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UK MPs visited Thai Foreign Minister

Lite Beer

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I bet it was a 'courtesy call'.

More like a prize bollocking call to tell Thais to get their act together over Koh Tao and other little niggles the UK have with Thailand, such as lack of human rights, people trafficking, slavery and a swift return to proper democracy ...

unfortunately the report does not sound like this

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The Thai government has announced it is to make significant changes to the Foreign Business Act. Some of the proposed changes are very worrying to British businesses that have invested huge amounts in Thailand. The direction Thailand is taking is unclear.

One would imagine this would have been the topic uppermost in the MP's minds and on their agenda, hoping to gain some clarification.

Sensible post I agree, All countries make a live appearance now and again, to get clarification on many matters, a bit like bookies runners.

I have thought there is concern here and abroad. the more discussion the better.

Some posters on this thread are not interested in anything that COULD be positive, Look at the replies I have had. amazing. I understand your post and share the concern.

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The Brits should be ashamed of themselves!!

A nice cup of tea with a non-elected government and with the screwed-up Koh Tao case still ongoing.

Is the present British government really that weak??

Hannah and David forgotten, and business as usual!!bah.gif

"A nice cup of tea with a non-elected government and with the screwed-up Koh Tao case still ongoing."

I agree with the screwed Koh Tao case.

Do you really think the "elected" government they had before would have done any better?

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Can't get my head round this. Must be more to it.

Why would UK MP's in their right minds make official visits to a group that has removed a democratically elected government by military force, imposed martial law and stifled press freedom?

Brits, if they are your local MP questions should be asked.

democratically elected


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The Brits should be ashamed of themselves!!

A nice cup of tea with a non-elected government and with the screwed-up Koh Tao case still ongoing.

Is the present British government really that weak??

Hannah and David forgotten, and business as usual!!bah.gif

"A nice cup of tea with a non-elected government and with the screwed-up Koh Tao case still ongoing."

I agree with the screwed Koh Tao case.

Do you really think the "elected" government they had before would have done any better?

I am with you on this and naturally over the 3 years in office and their record to boot. They would have done no better.

Hope they enjoyed their afternoon tea and scones on the lawn. hey what --jolly good show boys.

These guys on here with their blinkers on ugh. completely negative. Even if a little good come of the visit I'll say ok to it.

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why dont they sort out their own country first before they poke their unwanted noses in here

ie passport renewal pensions yearly increase etc etc some people in the UK are homeless and on the bread line

yet they treat themselves to a nice little spending spree courtesy of my bloody tax payments

oh yes whilst i am at it what about the tax free allowance for expats soon to be taken away mmmmmmm im really pissed of with hearing about

hi so brit gov .org

Ahh another boomer who is struggling with the silver spoonfuls of money dished out by the state and wanting more.

Youll be back when you get ill wanting others to fund your existence, its the boomer way.

The fact you think you want a stable state to take money out of but expect to not contribute shows your not overly bright hypocrisy, I bet you make money from renting property aswell.

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The French Representative also raised the same concern as the Brits about the amendment of the Foreign Business Act that might affect French investors in Thailand. I wouldn't be surprised if there are more foreign representative visits being scheduled.

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Can't get my head round this. Must be more to it.

Why would UK MP's in their right minds make official visits to a group that has removed a democratically elected government by military force, imposed martial law and stifled press freedom?

Brits, if they are your local MP questions should be asked.

Because they are not narrow minded and actually have shown there is no friction between UK-Thailand on this matter. If there was they would not be allowed to use UK gov money to come.

British MPs have a great ability to get their hands on public money.

With the current situation here following the coup it would be very easy to justify a ' fact finding ' trip.

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How naive are people to think that any government in the world, including that of the UK is still representative of the 'people'. I find it amusing and somewhat sad to read the points of view on this thread. If there ever was a government that fit that description it is now long gone. There are much more powerful interests at stake, and what happens to 'Joe Public' is neither here nor there. This whole case (Koh Tao murders) has been a small pimple on the bum of a fat cow that will keep growing regardless. There are many countries in this world that could do with a revolution of sorts.....perhaps, that in which we now reside is but one of them.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

cheesy.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif>

I bet it was a 'courtesy call'.

More like a prize bollocking call to tell Thais to get their act together over Koh Tao and other little niggles the UK have with Thailand, such as lack of human rights, people trafficking, slavery and a swift return to proper democracy ...

Mr. NOT fix nothing with your doom and gloom, British MPs out here to give Thailand a bollocking.cheesy.gif alt=cheesy.gif> cheesy.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif> cheesy.gif width=32 alt=cheesy.gif> Trade, UK interests, You are in the wrong groove.

Do you think for 1 moment Thai MPs would go out as a group to give UK a bollocking ??.Did you actually read the topic. So then you felt it an opportunity to twist it around.

Both you and F(M)ixup should realize that UK MPs love these junkets.All expenses paid. Return to Westminster as the new experts on Thailand, get bonus points within their respective political parties. There a very few MPs who take these trips seriously.

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Sweet kisses all over the place... doesn't sound good for the KT investigation, nor for the handling of similar crimes in future. This Still Is Thailand.

This Still Is Thailand.

You actually think the British police junket to Thailand involved investigating something? It was a face-saving venture for UK domestic consumption and pure theater to entertain those back home & in Thailand and to hoodwink the naive into believing that they were doing something. You can rest assured that allowing police from Britain to ponce about contaminating crime scenes will not become a regular event in future, nor should it. Waste of everyone's time. There's no shortage of unsolved crime back in UK for them to investigate, much of it involving the police themselves.

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Can't get my head round this. Must be more to it.

Why would UK MP's in their right minds make official visits to a group that has removed a democratically elected government by military force, imposed martial law and stifled press freedom?

Brits, if they are your local MP questions should be asked.

Everyone likes a paid for trip to Patpong and Pattaya

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The Thai government has announced it is to make significant changes to the Foreign Business Act. Some of the proposed changes are very worrying to British businesses that have invested huge amounts in Thailand. The direction Thailand is taking is unclear.

One would imagine this would have been the topic uppermost in the MP's minds and on their agenda, hoping to gain some clarification.

These reforms would wallop Tesco straight between the eyes. They are a nominee now that is left alone because it is politically bad to chase them.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Well this is decent news, only MPs but still a delegation.

According to the anti PM posters He and Thailand are BARRED, but he/and TFM still keeps meeting up, and doing normal business.

Now some news worldwide are not favourable, and some are and here is a non rebuff.

Some posters have indicated that Prayuth and co are barred from Oz this is not so, he can go to OZ anytime he wants,(If Putin can go anyone can) indeed department heads from Thailand are in and out frequently..

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Well this is decent news, only MPs but still a delegation.

According to the anti PM posters He and Thailand are BARRED, but he/and TFM still keeps meeting up, and doing normal business.

Now some news worldwide are not favourable, and some are and here is a non rebuff.

Not gobbling up the propaganda rubbish being fed by Thailand. They love to speak for others and are constantly being caught out. Don't believe a single bit of rubbish they spill out. Compulsive liars. The media has to print what is ordered or they are shut down and sent for attitude adjustments and reprogramming.
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Well this is decent news, only MPs but still a delegation.

According to the anti PM posters He and Thailand are BARRED, but he/and TFM still keeps meeting up, and doing normal business.

Now some news worldwide are not favourable, and some are and here is a non rebuff.

Some posters have indicated that Prayuth and co are barred from Oz this is not so, he can go to OZ anytime he wants,(If Putin can go anyone can) indeed department heads from Thailand are in and out frequently..

The Junta is not recognised by Australia. Myanmar has more respect from Australia than the dear leader of Thailand, he was ignored by the Aust P.M at the recent APEC, not worthy to speak to. Myanmar got invited to the G20 meeting in Aust along with other Asian countries but the Thai Military were not.
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Well this is decent news, only MPs but still a delegation.

According to the anti PM posters He and Thailand are BARRED, but he/and TFM still keeps meeting up, and doing normal business.

Now some news worldwide are not favourable, and some are and here is a non rebuff.

Not gobbling up the propaganda rubbish being fed by Thailand. They love to speak for others and are constantly being caught out. Don't believe a single bit of rubbish they spill out. Compulsive liars. The media has to print what is ordered or they are shut down and sent for attitude adjustments and reprogramming.

right... now where is that Ebola CURE? maybe world poverty next? HIV? I mean Thailand is THE center of the Universe right?

no one one at the UN would even think of criticizing the dictatorship's 'suspending' of democracy right?

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Sweet kisses all over the place... doesn't sound good for the KT investigation, nor for the handling of similar crimes in future. This Still Is Thailand.

This Still Is Thailand.

You actually think the British police junket to Thailand involved investigating something? It was a face-saving venture for UK domestic consumption and pure theater to entertain those back home & in Thailand and to hoodwink the naive into believing that they were doing something. You can rest assured that allowing police from Britain to ponce about contaminating crime scenes will not become a regular event in future, nor should it. Waste of everyone's time. There's no shortage of unsolved crime back in UK for them to investigate, much of it involving the police themselves.

Utter hogwash. I bet you couldn't even tell if the union jack is being flown the wrong way up!

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Well this is decent news, only MPs but still a delegation.

According to the anti PM posters He and Thailand are BARRED, but he/and TFM still keeps meeting up, and doing normal business.

Now some news worldwide are not favourable, and some are and here is a non rebuff.

You seriously believe everything you read in the Thai press?

Sounds more to me that they came calling because they had concerns that the Thais had no real answers to.

You are clinging to the Thai side of the story. There won't even be a British side to it, they don't gob off to the press whatever they were talking about behind closed doors.

Different breed of politicians. They only disclose what affects the British people directly and nothing else.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Well this is decent news, only MPs but still a delegation.

According to the anti PM posters He and Thailand are BARRED, but he/and TFM still keeps meeting up, and doing normal business.

Now some news worldwide are not favourable, and some are and here is a non rebuff.

Some posters have indicated that Prayuth and co are barred from Oz this is not so, he can go to OZ anytime he wants,(If Putin can go anyone can) indeed department heads from Thailand are in and out frequently..

In May Australian placed 'travel restrictions' on the senior coup leaders. In addition put on hold counter terrorism exercises & IED training for Thai security forces, a decision which seems, to me, bizarre.


Regarding a post above, Myanmar was invited to the G20 meeting in BNE as they are the 2014 Chair for ASEAN. It is not Australia's decision as to who was or were not invited to attend G20 in BNE.

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