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Drunk farang assaults flight attendant on Bangkok Airways, staff claims


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Oh dear my friend. Enjoy your stay in Thai prison. You have earned it.

I guess you did not read everything:

The man was escorted out by airport security. No charges were reportedly filed, but he was blacklisted from the airline.wai.gif

yes, one wonders why Thai Immigration didn't put him on the next flight back to his departure point. Unless this is the type of visitor that is being welcomed these days.

He didn't butcher up a bar girl, yet, and he had 'good money' with him...

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No charges filed for the attempted rape of a flight attendant in the middle of a flight? Any type of assault on an airplane these days is SERIOUS business, much less an attempted rape of a stewardess. They would see guaranteed jail time in any country in the world.

That makes me doubt this whole story. Something happened but it's hard to believe there was an attempted rape and they just let him go.

Solly, solly, new law not yet leady...

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Another reason alcohol on planes should be stopped. The airline I work for refuses you entry to the flight if even slightly intoxicated.

Before the I love a grog police start up, you can go a flight without having to have 10 ti 12 beers and numerous spirits.


NOT condoning any stupid drunk, but, Imagine, if you will.

I just paid XXX $$$$ to get chauffeured across the globe with 9,997 regulations.

Took me 3 hours to get to the airport.

3 hours to get sat down, followed by a 3 hour flight, followed by a 14 hour flight, followed by a 6 hour flight (Orlando-Chicago-Tokyo-BKK).

I normally get sauced & there is nothing better than sleeping for 12 hours straight when possible during said nightmare of a journey, where 8:00 AM turns into 8:00 PM (12 hour time difference from Thailand to EST).

Then again, I'm a mellow guy, not some maniac.

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It certainly does NOT sound like only alcohol was involved.

This is far from the actions of the typical drunk. Attempted rape on a crowded airplane with other attendants trying to stop it is a truly deranged act and simple drunkenness doesn't really account for it. Maybe some prescription meds or over the counter something and alcohol, or a version of yabaa etc, but drink alone, sounds implausible.

Or maybe he just 'liked' her...? Men always try to find some excuse, even for the unforgivable...

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Another reason alcohol on planes should be stopped. The airline I work for refuses you entry to the flight if even slightly intoxicated.

Before the I love a grog police start up, you can go a flight without having to have 10 ti 12 beers and numerous spirits.

So throw out the full barrow of apples just because of one rotten one? I think not!

I also think he was on more than alcohol to cause him to do this. I have been with plenty of drunks in my lifetime and never did I ever seen any of them attack a women and try to rape her while being drunk. I also have past the million mile mark on airlines long ago, and never heard or seen anything like this before either.

So unless you suggest that airlines should conduct pee-pee test before a flight, banning alcohol with do nothing. Just make the terrible long ride more terrible for the well behaved ones.They should strive to make the flight more pleasant and if serving alcohol helps to do that, then so be it. You don't close down all bars and ban alcohol just because of what one drunk does n one.

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"He then strangled her and ripped her shirt off before proceeding to take off his pants"

no pics it didn't happen.

You must be like so many Thais then, taking pictures at the scene of an accident, instead of attempting to help the victims... No pics maybe because the people present did try to give assistance, instead of recording it, ever crossed your mind?

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Another reason alcohol on planes should be stopped. The airline I work for refuses you entry to the flight if even slightly intoxicated.

Before the I love a grog police start up, you can go a flight without having to have 10 ti 12 beers and numerous spirits.

You sound like one of those trolley dollies who don't want to be pestered by those annoying paying passengers and just want to sit in the galleys gassing all flight.

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Another reason alcohol on planes should be stopped. The airline I work for refuses you entry to the flight if even slightly intoxicated.

Before the I love a grog police start up, you can go a flight without having to have 10 ti 12 beers and numerous spirits.

I (personally) know about quite some pilots from major airlines, not sooo long ago, who were 'tanking-up' with vodka-cokes (nearly odourless) just before their flight...

And when it's a double cockpit longhaul flight, you never heard of 'drinks' in a cosy cockpit-crew-only place, did you?

Let the 'pax' have a few drinks when it makes them feel better, as long as it's within measures and doesn't create problems, it might avoid some also...

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And foreigners wonder why some Thai dont like em... Seen this happen all to often..

In the noble art of getting drunk and assaulting women, Thai "men" are miles ahead of their farang counterparts!!

Does it ever get lonely there in your bubble? Must be hard to see clearly ... domestic violence, rape and drunken lunacy are a major problem in the "west" ( however you want to define it ) as well as other parts of the world such as Russia.


In the US when kids or women exposed to violence go to the Police, the Police Officers, doing their job, assist them in filing a complaint... Do you see any major difference with the local situation, statistics aside, hmm?

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Another reason alcohol on planes should be stopped. The airline I work for refuses you entry to the flight if even slightly intoxicated.

Before the I love a grog police start up, you can go a flight without having to have 10 ti 12 beers and numerous spirits.

You sound like one of those trolley dollies who don't want to be pestered by those annoying paying passengers and just want to sit in the galleys gassing all flight.

Bravo, 'Chicog'! (And that 'disease' is, alas, spreading, fast)

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I think he means foreigners causing trouble here. The answer far too often. And i agree i can fully understand why the Thais have come to dislike us. Number one, two and three reasons. Drunk, obnoxious and act like they can care less about the Thais and their customs. Maybe YOU forgot WE are guests here.

And foreigners wonder why some Thai dont like em... Seen this happen all to often..

Really? How many times have you seen this happen?

You are an annoying, broken record.

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Who ever this Farang is, he deserves jail time. In Thailands jail, he should , learn his lesson real well!

I have never seen anyone come out of their jail, weighing more than when they went in, and I have

never met anyone who has been to a jail in Thailand who wants to ever go there again.


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And foreigners wonder why some Thai dont like em... Seen this happen all to often..

Oh I think a Thai person too is capable of getting well drunk and being violent.

Or perhaps killing many by driving heavily intoxicated.

Some people are bad drunks,and since this appears to be a flight to Thailand, I guess the party started early. The bar at my airport is popular with young lads off on holiday even just after sun-up.

This is someone who needs to never drink again.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So he says all this happened, not the airline.

And he happens to have a picture of the guy sat in his seat before anything happened.


No, he is tied to his chair with bands, after the incident

Dear lord....

"The more that you read,

The more things that you will know,

The more that you learn,

The more places you will go"

Dr Seuss

Sage advice indeed.

Edited by Bluespunk
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He is lucky to be landed on Thailand. His ass will crack with stripes of perpetual souvenirs if it is in Singapore. A real lucky guy!

Your post jogged what's left of my memory. About 15 years ago myself and some colleagues were returning from Bombay to Singapore. Just before landing at Changi one guy reached across the aisle to hand a pen to someone. A stew (pulling a trolly) BACKED into his arm and all hell broke loose. She had a hysterical meltdown and ran towards the cockpit. A few minutes later the 1st Officer came back and told my friend to remain seated until everyone disembarked...

Long story short---he was escorted off the plane by security guards, questioned by airport police, placed in a holding cell, eventually charged with assault and spent four days at Changi jail. His lawyer told him not to even consider arguing his case. He was fined S$ 1000, blacklisted from Singers for 3 years and sent on his merry way to Australia...

He was offshore oilfield trash (like me) and since almost every flight to/from our work originated/connected with Singers he was effectively limited to working only in Oz--and there wasn't much available at the time there...

I saw him again a few years later and his lawyer had kept in touch and informed him the gal who freaked out was a 19-year-old trainee 'air hostess' at the time of the 'assault' and had pulled the same stunt twice more during the next 6 months. After the 3rd 'incident' she was fired. But...the damage was already done by then

Just sayin'...

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obviously he wasn't impressed with the in-flight meal...

Hungry for oyster??giggle.gif

And a few freshly chopped young coconuts flesh and juice thumbsup.gif My Thai lady recons it has the same effect.... and I now believe her wai2.gifwub.pngthumbsup.gif

I don't think your mind's as dirty a Joc's ;)

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So he says all this happened, not the airline.

And he happens to have a picture of the guy sat in his seat before anything happened.


The picture is clearly after it happened, unless Bangkok airways have taken to cable tying all passengers to their seat.....

For the tenth or eleventh time......I know!!!

I've have repeatedly said I was wrong.

You know, it's almost as if there is no attempt to read a thread through before posting.

"The more that you read,

The more things that you will know"

Dr Seuss

And in case you're thinking about saying something along the lines of

"why not look at the picture properly before posting"

I've said I should have done that already....twice.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Some people should not be allowed to drink alcohol. However to punish the majority because a minority cant behave is bad too.

But then again im for loose drug laws because if something as bad as alcohol is accepted why not other drugs too. Most don't do bad thins when using them just a minority.

Alcohol is one of the worst all the bar fights can attest to that. Some guys really turn into animals when drunk.

Should be some card (that you can loose if you misbehave)like if you get into a drunk fight or drive drunk your never served alcohol again.

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Who ever this Farang is, he deserves jail time. In Thailands jail, he should , learn his lesson real well!

I have never seen anyone come out of their jail, weighing more than when they went in, and I have

never met anyone who has been to a jail in Thailand who wants to ever go there again.


Your obviously hanging with the right crowd my friend.... quite a few Jail bird buddies you have there...rolleyes.gif

Just how many buddies do you have that's been in and out of Thai jails ??? w00t.gifcheesy.gif

You and your Jailbird mates do have like a " Thai Jail Time " reunion each year right as you are the man and Thai jail expert here right ?

Want to tell us a bit more about your activities on these " Jail Time " reunions ? You drink a lot of cheap Thai whiskey and have a few puffs of pot and chat about the good days right ? cheesy.gifclap2.giflaugh.png

Then obviously grazing for the stars after ?? Hey mate.. ?? blink.pngcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gifhuh.png.pagespeed.ce.6VcCaNwNXg.pngwacko.png.pagespeed.ce.jGW10VtQsI.png

Edited by CapeThai
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He is lucky to be landed on Thailand. His ass will crack with stripes of perpetual souvenirs if it is in Singapore. A real lucky guy!

Your post jogged what's left of my memory. About 15 years ago myself and some colleagues were returning from Bombay to Singapore. Just before landing at Changi one guy reached across the aisle to hand a pen to someone. A stew (pulling a trolly) BACKED into his arm and all hell broke loose. She had a hysterical meltdown and ran towards the cockpit. A few minutes later the 1st Officer came back and told my friend to remain seated until everyone disembarked...

Long story short---he was escorted off the plane by security guards, questioned by airport police, placed in a holding cell, eventually charged with assault and spent four days at Changi jail. His lawyer told him not to even consider arguing his case. He was fined S$ 1000, blacklisted from Singers for 3 years and sent on his merry way to Australia...

He was offshore oilfield trash (like me) and since almost every flight to/from our work originated/connected with Singers he was effectively limited to working only in Oz--and there wasn't much available at the time there...

I saw him again a few years later and his lawyer had kept in touch and informed him the gal who freaked out was a 19-year-old trainee 'air hostess' at the time of the 'assault' and had pulled the same stunt twice more during the next 6 months. After the 3rd 'incident' she was fired. But...the damage was already done by then

Just sayin'...

thought SIA only employed graduates?

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