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Update for anyone curious:

I Gave my passport to Trendy on the 16th April. Payment was taken on the 23rd April. And today the 13th June I've received an email telling me my new passport is available to collect.

Got a nice hefty overstay fine to pay off, i'm just glad it's done and I can forget about the whole thing.

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Update for anyone curious:

I Gave my passport to Trendy on the 16th April. Payment was taken on the 23rd April. And today the 13th June I've received an email telling me my new passport is available to collect.

Got a nice hefty overstay fine to pay off, i'm just glad it's done and I can forget about the whole thing.

Congratulations, sorry about the overstay fine.

8 weeks+ for a passport replacement represents a truly ghastly level of customer service - let's hope some Senior Civil Servants' and Politicians' heads roll for this and all the stress and s..t they have put us through.


I applied on the 22nd of April but messed up by not signing something. They emailed me new forms where I signed in every box even if it never seemed to apply to me.

I sent the new forms back the same day which cost me just under 1000 Baht.........they said they would take 5 working days to get to Liverpool.

Despite the delay I too got my passport back today.

PROOF OF ADDRESS: I had just moved into a new condo and had nothing that was on their list.

I chanced my arm and sent a copy of a lease with a copy of my landlords passport. I went to my bank and asked tem to confirm my addresss on their headed notepaper. Got the juristic person to put my name and address on a 58 baht water bill in English and sent those............total cost was 100 Baht to the bank and they accepted them.

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UK Government Website now has the links for the 12 month Extension Application and ETD for Children's urgent travel to the UK.

It comes up as the first page you get to for overseas applications.


Still not clear if one can apply for an extension or child ETD if an application is already filed with HMPO:

If you’re renewing an existing British passport you can apply for it to be extended for 12 months. You won’t be charged any extra fees.

To apply, phone your local British Embassy, Consulate or High Commission and select the ‘Consular Services’ option.

Appointments can be made from Monday 16 June.

If you’re the parent or guardian of a child living overseas that needs to travel urgently, you can apply for an emergency travel document for your child instead of a new or renewed passport.

Emergency travel documents are available from the week beginning 16 June in most countries, after checks to confirm nationality and identity.

To apply, phone your local British Embassy, Consulate or High Commission.

No provision of extra passport pages for those with full, but unexpired passports - this would probably help the more frequent travelers based here than the 12 month extension does.


I applied on the 22nd of April but messed up by not signing something. They emailed me new forms where I signed in every box even if it never seemed to apply to me.

I sent the new forms back the same day which cost me just under 1000 Baht.........they said they would take 5 working days to get to Liverpool.

Despite the delay I too got my passport back today.

PROOF OF ADDRESS: I had just moved into a new condo and had nothing that was on their list.

I chanced my arm and sent a copy of a lease with a copy of my landlords passport. I went to my bank and asked tem to confirm my addresss on their headed notepaper. Got the juristic person to put my name and address on a 58 baht water bill in English and sent those............total cost was 100 Baht to the bank and they accepted them.

Congratulations on getting your shiny new red pp. - 7 1/2 weeks though, plus all the stress - urghh.


I applied on the 22nd of April but messed up by not signing something. They emailed me new forms where I signed in every box even if it never seemed to apply to me.

I sent the new forms back the same day which cost me just under 1000 Baht.........they said they would take 5 working days to get to Liverpool.

Despite the delay I too got my passport back today.

PROOF OF ADDRESS: I had just moved into a new condo and had nothing that was on their list.

I chanced my arm and sent a copy of a lease with a copy of my landlords passport. I went to my bank and asked tem to confirm my addresss on their headed notepaper. Got the juristic person to put my name and address on a 58 baht water bill in English and sent those............total cost was 100 Baht to the bank and they accepted them.

Well done.

Quickest so far - I think - and good news for those who applied later, the timescale appears to be reducing.


thats security for ya eh ?? 2 random foreigners can confirm your address ! if I was a fraudster I'd never be able to do that

just hoping one day some one puts their Thai address as the moon in Thai obviously translated into a random address from the phone book . just as easy/cheaper to fake address evidence than to provide the real thing.

and now due to the latest rule changes (can get someone to apply to trendy on your behalf) there's absolutely no real evidence that the person renewing the passport is the person it belongs to.


I got a DHL ref No,at my Trendy appointment and was told to call them in a day or two to get a tracking number, Whether or not that will count as a Reference for HMPO I do not know

Ref No DHL 93xx xxxxxx Number +44 300222 0000

So is that a UK DHL phone number?


I got a DHL ref No,at my Trendy appointment and was told to call them in a day or two to get a tracking number, Whether or not that will count as a Reference for HMPO I do not know

Ref No DHL 93xx xxxxxx Number +44 300222 0000

So is that a UK DHL phone number?

The number they gave you is the HMPO UK Hotline.

The DHL Number will, I guess, be the package number carrying your application to Liverpool HMPO..

First thing you should see is a UK GBP credit card debit by HMPO after 3-4 working days.

Contact the HMPO UK Help line number, give them your first and last name plus DOB and they should be able to identify your application once it is in the system (aka 'in an orange box').

They used my middle name as a 'security check'

Ask for an Application Process Reference Number, they will give you a 9 digit, plus one character code that you can give the next time to want to call HMPO.

They quoted me 6-8 weeks from payment for the passport to then go to issue, plus 7-10 days from then for it to be available for collection (that's 8-10 weeks from start to finish for me and far too close to the line for comfort).

So personally, I will be researching the 12 month extension now on offer, which I know doesn't help you, as your passport is almost full.


From: https://www.gov.uk/overseas-passports/y/thailand/renewing_new/adult


You’ll have to pay a fee for your passport and a courier fee of £23.01. The courier fee pays for your passport to be sent securely to the UK Visa Application Centre where you applied for you to collect."

What does that mean???

It's the courier fee from Liverpool back to Trendy.

The figures don't actually correlate because the VFS girls have a letter stating that £100.86 is the total for a jumbo. This would make 91.00 + courier 9.86. HOWEVER......

Good afternoon
Thank you for your email
Your email has now been forwarded to the Liverpool passport office.
Kind regards

Janice Amelia Ford

Customer Contact Officer

Sent: 09 June 2014 11:17

To: Overseas Newport CCC

Subject: Re: HMPO - failed services in Thailand/JF

See attached scan of HSBC card statement evidencing payment of GBP 100.86

From: Overseas Newport CCC <[email protected]>

Sent: Monday, 9 June 2014, 10:00

Subject: RE: HMPO - failed services in Thailand/JF

Good morning
Thank you for your email
Please could you email evidence of the amount that you have paid Her majesty's passport office, so we can assist you.
Kind regards
Janice Amelia Ford

Customer Contact Officer

Sent: 06 June 2014 16:51

To: Overseas Newport CCC

Subject: Re: HMPO - failed services in Thailand/JF

Hi Janice

Thank you for your very prompt response.

As there were no supporting documents returned to me please arrange for a refund to my card account of GBP 10.16.

More importantly, I believed that I applied for a jumb48 page passport - could you please check your records and advise. I signed the original credit card form for GBP 114.01 - obviously for a jumbo passport as per www.gov.uk website.

Thank you.


From: Overseas Newport CCC <[email protected]>

Sent: Friday, 6 June 2014, 16:27

Subject: RE: HMPO - failed services in Thailand/JF

Good afternoon
Thank you for your email
Your passport application shows £10.16p was paid for your supporting documents to be delivered to you. £9.70 for your new passport to be delivered to you and £83.00 for your passport to be issued. Total £102.86p.
Kind regards
Janice Amelia Ford

Customer Contact Officer

Sent: 06 June 2014 15:03

To: Overseas Newport CCC

Subject: Re: HMPO - failed services in Thailand/JF

Thank you Janice.

I will ask the same question that I asked earlier this week; could you please let me have a breakdown of the costs comprised in the credit card debit of GBP 100.86

Thank you

Good afternoon
Thank you for your email
Your passport has been processed and printed on the 27/05/2014 and will be with you shortly, if you have not received it already.
Kind regards
Janice Amelia Ford

Customer Contact Officer


Swyddog Cyswllt Cwsmeriaid


Her Majesty's Passport Office

Nexus House l Mission Court l Newport l NP20 2DW

Swyddfa Basbort Ei Mawrhydi

Tŷ Nexus l Mission Court l Casnewydd l NP20 2DW

T: 0845 601 5403 Text Relay Prefix 18001 Rhagddodiad Text Relay 18001



From: https://www.gov.uk/overseas-passports/y/thailand/renewing_new/adult


You’ll have to pay a fee for your passport and a courier fee of £23.01. The courier fee pays for your passport to be sent securely to the UK Visa Application Centre where you applied for you to collect."

What does that mean???

It's the courier fee from Liverpool back to Trendy.

The figures don't actually correlate because the VFS girls have a letter stating that £100.86 is the total for a jumbo. This would make 91.00 + courier 9.86. HOWEVER......

Good afternoon

Thank you for your email

Your email has now been forwarded to the Liverpool passport office.

Kind regards

Janice Amelia Ford

Customer Contact Officer

Sent: 09 June 2014 11:17

To: Overseas Newport CCC

Subject: Re: HMPO - failed services in Thailand/JF

See attached scan of HSBC card statement evidencing payment of GBP 100.86

From: Overseas Newport CCC

Sent: Monday, 9 June 2014, 10:00

Subject: RE: HMPO - failed services in Thailand/JF

Good morning

Thank you for your email

Please could you email evidence of the amount that you have paid Her majesty's passport office, so we can assist you.

Kind regards

Janice Amelia Ford

Customer Contact Officer

Sent: 06 June 2014 16:51

To: Overseas Newport CCC

Subject: Re: HMPO - failed services in Thailand/JF

Hi Janice

Thank you for your very prompt response.

As there were no supporting documents returned to me please arrange for a refund to my card account of GBP 10.16.

More importantly, I believed that I applied for a jumb48 page passport - could you please check your records and advise. I signed the original credit card form for GBP 114.01 - obviously for a jumbo passport as per www.gov.uk website.

Thank you.


From: Overseas Newport CCC

Sent: Friday, 6 June 2014, 16:27

Subject: RE: HMPO - failed services in Thailand/JF

Good afternoon

Thank you for your email

Your passport application shows £10.16p was paid for your supporting documents to be delivered to you. £9.70 for your new passport to be delivered to you and £83.00 for your passport to be issued. Total £102.86p.

Kind regards

Janice Amelia Ford

Customer Contact Officer

Sent: 06 June 2014 15:03

To: Overseas Newport CCC

Subject: Re: HMPO - failed services in Thailand/JF

Thank you Janice.

I will ask the same question that I asked earlier this week; could you please let me have a breakdown of the costs comprised in the credit card debit of GBP 100.86

Thank you

Good afternoon

Thank you for your email

Your passport has been processed and printed on the 27/05/2014 and will be with you shortly, if you have not received it already.

Kind regards

Janice Amelia Ford

Customer Contact Officer


Swyddog Cyswllt Cwsmeriaid


Her Majesty's Passport Office

Nexus House l Mission Court l Newport l NP20 2DW

Swyddfa Basbort Ei Mawrhydi

Tŷ Nexus l Mission Court l Casnewydd l NP20 2DW

T: 0845 601 5403 Text Relay Prefix 18001 Rhagddodiad Text Relay 18001


Dear Janice

Your a moron...

  • Like 2

The figures don't actually correlate because the VFS girls have a letter stating that £100.86 is the total for a jumbo. This would make 91.00 + courier 9.86. HOWEVER......

I got a copy of the letter from the folk at Trendy - I recall posting my experience at the time i.e. the folk at Trendy didn't seem to understand what the 114.01 was comprised of, and I refused to change my payment form to the figure they were suggesting was correct. This is a copy of the table from the relevant annex showing the breakdown of the 114.01 figure ... That said, my bank account was eventually debited 110.86, so I have no idea what passport I'll end up with.



I got a DHL ref No,at my Trendy appointment and was told to call them in a day or two to get a tracking number, Whether or not that will count as a Reference for HMPO I do not know

Ref No DHL 93xx xxxxxx Number +44 300222 0000

So is that a UK DHL phone number?

The number they gave you is the HMPO UK Hotline.

The DHL Number will, I guess, be the package number carrying your application to Liverpool HMPO..

OK I tracked it, it was signed for by R.Moron at Liverpool on June 11


I applied on the 17 April. You may remember from previous pages that my dear mother contacted her local MP to get it moved along..

Anyway i got the email to say it had arrived on Wednesday just after 5pm.. I picked it up on Thursday..

Thai Immigration refused to move my Non '0" visa into the new passport as I was on overstay.. Will now leave Bangkok tomorrow night to go to Laos which will mean a nice 12500 baht overstay payment at the border.

I'm going to ask for a receipt and possibly make a complaint requesting a refund of that amount.. I say only possibly because it will be a waste of time and I am considering just putting this down to bad luck..

Hope everyone else gets sorted soon..

  • Like 1

I applied on the 17 April. You may remember from previous pages that my dear mother contacted her local MP to get it moved along..

Anyway i got the email to say it had arrived on Wednesday just after 5pm.. I picked it up on Thursday..

Thai Immigration refused to move my Non '0" visa into the new passport as I was on overstay.. Will now leave Bangkok tomorrow night to go to Laos which will mean a nice 12500 baht overstay payment at the border.

I'm going to ask for a receipt and possibly make a complaint requesting a refund of that amount.. I say only possibly because it will be a waste of time and I am considering just putting this down to bad luck..

Hope everyone else gets sorted soon..

A victim of changes. Hope you get sorted. Not good news, but at least you now have a pp.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


I applied on the 17 April. You may remember from previous pages that my dear mother contacted her local MP to get it moved along..

Anyway i got the email to say it had arrived on Wednesday just after 5pm.. I picked it up on Thursday..

Thai Immigration refused to move my Non '0" visa into the new passport as I was on overstay.. Will now leave Bangkok tomorrow night to go to Laos which will mean a nice 12500 baht overstay payment at the border.

I'm going to ask for a receipt and possibly make a complaint requesting a refund of that amount.. I say only possibly because it will be a waste of time and I am considering just putting this down to bad luck..

Hope everyone else gets sorted soon..

Well congratulations on finally getting your passport - sorry about the overstay - that really sucks.

With the benefit of 20 20 Hindsight, it looks like an ETD would have worked out cheaper for you.

I recollect that your passport went to the printers in the UK on Tuesday 3rd June and you were then notified of arrival for collection on Wed 11th June, picking it up from Trendy BKK the next day.

This was with an MP breathing down their necks - so we have to assume that 8/9 days from Issue to UK Passport Printers to arrival/notification/collection from BKK is as good as it gets.


I got a DHL ref No,at my Trendy appointment and was told to call them in a day or two to get a tracking number, Whether or not that will count as a Reference for HMPO I do not know

Ref No DHL 93xx xxxxxx Number +44 300222 0000

So is that a UK DHL phone number?

The number they gave you is the HMPO UK Hotline.

The DHL Number will, I guess, be the package number carrying your application to Liverpool HMPO..

OK I tracked it, it was signed for by R.Moron at Liverpool on June 11

Actually it arrived in Liverpool on 13 June, my mistake.


What happened to the poster (Nan something or other) from early on in the thread who declared that everyone was doing nothing other than whingeing.

Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts. It's NanLaew btw.... as in long time.

He's seen the light - on message now.

There's a light? Some here can't even find the switch.

I wonder if he's had an "Attitude adjustment!"

My original comments that rankled so many were made when the preponderance of posts were whingeing about the hardships of commuting inside Thailand to submit the application and collect the new passport as well as the poor English skills of the staff at Trendy. I didn't argue when it was painfully obvious that the sudden decision to shift UK passport renewal procedure to VFS at the same time as VFS themselves were relocating resulted in a bloody shambles.

It is only in the SUBSEQUENT months that it has became apparent that something more serious was amiss BACK IN THE UK when respondents were reporting delayed and 'lost' applications. It is only in the last week or so that the very real problems within the passport office and their overlords at the Home Office have come to light. I posted my observation that something was seriously amiss at HMPO quite a long way back.

So there's no need to concern yourselves about any great personal epiphany or revelation or change of attitude on my behalf. I am still wonderfully organised and super efficient but I will refrain from mentioning it unless someone posts a baseless, whingeing complaint because they couldn't find their own arse with both hands and a flashlight.


What happened to the poster (Nan something or other) from early on in the thread who declared that everyone was doing nothing other than whingeing.

Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts. It's NanLaew btw.... as in long time.

That's it. "Long time" as in, "It takes some posters a long time to appreciate what's going on". thumbsup.gif

  • Like 1

From the following topic:


Just got back from the Trendy.

What you have to look forward to.

1. There's one well set lady handles your apllication but you have to que along with another 5 or 6 people who have the same appointment time as yourself or 1/2 hour later.

2. She seems to be the only one who knows what she is doing the others in the next booths are continously asking her for help.

3. She counts/checks you have photo copied every page passport even the blank ones. Front and back cover you don't need to copy but every other page you must..

4. She asks you to sign every photo copy. I assume you have to do that in her presence so I wouldn't risk signing them beforehand to save time.

5. She checks your supporting documents

6. She quickly fills in a form that includes what you have given her asks you to fill in your phone number and email address. You check it and sign for it, she then photo copies it and gives the copy to you along with your passport.

7. She will then call you and or email you when your new passport arrives.

The whole thing takes less than 10 minutes.

Note: I had no bills to prove my address as I have just moved into a new condo. I gave her a letter from my bank staing my new address and a water bill I got the juristic person to fill in my address in English. I also gave them a copy of my lease and she said that was sufficient..............her saying that at the UK embassy saying it is 2 different things so I will wait and see on that score.

If you forget something like your payment form or have missed a a page when copying your passport they have a facility on the same floor to either download and print or photocopy at 10 baht a go.

All said and done it's much easier and I would say quicker that it was when it was handled by the British Embassy.

The part I have highlighted in blue, does anyone have experience that this assumption is correct? Would be so much better if I can do a lot of the signing before I get there....


From the following topic:


Just got back from the Trendy.

What you have to look forward to.

1. There's one well set lady handles your apllication but you have to que along with another 5 or 6 people who have the same appointment time as yourself or 1/2 hour later.

2. She seems to be the only one who knows what she is doing the others in the next booths are continously asking her for help.

3. She counts/checks you have photo copied every page passport even the blank ones. Front and back cover you don't need to copy but every other page you must..

4. She asks you to sign every photo copy. I assume you have to do that in her presence so I wouldn't risk signing them beforehand to save time.

5. She checks your supporting documents

6. She quickly fills in a form that includes what you have given her asks you to fill in your phone number and email address. You check it and sign for it, she then photo copies it and gives the copy to you along with your passport.

7. She will then call you and or email you when your new passport arrives.

The whole thing takes less than 10 minutes.

Note: I had no bills to prove my address as I have just moved into a new condo. I gave her a letter from my bank staing my new address and a water bill I got the juristic person to fill in my address in English. I also gave them a copy of my lease and she said that was sufficient..............her saying that at the UK embassy saying it is 2 different things so I will wait and see on that score.

If you forget something like your payment form or have missed a a page when copying your passport they have a facility on the same floor to either download and print or photocopy at 10 baht a go.

All said and done it's much easier and I would say quicker that it was when it was handled by the British Embassy.

The part I have highlighted in blue, does anyone have experience that this assumption is correct? Would be so much better if I can do a lot of the signing before I get there....

I was asked to sign the copies in black there and then in Mid May.

Wouldn't recommend pre-signing the copies, but guess that the worst case would be you have to sign them all again.

So why sign them before, unless you have a super slow signature or it's not you applying, in which case I guess that the individual copies should be pre-signed for sure.

  • Like 1

I have just seen this on the UKGOV website :

Overseas British passport applications

Get the forms, prices and application details you need if you’re a British national and you want to renew or apply for a British passport from overseas.

If you’re renewing an existing British passport you can apply for it to be extended for 12 months. You won’t be charged any extra fees.

To apply, phone your local British Embassy, Consulate or High Commission and select the ‘Consular Services’ option. Appointments can be made from Monday 16 June.

If you’re the parent or guardian of a child living overseas that needs to travel urgently, you can apply for an emergency travel document for your child instead of a new or renewed passport.

Emergency travel documents are available from the week beginning 16 June in most countries, after checks to confirm nationality and identity. To apply, phone your local British Embassy, Consulate or High Commission

It looks like you can apply, from tomorrow, for a one year extension at the Embassy ?


I have just seen this on the UKGOV website :

Overseas British passport applications

Get the forms, prices and application details you need if you’re a British national and you want to renew or apply for a British passport from overseas.

If you’re renewing an existing British passport you can apply for it to be extended for 12 months. You won’t be charged any extra fees.

To apply, phone your local British Embassy, Consulate or High Commission and select the ‘Consular Services’ option. Appointments can be made from Monday 16 June.

If you’re the parent or guardian of a child living overseas that needs to travel urgently, you can apply for an emergency travel document for your child instead of a new or renewed passport.

Emergency travel documents are available from the week beginning 16 June in most countries, after checks to confirm nationality and identity. To apply, phone your

local British Embassy, Consulate or High Commission.

It looks like you can apply, from tomorrow, for a one year extension at the Embassy ?

According to the HMPO UK Helpline, you can get the 12 month extension only if you have not already applied for a UK Passport Renewal


UK Government Website now has the links for the 12 month Extension Application and ETD for Children's urgent travel to the UK.

It comes up as the first page you get to for overseas applications.


Still not clear if one can apply for an extension or child ETD if an application is already filed with HMPO:

If you’re renewing an existing British passport you can apply for it to be extended for 12 months. You won’t be charged any extra fees.

To apply, phone your local British Embassy, Consulate or High Commission and select the ‘Consular Services’ option.

Appointments can be made from Monday 16 June.

If you’re the parent or guardian of a child living overseas that needs to travel urgently, you can apply for an emergency travel document for your child instead of a new or renewed passport.

Emergency travel documents are available from the week beginning 16 June in most countries, after checks to confirm nationality and identity.

To apply, phone your local British Embassy, Consulate or High Commission.

No provision of extra passport pages for those with full, but unexpired passports - this would probably help the more frequent travelers based here than the 12 month extension does.


HMPO have confirmed that the 12 month extension concession is not available to those who have already applied to renew passports, despite the fact that we still hold the actual passports to which a sticker could easily be appended by the Embassy in BKK.

So those of us who have tried to renew our passports in reasonably good time (allowing for the current 8 week delay) will be further penalized; as doubtless the negative publicity in the UK last week will have caused additional 100s of thousands of citizens with passports due for expiry within the next 9 months to apply to renew now, which will yet further overburden an already creaking system.

I am now seriously concerned that the current 7-9 week delays may extend further, causing yet more stress, cost and inconvenience.

HMPO confirmed that my own application now approaching 4 weeks is still 'awaiting examination' (i.e. sitting somewhere in Liverpool in an orange box).

I pray that my misgivings are ill founded, but I am becoming much more concerned than I was previously and am starting to think about how I will go about packing my parachute..........

  • Like 2

They've done this one year extension concession to try and buy themselves some time. They should lose some face and realise it was a big mistake to try and centralise overseas applications back in the UK. As I said back at the beginning of this thread, it should be a main duty for any Embassy/Consululate to perform. As for Nanlaew, your point about the whingers re travel to/from BKK. We managed to get them to allow submiision/collection by a third party. My main gripe about this and it was so obvious to me is that VFS are nothing more than a post box and their main function is to put a cancelled stamp into the old passport. We hear of people still not filling in the application properly and having to submit further supporting documentation after visiting Trendy. That's what you get tor your ten minutes! As for poor and sub standard communication skills. If that is not important, then what is??? But the whingers even managed a slight improvement by having the "interview" appointment emailing procedure transferred away from Trendy. Still pathetic. Online hotel/holiday booking websites are much more efficient.

No whingeing from me if the process could be done online or a same day application/issue process at the Embassy/Consulate using an appointment system.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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