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Hillary Clinton would be great president: Barack Obama


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Hillary Clinton would be great president: Barack Obama

WASHINGTON: -- Hillary Clinton would be a "great president" if she decided to run for the White House in 2016, President Barack Obama has said.

He told ABC News Mrs Clinton was not "going to agree with me on everything", which could be a welcome break for voters after his eight years in office.

Mrs Clinton, 67, lost the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination campaign to Mr Obama.

She is expected to announce whether she will run again in the early 2015.

'New car smell'

In the ABC interview, President Obama said he talked regularly with Mrs Clinton, describing her as a "friend".

He said a number of possible Democratic contenders for the top job would do well, but Mrs Clinton was the only one he mentioned by name.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-30172587

-- BBC 2014-11-24

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Now let's see Mr President, do you see your self as a "great president" ? if yes, than the US of A

had enough of " great president"

let this country have a president that actually know what he's doing, and I'm sorry to say Mr President,

that you have ruined the chances of the next would be African American person who might

have aspirations to become one....

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Now let's see Mr President, do you see your self as a "great president" ? if yes, than the US of A

had enough of " great president"

let this country have a president that actually know what he's doing, and I'm sorry to say Mr President,

that you have ruined the chances of the next would be African American person who might

have aspirations to become one....

I don't agree he has hurt the chances of a future African American president at all. But probably the next one will be a republican and have a LOT more experience before the presidency, or BOTH. Also not a senator.

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just like here a massive corrupt system run on nepotism

Barak and Hillary are related?

As far as corruption, it's on an entirely different level. Probably just like in your home country.

As far as nepotism, there's some. Again, probably similar to many other Western countries.

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From today's Drudge Report and the Wall Street Journal. There might be some problems with Hhillary after all.


Obama Is Damaging Hillary’s Chances
Mrs. Clinton’s popularity has plunged, and she is increasingly trapped by her former boss’s record.
Nov. 23, 2014 5:00 p.m. ET
President Obama ’s high-risk immigration gamble may have severe consequences for Washington, the country and the Democratic Party, most of all Hillary Clinton .
Mrs. Clinton’s putative bid for the Democratic presidential nomination is already running into trouble. The national exit poll from the recently completed midterm elections showed her with less than a majority of voters (43%) saying she would make a good president. When pitted against an unnamed Republican candidate, Mrs. Clinton lost 40% to 34%.
Those grim numbers followed on a September WSJ/NBC poll showing a plunge in Mrs. Clinton’s favorability rating, to 43%, from 59% in 2009.
PS: This link might not work unless you are a member of WSJ Online. Go through Drudge Report and you can read the entire article.
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Now let's see Mr President, do you see your self as a "great president" ? if yes, than the US of A

had enough of " great president"

let this country have a president that actually know what he's doing, and I'm sorry to say Mr President,

that you have ruined the chances of the next would be African American person who might

have aspirations to become one....

I don't agree he has hurt the chances of a future African American president at all. But probably the next one will be a republican and have a LOT more experience before the presidency, or BOTH. Also not a senator.

I concur. An experienced, black Republican would have a good chance. My number one pick - black or white - is Codi Rice, but I doubt if she will ever run.

Dr Ben Carson seems like a nice guy and I agree with him on some things, but would never vote for him for president, because of his lack of political experience.

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Now let's see Mr President, do you see your self as a "great president" ? if yes, than the US of A

had enough of " great president"

let this country have a president that actually know what he's doing, and I'm sorry to say Mr President,

that you have ruined the chances of the next would be African American person who might

have aspirations to become one....

If all African American aspirants are judged by the performance of one, the American public would be a shallow, sorry bunch of people.

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Obama is also on record as saying the country wants " a new car smell with its next President?" He says Hillary fits the bill. I would more appropriately classify Hillary as an aged clunker that runs slow and performs erratically. The smell would also be off as the clunker has been used to transport a lot of bullshit. Two years left of this moron and probably eight years of Hillary. Chelsea would follow but she must give up her $650,000 a year consulting job with one of the networks. Anyone seen anything she has actually had a hand in getting air time? Check out Chelsea's father-in-law if you want a good laugh.

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It would be interesting to have President Bill Clinton as the spouse of the President Hillary Clinton. Would he become the First Man of the White House; President Emeritus following the Catholic Church's teatment of having two living Popes; or Ms. President and Mr. President.

Even more fun would be if John Ellis (Jeb) Bush becomes president and has dual visits by father President George H.W.Bush and brother President George W. Bush. We might call such a visit a Bushel of Presidents.

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Okay, this is not an endorsement of Hillary for president. He just stated he thinks she would make a good president. He may think that a hundred other people would make a good president as well. No one else has thrown their hat in the ring. Once others are running, Obama like his predecessors will most likely not give an opinion endorsing one of them until the primaries are over and America has chosen which Democrat to run against the Republican nominee. Hillary is a smart person and she was a good Secretary of State, however there is no love lost between her and Obama whom she lost to in the 2008 primaries. And while her husband was president previously, there is no nepotism if she runs and wins. There is a lot of work through a very rough primary season and general election. If she wins, she earned it.

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Now let's see Mr President, do you see your self as a "great president" ? if yes, than the US of A

had enough of " great president"

let this country have a president that actually know what he's doing, and I'm sorry to say Mr President,

that you have ruined the chances of the next would be African American person who might

have aspirations to become one....

I don't agree he has hurt the chances of a future African American president at all. But probably the next one will be a republican and have a LOT more experience before the presidency, or BOTH. Also not a senator.

So Al Sharpton still has a chance? laugh.png

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Obama is also on record as saying the country wants " a new car smell with its next President?" He says Hillary fits the bill. I would more appropriately classify Hillary as an aged clunker that runs slow and performs erratically. The smell would also be off as the clunker has been used to transport a lot of bullshit.

I tend to think it would smell like fish/Naam-Plaa sick.gif

Edited by mania
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Ron Paul for President.

Any way as a foreigner and None US citizen I don't give a damn who is the next Pres of the United States.

Democrats and Republicans are for me the same rubbish.

Most Americans probably feel a similar way, and of course most don't vote, especially in midterm elections.

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