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We keep hearing from some foriegners and Thais that the "coup has done good things for the country". The statement has never been qualified even once. What good has the coup done ? What specific changes does it hope to make ? Upon making those changes, when will elections take place ? Statements like "I am not 100% democractic and not 100% non democratic" are vague and show poor govermance. Foriegners who agree with the coup and who come from representative governments I find most peculiar.

"I come from the UK originally, and the government there certainly does not represent the will of the people.

I think the same can be said of France, possibly Germany, and, it would appear, the USA." Huge statements like this are total rubbish unless you back them up with specific history, relevant websites.

Or you may say: "I come from the UK originally, and it is my hugely insignificant opinion the government there .... Write that and you are less a fool that just making the grandiiose inane unproven opinions you're addicted to.

I come from the UK originally, and the government there certainly does not represent the will of the people.

I think the same can be said of France, possibly Germany, and, it would appear, the USA.

But in April next year the people of the UK will be able to VOTE on their government, as will in due course the people of Germany and France. The people of the USA just have. Thailand?

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Generals by virtue of their job don't want to be questioned.

when they are they will throw a fit.

They don't want it and they're definitely not used to it. Generals don't receive criticism from the lower ranks, and they definitely do not expect criticism from lowly civilians (especially the trouble-making media). They can only take it from above, and that's not really relevant in the current situation. Thankfully, scrutiny from the international media as well as Thailand's reliance on tourism and MNCs keeps the good General constrained somewhat in how he can react. This is not 1976 or even 1992. Let's hope he remembers that.


"If you really want the election to be held tomorrow I will be ready. But do you really want it? I don't understand what you want from me"....What the people want Mr. General is a free and democratic election. Tell the truth, the reason you need more time is to rig the system so that this can never happen so you can stay in power forever!

At the time, there were numerous assertions that Suthep was going to hold onto power and become a dictator. Some TV members were absolutely convinced of this despite his statements to the contrary. Suthep is now a monk, and has been a monk for quite a while now.

If I were to presume, I would imagine that you were one of those members who thought Suthep was planning on becoming a dictator.

He simply colluded with a proxy.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He's not a politician, is he.

Apparently, he doesn't know what he is!

Well he's a leader (dear or not) a prime minister (Vietnam and Laos both have prime minsters so why can't Thailand?) and a general. He's not a dictator, his government is not a military junta or a totalitarian dictatorship. He didn't lead a coup or overthrow an elected government otherwise that would qualify him to be what he isn't (because it has been dictated that he isn't!). But his government (not junta) has imposed martial law and restricted what people can say and with whom and in what numbers they can meet and what signs they can make (and with how many fingers) and what food they can eat in public.

I wonder if he pines for a simpler time, before social media scrutiny, when a dictator could just dictate and anyone who questioned - well it was up against the wall? Mao never had to put up with this. Pol Pot didn't cop this scrutiny. Stalin and Hitler never had to pretend to be touchy - feely.

Now wonder he seems confused and appears overwhelmed. Not an easy gig being a non elected, but at the same time non dictatorial leader, in these modern times, is it?

leaders earn respect, Army generals demand respect. The guy is still in military mode and forget the people are not his troops.

He needs some help controlling his sudden burst of angers......

A true statesman and international leader as he self proclaims to be would never be so childish and result to tantrums running home to mummy. The is not qualified and truly out of his depth to run a country. Yingluk was useless but makes this guy look like a xxxxxx
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Dear leader needs to understand the responsibility of running the country means he is to be held accountable.

Some critical thinking is often required to draw conclusions.

Its a bit audacious to think he is above that,

Unless he is as he claims not to be …a Dictator.

Then he can warn them to stop.

But if he is PM he must accept questions he doesnt like.

And sometimes criticism


He needs some help controlling his sudden burst of angers......

A true statesman and international leader as he self proclaims to be would never be so childish and result to tantrums running home to mummy. The is not qualified and truly out of his depth to run a country. Yingluk was useless but makes this guy look like a xxxxxx

....................."running home to mummy"..................

Well at least he did not run all the way to Dubai !


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Generals by virtue of their job don't want to be questioned.
when they are they will throw a fit.

They don't want it and they're definitely not used to it. Generals don't receive criticism from the lower ranks, and they definitely do not expect criticism from lowly civilians (especially the trouble-making media). They can only take it from above, and that's not really relevant in the current situation. Thankfully, scrutiny from the international media as well as Thailand's reliance on tourism and MNCs keeps the good General constrained somewhat in how he can react. This is not 1976 or even 1992. Let's hope he remembers that.

I worry that he doesn't remember that, not with his advanced cretinism. He so far is just a buffoon but when daily he's attacked internally and by the free world, he will start to lash out. "Have A Hissy" in lay terms. A hissy-a-day is on its way.


He needs some help controlling his sudden burst of angers......

A true statesman and international leader as he self proclaims to be would never be so childish and result to tantrums running home to mummy. The is not qualified and truly out of his depth to run a country. Yingluk was useless but makes this guy look like a xxxxxx

....................."running home to mummy"..................

Well at least he did not run all the way to Dubai !

nice come back but proved the child is out of his depth and needs mummy like all the spoilt hiso brats. Oh mummy dear he doesn't like me can I take him to the factory for reprogramming? He is not use to or appreciates those below his status having an opinion or voice. If they do then it is a hiss fit and legal action.
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"The country has a lot of problems to be solved but you [media] keep finding fault with me," he said.

Welcome to the responsibility, and headache, of governance, your Worship. Actually, it is the job of the media to "find fault". A free press is the only defense that a free people has against the inevitable power grabs of the political elite. That is why, in the US, we have our First Amendment..."Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press". Unfortunately, in the US, the "free" press has, for the most part, been bought by the oligarchs, and so what we US citizens are treated to is an air-brushed, Prozac coated version of the "truth". But, your Worship, the primary job of the media is to hold your feet to the fire. Your job comes with a heavy dose of accountability, and if you don't like it, well...there's always free elections as a way out!

"You shouldn't ask me when the election will be held or when we will leave. What am I?"

Ummmmmm, the guy who is supposed to give Thailand free elections?

"If you think anybody can say anything at all, then the country won't survive," he said.

So your country is so weak that it can be destroyed by...what? Free thought? Free expression? Maybe your personal image of what you think the country should be won't survive. But if history is any judge, most nations that embraced freedom of thought, freedom of expression, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press have managed to do pretty damned good.

The point of criticism is to illuminate perceived weaknesses. A wise leader accepts those criticisms, and has the perception to determine what points may be valid, and what points are not. That leader then uses the valid criticisms to improve their leadership, and embrace changes that will benefit the people. Perhaps it's time to develop a little thicker skin, and put the people before your ego.

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It's gotta be time for another opinion poll telling everyone how happy they are, surely?

...and our official opinion poll results are as follows:

99.787589%: agree that they are overwhelming happy with the junta/government

135.95736%: agree PM Prayut is the absolute most happiest guy in the world

99.886536%: agree that TVF is the most trusted news source on the planet

99.999999%: agree that all opinion polls published under martial law are without doubt the most honest representation of public opinion

45.85746%: agree that the sun will rise in the morning, somewhere around 6am

2000.000%: agree that any argument of above opinions or 3 fingers will result in attitude adjustment

Well Thank God thats all sorted out, Happiness restored.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

We keep hearing from some foriegners and Thais that the "coup has done good things for the country". The statement has never been qualified even once. What good has the coup done ? What specific changes does it hope to make ? Upon making those changes, when will elections take place ? Statements like "I am not 100% democractic and not 100% non democratic" are vague and show poor govermance. Foriegners who agree with the coup and who come from representative governments I find most peculiar.

"I come from the UK originally, and the government there certainly does not represent the will of the people.
I think the same can be said of France, possibly Germany, and, it would appear, the USA." Huge statements like this are total rubbish unless you back them up with specific history, relevant websites.

Or you may say: "I come from the UK originally, and it is my hugely insignificant opinion the government there .... Write that and you are less a fool that just making the grandiiose inane unproven opinions you're addicted to.

I come from the UK originally, and the government there certainly does not represent the will of the people.
I think the same can be said of France, possibly Germany, and, it would appear, the USA.

Oops, I messed up or the ghosts did, this entry is an error. sorry.


Great Leader you probably were some sort of good general (probably bought according to your assets) but you are not a polotician (coup, martial law, military junta, self declared PM and great leader) so stop whinning resign and call a DEMOCRATIC election..


"If you really want the election to be held tomorrow I will be ready. But do you really want it? I don't understand what you want from me"....What the people want Mr. General is a free and democratic election. Tell the truth, the reason you need more time is to rig the system so that this can never happen so you can stay in power forever!

At the time, there were numerous assertions that Suthep was going to hold onto power and become a dictator. Some TV members were absolutely convinced of this despite his statements to the contrary. Suthep is now a monk, and has been a monk for quite a while now.

If I were to presume, I would imagine that you were one of those members who thought Suthep was planning on becoming a dictator.

He simply colluded with a proxy.

quite obviously at that. Suthep was calling for the military to act as early as December.


Hmmm. Let's see. I can have a true leader who stumbles in a political environment, is not accustomed to volumes of dissent particularly that which is motivated by pure mindless partisanship, is not at all a slick & well rehearsed talker but wants & tries to do the right thing, OR I can have the snake oil, naked graft & favoritism, happy face/spinmeister populist pandering bureaucracy forever talking out both sides of its mouth and run in absentia by a convicted ciminal. Hmmm. Tough choice...

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Keep em comin' guys, reading your comments which are nothing more than junta-bashing and sour grapes is better than any comedy show on television.

Is there some kind of competition running for the best insult thrown at "Dear Leader" ??? clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

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Keep em comin' guys, reading your comments which are nothing more than junta-bashing and sour grapes is better than any comedy show on television.

Is there some kind of competition running for the best insult thrown at "Dear Leader" ??? clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

Awww. They haven't even finished recycling all the tired stuff from the anti-Suthep rants yet... That'll have to run its course. So, if you're sure you're enjoying it I guess you still have lots of the reruns to look forward to.

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Well, he would not have liked the last report on the HRW site: photograph of the General in full uniform making a gesture that could have been described as similar to the one that German guy used to use, opening line of the report " ...life in Bangkok becomes more absurd by the day", military spokesman quoted as saying "...we won't limit media freedom but the freedom has to be within limits" ( perhaps that spokesperson is a fan of Donald Rumsefldt...).

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He's not a politician, is he.

Maybe not, but I do believe he is sincere, loyal to the King and Country, and trying to build a better Thailand.

Characteristics which the majority of career politicians, in any country, do not possess.

It is what is required for the role he has chosen, Felipe.

His tantrum displays are worrying, as he has the power to dispose of people that really pi## him off.

Humility would be a great asset for this man. But you can't teach old dogs new tricks.

  • Like 1

He's not a politician, is he.

Maybe not, but I do believe he is sincere, loyal to the King and Country, and trying to build a better Thailand.

Characteristics which the majority of career politicians, in any country, do not possess.

It is what is required for the role he has chosen, Felipe.

His tantrum displays are worrying, as he has the power to dispose of people that really pi## him off.

Humility would be a great asset for this man. But you can't teach old dogs new tricks.

So far-fetched... (But so typical of the lunacy his opposition swims in.) Who has he "disposed of" so far?


Two post removed. I know it's difficult to actually discuss these issues within the limits of what is acceptable under Thai law but to reiterate what Metisdead has already said . . .

Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.


"How is this a restriction or censorship? Go and read what they wrote. If you think anybody can say anything at all, then the country won't survive," he said.

cannot survive free speech?! wow this country must be more fragile than i thought

there must be some big skeletons out there

Not hard to see this is going no where. An awful lot of posters with questions and no intention of helping Thailand.

Your post is typical of the mentality of many other posters.

Name me one country that has free press. They all have limitations.

Another wasted thread. To the few posters in favor of improving Thailand I apologize.

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