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Just got kicked out of thai with valid visa

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Walen can help get Ed visas but they have absolute no control over what happens at borders and immigration officer vagaries. fact is if you hold an Ed visa and try to return to Thailand after a visit away you are likely to be questioned as to "why you left" and "thai language proficiency". Walen and other language schools should tell this to their potential customers.

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Hi guys,

In France now, i tried to keep you updated using the on air wifi but it was too slow to post.

I flew with emirates. I asked at Dubai stop what happened and they said "Deportation because of insufficient funds, very strange".

The official "thing" is insufficient funds.

What immigration at what airport kicked you out?

Emirates only fly from one airport in Thailand... surely you can work out which one.

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The insufficient funds stamp is probably used because there perhaps is not a "dosnt read/write thai after 8 years of being in country incl 6 months at language school" stamp

* years in the country and on a Ed. visa that explains it all as I said in an earlier post would have loved to see what came up on that computer screen. Just another guy scamming the system running a business in Thailand

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On what grounds can they forcibly expel him from this airside area without a court order.

For any stay longer than 12 hours airside you need a transit visa or you are in violation of the immigration law and can be arrested and deported.

You have normally 12 hours to leave voluntarily if denied entry.

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I have been sent back as well. Spent one night in detention. I was on an ED visa as well and suprisingly also came back from a 3 day trip to HK. The only option I was given , was flying back to my home country with KLM royal airlines. I had to fly bck business class in order not to be locked up for over 24 hours. I paid for this myself. Im from The Netherlands by the way. If that makes any difference... I got a stamp in my passport saying I was working illegally in Thailand and had no money with me (last actually true apart from a ATM card and 800 HKD and a few 100 baht notes. I managed to enter twice again with an O visa based on my daughter. Each time they gave me a hard time. Im now waiting for a new passport.

Edited by DeeMak9
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guess the numbers next year might go down ever further

even though TAT declares it will be up (fortune teller?)

How precisely would this have anything to do with tourist numbers ?

This is around long term stayers using ED Visas

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people keep saying he has been in thailand for 8 years and and should know thai but last i checked there is no requirement to know thai on marriage or other visas so why should he know it?

does this mean any of us cannot stay and learn thai on an ED visa if we divorce or spent time here legally on another visa class?

working for an int'l bank for instance

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people keep saying he has been in thailand for 8 years and and should know thai but last i checked there is no requirement to know thai on marriage or other visas so why should he know it?

does this mean any of us cannot stay and learn thai on an ED visa if we divorce or spent time here legally on another visa class?

working for an int'l bank for instance

The early comments indicate that he'd been on the ED visa for 6 months and "6 months is enough to learn to read and write Thai".

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Hi guys,

In France now, i tried to keep you updated using the on air wifi but it was too slow to post.

I flew with emirates. I asked at Dubai stop what happened and they said "Deportation because of insufficient funds, very strange".

The official "thing" is insufficient funds.

You haven't been deported you have been refused entry not the same thing, why is this concept so hard for people to understand, you can only be deported from a country you have been admitted to, you never got in the front door

You mean whoever the poster asked at Dubai did not know what deportation means and or the OP.

Why would anyone in Dubai know why the OP was refused entry to Thailand?

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The crackdown/enforcement of intended use of visas seems to be scaring some people.

I think Thailand is really trying to improve and reduce corruption.

People and schools that follow the rules should have no problems.

I see the changes and enforcement positive for people following the rules.

Actual students taking occasional short holidays should have no problems.

A missing relevant fact in the OP message is how many trips outside Thailand and how long each trip to run his business in Hong Kong.

How he was able to get extension without attending classes is another issue.

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guess the numbers next year might go down ever further

even though TAT declares it will be up (fortune teller?)

How precisely would this have anything to do with tourist numbers ?

This is around long term stayers using ED Visas

Tourist numbers are calculated from the people going through immigration, there is made no distinction between the kind of visa those people hold.

Even long term stayers on ED visa have to enter through immigration.

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The airline must return you to the point of origin, if that is not possible they must return you to your home country.

You may have to pay them in full but they are required to take you. If you don't pay they can and likely will sue you.

How do they determine the "home country" it is quite possible to have a passport of a EU country and never ever set foot there, living in a different EU country than that of your passport

If you have a passport of that country that is determined to be your home country.

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Hi guys,

In France now, i tried to keep you updated using the on air wifi but it was too slow to post.

I flew with emirates. I asked at Dubai stop what happened and they said "Deportation because of insufficient funds, very strange".

The official "thing" is insufficient funds.

What immigration at what airport kicked you out?

Emirates only fly from one airport in Thailand... surely you can work out which one.

So he flew from Phuket?

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guess the numbers next year might go down ever further

even though TAT declares it will be up (fortune teller?)

How precisely would this have anything to do with tourist numbers ?

This is around long term stayers using ED Visas

Tourist numbers are calculated from the people going through immigration, there is made no distinction between the kind of visa those people hold.

Even long term stayers on ED visa have to enter through immigration.

People tell friends and family what happened to them, the story gets passed on, all people remember is the pertinent point that a French citizen got turned away with a visa and had to fly back to France.

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Hi guys,

In France now, i tried to keep you updated using the on air wifi but it was too slow to post.

I flew with emirates. I asked at Dubai stop what happened and they said "Deportation because of insufficient funds, very strange".

The official "thing" is insufficient funds.

You haven't been deported you have been refused entry not the same thing, why is this concept so hard for people to understand, you can only be deported from a country you have been admitted to, you never got in the front door

You mean whoever the poster asked at Dubai did not know what deportation means and or the OP.

Why would anyone in Dubai know why the OP was refused entry to Thailand?


Beats me, especially since the stamp denying entry would have been written in Thai.

Which, by the way, dispels the theories posted by others earlier, that no country except Johnny's own, would accept him, once they saw the denial of entry. Not too many folks outside Thailand, and many inside it, can't read Thai.

But I'm willing to give JohnnyBKK the benefit of the doubt, as English is not his first language.

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.On what grounds can they forcibly expel him from this airside area without a court order.

For any stay longer than 12 hours airside you need a transit visa or you are in violation of the immigration law and can be arrested and deported.

You have normally 12 hours to leave voluntarily if denied entry.

Just out of interest, why are they concerned how long you stay airside, providing you clearly don't live there? I remember meeting an Indian fella in Moscow who had been airside for three days due to repeated delays and the authorities were not interested in the slightest. The poor Indian on the other hand was less than delighted..

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Hi guys,

In France now, i tried to keep you updated using the on air wifi but it was too slow to post.

I flew with emirates. I asked at Dubai stop what happened and they said "Deportation because of insufficient funds, very strange".

The official "thing" is insufficient funds.

Why would anyone in Dubai know why the OP was refused entry to Thailand?

By him showing them the denial of entry stamp in his passport. It is in Thai but Emirates does have Thai employees.

The stamp quotes a section of the immigration act for lack of funds. They often deny people entry on that basis although the actual reason is one that is not in the immigration act.

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Dear OP please post as soon as you can a scan or a pic of the denied entry stamp.

Otherwise more and more readers will become suspicious regarding the veracity of your thread.

It should look like this - except for the cancellation notice -:


Your stamp shows you were denied entry for under Section 12 (3) of the immigration act. OP's would be 2.

"2. Having no appropriate means of living following entrance into the Kingdom.
3. Having entered into the Kingdom to take occupation as a laborer or to take employment by
using physical without skills training or to work in violation of the Ministerial Regulations."
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Hi guys,

In France now, i tried to keep you updated using the on air wifi but it was too slow to post.

I flew with emirates. I asked at Dubai stop what happened and they said "Deportation because of insufficient funds, very strange".

The official "thing" is insufficient funds.

Why would anyone in Dubai know why the OP was refused entry to Thailand?

By him showing them the denial of entry stamp in his passport. It is in Thai but Emirates does have Thai employees.

The stamp quotes a section of the immigration act for lack of funds. They often deny people entry on that basis although the actual reason is one that is not in the immigration act.

First thing that happens with a diligent immigration officer is that they open your passport and look for an exit stamp (for countries that have exit stamps - US/Canada do not) or other stamp dated today or today - 1. They would then likely find that you had one stamp indicating denied entry (not sure what that would look like but probably pretty identifiable). Is it possible the stamp actually has a number associated with it in addition to the text, if so I would assume that the immigration would be able to determine what it was without reading the text by country and number - but that would only be a guess by someone that does not have one of those stamps to compare to.

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I have been sent back as well. Spent one night in detention. I was on an ED visa as well and suprisingly also came back from a 3 day trip to HK. The only option I was given , was flying back to my home country with KLM royal airlines. I had to fly bck business class in order not to be locked up for over 24 hours. I paid for this myself. Im from The Netherlands by the way. If that makes any difference... I got a stamp in my passport saying I was working illegally in Thailand and had no money with me (last actually true apart from a ATM card and 800 HKD and a few 100 baht notes. I managed to enter twice again with an O visa based on my daughter. Each time they gave me a hard time. Im now waiting for a new passport.

I am not sure a new passport will obfuscate anything. Immigration will have a record in their computer system from last time. I assume you are not changing your name (and not your date of birth) -- so they will be able to pull up your records from before (assuming that your prior passport is not encoded in the new passport somehow). Sometimes immigration can be "nice" by putting the reason as "insufficient funds" rather than something that indicates working illegally in Thailand which may very well bring more scrutiny on your next entry.

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...So what was he supposed to do other than ED? Tell me, I am all ears.

Move somewhere he's entitled to live?

You took a snippet of my question out of context. The poster I was responding to said he took the "right road" to stay IN THAILAND. I asked what right roads to STAY IN THAILAND were available to the OP. Your post has no value. Try to add value to your posts. Time is valuable. You have taken time from many readers. Thats not a good habit.

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I actually saw that I while ago, which would make it 3 months into his ED visa.... which apparently he was having trouble learning Thai so maybe he wanted to change it into something that he was more easily able to learn tongue.png

I would have trouble learning if I didn't go to classes too.

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