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Abuse against women in Thailand on the rise: study


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Abuse against women on the rise: study


BANGKOK: -- MOVES to stem the rising incidents of violence against women have not succeeded and in Thailand there are almost 100 abuse cases reported daily, with most of the attackers a partner or family member.

The sobering news comes as the world marked International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women this week.

Aun (not her real name) has been victimised by her "hot tempered" husband for decades. The physical and mental abuse has left her yearning for a separation but the thought of her two kids being without a dad means she continues to endure the abuse.

"We have been together for decades. He wasn't like this at first," she said. "But when we had two children, he started to drink with friends almost every day.

"When he came home, he would argue with me and beat me up. He once stabbed me with a sharp metal while I was asleep but my kids stopped him. I wouldn't have survived."

Som (not her real name) endured her husband's abuse for 10 years because she was taught to be his submissive follower. "I was taught that women should love and obey their husbands even if they hurt you," she said. "I endured it until he died in a drunk-driving accident, which freed me from the domestic violence," she said.

Violence against women is on the rise, or at least the number of reported incidents has increased.

Women and Men Progressive Movement Foundation director Jadet Chaowilai said that in 2012 there were some 20,000 recorded victims compared to 31,966 in 2013. That means there was an average of 87 reported cases of abuse against women each day.

Jadet said domestic killings rose from 174 deaths in 2011 to 186 in 2012.

"Domestic violence is on rise - either husband attacks wife or wife attacks or kills husband in self-defence or children kill dad or vice versa," he said.

A major contributing factor behind the violence was the attitude of men - that they must be patronising - he said, adding that male youths should be taught otherwise to lower the number of attacks against women.

Deputy police chief Lt-General Reungsak Jarit-ek said the law required victims or witnesses of violence to alert police via hotlines 191, 1599 or 1300 so police could enforce the Domestic Violence Victim Protection Act.

"You cannot think it's a family's internal affair," he said.

But he said that reporting offences was not enough; families must work together to reduce the risk of violence.

The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women reported that most incidents of violence in Thailand involved husbands and wives or lovers.

Thailand ranked 36th among 75 countries in acts of physical violence and seventh among 71 countries in sexual violence.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Abuse-against-women-on-the-rise-study-30248730.html

-- The Nation 2014-11-28

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Jadet said domestic killings rose from 174 deaths in 2011 to 186 in 2012

The difference is trivial when you consider the usual variability of such a figure (yeah I know "tell that to the...").

But, it's not more than that? Must be a handful of farangs in there who are only a tiny percent of the population. They say one a week in Australia with a population about 1/3 of Thailand.

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I can't really believe that abuse is on the rise in Thailand, given the traditional way Thai society looks at women. For example if an unmarried couple has a child, from legal point the sole responsibility for the child lies with the mother, father can just walk away without any repercussions.

My interpretation is that the abuse is decreasing because Thai society as a whole is coming closer to sound ethical and moral values (long way still to go). The appearance of increasing abuse is only because more and more woman have the courage to report it.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The rise of abuse against women is not confined to Thailand , this is another one of the worlds anti social trends that we can do without , lots of theories have been bandied about , mine, too much alcohol and drugs. alt=bah.gif>

My theory, gets them a better deal in a divorce, so why not accuse him.

No real evidence anywhere in the world that violence towards women is on the rise.

And in Thailand, plenty of violence towards men, but nobody cares about what happens to men.

Time for campaigns to aim at reducing violence towards anyone.

Im sure you are an expert and well researched this topic prior to commenting - if by well researched I mean "pulled your opinion out of your ass"...

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The rise of abuse against women is not confined to Thailand , this is another one of the worlds anti social trends that we can do without , lots of theories have been bandied about , mine, too much alcohol and drugs. alt=bah.gif>

My theory, gets them a better deal in a divorce, so why not accuse him.

No real evidence anywhere in the world that violence towards women is on the rise.

And in Thailand, plenty of violence towards men, but nobody cares about what happens to men.

Time for campaigns to aim at reducing violence towards anyone.

Im sure you are an expert and well researched this topic prior to commenting - if by well researched I mean "pulled your opinion out of your ass"...

My research was at least as good as "The Nation" who reports 95% of Thais support the Junta, etc.

Thailand, hub of silly reports.

Not only that, but I am bright enough to use the "quote" button without adding rubbish lines to my posts, unlike some posters.

Edited by BritManToo
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The rise of abuse against women is not confined to Thailand , this is another one of the worlds anti social trends that we can do without , lots of theories have been bandied about , mine, too much alcohol and drugs.bah.gif

I think too much alcohol and drugs are part of the symptoms. The rise of egoism and materialism being the root cause

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The rise of abuse against women is not confined to Thailand , this is another one of the worlds anti social trends that we can do without , lots of theories have been bandied about , mine, too much alcohol and drugs.bah.gif

IMO it goes much deeper,....the trend of individualism,...a disease formed in the West, through psychopathic capitalism. Yes,...psychopathic,...as a NY Times article explained,...Wall Street seeks psychopaths, for they are the best earners.

Individualism has been migrating into Asia through Western media and Tourists. Individualism is synonymous with a cancer cell,...a total disregard for the harmony of the Whole.

Although cancerous, toxic people have been around a long time,...IMO it was during the American Ronald Reagan years that this sickness became epidemic.

The main cancer in Thailand arises from the PDRC and Bangkok Elite.

"it is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" J Krishnamurti

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Alcohol and drugs are a big part of the problem. Non action by police and courts enable it. Children learn this behavior and it continues. Some part of Thai society will have to band together and create a wave of change. Press would be key. Sad situation

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The rise of abuse against women is not confined to Thailand , this is another one of the worlds anti social trends that we can do without , lots of theories have been bandied about , mine, too much alcohol and drugs.bah.gif

My theory, gets them a better deal in a divorce, so why not accuse him.

No real evidence anywhere in the world that violence towards women is on the rise.

And in Thailand, plenty of violence towards men, but nobody cares about what happens to men.

Time for campaigns to aim at reducing violence towards anyone.

BritManToo .. "no real evidence" where did you pull that specious observation from, your arse?

There is empirical data that suggests a growing incidence of abuse of women; (you do realize that abuse is not just a clip behind the ear, or a slap or punch don't you?) and - as you commented - to men. Your stating the bleeding obvious "time for campaigns to aim at reducing violence towards anyone" is just that, but do you understand why there is increased violence to children, women and men?

The simple answer is greed, wanting what other people have and not having the opportunities to get them; a dog eat dog world, where a man is seemingly measured by his wealth rather than his compassion; where all animals (including humans) are herded to turn a profit by the three main players (and their off-shoots); religion, government (kingdom, military, communist, democratic) and the binding agent and third player corporations.

We read (on ThaiVisa) about the corrupt Police caught with billions in cash and assets far beyond what they can reasonable enjoy; why? Greed. And the people they squeeze, squeeze people lower down the line and each wants to live like the corrupt Cop and they don't care how the money is got, that it promotes slavery, child prostitution and a growing number of disadvantaged. Children and women are easy targets for weaker men, and weaker men are targets for stronger men, and so it goes.

If Police and Politicians had to report their assest base before starting and then on completion, one could soon see where the extra funds came from, and if they are in cash (black money) then even more questionable.

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The rise of abuse against women is not confined to Thailand , this is another one of the worlds anti social trends that we can do without , lots of theories have been bandied about , mine, too much alcohol and drugs.bah.gif

The fact that it is not restricted to Thailand in no way mitigates the situation here.

Furthermore we know from recent comments that even the country's leaders' attitudes to women and safety are back in the 19th century

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No real evidence anywhere in the world that violence towards women is on the rise.

And in Thailand, plenty of violence towards men, but nobody cares about what happens to men.

Time for campaigns to aim at reducing violence towards anyone.

Violence against women has been around for at least two thousand years,...and perhaps that violence is not on the rise,...but merely getting reported.

I agree, that very few care about violence against men,...men are indoctrinated to be the violators, not the violated.

IMO, however, Thailand has a better chance to break the cycle of violence, more than Christian Countries.

"Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or have authority over men; she is to keep silent" Timothy 2:11

"For the wife does not rule over her own body, but the husband does..." 1Corinthians 7:4

"every woman should be filled with shame by the thought that she is a woman". Clement of Alexandria

"girls begin to talk and to stand on their feet sooner than boys because weeds always grow up more quickly than good crops". Martin Luther

"For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman but woman for man." 1 Corinthians, 11:8

etc, etc, etc

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No real evidence anywhere in the world that violence towards women is on the rise.

And in Thailand, plenty of violence towards men, but nobody cares about what happens to men.

Time for campaigns to aim at reducing violence towards anyone.

Violence against women has been around for at least two thousand years,...and perhaps that violence is not on the rise,...but merely getting reported.

I agree, that very few care about violence against men,...men are indoctrinated to be the violators, not the violated.

IMO, however, Thailand has a better chance to break the cycle of violence, more than Christian Countries.

"Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or have authority over men; she is to keep silent" Timothy 2:11

"For the wife does not rule over her own body, but the husband does..." 1Corinthians 7:4

"every woman should be filled with shame by the thought that she is a woman". Clement of Alexandria

"girls begin to talk and to stand on their feet sooner than boys because weeds always grow up more quickly than good crops". Martin Luther

"For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman but woman for man." 1 Corinthians, 11:8

etc, etc, etc

You have not offered one piece of evidence to back up your outrageous suppositions. You should be ashamed of promulgating such misogynist nonsense.
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Many Thai men treat women like soi dogs.Its in their culture.Boys copy and learn from their older peers.Women here have to be subservient or they will be punished.

No organisation will change anything.

Thai women are learning to be strong and they themselves will slowly change themselves and I see already educating the boys to act kinder and be a support to women.

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What catogory does sexual abuse come under,some times bruses are not present after abuse. I can speak from experience. My wife left her thai man 15 years ago,after being hospitalised many time. Broken ribs,stitches. It was reported to the police,many times,they just said it was a family matter, so her brother and uncle did sort it. The problem again starts from the top down.bad education,

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They talk about violence against all and women. I have no doubt that violence against women is more prevalent, however, the only context in the OTP is 87 cases a day. However, there are many other statistics about violence in general. How many times was it women on women, women on man, or child on mother, man on man? Regardless, it's just a sideshow of meaningless statistics (lies, damned lies and ...) because there is no real way to gauge this in any context except for saying this could be a more violent society than it used to be.

Without a fundamental societal change this will continue. It's not just alcohol, drugs... violence is created in the home. People grow up thinking that violence is a way to solve problems. They can't negotiate and they want their own way and think force is the answer: might is right. If you want to stop this violence in society: STOP HITTING YOUR KIDS!!! (I don't say everyone does it but enough to make the current situation and we don't need any Bible extracts: violence begets violence)

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Why only Women ? They should also include abuse and torture again man too in Thailand....

Because men are not the topic here. As clearly stated in the title, women are the topic here. And yet, for some reason, every single time a topic about women's issues comes up (sometimes even in a dedicated woman-oriented space, which this is decidedly not), the reaction within just a few comments/posts is "what about the menz?"

Incidentally men on men violence is an effect of the dominance of men backfiring on other men. It's not some proof that men and women are equally targeted in the same ways with the same intent.

The proper response to "Wow, look at this increase in violence against women" is not, "That's horrible, but let's talk about violence against men now!"

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