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Thai politics: Don't sacrifice the environment for profits

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Don't sacrifice the environment for profits

Samudcha Hoonsara

BANGKOK: -- We should be delighted that many people are now becoming aware of the need to preserve the environment and protect the delicate balance of nature. This need has increased several fold over recent years as there are more and more people whose boundless greed has had an adverse impact on society and the environment.

Recently, in this very column, I explained my strong stance against the encroachment of national forests and wildlife habitats. Sometimes, I even cancel trips if I find that the resort or destination I'm heading for is of a questionable background.

At this time of year, when the weather is pleasantly cool, concerts are being planned at several locations, including the dozens of resorts at Nakhon Ratchasima's Wang Nam Khiew district. Some of these locations are allegedly encroaching on national forests and having legal problems with the authorities.

Relevant state agencies have finally decided to crack down on encroachers after years of refusing to take action despite the many complaints.

Still, better late than never!

Though it has taken them a long time, the agencies deserve praise. However, one can only hope this is not a passing fancy.

Forest encroachment and squatting on public land have been long-standing problems in this country. Many alleged owners of encroached land are big shots. A former director-general of a government agency was recently moved to an inactive post at the Prime Minister's Office after being found to be involved in this problem.

The government should set a clear framework in dealing with this problem. High-ranking government people should set an example for other public officials, as well as the general public, by ensuring they don't encroach or squat on public land. Every time a government figure is found involved, the matter should be explained to the public as soon as possible in order to show that the administration is sincere in tackling this problem.

It is understandable that investors want to make a profit from their investment and also want to please their customers. However, harming the environment to make customers happy just does not make sense.

Hence, authorities involved should make it very clear to the public that encroaching on national forests and violating laws for the sake of profits will just not be tolerated. People also need to ensure that these offenders are not able to get away with it.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Dont-sacrifice-the-environment-for-profits-30247201.html

-- The Nation 2014-11-07


The reluctance of the Health , Mines and Environment departments with issues over the years from lead poison in village water, mining environmental issues to encroachment beggars belief , because they sure don't give a figs arse , whether there is no provision for action against breaches in their charter or they are just plain lazy , couldn't careless or on the take , one thing is for sure something needs to be done. coffee1.gif

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"A former director-general of a government agency was recently moved to an inactive post at the Prime Minister's Office after being found to be involved in this problem."

Why not move him to prison???????????? Shouldn't be too difficult. Is cheaper than keep paying his salary. Is a warning to others not to be bad. Easy.

We all hope a case is being constructed against him.....it may come to light around 2020 tho' !!

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Thought The Nation had hit the nail on the head there by putting this down as a 'Burning Issue' though it appears I was misled.


There are many many synonyms that one can ascribe to Thailand and it people but "caring for the environment" is so far down the list that it may as well not be included in the same hemisphere and will likely remain this way for generations to come. Sad but true.

Like every other country in the world. I saw an interesting documentary on fracking in the USA, a total disaster for the environment and the communities around the sites, all protests are blocked or ignored and the UK wants to follow their lead.

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The last government were prepared to sacrifice the people for politics until the Army stepped in - what chance does the environment have ?.

I wouldn't mind if they were doing it for some great political struggle - but it was all just so one vain little toad could stay in charge of all the other little toadies.


"A former director-general of a government agency was recently moved to an inactive post at the Prime Minister's Office after being found to be involved in this problem."

Why not move him to prison???????????? Shouldn't be too difficult. Is cheaper than keep paying his salary. Is a warning to others not to be bad. Easy.

Yes - the effort being put into prioritizing and curtailing corruption is astoundingly ....... Minimal

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How about the numerous jungles burnt for profit.

That seems to be OK. There is no law enforcement here.

I'd rather see a resort than a cornfield.


"A former director-general of a government agency was recently moved to an inactive post at the Prime Minister's Office after being found to be involved in this problem."

Why not move him to prison???????????? Shouldn't be too difficult. Is cheaper than keep paying his salary. Is a warning to others not to be bad. Easy.

There is such a thing Eric, as I am sure you know, as due process of the law, like charging someone then giving them their day in court to defend themselves, you know 'innocent until proved guilty'

It would be great if getting them to court could be done immediately but unfortunately it takes time and shunting them to inactive posts must be a great loss of face for them and would be the equivalent of house arrest, keeping them away from where they can do more damage or cover up's while an investigation is complete then charges laid.


"A former director-general of a government agency was recently moved to an inactive post at the Prime Minister's office after being found to be involved in this problem." So not only does he maintain his salary and perks, but he gets to impress his family and friends by mentioning that he now works with the PM???

I'm sorry, but F*** this "inactive post" sh*t, and F*** this "saving face" sh*t. The "saving face" crap is the principal reason that Thailand is in the dung house it's in now. Until the Thai nation is willing to leave the 18th century and enter the 21st (granted, a bit of a culture shock), this beautiful country, and it's wonderful culture (with a few notable exceptions, like the aforementioned concept of "face") will never begin to realize its potential. Thailand, with its incredible natural resources, and it's hitherto untapped human potential, has the incredible opportunity to soar to amazing heights, but is consistently held back by its feudal mentality. When are these wonderful people going to wake up and recognize that they are being continually abused by their "leadership"?


Well Thailand is not the only country that puts profit first , China , USA , Brazil are right up there. I think the big problem in Thailand is the selective law enforcement , those responsible for the large scale rape ofvthe environment are simply not punished . Long jail sentences and huge fines / wealth confiscation orders would prove a very effective detterent. Sadly though this will never happen until the Patronage system is dismantled and large scale corruption addressed , dont hold your breath.

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A question and a challenge to all posters on this thread. Granted that Thailand has numerous environmental crises, exacerbated by cultural attitudes. None of us come from a country that is blameless in this regard.

What are you doing as individuals to change the course of things? How do you cooperate with others to attempt to effect change? (It is difficult to effect change if you are alone.)

And don't tell me there aren't groups doing exactly that in Thailand. To cite examples:

Thailand Federation of Small-scale Fisher-folk Association


Sam Phak Nam village in Khon Kaen province


the Elephant Conservation Network


It's one thing to sit and b---h. It's another to get off the booty and activate oneself. It may be best to look around, and find people who seem to fit whatever goals you have. The big conservation orgs are often suspect-- too much money floating through them.

For your consideration:


The new superintendent of the Mae Tho National Park had been there 10 months when I first met him. He claimed at the time that the villagers in the area cut down primary forests for shifting cultivation, although it was impossible for him to have any firsthand knowledge of this because he had not lived in the area during cutting season. This was, in fact, "textbook" knowledge he had learned in school and from experience elsewhere in northern Thailand, and his contentions were hotly contested by villagers in the Mae Tho region, who claimed that they had not cut primary forest for decades.

Having a park manager whose knowledge and experience originated in a landscape other than the one he is now managing is a constant source of discontent for resident villagers. One key informant explained that " ... the leader of the park changes all the time. The last one was OK, he began to understand the lives of people in the mountains, but then he had to leave, and now we have a new one. Now we have to teach him. As soon as he begins to understand, he will leave too."

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