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Monk wants an institute to monitor politicians

Lite Beer

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Great idea! They just need to expand on it a little and include the Monks themselves. There seem to be a large number who are just as bad as any Politician.

Your statement to monitor monks is based on ----------------------------------- No doubt about it there have been some bad ones. But percentage wise not even in the same ball park as politicans. Also their activities do not cost the tax payers over 600,000,000.000 Baht.

I understand you probably have a disbelief in Religion and Buddhism which is not a religion but more a way of life largely ignored by Farongs as well as Thai's so that is probably your basis for including them in the investigation.

While you are at it why not get scam artists, overcharging merchants, tea money acceptors and the ones who offer it in there also?

I have a disbelief in the vast majority of Thai monks' principal activities being anywhere close to the Lord Buddhas teachings.

And I believe there could be more than 600 Billion money shaken off, yearly(!), by perverted(!) dishonest(!) 'monks' betraying(!) sacred principles of Buddhism, from gullible undereducated Thais, they exacerbate the already strong superstitious beliefs of! What about the ones (I know scores of them) selling 'lucky numbers' for the lottery, or other numbers for gamblers, selling blessings for buffalo and cock-fights, selling 'auspicious days', even for a child to be born on (caesarian...!), selling magical potions for humans and animals (so selling 'medicines'!), selling many other magical artifacts, selling rites to chase ghosts(!) or evil spirits(!) away, selling expensive 'blessed' lucky amulets (from specialised wholesalers, a few Baht a piece), selling name changes' humbo-jumbo, selling, selling , ...selling their soul ...to the devil! Didn't you know? Not speaking about the big juicy operation of white-washing dirty money for 'influential' people active in ...dirty businesses? Never heard of it (only two in the twenty+ Wats I know don't do it)? Oh, and what about selling donated temple(!) land? And then the Sangha, with some of the richest(!) most crooked monks pulling the ropes, besides totally senile away-from-reality patriarchs, covering-up as much as it can, when it ever gets known about...

My statement is based on personal experience and that of the, very traditional, Thai families I am linked to, many members of refuse to go to (most of) the wats, telling it is because they are true Buddhists they don't want to be there anymore! What about that?

Edited by bangrak
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And what about a non-religious(!) State institute to monitor the monks' activities, in the Wats and outside, which are not strictly related to the Lord Buddha, and tax levied on the temples' income? Why not have both?

Per information released last year by the National Office of Buddhism, there are 37,500 plus Wats in Thailand.

The wats are required by their religious tenets and canons to report yearly the amounts collected from the people.

Admittedly, only about 1,500 do so and the number of wats reporting dwindling.

Where that unreported money go? Is it used for personal purposes? Is it used to finance political agendas?

This idea coming from a rogue monk is ludicrous.

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A proposition is put forward to help curb corruption and you jokers just jump to "what about the monks". Is it not a good idea? do you not want to see corruption in politics dealt with more critically? make up your minds! and how about reading the full story before having your daily cry.

Can't stand the guy, but I for one think it's a great idea! and then by all means monitor the monks if you feel that is crippling the nation, but starting with politicians sounds like a sensible plan.

Corruption is acceptable to many people here as that is how they get business from the government.

Where as they get nothing from the Monks.

They think they are so clever with their diversionary tactics. They manage to fool each other on a regular basis.coffee1.gif

Edited by northernjohn
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Great idea! They just need to expand on it a little and include the Monks themselves. There seem to be a large number who are just as bad as any Politician.

Your statement to monitor monks is based on ----------------------------------- No doubt about it there have been some bad ones. But percentage wise not even in the same ball park as politicans. Also their activities do not cost the tax payers over 600,000,000.000 Baht.

I understand you probably have a disbelief in Religion and Buddhism which is not a religion but more a way of life largely ignored by Farongs as well as Thai's so that is probably your basis for including them in the investigation.

While you are at it why not get scam artists, overcharging merchants, tea money acceptors and the ones who offer it in there also?

I have a disbelief in the vast majority of Thai monks' principal activities being anywhere close to the Lord Buddhas teachings.

And I believe there could be more than 600 Billion money shaken off, yearly(!), by perverted(!) dishonest(!) 'monks' betraying(!) sacred principles of Buddhism, from gullible undereducated Thais, they exacerbate the already strong superstitious beliefs of! What about the ones (I know scores of them) selling 'lucky numbers' for the lottery, or other numbers for gamblers, selling blessings for buffalo and cock-fights, selling 'auspicious days', even for a child to be born on (caesarian...!), selling magical potions for humans and animals (so selling 'medicines'!), selling many other magical artifacts, selling rites to chase ghosts(!) or evil spirits(!) away, selling expensive 'blessed' lucky amulets (from specialised wholesalers, a few Baht a piece), selling name changes' humbo-jumbo, selling, selling , ...selling their soul ...to the devil! Didn't you know? Not speaking about the big juicy operation of white-washing dirty money for 'influential' people active in ...dirty businesses? Never heard of it (only two in the twenty+ Wats I know don't do it)? Oh, and what about selling donated temple(!) land? And then the Sangha, with some of the richest(!) most crooked monks pulling the ropes, besides totally senile away-from-reality patriarchs, covering-up as much as it can, when it ever gets known about...

My statement is based on personal experience and that of the, very traditional, Thai families I am linked to, many members of refuse to go to (most of) the wats, telling it is because they are true Buddhists they don't want to be there anymore! What about that?

Nice try. Yes let us set up a commission to investigate a monk selling a blessing. If you care to read what I posted I make no claim that they are all following the Buddha's teachings. Your satang and baht statements don't even come close to the over 600 billion baht in just one swindle the government ran.

As usual you cherry pick a few monks as is to be expected from an obviously biased source. Get into the politicians and you don't have to cherry pick them. For your information The Buddha did not teach sacred principals he taught a way of life. He probably rolls over in his grave every time he hears people try to turn his teachings into sacred teachings or a religion. It is your many family ties choice that is their rite just as it is the rite of the one Thai family I am associated with to go to the Wat. What about that.

By the way a score is 20 people. You know many of them must be in the hundreds you know and yet your family does not go to the Temples. The bottom line is you have no respect for what the people believe it may be mumbo jumbo to you but who the hell do you think you are to judge them based on your beliefs.

That is the one thing I have learned is to respect their beliefs even if they don't follow along with mine.

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And what about a non-religious(!) State institute to monitor the monks' activities, in the Wats and outside, which are not strictly related to the Lord Buddha, and tax levied on the temples' income? Why not have both?

Per information released last year by the National Office of Buddhism, there are 37,500 plus Wats in Thailand.

The wats are required by their religious tenets and canons to report yearly the amounts collected from the people.

Admittedly, only about 1,500 do so and the number of wats reporting dwindling.

Where that unreported money go? Is it used for personal purposes? Is it used to finance political agendas?

This idea coming from a rogue monk is ludicrous.

If your statistics are correct, and I have no reason to doubt them, then this is a national disgrace. and should become an international shame, which seems to be the only way to get the corrupt to be more careful...

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For all of those who think Buddhism is a religion - you're wrong.

Buddha never claimed to be a god of any sort and his teachings are a philosophy for living, nothing more and nothing less.

Buddha simply taught a way to live which is entirely inward looking - self-enlightening.

Religions not only have God, but are outward looking (all have altruistic teachings).

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Great idea! They just need to expand on it a little and include the Monks themselves. There seem to be a large number who are just as bad as any Politician.

Your statement to monitor monks is based on ----------------------------------- No doubt about it there have been some bad ones. But percentage wise not even in the same ball park as politicans. Also their activities do not cost the tax payers over 600,000,000.000 Baht.

I understand you probably have a disbelief in Religion and Buddhism which is not a religion but more a way of life largely ignored by Farongs as well as Thai's so that is probably your basis for including them in the investigation.

While you are at it why not get scam artists, overcharging merchants, tea money acceptors and the ones who offer it in there also?

So I was correct, according to you Buddhism isn't a religion (at least not in Thailand), thanks for clearing that one up.

My statement was based on all the crap they've pulled over the last decade I've been here in Thailand, it's all in the news ... cars, drugs, whores, rapes, murders, underage pregnancies, private planes and of course the latest and greatest Louis Vuitton handbags or whatever else they are splurging their huge amounts of cash on.

As for where the cash comes from, again you are correct, it's not "taxpayer" money, however it IS money given to them by the public for purposes other than what it seems a large proportion of them actually seem to use it for.

Mind you I've never bought into the concept of buying my way into paradise/heaven/nirvana or however you want to phrase it.

Have denied none of what you say. I just point out it is but a drop in the bucket to the over 600 billion bahtt scheme the PTP ran. Remember that is just one of the corrupt practices all governments have performed yet people ignore that and say look at the Monks.

My question is why are they so eager to overlook the government corruption practices and jump all over Monks who are not even on the same planet as the government when it comes to corruption.

Could it be they are a part of the corruption and don't want it looked into?

That is a very good reason for avoiding it. Give me another one.

Edited by northernjohn
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