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Problems With Locals

I wonder

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The locals where I live are insisting that I ran a small dog down at the weekend, killing it.

I have no knowledge of the event and am suspicious that it could be a case of 'exploit the farang'.

The mother of the girl owner has been on the phone to my wife cursing me and adding bits to the story as time goes by. Needless to say as time passes more and more people witnessed the event and conclude that it must have been me as I am the only owner of a Toyota Fortuner in the street. This happened the morning following my daughter's admission to hospital and I was alone in the car. That would not have been known as the windows are dark and it is not possible to see in from outside.

Because my wife's mobile battery had discharged overnight in the hospital there is added suspicion as no one could call at the time this was supposed to have happened.

Apparently the owner wants me to say sorry, infact I am very sorry that her dog has been killed but I am not prepared to admit guilt by saying that I am sorry.

After hearing and witnessing some of the Thai-Farang tussles I am reluctant to get too invloved and cetainly do not want to get into a slagging match. By the same token I want to bring the matter to a conclusion so that there are no repercusions in the future.

My wife is not so good at complicated explainations so I'm thinking I should ask a lawyer to come and do the translation so there is no ambiguity or cause for complaint at later dates. My wife seems to think that this could stir things up even more but right now we don't know the mood of these people.

What does the team think??

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If they're not asking for money, just apologise, it's not like it is going to cost you anything.

Any other course could well store up problems for later, you have to live there after all.

Actually, can you be sure you DIDN'T hit the dog, Fortuner is a big car and the dog was small, not always easy to see.

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Use some common sense and a bit of Thai culture.

Get another Thai neighbor or Thai friend to go with you to talk to the dog owner.

Start by apologizing for the loss of the dog, explain that you do not think it was you, but state categorically that if it was you then you apologize un reservedly.

Explain that on the morning of the accident you were deeply concerned over your daughter's hospitalization and that might have been a reason why you did not notice a dog in the street.

Add that you have until now been concerned over your daughter's health and apologize for not having come to speak to the neighbor sooner.

If they ask for payment, then tell them that you are not willing to pay for an accident running a dog over in the street, but that you are willing to make a donation to the local temple.

If you are unable to do the above, consider moving house as the last thing you need anywhere, especially in Thailand, is aggrieved neighbors.

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You can’t be so sure you didn’t hit the dog!

But no point in arguing with the thais. To keep every cool….I would say something like this…

“From the best of my recollection, for sure I did not kill your beloved dog or at least he didn’t die at the scene….But if I did then I’m so regretful of my action, please accept my sincere apology.”

no body of evidence, then no token compensation from me! (if they're demanding one)

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If you're sure you didn't hit the dog, just explain that to the neighbors. A Fortuner is a big vehicle, but if you hit a dog, you probably would have felt the bump. If you're not 100% sure you didn't hit the dog, then say something along the lines of "If I did hit your dog, I'm terribly sorry." They're not asking for financial compensation right? If they are asking for financial compensation and you didn't hit their dog, tell them where to go, but try to do it politely. Nobody wants bad neighbors around but at the same time you need to stand your ground.

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What does the team think??

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I like that bit... :o

In your situation, I think your wife is right. Keeping a lawyer out of the situation is sound. It will escalate things and add legitimacy to the neighbor's claim of your guilt.

I would try to stay clear of it. Don't sell your wife short. Try to let her deal with it on her terms. Give it some more time, as well, to blow over. Things tend to do rather quickly. They don't have any legal ground to stand on regarding a claim since you don't own the only Fortuner in Thailand.

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Whether you ran it over or not doesn't matter - they are responsible for keeping their pets out of the street. Let the owner know that you will file a police complaint for harassment if she continues calling you.

ching ching, ling ling... :D

Two very good and valid points... :o

but I'd give it more time and only if the badgering continues before laying down the law with a complaint. It hasn't been that long a period yet. Also, many people turn off their phones for the evening so as to not be disturbed (the missus does hers).

Edited by sriracha john
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Maybe you did acciently and didnt know, pr maybe it was someone else who ran it and they really think you did it.

Just go there and say the truth, tell them you sorry for the loss of the dog, i didnt know i ran any dog over and if i did then im sorry.

Then go home and have a bear

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If you know your neighbors then talk to some.

If you don't then have the wife invite the dog owner over for a chat. Don't equivocate ... if you didn't hit the dog then don't say "if I did..."

Tell them you are sorry for their loss and then get on with life.

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Maybe you did acciently and didnt know, pr maybe it was someone else who ran it and they really think you did it.

Just go there and say the truth, tell them you sorry for the loss of the dog, i didnt know i ran any dog over and if i did then im sorry.

Then go home and have a bear

Wow first a dog and now a BEAR

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Maybe you did acciently and didnt know, pr maybe it was someone else who ran it and they really think you did it.

Just go there and say the truth, tell them you sorry for the loss of the dog, i didnt know i ran any dog over and if i did then im sorry.

Then go home and have a bear

You have a bear??? :o Maybe the bear ate it, it didn't get run over after all!!!!

I'd agree witht he majority here: Take a friend/neighbour over and apologise but tell them you are sure you didn't run over any dog. Offer to make a donation at the temple, they'd look like heathens if they refuse.

Then send your bear over to eat the neighbour.

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Grin and bear it. Don't grizzle, gather your thoughts don't become polarized, life is just a series of kodiac moments Never brown nose and drinking koala just rots your teeth. Never panda to your neighbours, it'll just lead to black thoughts. ( think of the missus in a teddy, that'll cheer you up ).

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The locals where I live are insisting that I ran a small dog down at the weekend, killing it.

I have no knowledge of the event and am suspicious that it could be a case of 'exploit the farang'.

The mother of the girl owner has been on the phone to my wife cursing me...

You are sure you didn't kill the dog? Than you (your wife) could also say to the dogowner " Pee hen": The ghost of the street were the dog died sees and knows everything!

If the locals don't stop cursing you and wish you bad than you are going to ask the ghost for help punish them. This menace would be enough to make them shut up... :o

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why not burn their house down, problem solved.

No more angry neighbours :D



It'd get rid of any remaining puppies, as well... :o

...have a BBQ with Hot Dogs, should do the trick.

...together with the tom-yum frog soup, a shot of Sangsom and wash it down with Tiger bear/beer :D

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I have two suggestions:

First, don't admit guilt but in an attempt to stay on-side with your neigbours, buy a puppy for person who lost their dog. It shouldn't cost too much and everybody saves face.

Second, bring that van of yours down to Pattaya and see how many other mangy, flea bitten mongrels you can run over. You will do the locals a huge favour.

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I meant beer. I think you all know about my spelling by now.

You all think too mut

Either this is another hilarious typo or Donz is a lot smarter than we think! :o

On the topic - it is a no win situation. I would go for the donation to the temple as the least worst solution.

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I meant beer. I think you all know about my spelling by now.

You all think too mut

Either this is another hilarious typo or Donz is a lot smarter than we think! :o

On the topic - it is a no win situation. I would go for the donation to the temple as the least worst solution.

There is a member on here called Think to mut

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