a far more peaceful world.

Try telling that to the Burmese.

Being of Buddhist origin really toned down the Khmer Rouge too.

And old Hun Sen is another shining Buddhist example of tolerance and fair play...

The Khmer Rouge killed about 50.000 monks far over 90% in cambodia during this genocide, only about 3.000 survived.

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The blasphemy law is self-preserving since nobody can criticise it without they themselves blaspheming, thus it never gets modified.

No law should be self-preserving.

How to tackle it? I don't know.

It is very simple my friend, kill all the radical Muslim scum, simple as that.....

Obviously you mean to also kill the ' radical scum ' who happen to be Jewish , Christian , Hindu etc , you do know that we still have blasphemy laws here in the West ?

In the modern world, there is only one religion that practices death for blasphemy on a regular basis.

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