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British man arrested in Udon Thani for sex offences in the UK


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Vile nonce, filthy rockspider, pedo scum!

You can tell from one look at his picture he's a pedo!

People who look guilty like that shouldn't even get to waste taxpayers money going to court.

It would be better if the Thai police just killed him themselves.

Of course I hate the Thai police and all my other posts are about how bad they are, but when it comes to unconvicted pedo scum, I can forget all that.

And of course, you have to blame the useless Thai for not contacting the Embassy, Interpol and FBI every time they employ an English teacher in Udon. Because the British Embassy is really helpful at responding to that kind of stuff!

I'm sorry if I get a bit angry about this kind of thing. But these guys make my skin crawl. It's one thing to go to a Walking Street Bar and take a girl to a short-time hotel, and, let's all face it, they don't always have ID cards. I bet some of them aren't eighteen. Some might only be about sixteen.

But that's totally different from molesting fourteen year olds.

I don't want anything to do with filth who do that, and nor would my dear Grandmother, bless her soul!

I'm so glad that Thaivisa exists, so I have somewhere to let off steam. Since they blocked the Daily Mail site, this is the only place I have to read about the shit going on in the world.

That's why I came to Thailand. England's gone to shit now.

It used to make me so angry.

I came to Thailand to escape all that.

Then we have to deal with pedo scum... blah blah blah

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Unfortunately, I know this guy and had the displeasure of working with him many years ago. All teachers should have background checks done. Especially here in Thailand, where the opportunity for predatory behavior is enhanced.

We caught him with pictures of girls on his computer, and he had been using hi5 with a fake profile to stalk young girls. It made all of us squeamish when we would see him meeting with female students. Shortly after that, he resigned from the school to work in Udon Thani. I'm not surprised at the charges in the UK, and just hope he didn't harm anyone here in Thailand.

and you didnt report this to the police or school or any other authority ?? This makes you almost as guilty as him.

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Thailand have long been a haven for fugitives of justice of all walks of crimes, from petty thieves

to major crimes, why? because, by default, the system here allow it to happened where you can

assume normal life and virtually disappear from the police radars.. but as they say, every dog

has his day...

And apparently UK is a haven for kiddie fiddlers who go undetected due the liberal amounts of tea money being passed about and, if they do run into trouble, it's no problem leaving the country while the police and border control remain in a gormless muddle. And once again the Thai police have to round up someone who the farang legal system failed to hold onto.

If that sounds like an offensive summing up and unwarranted UK-bashing, it's just a mirror image of the typical Thai bashing exemplified by your post.

Someone breaks the law in Farangland, but he either escapes the notice of the police or passes through their sieve-like borders to come to Thailand. He is not Thai. He didn't do the alleged kiddie fiddling in Thailand. Even if a background check or criminal check had been done, it's obvious that would draw a blank from the clueless police or former employers back in Farang Utopia ... but hey, it must be the fault of Thailand.

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The first thing to be done here is round up all his classes and interview them, and find out if he's been up to his old tricks at all whilst here!

Assuming he's guilty in the UK of course, yet he is wanted there so the latter would indicate he is.


Extradite him. He can then prove his innocence in a UK court, or be found guilty as charges; unless he chooses to plead guilty of course.

If he is found guilty, he should be punished accordingly.

More worrying is what he's been up to here. Hope someone thinks of talking to children he has been in contact with sooner rather than later, and before he's sent back.

Edited by Baerboxer
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The CBC in Thailand is basically fingerprint taking by the local police to see if they match (or might match future) crimes, check Address, passport etc. International schools (depending on the school) require a CBC -( often enhanced disclosure) from the home country, as they operate under international standards. Thailand, being Thailand doesn't. It runs on Thailand's standards.

CBC can take up to three months and in the UK a teacher will often work, whilst the CBC is being undertaken. Most NQT now have CBC - enhanced disclosure completed after graduation - which cuts down the time when any new CBC is done. CBC are a continuous process often undertaken when any teacher moves positions.

Also I am fairly sure that (and the law may have changed) the school must request the teacher CBC, not the teacher. The teacher signs a consent form and then the school administers the rest. This is so that there is absolutely no interference in the process by the 'applicant'. So to answer your question a Thai school would need to get the prospective teacher to sign a formal UK consent form and then the Thai school would have to apply to the relevant UK agencies for the CBC (basic / standard or enhanced).

Those practicalities (and the language barrier) make is very unlikely that this will ever become the norm in Thailand (international schools as the exception).

Thanks for the answer, but it's left me a bit confused. So am I understanding you right in saying:

--The CBC for prospective teachers done in Thailand is just local involving keeping/checking any records for THAILAND offenses and warrants.

--But it sounds like you're saying, there's no government requirement for foreign teachers to provide a CBC from their home country...

BTW, I don't think you're correct about it having to be the school and not the teacher to request a home country CBC. Reason is... look at the current requirement for retirement visas issued by Thai Consulates abroad. The applicant is required to provide both a police clearance and medical check from their home country as part of the visa application process. So obviously, it would seem that individuals can request their own CBC in their native country.

If the Thai government can require a home country police clearance for retirement visa applicants, it kind of boggles to understand why they wouldn't/couldn't do the same for foreigners seeking to teach in Thai schools.

Regarding your comments above about personal information, I've never had to have one of these done for myself. But I've always assumed it was a document that simply says, such and such law enforcement agency had checked its records for so and so and found no criminal record history, or, found this criminal record history. I'm assuming the document that gets issued is not like a private credit report with info about past residences, bank accounts, employers, etc etc.

Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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Dirty nonce, hope the BIB give him a good shoeing and send him on his way!!

extrajudicial beatings are wrong.

pedos or anyone else. Weird thing is it is usially the pervert sexpats that point the finger, offer no compassion and shout cut his gonads off.

These poeople are sick , treat them with the same compassion you would your sick grandmother.

Mentally ill people should be isolated from society, they are dangerous... lock.gif

That's one of the most idiotic things I have ever read.

There are a small percentage of mentally ill people who are dangerous and should be locked up, I agree. There are a large percentage of mentally ill people who are not dangerous.

I agree with you Mr.T. Not only idiotic but offensive and untrue.

The comment of the ignorant - would of gone down well with the Nazis among others of similar ilk.

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Thailand have long been a haven for fugitives of justice of all walks of crimes, from petty thieves

to major crimes, why? because, by default, the system here allow it to happened where you can

assume normal life and virtually disappear from the police radars.. but as they say, every dog

has his day...

It's great isn't it, the overseas crim's come to Thailand from overseas to hide and the Thai crim's hide in clear view overseas, does this mean it's in balance smile.png

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A alcoholic, employed as a teacher , was this week arrested in Udon , Soi Sampan,

He was involved in a scuffle , during which he pulled out a knife .

Another chancer , bites the dust . Check Bin kap blink.pngclap2.gif

Edited by elliss
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Is he a British MP? Well actually, a Brit MP wouldn't have to come to Thailand. He'd be protected by 'his own kind' in the UK government imho. You can even get away with murder if you've the right 'friends' in high places. Issue a D-notice, seal the details under 'national security', and Bob's you uncle! Obviously this kiddie-fiddler wasn't 'connected'.

Edited by connda
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Dirty nonce, hope the BIB give him a good shoeing and send him on his way!!

extrajudicial beatings are wrong.

pedos or anyone else. Weird thing is it is usially the pervert sexpats that point the finger, offer no compassion and shout cut his gonads off.

These poeople are sick , treat them with the same compassion you would your sick grandmother.

Mentally ill people should be isolated from society, they are dangerous... lock.gif

would that include those suffering form depression or anxiety or katoeys? Sounds like a crazy idea.
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In our very interesting discussion on this thread, let us not forget the victims!!

Many of those kids get their lives spoiled and their sexuality killed!!

So sorry, from my side there is no understanding or political correctnes, when it comes to the perpetrators!!

very true but also remember that the guy himself was probably abused as a kid. I forget the statistics but very high percentage of pedos were themselves victims.
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Dirty nonce, hope the BIB give him a good shoeing and send him on his way!!

extrajudicial beatings are wrong.

pedos or anyone else. Weird thing is it is usially the pervert sexpats that point the finger, offer no compassion and shout cut his gonads off.

These poeople are sick , treat them with the same compassion you would your sick grandmother.

My sick grandma would seek help from a doctor. These pervs KNOW they are doing wrong and hide their vile crimes.

That's such a big difference that they get little compassion from me. Compassion would be use anaesthetic before castration.

Then you are much more compassionate than me.

Let us not forget that this guy has not been convicted of any crime yet.

If a subsequent trial finds him guilty. It will be a shame that he will carry out his sentence in the UK. Where the term " prison sentence " is a joke.

Let the man be found guilty and then by all means vilify him.

Edit to add.

SS. Other than the 1st sentence. Not aimed at you. Just an observation in general.

Edited by JockPieandBeans
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Paedophiles, the lowest piece of excrement on the planet.

People who kill & murder others are low life. People who destroy other people's lives are low life. There is not a single lowest category as you may think.

However, pedophilia is the new witchcraft so it's then easy for Chooka to jump on the populist bandwagon. Many people I know who mouth off about pedophiles love those porn images on the internet that show girls of legal age dressed down in school uniform.

In fact people who shout their hate and abuse loudest have been shown to be those most attracted to younger women/girl. Perhaps boys too, I've no idea.

So I'm always suspicious when I see these kind of lowbrow posts.

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Man wanted in UK for child sex crimes arrested in Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand | AFP |

BANGKOK: -- A British man wanted by UK police for a string of paedophile offences has been arrested in northeast Thailand, immigration officials said.

"He has been charged by British police authorities for indecent actions -- 12 accounts -- to children under 14-years-old," Pariwat Satchaphan, an immigration inspector in Nongkhai province, told AFP by telephone late Wednesday.

Pariwat said the 61-year-old man was arrested at a school on Tuesday, though he did not say whether he was employed as a teacher there.

"British police officials sent us a request to arrest him," he said.

The man will be transported to Bangkok to appear at a criminal court which will decide whether or not to extradite him back to Britain, Pariwat said.

Nongkhai province is in Thailand's northeast on the border with Laos.

It boasts the Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge, a popular crossing point between the two countries for locals and foreigners.

-- (c) Copyright AFP 2014-11-27

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Dirty nonce, hope the BIB give him a good shoeing and send him on his way!!

extrajudicial beatings are wrong.

pedos or anyone else. Weird thing is it is usially the pervert sexpats that point the finger, offer no compassion and shout cut his gonads off.

These poeople are sick , treat them with the same compassion you would your sick grandmother.

Chemical castration could be one answer(, though I'd rather ship the perverts to somewhere they could hurt no one). And to the grandmother-part, your sick ol' grandma doesn't (hopefully) inflict life long trauma to the children in her care, now does she? facepalm.gif
Castrate and ship who - the pedos or the sexpats?

Just like get my kicks from putting down sex addicts in Pattaya etc , they feel better about themselves by putting down someone more depraved than themselves.

Human nature. Similarly, you feel a little but mi2re secure with yourself trying to belittle me.

Well one group (paedos) are unnatural freaks unworthy of respect, while the other group are just males (over) indulging themselves.

Show some guts!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Unfortunately, I know this guy and had the displeasure of working with him many years ago. All teachers should have background checks done. Especially here in Thailand, where the opportunity for predatory behavior is enhanced.

We caught him with pictures of girls on his computer, and he had been using hi5 with a fake profile to stalk young girls. It made all of us squeamish when we would see him meeting with female students. Shortly after that, he resigned from the school to work in Udon Thani. I'm not surprised at the charges in the UK, and just hope he didn't harm anyone here in Thailand.

I know it is slightly of-topic, and is just my curiosity, but when you caught him with the pictures on his computer, and the fake Hi5 profile, what actions did you take, who did you inform?

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Dirty nonce, hope the BIB give him a good shoeing and send him on his way!!

extrajudicial beatings are wrong.

pedos or anyone else. Weird thing is it is usially the pervert sexpats that point the finger, offer no compassion and shout cut his gonads off.

These poeople are sick , treat them with the same compassion you would your sick grandmother.

Mentally ill people should be isolated from society, they are dangerous... lock.gif

would that include those suffering form depression or anxiety or katoeys? Sounds like a crazy idea.

That was a response to OP's opinion that "pedophiles should be treated with compassion like sick people".

They are not sick, many of them are just mentally ill people, maniacs, that are dangerous to society and should be isolated in mental hospital.

Otherwise if they are proved to be mentally healthy they should be isolated in prison after they are prosecuted and proved guilty.

I wonder how many of them are among us disguising themselves as normal people...

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Paedophiles, the lowest piece of excrement on the planet.

People who kill & murder others are low life. People who destroy other people's lives are low life. There is not a single lowest category as you may think.

However, pedophilia is the new witchcraft so it's then easy for Chooka to jump on the populist bandwagon. Many people I know who mouth off about pedophiles love those porn images on the internet that show girls of legal age dressed down in school uniform.

In fact people who shout their hate and abuse loudest have been shown to be those most attracted to younger women/girl. Perhaps boys too, I've no idea.

So I'm always suspicious when I see these kind of lowbrow posts.

Not very kind thing to say about a fellow member.

Nothing wrong with having sexual fantasies about schoolgirl, many are over the legal age to get married here and indeed in western countries.

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Dirty nonce, hope the BIB give him a good shoeing and send him on his way!!

extrajudicial beatings are wrong.

pedos or anyone else. Weird thing is it is usially the pervert sexpats that point the finger, offer no compassion and shout cut his gonads off.

These poeople are sick , treat them with the same compassion you would your sick grandmother.

Yes, most have been 'conditioned' to their 'sickness' by being sexually abused themselves as children. Some want to stop offending but cannot. I have read that castration is requested by some pedos and offered in some country(ies), but cant remember which. Why not? I believe medical castration should be offered, recommended, even compulsory for those who cannot stop offending. After all, many katois/transexuals opt for it voluntarily.

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The CBC in Thailand is basically fingerprint taking by the local police to see if they match (or might match future) crimes, check Address, passport etc. International schools (depending on the school) require a CBC -( often enhanced disclosure) from the home country, as they operate under international standards. Thailand, being Thailand doesn't. It runs on Thailand's standards.

CBC can take up to three months and in the UK a teacher will often work, whilst the CBC is being undertaken. Most NQT now have CBC - enhanced disclosure completed after graduation - which cuts down the time when any new CBC is done. CBC are a continuous process often undertaken when any teacher moves positions.

Also I am fairly sure that (and the law may have changed) the school must request the teacher CBC, not the teacher. The teacher signs a consent form and then the school administers the rest. This is so that there is absolutely no interference in the process by the 'applicant'. So to answer your question a Thai school would need to get the prospective teacher to sign a formal UK consent form and then the Thai school would have to apply to the relevant UK agencies for the CBC (basic / standard or enhanced).

Those practicalities (and the language barrier) make is very unlikely that this will ever become the norm in Thailand (international schools as the exception).

Thanks for the answer, but it's left me a bit confused. So am I understanding you right in saying:

--The CBC for prospective teachers done in Thailand is just local involving keeping/checking any records for THAILAND offenses and warrants.

--But it sounds like you're saying, there's no government requirement for foreign teachers to provide a CBC from their home country...

BTW, I don't think you're correct about it having to be the school and not the teacher to request a home country CBC. Reason is... look at the current requirement for retirement visas issued by Thai Consulates abroad. The applicant is required to provide both a police clearance and medical check from their home country as part of the visa application process. So obviously, it would seem that individuals can request their own CBC in their native country.

If the Thai government can require a home country police clearance for retirement visa applicants, it kind of boggles to understand why they wouldn't/couldn't do the same for foreigners seeking to teach in Thai schools.

Regarding your comments above about personal information, I've never had to have one of these done for myself. But I've always assumed it was a document that simply says, such and such law enforcement agency had checked its records for so and so and found no criminal record history, or, found this criminal record history. I'm assuming the document that gets issued is not like a private credit report with info about past residences, bank accounts, employers, etc etc.

When I had my Enhanced CBC done as a teacher in the UK ( many moons ago & I am sure the requirements / details provided have change over time) the details were very detailed - but with data protection etc its possible it may well have been changed. And there was an obligation that the report be destroyed by the employer within three months of issuance.

But I know that you cannot apply for it. It must be initiated by the school / employer with your consent. I am not sure what 'police clearance' is? . You may find that the two are different (basic and enhanced).

This gives the basic process for a UK teacher or worker with vulnerable groups


As far as I know the one in Thailand is local. That maybe changing as Thailand works more closely with other law enforcement agencies.

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Unfortunately, I know this guy and had the displeasure of working with him many years ago. All teachers should have background checks done. Especially here in Thailand, where the opportunity for predatory behavior is enhanced.

We caught him with pictures of girls on his computer, and he had been using hi5 with a fake profile to stalk young girls. It made all of us squeamish when we would see him meeting with female students. Shortly after that, he resigned from the school to work in Udon Thani. I'm not surprised at the charges in the UK, and just hope he didn't harm anyone here in Thailand.

Good to see that you reported him immediately to the school and the Police and helped to prevent yet another pedophile preying on other young children and ruining their lives ...

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As an aside and perhaps a trifle off of topic it would be nice to find out if this character was employed by an agency or directly by the school.

Then a follow up as to what documentation was checked references taken up degree checks etc.

When I was involved in hiring step one was a reference check and we wanted two references, we then checked the degree and requests were sent to confirm the degree holders status, the applicant signing a consent form to allow that process.

Simple effective actions which weeded out the less professional teacher from the professional teacher.

Agencies desire profit and in truth carry no responsibility for their employee , many schools do not understand nor in truth want to understand the system nor the language hence these appalling matters come up.

The system is at fault nothing more nothing less, the price paid by the victims of dubious characters is long lasting mentally and sometimes physically

The school or the agency should be named and shamed, how many other neer do wells are loose in the area concerned let alone Thailand as a whole?

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Dirty nonce, hope the BIB give him a good shoeing and send him on his way!!

extrajudicial beatings are wrong.

pedos or anyone else. Weird thing is it is usially the pervert sexpats that point the finger, offer no compassion and shout cut his gonads off.

These poeople are sick , treat them with the same compassion you would your sick grandmother.

You are taking the piss I hope??

Now, I'm not a fan of the Pattaya/Phuket dirty old sexpat brigade... but at least they try it on with people that can say no, fight back and, on a good day, sometimes rob them blind and make them never want to come back to Thailand again...

The fact that you compare this filthy nonce to my grandmothers is laughable...

Case and point...

One of my grandmothers suffered a stroke before she died... However, her having a stroke never robbed any children of their innocence or destroyed any childrens lives...

My other grandmother has senile dementia... She doesnt remember any of us when she sees us until we show her photos and whatnot and kickstart her memory... Once again... Never robbed any children of their innocence, youth or destroyed their lives...

Yeah, you're right, these people are sick... Sick and twisted

Your comparison is pathetic... You're just a nonce-apologist... and that is almost (ALMOST) as bad as fiddling with children yourself...

String him up, waterboard him and never let him see the light of day again...

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As an aside and perhaps a trifle off of topic it would be nice to find out if this character was employed by an agency or directly by the school.

Then a follow up as to what documentation was checked references taken up degree checks etc.

When I was involved in hiring step one was a reference check and we wanted two references, we then checked the degree and requests were sent to confirm the degree holders status, the applicant signing a consent form to allow that process.

Simple effective actions which weeded out the less professional teacher from the professional teacher.

Agencies desire profit and in truth carry no responsibility for their employee , many schools do not understand nor in truth want to understand the system nor the language hence these appalling matters come up.

The system is at fault nothing more nothing less, the price paid by the victims of dubious characters is long lasting mentally and sometimes physically

The school or the agency should be named and shamed, how many other neer do wells are loose in the area concerned let alone Thailand as a whole?

Having a degree is not likely to weed out pedophiles. I've know two in the past and one had a Master's degree and the other a degree in Education and was the boss of Inlingua school of languages in Bangkok.

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Unfortunately, I know this guy and had the displeasure of working with him many years ago. All teachers should have background checks done. Especially here in Thailand, where the opportunity for predatory behavior is enhanced.

We caught him with pictures of girls on his computer, and he had been using hi5 with a fake profile to stalk young girls. It made all of us squeamish when we would see him meeting with female students. Shortly after that, he resigned from the school to work in Udon Thani. I'm not surprised at the charges in the UK, and just hope he didn't harm anyone here in Thailand.

Good to see that you reported him immediately to the school and the Police and helped to prevent yet another pedophile preying on other young children and ruining their lives ...

He would have probably sued for defamation of character!

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Dirty nonce, hope the BIB give him a good shoeing and send him on his way!!

extrajudicial beatings are wrong.

pedos or anyone else. Weird thing is it is usially the pervert sexpats that point the finger, offer no compassion and shout cut his gonads off.

These poeople are sick , treat them with the same compassion you would your sick grandmother.

You are taking the piss I hope??

Now, I'm not a fan of the Pattaya/Phuket dirty old sexpat brigade... but at least they try it on with people that can say no, fight back and, on a good day, sometimes rob them blind and make them never want to come back to Thailand again...

The fact that you compare this filthy nonce to my grandmothers is laughable...

Case and point...

One of my grandmothers suffered a stroke before she died... However, her having a stroke never robbed any children of their innocence or destroyed any childrens lives...

My other grandmother has senile dementia... She doesnt remember any of us when she sees us until we show her photos and whatnot and kickstart her memory... Once again... Never robbed any children of their innocence, youth or destroyed their lives...

Yeah, you're right, these people are sick... Sick and twisted

Your comparison is pathetic... You're just a nonce-apologist... and that is almost (ALMOST) as bad as fiddling with children yourself...

String him up, waterboard him and never let him see the light of day again...

They certainly didn't teach their grand-kids ho to develop compassion. I presume they weren't Buddhist?

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