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Obama offer to 5m illegal migrants


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Obama offer to 5m illegal migrants

WASHINGTON: -- Nearly five million people living illegally in the US can escape deportation under sweeping changes to the US immigration system.

US President Barack Obama will unveil his plan, which he is enacting without Congress, in a televised address.

Republicans have argued the action is beyond his authority and relations with the president will be poisoned.

There are about 11m illegal immigrants in the US and this year children coming across the border prompted a crisis.

According to excerpts from the speech released in advance of its broadcast at 2000EST (0100GMT), the president will say what he is proposing is not amnesty.

"What I'm describing is accountability - a commonsense, middle ground approach," he will say.

"If you meet the criteria, you can come out of the shadows and get right with the law.

"If you're a criminal, you'll be deported. If you plan to enter the US illegally, your chances of getting caught and sent back just went up."

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-30136245

-- BBC 2014-11-21

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Actually close to zero if the Mexicans are going to register. That's because they are going to owe back taxes & they don't have a pot to piss in.

Another might be that if legislation is passed (after this president) that "reforms immigration" - this list might be a list that could be used as a deportation list....

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President Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation by Executive Order to free US slaves and President Truman used Executive Order to racially desegregate the US armed forces.


Clyburn on Immigration: "Lincoln Used The Executive Order To Do The Emancipation Proclamation

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REP. JIM CLYBURN (D-South Carolina): [The Senate immigration reform bill has] been here in the House for 18 months. I think it's high time that the president were to act. As you know, I have been urging the president to use the executive orders to do this. I think it would put him in big company.


Edited by Scott
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My first wife was Mexican. Not Mexican-American, Mexican. I loved her with all my heart. Not a lot of racism in our relationship. Then she was killed in an accident, by an illegal immigrant who was both unlicensed and drunk.

I haven't watched television since before Fox News, or CNN for that matter, was created.

This plan will be as effective in both the long and short term, as the healthcare act. It actually has more holes in it.

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Fine. Let them all register under Obama's executive amnesty. Then, the next president can easily cancel it, and we will then have the advantage of knowing where all these people are living, working illegally, and avoiding payroll taxes illegally. Next step, jail, fine, and deport them. And confiscate their ill-gotten loot.

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Always amusing to hear Americans complain so much about immigration, when they are basically all immigrants themselves ...

100 years ago and beyond America was growing and immigrants were needed. Now the system is overburdened and bringing in more unskilled immigrants probably will not remedy the problem, rather it would most likely make it worse. Immigration needs to be handled carefully to benefit the country as a whole. It's very noble to welcome all people to the country to benefit from the system, but doing so in a reckless manner such as this will collapse the system.

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Always amusing to hear Americans complain so much about immigration, when they are basically all immigrants themselves ...

Actually, their ancestors were most likely the immigrant..... and if that is you're criteria - all of europe would be the same since they immigrated from Africa and the Neanderthals died out -- possibly because of it.

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Certainly sets the agenda and ups the ante for moderate republicans to come to the table on some type of reform.

The upside of all of this is the nativist right are going apesh!t right now. I cant be a fly on the wall for that so Thai Visa will have to do....

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President Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation by Executive Order to free US slaves and President Truman used Executive Order to racially desegregate the US armed forces.


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REP. JIM CLYBURN (D-South Carolina): [The Senate immigration reform bill has] been here in the House for 18 months. I think it's high time that the president were to act. As you know, I have been urging the president to use the executive orders to do this. I think it would put him in big company.

Lincoln use the executive order to do the Emancipation Proclamation. Truman used it on the armed services. I can go down and see where the presidents have used their executive authority to do some mighty big things that have very positive impacts on the country. So, I am calling upon the president to take his place among that group that I just enunciated. I think it's very, very important for him to do so.


Absolutely ridiculous to to draw a correlation between these events. Abolition of slavery ended a crime against humanity and desegregating the military ended human rights violations. Both of these granted rights to those who had been oppressed, 0bama's action grants rights to those entered illegally.

Seventy-five percent of all Americans across the political spectrum support the provision in the president's executive order which implements comprehensive immigration reform, most specifically as its central features, the following...

Essentially, the bill would allow undocumented immigrants who have been in the U.S. since before 2012—and who are also in good standing with law—to apply for a newly created status, "Registered Provisional Immigrant," which is good for six years, at which point it can be renewed for another six. After ten years as an RPI, and provided they meet certain requirements, immigrants can apply for Lawful Permanent Residence, or a green card; after three years with a green card, they may apply for citizenship.

This means a 13-year path to citizenship for most undocumented immigrants.

Significantly, the following groups of individuals would no longer be subject to quotas:

1) Spouses and children of EB immigrants

2) EB-1A persons of extraordinary ability

3) EB-1B outstanding professors and researchers

4) EB-1C multinational executives and managers

5) Persons holding a doctorate degree in any field

6) Physicians

  • Who have completed their 2-year home residency requirement
  • Who have received an Interest Government Agency J waiver
  • Included are MDs who completed their service requirement before the enactment of this law

7) Persons with an advanced STEM degree from a U.S. university

  • Who have an offer of employment in the U.S. in a related field; and
  • If they earned their degree within 5 years of the petition filing

8) The 10,000 cap on unskilled workers in the EB-3 category is abolished


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It is unbelievable that the next best president, after JFK, the US has ever had is slagged off for everything he does.

Must be the Ostrich syndrome.

I'm sure you all can't wait to get ripped off by the next Bush generation.

And what Planet are you from....???

2nd best President...555. 2nd best at being the worst.

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As a non-American I would really like to know how many Americans are horrified by the fact that Obama stated so many times publicly caught on video that he would never do what he has just done?

His administration just last week was publicly humiliated by the video footage of his Obama care architect referring to the people as being stupid.

Are Americans happy to simply accept one untruth after the next being revealed? I've never seen anything like it.

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"If you plan to enter the US illegally, your chances of getting caught and sent back just went up."

What!? Are such mixed signals intentional, or borne of stupidity?

Well, do I at least get a tax break, Emperor, if I follow the law and get my Thai wife a visa?

I did, although I had to take her for an interview in bangkok at the embassy where I was overcharged for a 1 night stay? I don't know what's worse, getting double charged for being an American in Thailand or just paying more period along with everyone else?

Jimmy Carter is very happy Obama was President. Now Jimmy will be known as the 2nd worst President in history.

The worst president will always be Bush 43. How many people have lost family members/ limbs due to his war that was totally unneeded?

How much in debt did we get after Clinton left us with a Surplus?

How much did gasoline cost in 2007 vs 2001?

Maybe you can forget it, I can't.

The Bush did it syndrome -- a mental affliction that is incurable

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the USA has a problem with latin americans wanting to come in (christian religion) TO WORK


The illegal aliens who have come to America often do work -- work at wage busting and kill entire job classifications for Americans - construction, meat packing, etc. We have 16 million American Citizens out of work. Illegal aliens - especially wives and girlfriends are nearly all on public benefits - lying about not having a wage earner in the household, then stealing another social security number and applying again under another name in another office,.

Using stolen social security numbers - the Head of Household of the Illegal Alien household - files income tax claims for 8-10-12 FAKE children using more stolen Social Security Numbers and GUESS WHAT ? Over a 10 year period - Billions upon Billions of dollars paid out to illegal aliens.

One hospital in Dallas, Texas - Parkland Hospital gives Free maternity care and child birth to 10,0000 illegal alien babies EACH YEAR... that is one hospital - multiply that by the other 4 such hospitals in Texas - then by dozens of similar hospitals in the American south and south west... then you begin to get the picture.

This is the tip of the iceberg -- the total number of illegal aliens in American is around 20 million -- not the 7-9 million liberals have been bandying around since 2005.

You seem to have a very simplistic understanding of what is going on in America when it comes to illegal aliens

Just a point...they aren't illegal alien babies. They are fully minted and native born US citizens according to you precious constitution.

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