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What New Skills Have You Acquired In Thailand?


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how to dodge those pesky tailor salesmen on Pattaya beach road

Why dodge them just walk through them....they move...laugh.png

had one who needed the shake hand with me. But I had a cigarette in my hand. It was worth it.....

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I have learned a lot more patience since being here, some of the things that used to really set me off don't any more, so guess some of that Mai pen rai, has rubbed off on me

I am still trying to learn this but getting there and the concept of Thai time.

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The mai ben rai is what i learned here, not that i 'm proud with it though. But in the heat sometimes i can't be bothered to do things perfect. It's for myself though so who cares.

Yes patience but it's hard, that's why i won't buy a car, i 'm not going to wait all day for people who can't control that stupid thing. Motorbike is much easyier but on that i still have to learn to be more patient.

Also i learned to take the easy way, as a farang i used to only look at the goal, never looked for the easyiest way to get there. Quality first was my motto but here i learned to not take it too serious.

Also i learned that everything is just temporary and that you never know what might be around the corner.

Time goes very fast in Thailand, much faster then in the west.

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smiling when I do not mean it

knowing that "be there in an hour" can be 2 hours or more , or never , but not 1 hour

looking behind to check if motorbikes want to run me down on the sidewalk !

the "truth" is a moving target

being stupid is a plus, acting stupid is a minus

logic is not

ohh so many more , but really its more about the good stuff , the real thais away from the tourist areas and the smart ways they do things with nothing but street smarts

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Like water in a still lake... Hide my feelings and not act out. ....was like that before & now I'm just totally aloof sad.png

I learned the Thai solution for that. It is in a bottle and they call it Whisky. After drinking that stuff you won't hide your feelings anymore, if it doesn't work then drink more of it.

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Ability and skill to say "uuggh" at every conjecture or silence and nod head acordingly is an aquired skill as is thinking of westerners as cash machines!

Oh and to understand I am but a mere lowly insignificant farang.

I have however completely failed to aquire the skill of understanding that Thailand is far superior country to anywhere else in the world while

attempting to cope with water shortages, a lack of clean fresh drinking water from taps/fawcet, frequent power outs, slow goat track like internet

, shit on/in 3rd world squat toilet, wipe kitchen surfaces with old dirty rag, generally fail to keep a clean and tidy house, all while trying to live on a daily salary

that some inferior stupid farang gets in an hour!,, Some skills are best left for others (locals) to master and master well!..

Edited by Derek M
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