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Thai private sector urged to explore business and investment opportunities in Canada


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Private sector urged to explore business and investment opportunities in Canada


BANGKOK, 27 Nov 2014, (NNT) - The Thai Chamber of Commerce (TCC) hopes the international community would understand Thai political situation, while the Director of Department of American Affairs says Thailand should expand its business on the Canadian soil.

According to the Director of Department of American and South Pacific Affairs, Witchu Vejjajiva, although Thailand and Canada have enjoyed good relations for over 5 decades, their cooperation on trades and investments is not as expansive of that with China and Japan.

He thus urged local businessmen and investors to consider dealing with Canada, adding that his department was conducting feasibility study on the Free Trade Agreement with the nation. Mr. Witchu admitted that even though the deal could compromise some business sectors, the gain would outweigh the loss.

Meanwhile, Senior President of the TCC Pongsak Atsakul echoed Mr. Witchu’s statement, saying that Canada had expressed desire to trade more with Thailand. He advised the private sector to take advantage of the findings and explore the Maple Leafs’ market.

Mr. Pongsak expressed his hope that Thailand’s political situation would improve and that the international community would understand what the country was going through. He also expected the business sector to move forward at full throttle once the situation returned to normal.

-- NNT 2014-11-27 footer_n.gif

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The Thai Chamber of Commerce (TCC) hopes the international community would understand Thai political situation ...

No, they won't understand ... no one understands it, least of all Thai's themselves ... no one outside Thailand understands "Thainess" ...

How about also giving the private sector some clues as to what business and investment opportunities there might actually be in Canada ... other than rice exports ... alternatively, how about the Canadian's or the Thai-Canadian Chamber of Commerce putting out a statement themselves echoing what the Thai's have been saying/claiming/quoting and being specific in what they think "could" be achieved together ...

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And this trade blokey has absolutely no possible details about what anyone might trade?

No thought not. Just imvestigate...


Maybe Thailand could buy maple syrup for all their roti?

Oh, wait, they want to sell something to Canada.

I dunno, then.

But surely TAT could get the 2015 Stanley Cup ….

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"...the Director of Department of American Affairs says Thailand should expand its business on the Canadian soil."

A better option....Allow Canada and other successful industrial nations to expand their businesses on Thai soil. That would put an end to the inmates running the asylum. giggle.gif

Edited by jaltsc
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Glad to hear Thailand is interested in trading with Canada. Canada does most of its trade with America.And is held hostage often to their brutal forced trade rules they put in place. A lot of the trade is things imported by america and then sold to Canada. Why not have Canada bring it in directly through Thailand. Thai can broker for China,Burma,Vietnam etc. They can put in place trade agreements in thai baht (which has shown superb stability) with their neighbours. Then trade with Canada in American dollars. America will lose its prime trading country..Canada can then be the back door to trade for north america. Trade with Canada will open vast doors for power shift from America to Asia. Thailand a broker,Canada a broker. America a prospective buyer.Canada could be used to orchestrate, the final shift in economical power,to Asia.

Edited by lovelomsak
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Glad to hear Thailand is interested in trading with Canada. Canada does most of its trade with America.And is held hostage often to their brutal forced trade rules they put in place. A lot of the trade is things imported by america and then sold to Canada. Why not have Canada bring it in directly through Thailand. Thai can broker for China,Burma,Vietnam etc. They can put in place trade agreements in thai baht (which has shown superb stability) with their neighbours. Then trade with Canada in American dollars. America will lose its prime trading country..Canada can then be the back door to trade for north america. Trade with Canada will open vast doors for power shift from America to Asia. Thailand a broker,Canada a broker. America a prospective buyer.Canada could be used to orchestrate, the final shift in economical power,to Asia.

Yeah they were kissing our arse not to many years ago for our oil. Now that they have shale oil they do not want to approve the Keystone pipeline because OBama says there is no benefit for the USA in doing this.The pipeline would create jobs and put the excess of the southern refineries to work as they are geared up for the heavy oil we produce. How soon our southern brothers forget. Yes we have joined ourselves at the hip to America its time to separate and look at the globe to ship to. The free trade pact decimated our industries and made the excess workers created by this debacle into contract workers to further pressure wages down so that the big boys profits go up. We have tunnel vision when it come to exporting. They are presently looking at ways to pump the Great Lakes to satisfy their insatiable need for water. When push comes to shove all the treaties governing Great Lakes water will go out the window.

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hmmm Thailand supposedly encouraging foreign investment in Thailand by means of taking even more control over foreign investment money than before. Meanwhile Thais are told to invest in Canada, indirectly meaning don't invest in Thailand. Does anyone in these departments talk to anyone else in government, and if they do, can they put a logical sentence together?

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Im surprised no one cracked a joke about Canada needing more 'massage' therapist....... this is real opportunity for a Thai.

I personally know a woman who was making $95 cad per hr giving massage....now she has opened her own studio with several masseurs in her pyramid..... and making real money!

In Canada therapeutic-massage is now covered by insurance so people only pay a certain percentage up front. The budding therapists do have to go through a lengthy (and costly) accreditation process first to qualify...including language tests.

Of course the article is implying B to B activity.....with Thailand being one of the largest exporters of food stuffs in the world there is already plenty of Thai products in the Canadian market,especially in Asian stores.

However, Thailand remains largely low-tech and hopelessly backward in offering anything of competitive value to a progressive country like Canada who already is deeply embedded in the process of topping its landfills with an endless rail-line of Sea-Cans full of consumer-junk from China.

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Another misunderstood/misleading article. Mr Big,Thai money may want to move money off shore to another country

for safety but because corruption is significantly less these Mr Bigs who are used to bribing there way out of trouble

would be well advised to move to a safer (for them) country. While there are many opportunities for the spouses

of Canadians to open small businesses ( Thai Massage, Nails, restaurants) Canada is a tough go for Thais.

Away from the family network, and with the exception of Vancouver and the lower BC mainland the weather

is crushing. In Thailand temperatures in single digits are rare and considered a hardship. For 90% of Canada

6 months a year the temperatures are rarely above single digits. So Thais are not coming here to open businesses

or buy property. Just looking for trade/business opportunities in import-export market. Thai products will only ever

be a niche market in Canada and the same for Canadian products in Thailand. Mexico/Central & South America

as well as the Philippines, can produce all the mangoes, papaya etc that Canada consumes and transportation is

shorter. Thai rice, shrimp, fish, have stiff competition from Vietnam, China, Philippines etc. Only so many Canadian

ex-pats looking for a maple syrup fix in Thailand. So I expect the level of trade to remain stagnant at whatever

it is now.

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Maybe some of the entrepreneurs from Sukumvit Knock Shops could transfer their skill set over to Canada, due to the recent crackdown on tea money payments to the police? As a going concern, their skill sets are easily transferable, with the need of very little infrastructure set up say in Canada. Could prove a very happy ending for the General and the Canadian male population.

They could promote this by a catchy slogan: 'Love you long time Canada' or 'Thai girls have plenty of honey for Canadian money', and again versatile for ladyboys who want to reassign their skills to Canada.

Maybe the General will provide start up loans to get the ticket to go to Canada? Cheaper than the rice programs and will continue to provide cash up in the farming areas.

Could also help with the balance of trade figures between the two nations, with very little interference from the CIB. Win Win?

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