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Mathayom 3 student wins Thai Supermodel 2014


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Did anyone watch the clip that Davis posted ?

The girl is the winner of a fashion modelling contest.

Maybe she wants to be a model ?

Strange how that escapes some posters. As the father of two, now adult, daughters I really do not see the issue here. My daughter's had friends that were into the modelling/acting thing back home and this is just a normal part of that milieu... Says more about these posters fears and hang-ups than society's at large.

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Strangely enough I am in the company of a lady who is wearing a burka at this moment in time. I can't see any horns sticking out from her burka either.

I to have spent many a day at school sports activities and Thai dancing activities here in my 23 years in Thailand due to being a teacher and a principal.Please do do not confuse normal activities that parents and teachers watch and take part in as something else.

Strangely enough for two years I was a departmental head in a Muslim school and do you know we had all sorts of activities that you seem to consider as out of line with Muslim ideals.

I have no love or belief in any religion so do not go down the religion path in your reply either.

Indeed the little world you exist in is indeed drear and dark......

Edited by siampolee
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Random Sand post # 93

Some 15 year old kid will be reading this thread thinking "That girl didn't fall off the ugly tree, she's hot, all these guys are full of sh**".

'Pon me soul, seems as if you know thailiketoo.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif
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Strangely enough I am in the company of a lady who is wearing a burka at this moment in time. I can't see any horns sticking out from her burka either.

I to have spent many a day at school sports activities and Thai dancing activities here in my 23 years in Thailand due to being a teacher and a principal.Please do do not confuse normal activities that parents and teachers watch and take part in as something else.

Strangely enough for two years I was a departmental head in a Muslim school and do you know we had all sorts of activities that you seem to consider as out of line with Muslim ideals.

I have no love or belief in any religion so do not go down the religion path in your reply either.

Indeed the little world you exist in is indeed drear and dark......

You wrote, "I wouldn't want you near my children that comment is based upon your views and you interpretation concerning your view about younger females prepubescent and pubescent/."

And, "Indeed the little world you exist in is indeed drear and dark......"

Please provide some quotes of mine for your slanderous, nasty, name calling or admit you are in error and made it all up.

Because I don't agree with you does not make me the devil it just makes me not in agreement with you.

But I could be wrong. Everything is in this thread in black and white so quote it or apologize.

Edited by thailiketoo
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One can judge you from your posts and stance .The truth is an interesting creature is it not.

Don't demand or ask question, look to your own somewhat bigoted and biased uneducated comments before asking others to justify their comments.

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Random Sand post # 93

Some 15 year old kid will be reading this thread thinking "That girl didn't fall off the ugly tree, she's hot, all these guys are full of sh**".

'Pon me soul, seems as if you know thailiketoo.cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Seems to me that any man here trying to convey something like "I don't know how my son could like that girl. Yes, I vaguely remember liking young women myself, but it's all a distant foggy memory now"... is untrustworthy.

For a grown man; there's a whole world of difference between seeing that a girl is pretty and desiring her as an (inappropriate) sexual partner.

If a man denies desiring her sexually; fair enough.

...but to deny that girl's perfect beauty.. well now I turn the tables and call you out as not rightfully sound in your thinking.

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Some 15 year old kid will be reading this thread thinking "That girl didn't fall off the ugly tree, she's hot, all these guys are full of sh**".

I was sitting in KSK this morning, 50 prettier teens walked past me.

Some of them were boys.

To win this sort of contest, the winner should be exceptional, this girl is ordinary.

Dad must have paid the judges for her to win.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Some 15 year old kid will be reading this thread thinking "That girl didn't fall off the ugly tree, she's hot, all these guys are full of sh**".

I was sitting in KSK this morning, 50 prettier teens walked past me.

Some of them were boys.

To win this sort of contest, the winner should be exceptional, this girl is ordinary.

Dad must have paid the judges for her to win.

I'm surprised how dark she is.

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One can judge you from your posts and stance .The truth is an interesting creature is it not.

Don't demand or ask question, look to your own somewhat bigoted and biased uneducated comments before asking others to justify their comments.

You wrote, "You wrote, "I wouldn't want you near my children that comment is based upon your views and you interpretation concerning your view about younger females prepubescent and pubescent/."

And, "Indeed the little world you exist in is indeed drear and dark......"

And, "look to your own somewhat bigoted and biased uneducated comments"

You are a liar. I have posted nothing that would lead one to write what you did above. If you are not a liar feel free to use the quote function and prove me wrong.

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What a bunch of kill joys. Let the girl enjoy her 15 minutes of fame.

Or better still let her enjoy her childhood instead of being pressured to show off her body to perverts who prey on girls of this age.

Get real. This type of competition, for all ages is common. These competitions aren't aimed at the dirty pervert brigade. Children all over the world take part in activities like this. I doubt they were wearing skimpy clothes as you seem to imagine.

These competitions vary in content. Some are modelling, some have to sing, dance, answer questions or whatever. I've been to a number of these shows. The contestants are nice, thoroughly enjoy it and have good fun together. One or two parents take it too seriously and get too competitive, as you might expect. This being Thailand, there are often competitions where the results are "a little surprising"; and I've seen audiences boo and argue at schools/temples competitions. But never the kids.

How do you know she was pressured? Does it occur to you she may actually enjoy this?

The PC brigade only want children to do activities they personally approve of, as with all things.

Well you have your level of what you find acceptable and I have mine.

In my view 90% of the children in these types of competition are pushed into taking part by over zealous parents who want their little baby to be ‘special’ without having to learn a talent.

It still never fails to shock me when I walk into a shopping mall and there is another child beauty/cheerleader contest where the children (yes children) are dressed up like sluts and have a make up makeover that would not look out of place in Nana plaza.

Which parent would allow

Have you seen the amount of old men who attend these events?

Children should be allowed to be children and not forced/allowed to flaunt their bodies for all and the world to ogle over.

Sorry, but for some reason you seem to have a real desire to connect these competitions to pedophilia. That may be your empirical evidence but certainly isn't mine. I have attended many of these competitions and observed the following:

  • many of the children attend acting, music, singing, dancing, traditional Thai folk lessons and activities. They are not forced or coerced into this. Many do some via their school and also attend private academies which can be quite expensive. The classes are usually full and the kids very keen.
  • they learn many skills from this, including social skills which will be useful in many walks of life.
  • the costumes worn depend on the 'show". Many are Thai traditional, or modelling kids fashions from very well known brands. Make up and air dressing is usually in keeping with the theme of a particular show.
  • many of the children, boys as well as girls take part, are very talented in singing, dancing, acting or playing musical instruments.
  • many parents spend a lot of time, effort and expense because it makes their children happy and increases their confidence. Most go as a family and are there to support their children.
  • I have not seen any competitions where children are dressed or encouraged to dress as "Nana Sluts" or in sexually provocative attire.
  • The foreigners I see tend to be fathers of competitors, there with their wives and families.
  • All the children that I've met have been nice, intelligent, and well behaved.
  • 90% of parents are fine. A small minority are too focused on winning and aggressively competitive. But I've seen that with parents whose children were in Martial Arts competitions too.

Negatives - as with all things here politics, money, connections and influence can raise their ugly heads. Some judges decisions have been interesting to say the least. I've seen teachers supporting at a school competition boo a rival winner as they thought the judging biased. Not good examples for the kids.

As for old men attending, I assume you mean foreign single men. Very rare. The only place was one show at a Pattaya Mall. Hardly surprising given the amount of old foreign men there. Usually they were walking by with their gf or whatever and stopped for a quick look. None bought a ticket and came and sat through.

You are entitles to what you consider acceptable. As are we all. Deciding that all these children are being forced into displaying their bodies for sexual gratification and titilation of others is your opinion and says a lot about your world views and perceptions. That is not reality.

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You don't like women in beauty contests under the age of ........... OK I get it. But that makes you the odd one out. There are beauty contests for females of all ages and that is not perversion or illegal it is normal.

In Thailand they start teaching kids to dance in kindergarten and they keep dancing all their lives in costumes. They do it on sport days at school and after school even the old ladies dress up and dance on holidays. I would encourage you to come to Thailand and see for yourself.

Do they really? Maybe some, but not the majority.

The Thai Dancing is a bit different from the beauty contests anyhow, that's like comparing apples to oranges. As for some of the other costume dancing, and choice of music that some of the schools decide to do on sports days, that's not always been in good taste either i.e dancing to "My Hump, My hump" or dresiing up as Nazis. laugh.png

Do they do that in Chiang Mai Kelly? tongue.png

I think different people have differing views on these types of contests, but giving a car to a 15 year old is ridiculous as well. I question the motives of the arents that do this. sorry of you disagree.

These contests are completely different from the Ms Butch Transgender Whatever, or the various manufactured derivatives of Miss World type competitions. Thinking they are anything like is comparing apples with pears.

The car would be a nice prize for the family - her mum and dad would be driving her around a lot,

Have you met parents or children involved in these competitions?

Most of the Thai ladies I know, from CEO's, lawyers, University professors, to hairdressers, business women and cooks all did some form of dancing, singing etc when young. Many kept it up through various schools and university. Many universities have male and female cheer leaders, as well as bands, folk groups etc.

I hate it when I see parents pushing their young children to learn martial arts at an age that's too young. I wouldn't teach anyone that young. But many instructors and parents disagree and that is their choice. Same with all activities.

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Here's a Thai website with photos of the various contestants....


post-58284-0-31048000-1416043702_thumb.j post-58284-0-05481900-1416043711_thumb.j

The photos used with the Coconuts OP article are hardly the most flattering. But among the entire group of young women, the winner wouldn't have been my choice.

post-58284-0-90455200-1416043168_thumb.j post-58284-0-83481300-1416043181_thumb.j

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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what you guys need to understand is that many of these supermodels, espeically catwalk models, are chosen based on a certain look, and legs as long as chopsticks and a body like a 10yr old boy

I dont find them remotely attractive, but my guess is that if they had too pretty faces, that were friendly looking or smiley, then it would take the attention away from the clothes they were modelling

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  • 2 months later...

I'm really surprised that chiangmaikelly is posting on this thread even though he has already been outed.

It would make far more sense for a banned poster using a different account not to draw attention to himself.

Now how would you know when you've only been a member since 2014 ?

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This girl is in fact supermodel material....if you compare her to the typical Thai girl I see with farangs.

Frankly, I don't get a lot of the comments here. When Thais celebrate lily white women with farang features, you criticize. Well here is a darker Thai girl with more "Thai looks" than I typically see winning these sorts of contest and you guys still criticize. I don't get it!

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