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safety in cars made in thailand secondary concern


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5 pages and our resident airbag installer OP hasn't been back with details on how he managed to add the airbags to a standard vehicle. It's not enough to put them in, they've got to deploy right too. But maybe he's from Sweden and works at Volvo R&D.... whistling.gif

I would assume if the extra safety features are available within the product range they can be added after the fact to those same vehicles that do not have them simply buy purchasing the relevant parts required and fitting them.

I have serious doubts this is a financially viable upgrade though.

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5 pages and our resident airbag installer OP hasn't been back with details on how he managed to add the airbags to a standard vehicle. It's not enough to put them in, they've got to deploy right too. But maybe he's from Sweden and works at Volvo R&D.... whistling.gif

I would assume if the extra safety features are available within the product range they can be added after the fact to those same vehicles that do not have them simply buy purchasing the relevant parts required and fitting them.

I have serious doubts this is a financially viable upgrade though.

That's the point. Sure they can be added, it's just that it would involve much more work and parts than is immediately obvious. I doubt the vehicle would be wired to accept the airbags, sensors, control box, etc. Search the internets for someone who has done this and let me know if you find anyone...

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No Giddyup, I don't believe that at all, but I know of a case back in Scotland, where a guy in his car not wearing a seatbelt, was able to throw himself on to the front passenger seat to avoid an object about to crash through his windscreen.

If he had worn his seat belt, he would have been killed instantly, and there was the police woman whose car plunged of the pier in England, and she drowned because she could not get out of the car because she was wearing a seat belt.

Two examples out of the hundreds of thousand of lives that have actually been saved by seatbelts (I'm one of them) and you want to give people the choice? Hmm.
It's two that I know about, and you are one I know about who have been saved. I am not against the wearing of seatbelts, and respect you and others who want to wear them. I just think that if I was driving, and someone came out from a side road and I could not avoid hitting them, I would be able to duck down quickly to avoid the steering wheel maybe killing me.

Another thing, how many deaths and injuries are caused by drivers getting hit by the steering wheel into their chest or throat?

This has to qualify for the most facile post of the thread award????

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It's two that I know about, and you are one I know about who have been saved. I am not against the wearing of seatbelts, and respect you and others who want to wear them. I just think that if I was driving, and someone came out from a side road and I could not avoid hitting them, I would be able to duck down quickly to avoid the steering wheel maybe killing me.

Another thing, how many deaths and injuries are caused by drivers getting hit by the steering wheel into their chest or throat?

Many. Caused by not having a seat belt on in an accident.

(This rotaphobia brings some [Monty Pythonesque] images of a Killer Steering Wheel to mind.

The light turns green at a major intersection. Traffic starts moving but for one car. The driver slumped against the horn with his windpipe crushed. The Killer Steering Wheel has struck again...)

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There is a difference between bickering: and pointing out the inherent stupidity of a poster's theory. Some of the suggestions that have been posted - if taken seriously - are in fact positively dangerous. It is quite clear that some posters question the benefits of seat belts and others have absolutely no idea of what can happen in the event of an incident. - either how random they can be or how fast - even at VERY slow speeds.

Beliefs like this not only put the posters themselves in danger but also any passengers other road users and will eventually impinge on family and friends - totally irresponsible.

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1st Toyota now Honda........ 12 million cars recalled over exploding airbags..


Not sure what your point is here?

Are you doubting the effectiveness of airbags or the quality of production and installation?

Or are you suggesting that cars are safer without airbags?

"The recalls involve 10 automakers including Toyota Motor Corp. and General Motors Co. and various nations such as Japan, China and European countries. About 8 million of the recalls are in the United States."

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It's two that I know about, and you are one I know about who have been saved. I am not against the wearing of seatbelts, and respect you and others who want to wear them. I just think that if I was driving, and someone came out from a side road and I could not avoid hitting them, I would be able to duck down quickly to avoid the steering wheel maybe killing me.

Another thing, how many deaths and injuries are caused by drivers getting hit by the steering wheel into their chest or throat?

You should quit while you're behind. The reason people got killed by steering wheels is because they weren't wearing seatbelts, and do you really think you'd have time to react by lying down on the seat if someone came fast out of a sidestreet? Accidents aren't in slow motion, they happen so fast that normally you don't have any options at all. I was driving down a suburban street in Australia when a guy travelling in the opposite direction suddenly lost control (driving too fast) and swerved in front of me. No time to duck, say a hail mary, kiss my arse goodbye, nothing. Most crashes happen like that and if you believe otherwise you're delusional.

Yes, accidents can happen in split seconds, you are better qualified to give an opinion on this debate than I am, as I have never been involved in an accident either here or back in Scotland. It has been a good debate with you, and I can see why you think it should be compulsory to wear seatbelts, and I believe that most posters would side with you. I just believe that wearing seatbelts have cost lives, and therefore should not be compulsary. We will just have to agree to differ on this.

With all respect Sir Mc you sounds like a stubborn hillbilly over 100 years ago, who is against all technical improvment.

Statistics telling the opposite of your opinion, caused they don't use only single cases made by their own experiences Sir. post-4641-1156694606.gif

Nothing in this world having only advantages.

Caroe diem wai2.gif

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This topic is getting a bit like I bet I can piss further then you can regarding cars with/without airbags.

As anyone should know who has lived here for any period of time, airbags, ABS, stability control or any other form of device is not required and really unnecessary.

Take a look around at the stuff most Thais have in their cars. It is an established fact that an amulet stuck to the dashboard will protect the driver and passengers in the event of anything happening. Why if you have half a dozen of them you can even drive without any safety worries whilst also looking at the onboard TV, simultaneously talking on the phone whilst ramming an inhaler up the nose with the other hand.

If you have countless number of them, together with other paraphernalia ( ideally obscuring your vision) you are absolutely invincible. Hence all safety devices are superfluous to requirements for most Thais.

We falang aren't as trusting on images of deities to save us in a bad accident. I do have a hula dancer on the dash, does that count?

You can't speak for all farangs, germany was different,

I don't know other countries.

Decades ago you could find almost in all cars an amulett of Saint Christopher( we call him Christopherus) mostly hanging on the backmirror in the car.

He is one of the 14 patron saints, protector of the travellers he is for centuries in charge.

Today he is not so much in use anymore.

Carpe diem. wai2.gif

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A bit off the OP's topic ...

One solution I would endorse - not that I have a say - is if the driver or passenger of a motor vehicle does not wear their seatbelt, and is injured in an accident, the health care services should bill them for services rendered, whether they are insured or not. The insurance company should refuse claims in this instance.

A driver who allows passengers to ride in his vehicle, which is not equipped with seatbelts, should be held responsible for any damages suffered by said passengers.

Publish a few cases on the evening news, with the hospital bills, and people might change their minds.

Then, if you so choose - up to you.

Not that this would ever work.

In germany the insurance companies refuse several cases to pay.

For example:

Health costs created while not wearing a seatbelt.

Any demages caused of drunk driving etc.

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5 pages and our resident airbag installer OP hasn't been back with details on how he managed to add the airbags to a standard vehicle. It's not enough to put them in, they've got to deploy right too. But maybe he's from Sweden and works at Volvo R&D.... whistling.gif

I would assume if the extra safety features are available within the product range they can be added after the fact to those same vehicles that do not have them simply buy purchasing the relevant parts required and fitting them.

I have serious doubts this is a financially viable upgrade though.

That's the point. Sure they can be added, it's just that it would involve much more work and parts than is immediately obvious. I doubt the vehicle would be wired to accept the airbags, sensors, control box, etc. Search the internets for someone who has done this and let me know if you find anyone...

I think you hit the jackpot.

OP still don't have time to answer our profane posts.

caused he is still reading the assembly manuals to getting the clue how to fit the wires properly that everythings works like it supposed to be.

He still don't have time to answer our profane posts. whistling.giffacepalm.gifwink.png

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1st Toyota now Honda........ 12 million cars recalled over exploding airbags..


This tells only about some bad quality Airbags who are installed, but nothing in general about a proper airbag to avoid a lot of insuries and save a lot of lifes.

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So if a drunk drives into my car I don't get any money???? Sounds like a <deleted> idea to me....

I would recommend use your brain.

I will explain it as simple as possible, that hopefully everybody can understand it.

For example:

If a drunk driver hit your car, then the insurance will pay your demages,

but then they will try to catch the money back from the drunk driver.

In case the car is not insured, then houston there can be a problem. whistling.gif

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1st Toyota now Honda........ 12 million cars recalled over exploding airbags..


This tells only about some bad quality Airbags who are installed, but nothing in general about a proper airbag to avoid a lot of insuries and save a lot of lifes.

Yes.. I always put on the seatbelts it is just automatic... Myself think all cars and pickups should be fitted with airbags, even side airbags and ABS..my private car has them.

at the end of the day just how much extra would it cost ? as said before the Isuzu SLX D-Max 2008 you had a option, pay 30,000 baht more and you got the model with 2 airbags and ABS [the 2005 model before that also had that option which I had]........

Sadly the best Pickup at the time when I bought another New pickup was the Mazda and I have the top Open-cab model the Hi-Racer+ it has ABS but NO airbags... it is coming up again [next year] to get another new pickup, the Mazda top model open cab still has NO Airbags..!! I would like the option. [i have no need for a 4x4, and the double cab is no good as the rear bed is far to small + have no need for 4 doors..

Talking about doors.. drive anywhere here and mostly cars are driven with just one, why on earth must we only have 4 or 5 doors where are the 3 door hatchback options ? I can count on one hand in 11 years here when anyone has every got into the back of mine.. in Europe mostly always had the 3 door hatch + most no one had ever sat in the back

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1st Toyota now Honda........ 12 million cars recalled over exploding airbags..


This tells only about some bad quality Airbags who are installed, but nothing in general about a proper airbag to avoid a lot of insuries and save a lot of lifes.

Yes.. I always put on the seatbelts it is just automatic... Myself think all cars and pickups should be fitted with airbags, even side airbags and ABS..my private car has them.

at the end of the day just how much extra would it cost ? as said before the Isuzu SLX D-Max 2008 you had a option, pay 30,000 baht more and you got the model with 2 airbags and ABS [the 2005 model before that also had that option which I had]........

Sadly the best Pickup at the time when I bought another New pickup was the Mazda and I have the top Open-cab model the Hi-Racer+ it has ABS but NO airbags... it is coming up again [next year] to get another new pickup, the Mazda top model open cab still has NO Airbags..!! I would like the option. [i have no need for a 4x4, and the double cab is no good as the rear bed is far to small + have no need for 4 doors..

Talking about doors.. drive anywhere here and mostly cars are driven with just one, why on earth must we only have 4 or 5 doors where are the 3 door hatchback options ? I can count on one hand in 11 years here when anyone has every got into the back of mine.. in Europe mostly always had the 3 door hatch + most no one had ever sat in the back

I drive alone during the week in my 4door truck and with my 2 son's and wife on the weekends. Maybe I should buy another car just for the week then? Lol

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1st Toyota now Honda........ 12 million cars recalled over exploding airbags..


This tells only about some bad quality Airbags who are installed, but nothing in general about a proper airbag to avoid a lot of insuries and save a lot of lifes.

Yes.. I always put on the seatbelts it is just automatic... Myself think all cars and pickups should be fitted with airbags, even side airbags and ABS..my private car has them.

at the end of the day just how much extra would it cost ? as said before the Isuzu SLX D-Max 2008 you had a option, pay 30,000 baht more and you got the model with 2 airbags and ABS [the 2005 model before that also had that option which I had]........

Sadly the best Pickup at the time when I bought another New pickup was the Mazda and I have the top Open-cab model the Hi-Racer+ it has ABS but NO airbags... it is coming up again [next year] to get another new pickup, the Mazda top model open cab still has NO Airbags..!! I would like the option. [i have no need for a 4x4, and the double cab is no good as the rear bed is far to small + have no need for 4 doors..

Talking about doors.. drive anywhere here and mostly cars are driven with just one, why on earth must we only have 4 or 5 doors where are the 3 door hatchback options ? I can count on one hand in 11 years here when anyone has every got into the back of mine.. in Europe mostly always had the 3 door hatch + most no one had ever sat in the back

I drive alone during the week in my 4door truck and with my 2 son's and wife on the weekends. Maybe I should buy another car just for the week then? Lol

It is all about options or here the lack of them... No option for Airbags, No option for ABS, No option for 3 door Hatch.. not everyone has the need or the money for Top Models.. where I live everyone in the Village that has a wife have 2x 4 door cars, the odd few with kids all appear to also have SUV's, when they are of age they also have a 4 door car..

same as looks like at long last people will be able to buy a diesel Mazda 2 cars + until now diesel option in Expensive luxury cars or pickups... many here work in BKK that is over 100 KM trip

When I 1st came to Thailand there was no option for a hatch, told Thais don't like would not buy.. now a day the roads are full of them

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Why do Airplanes only have Seatbelts,no ABS or Air-bags i wonder.? ABS would save planes going off the end of the runway, according to some posters.coffee1.gif .

Ace what size airbag would you recommend when nosediving into the ground from 30,000 feet? wink.png

The same size as the Seat Belt James.biggrin.png

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Why do Airplanes only have Seatbelts,no ABS or Air-bags i wonder.? ABS would save planes going off the end of the runway, according to some posters.coffee1.gif .

Ace what size airbag would you recommend when nosediving into the ground from 30,000 feet? ;)

One of these :-)


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Why do Airplanes only have Seatbelts,no ABS or Air-bags i wonder.? ABS would save planes going off the end of the runway, according to some posters.coffee1.gif .

Ace what size airbag would you recommend when nosediving into the ground from 30,000 feet? wink.png

One of these :-)

Not sure that would work on a A380 ?? injector seats with parachutes ? not sure with 850 or so people all in the sky at the same time that would work

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Let us not forget that many cars and pick ups do not have a heater! This is not really an issue except when it comes to defogging the windscreen at certain times thereby causing a real safety issue!

I was given a tip by a friend many years ago, he said put your aircon on high and only use the vents that are directed at the windscreen, cold air will clear the windscreen faster than hot. Try it, it works.

It's not the cold air. It's the fact that the A/C knocks the humidity out of the air by lowering the temp. For best defogging results, turn on the A/C and set the heater temp as high as it will go.

Edited by impulse
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Why do Airplanes only have Seatbelts,no ABS or Air-bags i wonder.? ABS would save planes going off the end of the runway, according to some posters.coffee1.gif .

Ace what size airbag would you recommend when nosediving into the ground from 30,000 feet? wink.png

One of these :-)

Not sure that would work on a A380 ?? injector seats with parachutes ? not sure with 850 or so people all in the sky at the same time that would work

It's some way off but I have read that there are plans to scale these up to commercial airliners.

It would certainly be fun to see the first test.

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