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I got an Email today saying my passport has arrived in Bangkok.. I applied April 10th if anybody is interested..

Thank-you, I'm interested. I make that 60 days; up from the last report of 54 days.

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I got an Email today saying my passport has arrived in Bangkok.. I applied April 10th if anybody is interested..

Well congratulations - at least you have it (well soon to have anyway), remember no need for a collection appointment, just turn up at Trendy when it suits you.

8.6 weeks represents a truly appalling level of customer service and to repeat, if this can't be improved on soon, then several Senior Civil Servants in the British Government deserve to loose their jobs over this, with no golden parachutes.

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So I got a reply to my email a few hrs after I sent it, they are fully booked up until the 25th which is when I have my appointment.

Pleased they replied to you appointment request today, although 16 days is a depressingly long wait, just to start the ball rolling for a process that's currently taking 8-9 weeks from application.

Maybe as you say you live in BKK and if it's not too far to travel, then just try bowling up with all the papers completed and try the 'I've got an appointment at xx:yy' trick - maybe Jip99 is right that you might still get away with it..

If you don't mind it would be good if you could post the content of the appointment confirmation email from Trendy (make sure you remove any personal references, etc) in case there is any new info there on say third party applications

I now really wonder why Tigerfish is not getting any replies to his appointment requests.

Dealing with Trendy on booking an appointment you need to keep it super simple "Dear Sir/Madam please can I have a passport application appointment on 1) month 1 at aa:00 or 2) Month 2 at bb:30 or 3) Month 3 at cc:00. Thank you, Yours,etc.


this was my email I sent and reply from them:

Im a British national living in Bangkok, I only have half a page in my current passport and need to get a new one soon.
I would like to book an appointment to start the process. Below is my full name and 3 dates I can be available for an appointment, as I live in Bangkok I can be flexible though:
Thursday 12th June - ANYTIME
Friday 13th June - ANYTIME
Monday 16th June - ANYTIME
and same for any other day of the week, just let me know and I can come in but Id like to get the process moving soon as I need to apply for a new 1 year visa in the next 3 months and will need my new passport by then.
My number: xxx
We sorry to said the day you want was full.
The firat availble date and time is on 25th June 2014 at 10.00 hrs. Would you mind if we book this appointment for you.
More information on HMPO is available at :
website: www.gov.uk
Tel. + 44 (0) 300 222 0000.

this was my email I sent and reply from them:

Im a British national living in Bangkok, I only have half a page in my current passport and need to get a new one soon.
I would like to book an appointment to start the process. Below is my full name and 3 dates I can be available for an appointment, as I live in Bangkok I can be flexible though:
Thursday 12th June - ANYTIME
Friday 13th June - ANYTIME
Monday 16th June - ANYTIME
and same for any other day of the week, just let me know and I can come in but Id like to get the process moving soon as I need to apply for a new 1 year visa in the next 3 months and will need my new passport by then.
My number: xxx
We sorry to said the day you want was full.
The firat availble date and time is on 25th June 2014 at 10.00 hrs. Would you mind if we book this appointment for you.
More information on HMPO is available at :
website: www.gov.uk
Tel. + 44 (0) 300 222 0000.

Hi thanks for that, much appreciated.

One small positive note, finally they have the [email protected] email address correct, this after only 10 weeks!

So you got no application instructions at all, I got this in May, complete with the incorrect email address.

Dear xxxxx

Thank you for requesting an appointment to submit an application for your passport.

Your appointment has been arranged for nth of mmm 2014 at xx:yy hrs. Please contact us if you are not able to make this time so we can rearrange another appointment.

All information about how to complete the application form and required documents is detailed under the relevant country page here: https://www.gov.uk/overseas-passports

Attending your appointment - please remember the following:

· You should arrive no more than 15 minutes before your appointment time.

· We will screen, and search your baggage as you enter our office to ensure the safety of our staff and other customers. Please keep baggage to a minimum to help prevent delays.

· Please check carefully you have completed your application and remember to bring the form, 2 colour photographs and that you have completed a payment form

· For each required supporting document (i.e. birth certificate) please remember to bring the original and a colour photocopy. The original will be handed back to you at the VAC.

· If you are submitting your current passport please bring the original and a full colour photocopy of the entire passport (including blank pages). You will not be able to travel on it after you have applied for a new one – but you will be able to keep your current passport for ID purposes.

· If you have a passport application query please contact the Passport Advice Line 0044 300 222 0000 rather than the local Embassy, High Commission or VAC.

More information HMPO:

Site: www.gov.uk

email: [email protected]

Tel. + 44 (0) 300 222 0000.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The Passport arrived as promised, via DHL today.

It arrived at lunch time, folowing a call to confirm my place of work address, earlier in the morning.

I am sorry guys, but I really have no flaming idea how DHL came into the equation or how they came to deliver to my woark place address and not to VFS??? and yes as a consequence my passort has not snipped at the corners to indicate it is cancelled , maybe i can use that slip up for some purpose and use my last page, before using my new passport.

It did state on one form included in parcel that there was a query about non confirmed address???

I have not , as yet received any phone call or e-mail from VFS or passport office reagrding this imminent delivery or need to collect from VFS. so why all the fuss about providing the e-mail address??? again another complete waste of time. I did change my phone and number during this process, which I informed the passport office about when querying my payment processing , at the time way back , and it was the new number that DHL contacted me on, but some where on the included paperwork when it arrived , I noticed my old number , so maybe someone went out of their way to trace my new number, if they did they deserve a bloody medal, for going beyond the call of duty.

I have been trying all evening to include a pic of the parcel and contents, but cannot find the attachemnt tag on this page, it seems to be missing ??

One thing that is really bugging me is that i now have a 48 page passport where 6 of the pages are used up by my picture page and a load of other official tripe, one new page is an officialls only comments page next to the picture page , so basically I have a 42 useable pages passport , not 48 pages, another bloody con in my view, but if i ahd gone for the smaller passport I would still have lost those pages , so my gain is still better than the 32 page passport proportionally.

Anyway, my saga seems to be ended for now, the next hurdle is finding out if i can get an e-mailed copy of the letter required from the embassy to request a transfer of visa from old passport to the new passport. Suely this should be possible, unless a lack of willingness or common sense will prevail on their rsponse to a simple request.

Hopefully, I will be able to post a pic of the parcel and accompanying bumf once i can get a decent internet connection.

Anyway thanks for all the likes and shared sympathies and encouragement etc over the last 7 + weeks ,and wish you all good luck. I really should have got the phone number of the old guy I met in VFS , fram Pattaya and be able to check out how he is getting on with his application, in case he needs further help, hope it all works out for him.

It has been a journey , but i have also met some decent folk along the way on here .

What a shame we cannot meet some others on a more face to face basis sometimes on these forums, where we all come together to help each otherin real times of crisis like what is happening for many at the moment, rather than bickering with each other on TVN.

Wish you all Luck , and i shall keep you potsed reagrding the need for transfer request letter from embassy idiots , and immigration department responses to the need for this letter. Has anyone any feed back on this regarding Chonburi Immigration Dept ???

Did you seriously expect 48 blank pages? Do you think a 32 page passport has 32 blank pages? Was your old passport al blank pages? It's unbelievable the things people here are complaining about on here.

I thought you was going to break out into a rendition of 'I did it my way' I think you deserve a holiday after this ordeal that you have been through.

As If. A Welshman breaking into song and rejoice when some thing good happens, like when we beat the English in Rugby, (not this year at least), but a merry recital may be in order after this debarcle hahaha. Why why why HMPO......... i sent my things to your recommended place, so why did you keep me waiting so long for return by fast DHL , etc etc

Sorry guys , had to done , good luck ya all

This is a reply I have just had from British Embassy relating to my enquiry Friday afternoon, about getting the required letter requesting a transfer of visa form old passport to new passport without having to make a trip to BKK to collect the letter:

Dear Mr Williams,

Thank you for your email.

We can issue you a consular standard letter to transfer the Thai visa from your previous passport to the new passport. Please email me the scanned copy of your previous and new passport ( photo page). I also need to know the last date you entered Thailand and type of your visa and your address in Thailand ( for mailing), please.

That is a bonus, No second trip to Bkk required at all now.

Below is a link to an article on BBC website relating to what one MP is trying to do regarding Passport problems


Good luck to you all in your edeavours, i notice things only seem to be getting worse now , from the comments on here. JEEZ!!!

So may i suggest you all also start bombarding this guy with problems going on here in Thailand .


Much earlier on this thread I referred to a formal complaint which I emailed to HMPO on 3 April 2014.

On 8 May 2014 I finally received an interim reply informing me that they were conducting a full investigation, whereupon a full written response would be made to me.

I am still awaiting this promised full written response a further month on.

I have therefore come to the conclusion, as reinforced by recent postings on this thread, that HMPO are an organisation not fit for purpose.


Well, I just got back to Thailand after a quick trip to UK on my Emergency Travel Document. While I was in UK, I spoke to HMPO (again) and enquired as to exactly what they had done with my application since they received it some 50-odd days earlier (other than take cash from my bank account). The guy told me he would e-mail Liverpool and they would respond within 72 hours. I explained that the reason I was speaking to him was because one of his colleagues had given me exactly the same assurances five days earlier. I won't be holding my breath.

As an aside - and I apologise if this has been answered - if you are now able to get a third party to collect your new passport, do they have to be in possession of your old passport?



Thank you for requesting an appointment to submit an application for your passport.

Your appointment has been arranged for 24th June 2014 at 13.30 hrs. Please contact us if you are not able to make this time so we can rearrange another appointment.

All information about how to complete the application form and required documents is detailed under the relevant country page here: https://www.gov.uk/overseas-passports

Please note the following important information:

· You should arrive no more than 15 minutes before your appointment time.

· The applications submitted in Bangkok, Thailand will be processed and considered by HMPO in the UK. This process may take at least 6 - 9 weeks approximately.

· Please provide coloured photocopies of your passport. You are required to sign on every photocopied page. Photocopies of your other documents may be in black and white.

· Whilst applying/renewing your passport, the charges need to be paid online. Details are mentioned on gov.uk website. You are required to carry a printout of this transaction and submit it with your application at the Bangkok Centre.

· The applicant needs to apply in person at the HMPO Bangkok centre.

· There is no postal service available. You cannot post your application. However, you may authorise someone collect your issued passport. The authorised person will need to present an authority letter from you. You will also need to inform us that you would be authorising someone to collect your passport on your behalf.

· All documents which are not in English need to be translated into English and officially stamped

· Children are not required to come in person to apply. Parents can apply on behalf of their children with adequate proof

· We will screen, and search your baggage as you enter our office to ensure the safety of our staff and other customers. Please keep baggage to a minimum to help prevent delays.

· Please ensure that your application is complete and do remember to bring the completed application form, 2 colour photographs and proof of payment.

· Please ensure you carry the originals as well as a photocopy of each supporting document. For eg: You will need to carry the original birth certificate and a copy fo the same. We will check the photocopy against the original and return the original back to you.

· If you are submitting your current passport, you will need to carry the original and a coloured photocopy of the all the pages of your current passport including the blank pages. If you wish to submit only photopcies, you may do so, please note once you have submitted your application, you will not be able to travel on your current passport. You may retain it for identity purpose.

· If you have any queires with regards to your passport application’ please contact the Passport Advice Line 0044 300 222 0000 rather than the local Embassy, High Commission or VAC.

More information on HMPO is available at :

website: www.gov.uk

email: [email protected]

Tel. + 44 (0) 300 222 0000.


Whilst applying/renewing your passport, the charges need to be paid online. Details are mentioned on gov.uk website. You are required to carry a printout of this transaction and submit it with your application at the Bangkok Centre ...

Please ensure that your application is complete and do remember to bring the completed application form, 2 colour photographs and proof of payment.

Anyone any idea about the paying online requirement?


Whilst applying/renewing your passport, the charges need to be paid online. Details are mentioned on gov.uk website. You are required to carry a printout of this transaction and submit it with your application at the Bangkok Centre ...

Please ensure that your application is complete and do remember to bring the completed application form, 2 colour photographs and proof of payment.

Anyone any idea about the paying online requirement?

This is a new addition to Trendy's 'Application Guidance Notes'.

Not seen this before, plus there is nothing new on the HMPO Website about this particular aspect (last updated 9th June 2014).

The option of on line pre payment would sort out quite a few of the issues that have been reported to date with Thai debit cards.

However, as we have seen to be the usual norm, nothing official, so who knows if these particular goal posts have been moved.

Only way of making an on-line payment is to make an on line application.

Pretended I lived in Malaysia to start the on-line application process but was then subsequently rejected when I selected Thailand as my country of residence......

We really are being treated like mushrooms by these Muppets (kept in the dark that is and fed b...s..t, etc).

  • Like 1

Significant Change in UK Passport Renewal Service:

Looking at the latest 'guidance notes' from trendy there is a significant change for Third party applications.

· If you are submitting your current passport, you will need to carry the original and a coloured photocopy of the all the pages of your current passport including the blank pages. If you wish to submit only photopcies, you may do so, please note once you have submitted your application, you will not be able to travel on your current passport. You may retain it for identity purpose.

Note they write (I have highlighted it in in red) that you now don't need to show your passport at Trendy, just photocopies - so you don't have to give you passport to a third party..

So now the whole point of HMPO having us go to trendy to apply is gone, since trendy no longer appear to need to check the original passport against the photocopies.

If this is true wit the option of an on-line payment - good news indeed - but if so, why can we then not make an on-line application then just courier the copies ourselves direct to HMPO UK?

The first application visit to Trendy is now seems to completely without purpose.

However the caveat is that there is nothing about this on the HMPO website.........


I emailed them requesting an appointment to renew my sons passport yesterday at 6.55pm, and I have just received an email back

confirming my appointment for the 1st July!

I kept the email simple and my 3 dates were;






I emailed them requesting an appointment to renew my sons passport yesterday at 6.55pm, and I have just received an email back

confirming my appointment for the 1st July!

I kept the email simple and my 3 dates were;





Good news and I am sure that the 'Application Notes' you got from trendy confirmed that your son does not have to attend this appointment in person..

Looks like the trendy appointment booking system is working ok and responding reasonably quickly, even if there is a nearly three week wait now for an appointment.


I emailed them requesting an appointment to renew my sons passport yesterday at 6.55pm, and I have just received an email back

confirming my appointment for the 1st July!

I kept the email simple and my 3 dates were;





You should confirm that the office is open on July 1st, I understand it is a bank holiday.


"So now the whole point of HMPO having us go to trendy to apply is gone, since trendy no longer appear to need to check the original passport against the photocopies."

Because they won the contract and will be paid regardless - 5th wheel political <deleted> - the guy who assigned them will retire a lord, and you will be forced to pay for the <deleted>. Rule Britannia!

  • Like 1

I emailed them requesting an appointment to renew my sons passport yesterday at 6.55pm, and I have just received an email back

confirming my appointment for the 1st July!

I kept the email simple and my 3 dates were;





You should confirm that the office is open on July 1st, I understand it is a bank holiday.

It is not a holiday for anybody but the banks. . "1 July (Tuesday) Mid Year Bank Holiday (Auditing)" Source: Thai Holidays 2014.pdf


Significant Change in UK Passport Renewal Service:

Looking at the latest 'guidance notes' from trendy there is a significant change for Third party applications.

· If you are submitting your current passport, you will need to carry the original and a coloured photocopy of the all the pages of your current passport including the blank pages. If you wish to submit only photopcies, you may do so, please note once you have submitted your application, you will not be able to travel on your current passport. You may retain it for identity purpose.

Note they write (I have highlighted it in in red) that you now don't need to show your passport at Trendy, just photocopies - so you don't have to give you passport to a third party..

So now the whole point of HMPO having us go to trendy to apply is gone, since trendy no longer appear to need to check the original passport against the photocopies.

If this is true wit the option of an on-line payment - good news indeed - but if so, why can we then not make an on-line application then just courier the copies ourselves direct to HMPO UK?

The first application visit to Trendy is now seems to completely without purpose.

However the caveat is that there is nothing about this on the HMPO website.........

I read that as a bit of a climbdown from the "under Thai law, you are required to be in possession of your passport" stance (and the reason why we can't apply online). Rather than acknowledge that was wrong, they are saying it's up to you whether to submit your passport with your application. In reality, you need to hang on to your original passport to do your 90 day reports as there's no guarantee they'll process your new one in that time period.

I get the impression that Trendy is being paid for something that they now realise is totally unnecessary - I wonder how long the contract is for.


I got an Email today saying my passport has arrived in Bangkok.. I applied April 10th if anybody is interested..

Thank-you, I'm interested. I make that 60 days; up from the last report of 54 days.

Another thank you. I'm happy for you.

My grandson's renewal was made 28 April. So, counting 60 days from then.....hmmmm. Let's not count chickens


A post discussing moderation has been removed.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


In roundabout way (granted) I was trying to say that because of the ineptitude of government, we will have to go through or around Trendy. It's like a receptionist who stops anyone seeing or calling the manager without an appointment, because as we all know, managers are very busy and important and spend all day long doing important stuff. Yeah!

OK mods, I'll stop here!


Did anyone get a reference number after submitting there application at Trendy, All I got was a photocopy of the 'document receipt' and a passport collection details.

I just rang +44 300 222 000 as was told I need a reference number for my son's application!?

He was able to look at my renewal application by just giving my date of birth! and I was told on the current address part I put my permanent address down in the UK, instead of my hotel address in Thailand (working in Thailand for 8 months and staying in several hotels during that time) and this was also a problem with the application.

I asked him if he could change it, but said he could not and I would have to wait until the officer looked at the application and he would email me.

Application date was on 21.05, arrived in the UK on 27.05. Charged my credit card on the 27.05 as well BUT they still haven't even looked at my applications!


Did anyone get a reference number after submitting there application at Trendy, All I got was a photocopy of the 'document receipt' and a passport collection details.

I just rang +44 300 222 000 as was told I need a reference number for my son's application!?

He was able to look at my renewal application by just giving my date of birth! and I was told on the current address part I put my permanent address down in the UK, instead of my hotel address in Thailand (working in Thailand for 8 months and staying in several hotels during that time) and this was also a problem with the application.

I asked him if he could change it, but said he could not and I would have to wait until the officer looked at the application and he would email me.

Application date was on 21.05, arrived in the UK on 27.05. Charged my credit card on the 27.05 as well BUT they still haven't even looked at my applications!

Overseas applicants do not get application reference or status numbers unfortunately???

I feel for you on this one as there is no practical or logical reason for supplying a Thai residential address. If you have a Thai visa or extension of stay in your son's old passport (which there will be a photocopy of ) then you have satisfied Thai Immigration of his status, so that should be sufficient for HMPO. Fire off an email to complain and see if they can ammend that nonsensical requirement too.

Good luck.


I got a DHL ref No,at my Trendy appointment and was told to call them in a day or two to get a tracking number, Whether or not that will count as a Reference for HMPO I do not know

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