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Over 400,000 Thais 'enslaved'


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Over 400,000 Thais 'enslaved'

An estimated 475,300 Thais are trapped in modern slavery, according to a survey.

BANGKOK: -- They are among some 35.8 million men, women and children around the world are today trapped in modern slavery, whether through human trafficking, forced labour, debt bondage, forced or servile marriage, or commercial sexual exploitation.

The 2014 Global Slavery Index (GSI), the flagship research report published today by the Walk Free Foundation, a global human rights organisation with a mission to end modern slavery in a generation, looks at prevalence (the percentage of a country's population that is enslaved) as well as the total number of people living in modern slavery in each country.

It shows that over 23.5 million people in Asia are living in modern slavery. This is equivalent to almost two-thirds of the global total number of people enslaved. India (1.141 per cent), Pakistan (1.130 per cent) and Cambodia (1.029 per cent) have the highest prevalence in the whole of Asia.

In East Asia specifically, Cambodia is followed by Mongolia (0.907 per cent), Thailand (0.709 per cent) and Brunei (0.709 per cent). The two East Asian economic powerhouses, China and Japan, rank 19th and 20th in the Asia region. The East Asian countries or territories with the lowest prevalence of slavery in the Asia region are Hong Kong SAR (0.187 per cent), Singapore (0.1 per cent), and Taiwan (0.013 per cent), 23rd, 24th and 25th respectively. The only two better performers in the Asia region are Australia and New Zealand (26th and 27th).

Full story: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Over-400000-Thais-enslaved-30248032.html

-- The Nation 2014-11-18

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Not to diminish the horror of human trafficking and slavery of any type but does anyone know how they "estimated" these crimes to establish their statistics?

They asked the fish boat captains who denied using slaves, "well,only Burmese and Cambodians, and they don't count"

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Twiggy -Andrew-Forest. ( Twiggy, named by the Australians as he is anything but) .. an ardent christen & one of the top 5 riches people in Australia who was found guilty of misleading & deceptive conduct by the Australian Federal courts, usually spends his time , energy (& considerable amounts of money) ranting against any government that would have the temerity to tax his mining empire.

Forrest has also been publicly accused of engaging in questionable methods of land acquisition, and has also had accusations leveled at his company for failing indigenous trainees at FMG's vocational training center in Port Hedland.

Its not to say that slavery isn't a problem in Thailand or around the world--- I just wish someone other than Twiggy & his bible bashing daughter would take up the banner...............coffee1.gif

Edited by sanuk711
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When I met my Thai wife 9 years ago she was working in a farang owned restaurant, 3,000 baht and 2 days off per month. That is pretty damn close to slavery as far as I'm concerned.

And tips ramrod711 And tips................. ................................wub.png


Just joking---yes its quite bad....

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Not to diminish the horror of human trafficking and slavery of any type but does anyone know how they "estimated" these crimes to establish their statistics?

Right. Where and how do they get these numbers ?

When they can do a census, they can name and shame the slaveholders and free the poor slaves.

Don't get me wrong, i am aware of modern slavery, but don't believe in these figures.

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When I met my Thai wife 9 years ago she was working in a farang owned restaurant, 3,000 baht and 2 days off per month. That is pretty damn close to slavery as far as I'm concerned.

Most guys I know who own restaurants get one day off a year and after expenses and family costs would be lucky to make 3000 baht a month. But one day a year off is one more day than a dairy farmer.biggrin.png

Edited by thailiketoo
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I would say out of that number most are in debt slavery. It is a big problem here

Well, probably most. But really I not see why they should call the slavery !?

I my opinion 'slavery' is when people work for 'no' money or salary, and can not leave to go for a different live.

Debt problems can mostly be solved. Spent less, save more. Pay off drebts. Live within your means. And if you need to borrow, see that you know you can repay your debts within your salary.

So the whole article and excercise of the mentioned organisations are misleading the public.

Definition of Slavery (wikipedia)

Slavery is a legal or economic system under which people are treated as property.[1] Though laws and systems vary, as property, slaves may be bought and sold. Slaves can be held from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand compensation. Historically, slavery was institutionally recognized by most societies; in more recent times, slavery has been outlawed in all countries, but it continues through the practices of debt bondage, serfdom, domestic servants kept in captivity, certain adoptions in which children are forced to work as slaves, child soldiers, and forced marriage.[2]Slavery is officially illegal in all countries, but there are still an estimated 20 million to 36 million slaves worldwide.[3][4][5] Mauritaniawas the last jurisdiction to officially outlaw slavery (in 1981/2007), but about 10% to 20% of its population is estimated to live in slavery.[6][7]

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I would say out of that number most are in debt slavery. It is a big problem here

Well, probably most. But really I not see why they should call the slavery !?

I my opinion 'slavery' is when people work for 'no' money or salary, and can not leave to go for a different live.

Debt problems can mostly be solved. Spent less, save more. Pay off drebts. Live within your means. And if you need to borrow, see that you know you can repay your debts within your salary.

So the whole article and excercise of the mentioned organisations are misleading the public.

Definition of Slavery (wikipedia)

Slavery is a legal or economic system under which people are treated as property.[1] Though laws and systems vary, as property, slaves may be bought and sold. Slaves can be held from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand compensation. Historically, slavery was institutionally recognized by most societies; in more recent times, slavery has been outlawed in all countries, but it continues through the practices of debt bondage, serfdom, domestic servants kept in captivity, certain adoptions in which children are forced to work as slaves, child soldiers, and forced marriage.[2]Slavery is officially illegal in all countries, but there are still an estimated 20 million to 36 million slaves worldwide.[3][4][5] Mauritaniawas the last jurisdiction to officially outlaw slavery (in 1981/2007), but about 10% to 20% of its population is estimated to live in slavery.[6][7]

Well i have talked to some girls in my small city who are literally forced into the sex trade because they or their family are so much in debt to loan sharks. One stated she didnt think she could ever leave after 3 years and still owing 40,000 baht. Police run so nowhere to hide.

Desperation makes people do strange things. And fear keeps them doin it.

Debt slavery does hold into those numbers. However I am certain those numbers are guesses. If they actually knew so many slaves personally they would just publish the numbers

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Well, probably most. But really I not see why they should call the slavery !?

I my opinion 'slavery' is when people work for 'no' money or salary, and can not leave to go for a different live.

Debt problems can mostly be solved. Spent less, save more. Pay off drebts. Live within your means. And if you need to borrow, see that you know you can repay your debts within your salary.

So the whole article and excercise of the mentioned organisations are misleading the public.

Definition of Slavery (wikipedia)

Slavery is a legal or economic system under which people are treated as property.[1] Though laws and systems vary, as property, slaves may be bought and sold. Slaves can be held from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to demand compensation. Historically, slavery was institutionally recognized by most societies; in more recent times, slavery has been outlawed in all countries, but it continues through the practices of debt bondage, serfdom, domestic servants kept in captivity, certain adoptions in which children are forced to work as slaves, child soldiers, and forced marriage.[2]Slavery is officially illegal in all countries, but there are still an estimated 20 million to 36 million slaves worldwide.[3][4][5] Mauritaniawas the last jurisdiction to officially outlaw slavery (in 1981/2007), but about 10% to 20% of its population is estimated to live in slavery.[6][7]

Well i have talked to some girls in my small city who are literally forced into the sex trade because they or their family are so much in debt to loan sharks. One stated she didnt think she could ever leave after 3 years and still owing 40,000 baht. Police run so nowhere to hide.

Desperation makes people do strange things. And fear keeps them doin it.

Debt slavery does hold into those numbers. However I am certain those numbers are guesses. If they actually knew so many slaves personally they would just publish the numbers

I'm not trying to be funny but I had the same problem after the debts run up by my first marriage. If I could have worked them off somehow I sure would have; I tried but I had to get three jobs instead.

They only surveyed seven countries Nepal, Indonesia, Brazil, Ethiopia, Russia, Pakistan, and Nigeria and then guessed at the rest? http://www.globalslaveryindex.org/methodology/#detailed-methodology-paper

I'm sure they have great methods but I would have thought with 400,000 slaves in Thailand I would have seen a few of them.

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When I met my Thai wife 9 years ago she was working in a farang owned restaurant, 3,000 baht and 2 days off per month. That is pretty damn close to slavery as far as I'm concerned.

Most guys I know who own restaurants get one day off a year and after expenses and family costs would be lucky to make 3000 baht a month. But one day a year off is one more day than a dairy farmer.biggrin.png

I guess I could use the reasoning of Gunna, Kuije and time traveler and say something like "who asked them to open a restaurant?". I think, instead I will just point out that I didn't say it WAS slavery, I said it was pretty damn close, and I still think so.

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When I met my Thai wife 9 years ago she was working in a farang owned restaurant, 3,000 baht and 2 days off per month. That is pretty damn close to slavery as far as I'm concerned.

Most guys I know who own restaurants get one day off a year and after expenses and family costs would be lucky to make 3000 baht a month. But one day a year off is one more day than a dairy farmer.biggrin.png

I guess I could use the reasoning of Gunna, Kuije and time traveler and say something like "who asked them to open a restaurant?". I think, instead I will just point out that I didn't say it WAS slavery, I said it was pretty damn close, and I still think so.

Ya I agree and add that it could have been worse and they chose to be dairy farmers. They don't even make convicts work when they are sick unlike diary farmers.

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I am exceedingly dubious of these statistics. There's a long history of 'non-profit' foundations inventing frightening numbers to pump up their funding, and Thailand is a favorite target. Usually it turns out the numbers were just pulled from thin air.

Yeah. Half-a-million. Sounds good. Let's go with it, but make it a little less round...

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I am exceedingly dubious of these statistics. There's a long history of 'non-profit' foundations inventing frightening numbers to pump up their funding, and Thailand is a favorite target. Usually it turns out the numbers were just pulled from thin air.

Yeah. Half-a-million. Sounds good. Let's go with it, but make it a little less round...

India is now the world’s slave capital: Global Slavery Index 2014 Wait for it.......


This year, the Walk Free Foundation commissioned Gallup Inc.1 to conduct nationally representative, random-sample surveys in seven countries: Nepal, Indonesia, Brazil, Ethiopia, Russia, Pakistan, and Nigeria. You guessed it India was not surveyed.


Also from the group who did the OP there are 300 slaves in Ireland. Iceland and Luxembourg only have 23 and 71. Canada 4,600, Norway and Denmark 700 but Australia has 3000.


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If "modern slavery" is like Japanese "wage slaves," then the number should be lots higher.

I have been in some purty grim places in Asia, outside Red China, and never saw a slave in the real sense of the word. This report is bogus. Red China is basically one huge slave labor camp.

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