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US: State of emergency in Missouri


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You are absolute right along with Holder being held accountable for inciting racial tensions too. It is mind boggling Obama and Holder would have injected their stupidy into this incident. You would think these two people would be supportive of law enforcement. This is just another example of Obama's lack of leadership skills and complete incompetence.

The Obama administration is doing a great deal to support law enforcement and the officials who enforce the law.

For example, AG Holder and former Prez Clinton held a two day conference for police chiefs and police superintendents from across the country to examine the lessons learned from Ferguson, Michael Brown and Brown's killer Darren Wilson, and the lessons yet to be learned.

Meanwhile the Department of Justice has brought constitutional and civil rights charges against 17 Dirty Harry police departments and is supervising those departments on the authority of consent decrees issued by U.S. courts. DoJ is 17 for 17 in these investigations and in the subsequent court filings and findings.

DoJ have investigations of same occurring in another 35 departments to include Ferguson and St Louis county. If the arrogant and smug Wilson gets back his active status with Ferguson, he's going to have DoJ attorneys popping out of his desk drawers each and every day.

The Obama, Holder, Bill Clinton and U.S. police chiefs along with the consent decrees are a balanced and reasonable approach to law enforcement and towards the officers of the law throughout the country. I cite the reasonable instance of the conference with the representation of the vast majority of the police that across the country are responsible and professional in their tough and demanding line of work while taking to task the Dirty Harry police departments and cops.

Prez Obama has no direct authority over the grand jury and neither does the Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder. Prez Obama is responsible for any US property in the state of Missouri while the (Democratic party) Governor Jay Nixon is responsible for state property.

Only if the president might declare a national state of emergency in Missouri would Washington become involved which would be highly unlikely to occur.

Everything else is the responsibility, duties, obligations of the State Government under the constitutional leadership of the elected governor as in the instance of the governor activating or using the State's National Guard militia forces. We in the U.S. also know that the president is the ultimate commander-in-chief of the National Guard of all 50 states and that he may take direct command of it, in whole or in part, at any time which I don't foresee occurring either.

The two day conference you mentioned with police chiefs, along with Holder and Clinton did prove productive. The conclusion they came away with, was Obama and Holder should have never injected their stupidly into something that aparrently was way over their heads to understand.

Obama and Holder are not friends of law enforcement. In fact, it is nothing short of a miracle these two aren't recipients of correctional services by now.

I was surprised to see you are still posting silly comments about a mythical police officer you refer to as "Dirty Harry." However, you are not alone in thinking the police are running around shooting people at random. Many liberals have nothing but distain for the police, and actually believe as you do.

Evidently, you are not aware of Brown's blood and remnants of his flesh that was recovered from inside Officer Wilson's vehicle and on his uniform confirming a struggle inside the police vehicle. One would think a person of sound mind would be able to process this information and come to the conclusion, Brown was justifiably shot by the police.

Unfortunately, liberal news stations are continuing to stir the pot as blacks in Ferguson prepare to riot and burn down their business community again.

Some people are saying Brown was two days away from entering college. Lets entertain this statement for a moment. It wouldn't make any difference if Brown was two days from entering med school to become a doctor. Brown committed a strong arm robbery on camera, and then attacked an on duty police officer. The only sad part of this story, is Brown won't be able to embark on his new life as inmate Brown.

Obama and Holder are not friends of law enforcement. In fact, it is nothing short of a miracle these two aren't recipients of correctional services by now.

The statement disqualifies its speaker from any consideration that he is a legitimate critic of the president or the attorney general of the United States, respectively. The statement is extreme, wild, irresponsible, not credible, incredulous, far out.

Unfortunately, liberal news stations are continuing to stir the pot as blacks in Ferguson prepare to riot and burn down their business community again.

The "liberal media" as consistently described by reactionary right wingers are in fact the mainstream media. To those on the far right margin of society, everyone is a leftist pawn or tool of the supposedly sinister and calculating "liberal media." This is a part of what makes the marginal far out people on the extreme right not credible.

Evidently, you are not aware of Brown's blood and remnants of his flesh that was recovered from inside Officer Wilson's vehicle and on his uniform confirming a struggle inside the police vehicle. One would think a person of sound mind would be able to process this information and come to the conclusion, Brown was justifiably shot by the police.

Wrong again.

The case needs to go to trial to get its full and complete public airing so there can be little doubt as to the facts or the circumstances of it. It will however remain a secret grand jury proceeding directed by a prosecutor who has been in office going on 20 years and who is an integral part of the Ferguson and the St Louis county organized crime units also and ironically known as the police department.

The former criminal defense attorney Frederick Leatherman (retired) for instance points out how a great deal of publically unresolved conflicting testimony has been manipulated by the authorities to exonerate the killer Wilson. Leatherman discussed the matter of the gun in the car, which the consultant of the establishment Dr Judy said with absolutely no evidence was pulled out of its holster by Brown.

Wilson is right handed and wears his gun in a holster against his right hip. I doubt Brown could have reached across Wilson’s body and seized the gun. Instead, I believe it’s more likely that Wilson grabbed the gun with his free hand as he held on to Brown and Brown struggled to avoid being shot and get away

Instead, everything about this case will remain the confidential matter of the old line prosecutor and his grand jury and will never get its due public airing so everyone can see the facts and to know and understand what actually and in fact transpired in the killing of the young man.

The fact there will be no public trial means the facts and circumstances of the case will forever remain up in the air with only the pronounced word of the grand jury and the hack prosecutor knowing anything at all about it. The public remains in the dark, which is what the killer cop Wilson wants and benefits from entirely, solely, completely.

Edited by Publicus
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The racist Fox News lemmings are trying to pin the murder of unarmed young black man as his own fault. This kind of a post brings these poor excuses for human beings out. They write one nonsense post after another always "liking" each other's posts. Sad.

Are you a white person? Go to East St Louis. Walk around for 30 minutes. See if you last 30 minutes.

St. Louis has ranked in the top 10 most dangerous cities in the US for the past ten years.

It won't be a walk in the park.

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And there is also that crack civil rights team from Obama's DOJ that will minutely inspect each and every word of that transcript to try and nail anybody they can.

I think the cigar stealing, cop assaulting Brown's number one fan is becoming desperate.

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Instead, everything about this case will remain the confidential matter of the old line prosecutor and his grand jury and will never get its due public airing so everyone can see the facts and to know and understand what actually and in fact transpired in the killing of the young man.

More of your usual malarkey. The public will know EXACTLY what happened. McCulloch has promised to make the transcripts of the grand jury deliberations public and the grand jury process transparent. The transcripts will be available, and McCulloch's actions will be reviewed.

The grand jury proceedings are a one sided affair with the state's attorney in charge and unchallenged to present anything he/she wants to present and in any ways in which the state's attorney chooses to present it.

The grand jury proceeding is not the adversarial proceeding that a trial is. A trial has attorneys for both sides present, a judge present, voir dire jury selection, cross examination, re-direct examination, lots of witnesses from each side, and an actual and real jury that makes a real and actual judgement in the law that has a certain finality.

There is plenty of evidence in this case for the state's attorney prosecutor to have filed charges himself without a grand jury being called or used, but the hack prosecutor is in fact the police department defender.

The cop Darren Wilson was long ago determined by the authorities to be not guilty. The transcripts will necessarily be of very limited value and in lieu of a trail, inadequate, insufficient, leaving many many questions unanswered, unresolved, covered up, passed over, shunted aside

And there is also that crack civil rights team from Obama's DOJ that will minutely inspect each and every word of that transcript to try and nail anybody they can.

I think the cigar stealing, cop assaulting Brown's number one fan is becoming desperate.

It's good to see you've finally given up on trying to equate Michael Brown to an NFL linebacker laugh.png . In other words, you got busted on that one too biggrin.png

The Department of Justice investigation continues of the Ferguson and St Louis county police departments for their prima facie cases of violations of the constitution and of the civil rights statutes.

DoJ is overseeing 17 Dirty Harry police departments after having conducted the same prima facie investigations which were followed by filings and findings in US District courts.

Ferguson and St Louis county are now among the 35 other Dirty Harry police departments currently being investigated for the same. DoJ is 17 for 17 in these kind of cases and I expect that by the time all the dust and smoke clears DoJ will be 35 for 35. smile.png

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Pretty much everyone strong-arms a store clerk and robs him before starting college. It is a common rite of passage. rolleyes.gif

Cigar stealing, cop assaulting Michael Brown had allegedly enrolled in some Technical School to become an air conditioning repairman.

You presumably have some scoop on that...if so, do let it out of the mystery bag.....

At this point of the thread it has at the least been established that Michael Brown was not an NFL lineman whether a offensive or a defensive one. Michael Brown never played organized football. Nor did he carry a gun despite the fact the armed police in the besieged city are armed and ready to shoot to kill anywhere in the town and to ask questions later.

Yes yes, the law empowers police to be executioners and given there are Dirty Harry police departments and Dirty Harry cops sanctioned by prosecutors that continue to control their juries, the laws need to be changed.

I never claimed the cigar stealing, cop assaulting Michael Brown was an NFL lineman, nor did I imply he had ever played football or was armed.

I was merely comparing his gigantic size to the average size of an NFL lineman. Everybody else seems to have gotten it but you.

By the way, the real Dirty Harry movie was on Truevisions the other day.

I watched it again and guess what? Harry didn't kill anybody that didn't deserve it.

Busted !! laugh.png

Too late to try to backtrack and to cover your tracks.

You posted about Michael Brown and NFL linemen when Brown never played even high school football.

There's no analogy, no comparison, no reason to introduce the NFL to the discussion of the thread topic or abut the topic at all.

Busted !! wink.png

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If that happens Al Sharpton and Obama should be held accountable for inciting racial tensions.

You are absolute right along with Holder being held accountable for inciting racial tensions too. It is mind boggling Obama and Holder would have injected their stupidy into this incident. You would think these two people would be supportive of law enforcement. This is just another example of Obama's lack of leadership skills and complete incompetence.

The Obama administration is doing a great deal to support law enforcement and the officials who enforce the law.

For example, AG Holder and former Prez Clinton held a two day conference for police chiefs and police superintendents from across the country to examine the lessons learned from Ferguson, Michael Brown and Brown's killer Darren Wilson, and the lessons yet to be learned.

Meanwhile the Department of Justice has brought constitutional and civil rights charges against 17 Dirty Harry police departments and is supervising those departments on the authority of consent decrees issued by U.S. courts. DoJ is 17 for 17 in these investigations and in the subsequent court filings and findings.

DoJ have investigations of same occurring in another 35 departments to include Ferguson and St Louis county. If the arrogant and smug Wilson gets back his active status with Ferguson, he's going to have DoJ attorneys popping out of his desk drawers each and every day.

The Obama, Holder, Bill Clinton and U.S. police chiefs along with the consent decrees are a balanced and reasonable approach to law enforcement and towards the officers of the law throughout the country. I cite the reasonable instance of the conference with the representation of the vast majority of the police that across the country are responsible and professional in their tough and demanding line of work while taking to task the Dirty Harry police departments and cops.

Prez Obama has no direct authority over the grand jury and neither does the Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder. Prez Obama is responsible for any US property in the state of Missouri while the (Democratic party) Governor Jay Nixon is responsible for state property.

Only if the president might declare a national state of emergency in Missouri would Washington become involved which would be highly unlikely to occur.

Everything else is the responsibility, duties, obligations of the State Government under the constitutional leadership of the elected governor as in the instance of the governor activating or using the State's National Guard militia forces. We in the U.S. also know that the president is the ultimate commander-in-chief of the National Guard of all 50 states and that he may take direct command of it, in whole or in part, at any time which I don't foresee occurring either.

The two day conference you mentioned with police chiefs, along with Holder and Clinton did prove productive. The conclusion they came away with, was Obama and Holder should have never injected their stupidly into something that aparrently was way over their heads to understand.

Obama and Holder are not friends of law enforcement. In fact, it is nothing short of a miracle these two aren't recipients of correctional services by now.

I was surprised to see you are still posting silly comments about a mythical police officer you refer to as "Dirty Harry." However, you are not alone in thinking the police are running around shooting people at random. Many liberals have nothing but distain for the police, and actually believe as you do.

Evidently, you are not aware of Brown's blood and remnants of his flesh that was recovered from inside Officer Wilson's vehicle and on his uniform confirming a struggle inside the police vehicle. One would think a person of sound mind would be able to process this information and come to the conclusion, Brown was justifiably shot by the police.

Unfortunately, liberal news stations are continuing to stir the pot as blacks in Ferguson prepare to riot and burn down their business community again.

Some people are saying Brown was two days away from entering college. Lets entertain this statement for a moment. It wouldn't make any difference if Brown was two days from entering med school to become a doctor. Brown committed a strong arm robbery on camera, and then attacked an on duty police officer. The only sad part of this story, is Brown won't be able to embark on his new life as inmate Brown.

The two day conference you mentioned with police chiefs, along with Holder and Clinton did prove productive. The conclusion they came away with, was Obama and Holder should have never injected their stupidly into something that aparrently was way over their heads to understand.

You are going to have to prove that with citations which are not from the extremist far out rightwing media.

Here's reports of the conference from the New York Daily News....

Bill Clinton, Eric Holder talk missteps of Ferguson shooting at mayors conference

Holder and Clinton spoke at the start of a two-day meeting of mayors and police chiefs gathered to talk about lessons from the shooting in the St. Louis suburb.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014, 2:13 PM
DANNY JOHNSTON/APFormer President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Eric Holder both spoke at a meeting of the U.S. Conference of Mayors at the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, Ark.

Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday said the unrest after a Missouri police officer fatally shot an unarmed black 18-year-old in August shows law enforcement must directly address tensions within communities.

Holder and former President Bill Clinton spoke at the start of a two-day meeting of mayors and police chiefs gathered to talk about lessons from the shooting of Brown by white Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson and the protests that followed.

Holder told the group what happened in the St. Louis suburb put a national spotlight on the rift between police and citizens in many cities.


Eric Holder confirms DOJ launching civil rights probe into Ferguson Police Department

The Attorney General said the investigation would determine whether cops ‘engaged in a pattern or practice of violations of the U.S. Constitution or federal law.’ The probe comes after a white police officer, Darren Wilson, shot and killed a black teenager, Michael Brown Jr., which led to weeks of protests. The U.S. Department of Justice has scrutinized other police departments across the country.

Citing a “deep mistrust” between the mostly black residents of Ferguson, Mo. and their mostly white police force, Attorney General Eric Holder said the investigation would determine whether cops “engaged in a pattern or practice of violations of the U.S. Constitution or federal law.”

Going back several years, Holder said, investigators will look into arrest patterns and go over incidents where force was used to determine if the long-standing complaints by African-American residents hold water.


Edited by Scott
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It is a sad fact. In almost every country, cops mostly get away with their crimes.

They don't. I wish people realized the truth. I used to represent a lot of cops in a racially charged city, Memphis. They can barely do their jobs out of fear of these issues and they are constantly in fear of their safety. You have no idea the stress they endure. Their A1 goal is to go home and see their kids each night. My brother was under so much stress when he was a cop in a nicer suburb of Memphis that he could not sleep at night. Completely unfair to judge unless you have been in their position.

I can say without any hesitation that cops are prosecuted and lose their jobs all the time based on profiling and excessive force.

Edited by F430murci
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Police departments throughout the country have a very tough and demanding job. Although I haven't any experience in police work and never wanted any, one can see it is a challenging job that quickly takes its toll.

Ordinary citizens miss the daily grind the police officer engages in but we saw on 9/11 the great bravery and dedication of both our police and firefighters as well as other first responders. It often takes such a terrible event to remind us of the selfless dedication and routine bravery and sense of service the police have in their line of work.

There are 12,500 or so local police departments in the US that each and every day they do their jobs professionally, with great credit and with the support of their communities.

So when the Department of Justice identified the 17 local police departments it is currently overseeing under court order, and is investigating another 35 for constitutional violations of civil rights laws -- to include Ferguson and St Louis county -- we can see that the vast majority of police officers and departments in the United States do their jobs well, with professionalism, courage, dedication and that they deserve our full support.

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Police departments throughout the country have a very tough and demanding job. Although I haven't any experience in police work and never wanted any, one can see it is a challenging job that quickly takes its toll.

Ordinary citizens miss the daily grind the police officer engages in but we saw on 9/11 the great bravery and dedication of both our police and firefighters as well as other first responders. It often takes such a terrible event to remind us of the selfless dedication and routine bravery and sense of service the police have in their line of work.

There are 12,500 or so local police departments in the US that each and every day they do their jobs professionally, with great credit and with the support of their communities.

So when the Department of Justice identified the 17 local police departments it is currently overseeing under court order, and is investigating another 35 for constitutional violations of civil rights laws -- to include Ferguson and St Louis county -- we can see that the vast majority of police officers and departments in the United States do their jobs well, with professionalism, courage, dedication and that they deserve our full support.

No doubt there are bad cops out there. I have known a few and those guys like the choke hold cop in New York and the guy that shot the poor black guy during a traffic stop in South Carolina make me sick. They also got fired and prosecuted.

Thanks for recognizing the stress these guys endure. Fearing for your life and being in danger day and day out is something most of us don't understand, What is the solution? No more cops? Robots as cops? Hate to break it to you, but most of the cop issue I have seen relate to black cops. These issue, however, are not news worthy or protest worthy.

Edited by F430murci
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I never claimed the cigar stealing, cop assaulting Michael Brown was an NFL lineman, nor did I imply he had ever played football or was armed.

I was merely comparing his gigantic size to the average size of an NFL lineman. Everybody else seems to have gotten it but you.

By the way, the real Dirty Harry movie was on Truevisions the other day.

I watched it again and guess what? Harry didn't kill anybody that didn't deserve it.

Busted !! laugh.png

Too late to try to backtrack and to cover your tracks.

You posted about Michael Brown and NFL linemen when Brown never played even high school football.

There's no analogy, no comparison, no reason to introduce the NFL to the discussion of the thread topic or abut the topic at all.

Busted !! wink.png

I know you're not as dumb as you seem at times. You really should try to keep up and forget this immature...I win, you lose...attitude.

Anybody with a lick of common sense knows why I equated the size of our cigar stealing, cop assaulting friend, Michael Brown to NFL linemen.

It was because of his SIZE.

Think, hole...shovel...stop.

It's good to see the poster stop digging and to finally set the shovel aside.

Or did that actually happen?

The reason to ask is that being compared to a professional athlete for size and all that comes with size, specifically, strength, power, agility, physical acumen and a disciplined mental and emotional tuffness is just plain OTT. Michael Brown did not have any or all of these traits or features, to include especially the disciplined character of a professional athlete.

It is OTT to even mention professional athletes in comparing Michael Brown to his killer Darren Wilson, or vice versa. The fact is no one has said or suggested the young man who is and remains a qualified and trained cop, Darren Wilson could not take care of himself in an altercation.

Perhaps the Darren Wilson apologists here are saying Wilson assaulting Michael Brown needed instead to be outfitted in full combat gear as the Ferguson rioting police were when the community turned out to demonstrate against official police and state violence.

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I know you're not as dumb as you seem at times. You really should try to keep up and forget this immature...I win, you lose...attitude.

Anybody with a lick of common sense knows why I equated the size of our cigar stealing, cop assaulting friend, Michael Brown to NFL linemen.

It was because of his SIZE.

Think, hole...shovel...stop.

It's good to see the poster stop digging and to finally set the shovel aside.

Or did that actually happen?

The reason to ask is that being compared to a professional athlete for size and all that comes with size, specifically, strength, power, agility, physical acumen and a disciplined mental and emotional tuffness is just plain OTT. Michael Brown did not have any or all of these traits or features, to include especially the disciplined character of a professional athlete.

It is OTT to even mention professional athletes in comparing Michael Brown to his killer Darren Wilson, or vice versa. The fact is no one has said or suggested the young man who is and remains a qualified and trained cop, Darren Wilson could not take care of himself in an altercation.

Perhaps the Darren Wilson apologists here are saying Wilson assaulting Michael Brown needed instead to be outfitted in full combat gear as the Ferguson rioting police were when the community turned out to demonstrate against official police and state violence.

You are truly writing as if you are brain dead.

Even as a private citizen it is legal for me to shoot and kill someone if I believe I (or someone else - even a complete stranger) am in danger of death or serious bodily injury.

If someone who is young and 6'4" and weighs 280 pounds attacks me physically I am in danger of serious bodily injury and he's going to die.

The point was made as a comparison to just how big this guy was to show that most of us would be in danger of serious bodily injury. You think you have a gotcha moment but you are the only one who needs help with reading comprehension and an apparent OCD condition.

If the person being attacked has a gun, he is in danger of having it taken away from him and used on him and/or others and he has to protect against that too. Being attacked while armed creates another reasonable belief of danger.

Based on the testimony of the credible witnesses and the blood evidence, I would have shot that guy to stop him.

Just call me Dirty Harry, but I'm the one who's still alive and walking around.

My god.

You have made the point repeatedly and unnecessarily because the whole world knows that what you cite and cite and cite is the reason Darren Wilson who killed Michael Brown will get away with the killing and without having to face a trail in a court of law.

Relax cause what's called justice is on your side.

Then brace yourself..

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

If that happens Al Sharpton and Obama should be held accountable for inciting racial tensions.

You are absolute right along with Holder being held accountable for inciting racial tensions too. It is mind boggling Obama and Holder would have injected their stupidy into this incident. You would think these two people would be supportive of law enforcement. This is just another example of Obama's lack of leadership skills and complete incompetence.

The Obama administration is doing a great deal to support law enforcement and the officials who enforce the law.

For example, AG Holder and former Prez Clinton held a two day conference for police chiefs and police superintendents from across the country to examine the lessons learned from Ferguson, Michael Brown and Brown's killer Darren Wilson, and the lessons yet to be learned.

Meanwhile the Department of Justice has brought constitutional and civil rights charges against 17 Dirty Harry police departments and is supervising those departments on the authority of consent decrees issued by U.S. courts. DoJ is 17 for 17 in these investigations and in the subsequent court filings and findings.

DoJ have investigations of same occurring in another 35 departments to include Ferguson and St Louis county. If the arrogant and smug Wilson gets back his active status with Ferguson, he's going to have DoJ attorneys popping out of his desk drawers each and every day.

The Obama, Holder, Bill Clinton and U.S. police chiefs along with the consent decrees are a balanced and reasonable approach to law enforcement and towards the officers of the law throughout the country. I cite the reasonable instance of the conference with the representation of the vast majority of the police that across the country are responsible and professional in their tough and demanding line of work while taking to task the Dirty Harry police departments and cops.

Prez Obama has no direct authority over the grand jury and neither does the Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder. Prez Obama is responsible for any US property in the state of Missouri while the (Democratic party) Governor Jay Nixon is responsible for state property.

Only if the president might declare a national state of emergency in Missouri would Washington become involved which would be highly unlikely to occur.

Everything else is the responsibility, duties, obligations of the State Government under the constitutional leadership of the elected governor as in the instance of the governor activating or using the State's National Guard militia forces. We in the U.S. also know that the president is the ultimate commander-in-chief of the National Guard of all 50 states and that he may take direct command of it, in whole or in part, at any time which I don't foresee occurring either.

The two day conference you mentioned with police chiefs, along with Holder and Clinton did prove productive. The conclusion they came away with, was Obama and Holder should have never injected their stupidly into something that aparrently was way over their heads to understand.

Obama and Holder are not friends of law enforcement. In fact, it is nothing short of a miracle these two aren't recipients of correctional services by now.

I was surprised to see you are still posting silly comments about a mythical police officer you refer to as "Dirty Harry." However, you are not alone in thinking the police are running around shooting people at random. Many liberals have nothing but distain for the police, and actually believe as you do.

Evidently, you are not aware of Brown's blood and remnants of his flesh that was recovered from inside Officer Wilson's vehicle and on his uniform confirming a struggle inside the police vehicle. One would think a person of sound mind would be able to process this information and come to the conclusion, Brown was justifiably shot by the police.

Unfortunately, liberal news stations are continuing to stir the pot as blacks in Ferguson prepare to riot and burn down their business community again.

Some people are saying Brown was two days away from entering college. Lets entertain this statement for a moment. It wouldn't make any difference if Brown was two days from entering med school to become a doctor. Brown committed a strong arm robbery on camera, and then attacked an on duty police officer. The only sad part of this story, is Brown won't be able to embark on his new life as inmate Brown.

Why is Clinton getting involved in this circus? Why in Ferguson and not in Chicago where gun deaths are out of control? Hmmmm, could it be because in Chicago it's only blacks shooting other blacks.

I just lost a lot of respect for Clinton.

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The two day conference you mentioned with police chiefs, along with Holder and Clinton did prove productive. The conclusion they came away with, was Obama and Holder should have never injected their stupidly into something that aparrently was way over their heads to understand.

You are going to have to prove that with citations which are not from the extremist far out rightwing media.

Here's reports of the conference from the New York Daily News....

Bill Clinton, Eric Holder talk missteps of Ferguson shooting at mayors conference

Holder and Clinton spoke at the start of a two-day meeting of mayors and police chiefs gathered to talk about lessons from the shooting in the St. Louis suburb.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014, 2:13 PM
DANNY JOHNSTON/APFormer President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Eric Holder both spoke at a meeting of the U.S. Conference of Mayors at the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, Ark.

Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday said the unrest after a Missouri police officer fatally shot an unarmed black 18-year-old in August shows law enforcement must directly address tensions within communities.

Holder and former President Bill Clinton spoke at the start of a two-day meeting of mayors and police chiefs gathered to talk about lessons from the shooting of Brown by white Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson and the protests that followed.

Holder told the group what happened in the St. Louis suburb put a national spotlight on the rift between police and citizens in many cities.


Eric Holder confirms DOJ launching civil rights probe into Ferguson Police Department

The Attorney General said the investigation would determine whether cops ‘engaged in a pattern or practice of violations of the U.S. Constitution or federal law.’ The probe comes after a white police officer, Darren Wilson, shot and killed a black teenager, Michael Brown Jr., which led to weeks of protests. The U.S. Department of Justice has scrutinized other police departments across the country.

Citing a “deep mistrust” between the mostly black residents of Ferguson, Mo. and their mostly white police force, Attorney General Eric Holder said the investigation would determine whether cops “engaged in a pattern or practice of violations of the U.S. Constitution or federal law.”

Going back several years, Holder said, investigators will look into arrest patterns and go over incidents where force was used to determine if the long-standing complaints by African-American residents hold water.


Did you read this article you posted? If so, you should ask yourself, what are these people talking about. Please read and think about this statement made by Holder. Eric Holder on Wednesday said the unrest after a Missouri police officer fatally shot an unarmed black 18-year-old in August shows law enforcement must directly address tensions within communities. Really? "An unarmed 18 year old?" "Law enforcement must directly address tensions within communities?"

What should have Officer Wilson have done when Brown (a 6"-4", 280 pound, 18 year old,) was on top of him, beating and attempting to relieve him of his duty weapon? Eric said, "law enforcement must directly address tensions within communities." I'm sure this is what Officer Wilson should have been thinking about instead of protecting himself and others from Brown.

Most stable and reasonable people by now would have come to the conclusion, Officer Wilson was forced to use deadly force, due to Brown's actions, and Wilson was not influenced by the Hollywood fictional "Dirty Harry cop" you keep talking about.

I don't see the need to go line by line for you regarding Clinton and Holders statements in this article. Maybe you should read what these two people said, and think about the facts Officer Wilson faced when he encountered Brown.

Busted !! rolleyes.gif

The poster has no citations of any kind, not even from the fringe fantastics of the far out rightwing media to support the vacuous claim, and here again is the poster's empty and nothing claim....

The two day conference you mentioned with police chiefs, along with Holder and Clinton did prove productive. The conclusion they came away with, was Obama and Holder should have never injected their stupidly into something that aparrently was way over their heads to understand.

My post asked for a citation to support the assertion so boldly and confidently made, but instead came this....

I don't see the need to go line by line for you regarding Clinton and Holders statements in this article. Maybe you should read what these two people said, and think about the facts Officer Wilson faced when he encountered Brown.

All I wanted to read was the citation supporting the make believe claim, but instead came a heavy ration of bullchit which was in fact absolutely no surprise.

One poster was trying to put Michael Brown on a par with NFL linebackers while another poster was falsely accusing the U.S. Conference of Mayors with their chiefs of police of rejecting former Prez Bill Clinton speaking before them along with the Attorney General Eric Holder.

The beat goes on and all one can do is to interrupt it from time to time, and this is yet another time with many more times for sure to come.

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Did you read this article you posted? If so, you should ask yourself, what are these people talking about. Please read and think about this statement made by Holder. Eric Holder on Wednesday said the unrest after a Missouri police officer fatally shot an unarmed black 18-year-old in August shows law enforcement must directly address tensions within communities. Really? "An unarmed 18 year old?" "Law enforcement must directly address tensions within communities?"

What should have Officer Wilson have done when Brown (a 6"-4", 280 pound, 18 year old,) was on top of him, beating and attempting to relieve him of his duty weapon? Eric said, "law enforcement must directly address tensions within communities." I'm sure this is what Officer Wilson should have been thinking about instead of protecting himself and others from Brown.

Most stable and reasonable people by now would have come to the conclusion, Officer Wilson was forced to use deadly force, due to Brown's actions, and Wilson was not influenced by the Hollywood fictional "Dirty Harry cop" you keep talking about.

I don't see the need to go line by line for you regarding Clinton and Holders statements in this article. Maybe you should read what these two people said, and think about the facts Officer Wilson faced when he encountered Brown.

Busted !! rolleyes.gif

The poster has no citations of any kind, not even from the fringe fantastics of the far out rightwing media to support the vacuous claim, and here again is the poster's empty and nothing claim....

The two day conference you mentioned with police chiefs, along with Holder and Clinton did prove productive. The conclusion they came away with, was Obama and Holder should have never injected their stupidly into something that aparrently was way over their heads to understand.

My post asked for a citation to support the assertion so boldly and confidently made, but instead came this....

I don't see the need to go line by line for you regarding Clinton and Holders statements in this article. Maybe you should read what these two people said, and think about the facts Officer Wilson faced when he encountered Brown.

All I wanted to read was the citation supporting the make believe claim, but instead came a heavy ration of bullchit which was in fact absolutely no surprise.

One poster was trying to put Michael Brown on a par with NFL linebackers while another poster was falsely accusing the U.S. Conference of Mayors with their chiefs of police of rejecting former Prez Bill Clinton speaking before them along with the Attorney General Eric Holder.

The beat goes on and all one can do is to interrupt it from time to time, and this is yet another time with many more times for sure to come.

After reading many of your posts, it makes me wonder if you are really an adult. Are you saying you don't believe Brown fought with Wilson inside his vehicle or you don't have a clue what Officer Wilson should have done differently?

As far as you wanting "supporting citation." If the article or information is coming from anyone other than Mother Jones or MSNBC, you don't believe it. You appear to have difficulty processing information and separating fact from fiction. Evidentially, you are distrusting of law enforcement too.

Please share with us what you actually believe happened between Officer Wilson and Brown. What do you think Officer Wilson should have done differently? I think sharing this type of information, would be better than ranting on about Brown being an NFL lineman or Officer Wilson being a "Dirty Harry cop."

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