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This piercing Heeley and Sons corkscrew (from Charing Cross Road) will keep the difficult people away.

Anybody carry a gun?

A 9mm Walther works better.


This piercing Heeley and Sons corkscrew (from Charing Cross Road) will keep the difficult people away.

Anybody carry a gun?

A 9mm Walther works better.

Even better, a decoy.

A 9mm Walther works better.

A .45 ACP works even better than that :o Go with 230gr hollowpoints; they offer better penetration than the lighter bullets. For 9mm, the Winchester 147gr subsonic hollowpoint is probably the best for that caliber. Bullet selection sucks in shops over here, so you'll have to look hard.


This piercing Heeley and Sons corkscrew (from Charing Cross Road) will keep the difficult people away.

Anybody carry a gun?

A 9mm Walther works better.

Even better, a decoy.

What am i missing :o


I agree on that, and having owned several guns myself I know how to use one. I don't own guns or target shoot here in Thailand as it's too expensive and too much of a hassle but if I needed to use a gun it wouldn't be a problem...kind of like learning to tie your shoes; you don't forget.

I think some people have been watching too many films. :o

Don't own a gun UNLESS you're prepared to use it.

Good advice. I'd add "unless you're also prepared to deal with the consequences from having used it".

So where to keep the drugs ? on the other side ? Bit of a wank really.


I don't carry gun in my car; I haven't got one....err, or a car for that matter.

I do carry a bent scrwedriver in the moped. Does that count? :D

I don't carry gun in my car; I haven't got one....err, or a car for that matter.

I do carry a bent scrwedriver in the moped. Does that count? :o

<deleted>, your one mean mother ! Better steer clear of u when i ma on my tricycle.


I don't carry gun in my car; I haven't got one....err, or a car for that matter.

I do carry a bent scrwedriver in the moped. Does that count? :o

<deleted>, your one mean mother ! Better steer clear of u when i ma on my tricycle.

Oooh.... 3 wheels. Bet you've got a bicycle pump concealed somewhere for all those. Could be usefull :D

I think some people have been watching too many films. :o

Don't own a gun UNLESS you're prepared to use it.

So true. Getting in a road-side spat is probably not the best time to realize what its like to point a gun and squeeze the trigger.

There is enough sadness and conflict in the world without adding to it.

I have driven nearly 100,000 km in the last 3 years, and I have only ever had one near incident, and I felt that discresion and a polite wai was far better than going the road rage route.

Trust me, even when you are trained as a soldier to kill people, it is not an easy thing to live with.

Oooh.... 3 wheels. Bet you've got a bicycle pump concealed somewhere for all those. Could be usefull :D

Nope, but the tyres can make a real mean "pop" sound just like a honest to real pop-gun when they burst ! Bound to scare off a few :o hoodlems.....


Heard it's difficult for Thais to legally have guns in cars and neigh impossible for us farang types.

That said I was offered and advised to have one at one point a few years back by a particularly paranoid Thai person.

As the biggest criminal incident I've encountered was a thwarted pickpocketing on Sukhumvit, I declined.


A .45 ACP blah blah blah 230gr hollowpoints; blah blah blah better penetration blah blah lighter bullets. blah 9mm, blah Winchester 147gr subsonic hollowpoint blah blah caliber. Bullet blah blah blah.

The usual yank way.


Phil - Aint that a Yanky actor in ur Avtar ??? :D ( dont shoot me now !! ).

Having a gun in the car can be fun, you could play russian roulette with the kids and the mrs on the way to Pattaya! Driver losses - u get a double wammy :o


Oooh.... 3 wheels. Bet you've got a bicycle pump concealed somewhere for all those. Could be usefull :D

Nope, but the tyres can make a real mean "pop" sound just like a honest to real pop-gun when they burst ! Bound to scare off a few :D hoodlems.....

Isn't the topic getting a lttle deflated now :o

Bullet selection sucks in shops over here, so you'll have to look hard.

Probably not a good idea anyway, since anything that isn't LRN is almost always old and oily (even the generally well to do legal local gun owners buy half boxes and sometimes less... so that means the shop owner has to hand pick them out of the box..... that usually means fingertip oil on the cartridges and shorter shelf/storage life at home). I suppose that's what 100-150 Baht PER ROUND of just about any speciality ammo will do. I don't regularly carry here, no need, just to and from the range.

That said, there are a lot of people who carry.



"Freedom" .... I really the mods should come up with a new icon :wanking:

Living in countries like the US and Afganistan where you can be shot at any moment and need to be constantly on the look out, does not really convey a feeling of freedom and piece of mind.


Thaiboxer, call me what you like, as skippy said, you're all on about freedom but look at Europe. Nobody carries guns and yet we are at least as free as you guys - and certainly ain't being wiretapped by a paranoid government under the excuse of "homeland security" :o


I guess its like living in a slum all your life, if you dont know any better, you would know the difference. I lived in Europe, and some one being shot in the street is un heard of. I knew a lady who lived in Washington, sounded a bit like Bosnia in the 1990's to me.

Does any one have any stats with regards to which Western country has the highest rate of gun related deaths in the world ?

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