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How long before you gave her (him) a key to your door?


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The wife let me have my own key straight away ,i am even allowed out on my own ,sometimes i even go to the bar for a drink with friends ,and there are ladies serving drinks there!!

Sounds similar to mine though i had to provide the door and the bits round it.

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I still haven't got a key to the house I have build.

We had three sets of keys but my lassie looses them all the time but strangely always finds them a few months later.

So now we keep one set of keys in the car and lock the doors from the inside at night.

I trust my lassie with all the money in our bank account but not with the last set of keys giggle.gif Just this morning she asked me darling did you see the PCX key. No, darling I didn't see them but let me guess you lost them again cheesy.gif . A few minutes later. darling did you see the keys for the Click. No, darling but let me guess you lost them again. giggle.gif Trying to teach her for the past 3 years to put the keys on the table in the house before eating Somtam with the family outside. For our appartment in Bangkok I only have one key card left so as we rent out the unit I always say darling that key is in my office drawer so please don't touch it as I am sure it will not take longer then 30 minutes to have that key card lost forever.

Otherwise nothing to complain. Money never gets lost. She put 10 Baht last week on the table and accused her 11y brother of stealing it. I had to step in and telling her I gave it to him as FIL was ready to give the boy a smack but due to an important phone call with my client in Bangkok I had to stop the situation as I surely would have lost that deal with all the shouting going on.

Addition: I moved into the house of my lassie here in Isaan when we first met. I didn't get a key either as the family lost the key months ago.

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What I usually have done in the past, is I leave some money lying around, which looks like a casual forgetful moment, but I know exactly how much is there, and wait to see what happens. I've been fortunate in that none of them have ever tried to touch it, so then they get the key. The only valuables I care about are my passport and computer (the stuff you can put in a backpack if there is a sudden 'climate' change), so cash would be their easy option first. After that they get the key. The sad part is if we finish the key rarely comes back. In fact it has only been one time, quite recently where a girl who stopped calling/visiting (not a live in, but a contender) came to see me unannounced to return the key as she was quitting her Plaza job and leaving the city to go village and take care of her mother who is in the last throws of stage IV, and said she would likely go to another province after that event, so was a form of closure for her, even though I hadn't seen her for a couple of months (and I hadn't tried to contact her either since I assumed she wasn't interested, and I stay alone quite easy also).

One friend when I got here (nearly 9 years ago now) gave his ATM and PIN number to his partner on the first day as his test, and was never ripped off either. When it comes to money here, and what they need, overwhelmingly I get the "up to you" response, but never met a thief so far.

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What I usually have done in the past, is I leave some money lying around, which looks like a casual forgetful moment, but I know exactly how much is there, and wait to see what happens. I've been fortunate in that none of them have ever tried to touch it, so then they get the key.

You're lucky, whenever I leave 1,000bht on the bedside table, it's gone next morning.
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There is that other aspect, which I wouldn't call theft exactly, but where the family roam the house and see something they like, and take it, and if asked if they have taken it will quite openly say yes, but the words along the lines of "I saw that power tool/wonderful western kitchen knife set/pack of noodles etc" and thought you weren't using them, so I thought I'd borrow them. That'd be fine if they asked first. This isn't my personal experience, just one I've observed with other farang friends.

Actually I have to retract that. There was a time before smartphones and the dictionaries on them, where I bought paper dictionaries and left one in each place I frequented (bars/restaurants), and I had a 1 nighter stay my place and she took one of the dictionaries, never to be seen again. The laugh for me though was that of the 3 sections (English/Transliteration/Thai) the Thai part had a chunk of the bound section missing, so that part that was useless to me, and critical for her didn't exist. Can laugh that off to experience as the price was small, and it was overnight entertainment and not a potential real partner. We both got what we wanted to a degree, but it wasn't whole. No complaints though, I've had some very positive experiences compared to many of the house/car/kids losses that we've all heard a thousand stories about.

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Buy a safe for anything special in the interim & give her/him the room key.

If it starts stealing kick it out & change the lock(s)

Never been stolen from once they moved in


Kick out the room key?

Kick out the safe?

Kick out the It?

I'm pretty broad minded but I don't think I've ever had an It as a live-in.

They is two Its?

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Pretty quick, so the place is cleaned up when coming home.

But gave away some freedom, as she became friends with security and administration staff. Can't take another Lassie home without taking chances now.

And this sucks ! sad.png

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Pretty quick, so the place is cleaned up when coming home.

But gave away some freedom, as she became friends with security and administration staff. Can't take another Lassie home without taking chances now.

And this sucks ! sad.png

looks like you're a "keeper"..... good luckbiggrin.png

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The wife let me have my own key straight away ,i am even allowed out on my own ,sometimes i even go to the bar for a drink with friends ,and there are ladies serving drinks there!!

You lucky devil. Allowed out on your own???

Do the local 'jungle drums' beat in her ears to let her know where you have been? whistling.gif (That is usually the case with me)

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Buy a safe for anything special in the interim & give her/him the room key.

If it starts stealing kick it out & change the lock(s)

Never been stolen from once they moved in

Only one relationship I had where she was pilfering from my wallet. Not much each time and I only noticed because one night I'd known how much out of a 1,000 Baht note I had spent.

I kept a tally every night after that. Average per week was only around the 500 Baht mark, but enough to lose the trust and kick her out. The amount was not the problem but that she took the money and denied doing it. I'd not have found a problem giving her a little extra if she had asked.

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Damn I need my head checked!!!

I read the title as "when do you give permission for a ladyboy to poke you up the rear end"

The Clinic is open.

Now, just lay down on the couch, relax and tell us about your experiences from Beach Road last night ... laugh.png


He cant lie down its too painful!

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Damn I need my head checked!!!

I read the title as "when do you give permission for a ladyboy to poke you up the rear end"

since you mentioned it i'm sure theres many here awaiting your wisdom in this matter.

Not me ,my rear end is a one way street.!!

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I went back to Scotland for a short visit just after Noi moved in with me. As she didn't really know anyone in the condo at that time, she stayed with her sister in Ban Chang for the duration. I gave her a key immediately after I returned. Coming up to 18 months together now.


Yes! Noi is good that way isn't she? I only wish she would take some time to give me back my spare key. It has been 18 months already.

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I applied the same rules here as I did when I stayed in the US, Australia and Brazil; she kept her place and I kept mine but we had keys to each others flop. I was generally more happy in my pad (huge bed) but if the girlfriends gaf had better amenities (nice gym or bigger kitchen), I would spend more time there. The Brazilian had a stunning room mate that compensated for the single bed.

Notably most all the girls preferred my place for the much better laundry facilities... jeezuz don't they half get through a ton of stuff in a week???!!! I guess I wasn't so much the handsome man as the Maytag man.... colour me crushed if you feel like it.

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Initial trust given is in the eye of the beholder.

And beauty in the eye of the beerholder.. I know a guy who rented an apartment for him, gf & her kid. Then he decided to go back o/seas for a month or two. He had bought nothing of value for the place but locked it up & sent her back home upcountry til he got back & unlocked again. Then got her back down again when he returned.

I guess some guys have made a mistake but I have always been lucky (except for an Eastern European who didn't want to leave.) Trust has to start somewhere. With me, here it would be shortly after 3-4 weeks depending on how much of value I had in the place.

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Initial trust given is in the eye of the beholder.

And beauty in the eye of the beerholder.. I know a guy who rented an apartment for him, gf & her kid. Then he decided to go back o/seas for a month or two. He had bought nothing of value for the place but locked it up & sent her back home upcountry til he got back & unlocked again. Then got her back down again when he returned.

I guess some guys have made a mistake but I have always been lucky (except for an Eastern European who didn't want to leave.) Trust has to start somewhere. With me, here it would be shortly after 3-4 weeks depending on how much of value I had in the place.

I also know some who send the g/f home to mother when they go back overseas.

Depending where they live seems to have a lot to do with that.

All in all it does not seem such a bad idea to send them to their parents. They have family, food and the security of relatives around them - If they stay there of course.

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