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Ferguson shooting: Darren Wilson quits police force

Lite Beer

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Why not educate yourself about eyewitness testimony and then restate your questions?

There are many links out there about the unreliability of eyewitness accounts and how they might vary or change. CNN is running with it today on the news.


Is Eyewitness Testimony Inherently Unreliable?




The Interview-Identification-Eyewitness Factor (I-I-Eye) Method for Analyzing Eyewitness Testimony

splash_article7.png Don’t miss our trial consultant responses at the end of this article: Roy Aranda and Rita Handrich.

Eyewitness error is the leading cause of wrongful felony convictions. For example, eyewitness error played a role in 72% of the 302 DNA exoneration cases, and it is estimated that one-third of eyewitnesses make an erroneous identification (APA, 2011; Innocence Project, 2013). In this article, we discuss why jurors and legal professionals have difficulty evaluating eyewitness testimony. We also describe the I-I-Eye method for analyzing eyewitness testimony, and a scientific study of the I-I-Eye method that shows it can improve jurors’ ability to assess eyewitness accuracy.


Yeah, I trust the veracity of CNN - the mouthpiece of the inner Washington DC beltway. They parrot whatever the government wishes them to publish along with the other MSM sellouts. I'm not talking out my butt - I've seen it first hand; up close and personal, and totally inaccurate. Vet your sources.

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Man Charged With Threatening to Kill Darren Wilson

Jaleel Tariq Abdul-Jabbaar, 46, faces three counts of making interstate threats. Each count is punishable by up to five years in prison. The complaint alleges he made repeated threats to kill "D.W.", members of the officer's family and other law enforcement officers.


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This article says, that eye-witness testimony is not always reliable.


You said, the eye- witnesses LIED, which is something totally different.

And I ask you to prove it- you can't.

Thanks for making this clear!

On the "arms up or down"- question: as I stated to another poster, I am aware, that the forensic evidence clearly shows, that Browns arms were down at some point during the shooting.
Does it say, they were down all the time, he never had his arms up?
No, it doesn't!
Because it can't!
Maybe he had them down all the time, like Willson said!
Maybe he had them up and took them when..let's see...he was in pain or shock, because he was shot?
That...and exactly that, can not be determined by forensic evidence!
Right or wrong?

If it eases your pain just a little bit, how about I admit that Brown was trying to surrender when he was gunned down mercilessly by a "Dirty Harry" cop working for a "Dirty Harry" police department.

Brown was actually on his way to choir practice at the Ebeneezer Baptist Church when accosted by "Dirty Harry" Wilson just because he had picked up some Swisher Sweets at a local convenience store to donate to the homeless.

Brown had surrendered when told to get out of the street and was shot down like a dog by Wilson, who then put some of Brown's blood inside the police SUV and made up the story about being attacked by Brown.

Will it help if I acknowledge that none of the witnesses lied and they were all exactly spot on in their testimony and all agreed 100% on the events as pictured? You know, the "Hands up, don't shoot" scenario.

If so, then I so acknowledge.

We won't even discuss Dorian Johnson.

What in the name of the WWF are you on about?

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Why not educate yourself about eyewitness testimony and then restate your questions?

There are many links out there about the unreliability of eyewitness accounts and how they might vary or change. CNN is running with it today on the news.


Is Eyewitness Testimony Inherently Unreliable?




The Interview-Identification-Eyewitness Factor (I-I-Eye) Method for Analyzing Eyewitness Testimony

Don’t miss our trial consultant responses at the end of this article: Roy Aranda and Rita Handrich.

Eyewitness error is the leading cause of wrongful felony convictions. For example, eyewitness error played a role in 72% of the 302 DNA exoneration cases, and it is estimated that one-third of eyewitnesses make an erroneous identification (APA, 2011; Innocence Project, 2013). In this article, we discuss why jurors and legal professionals have difficulty evaluating eyewitness testimony. We also describe the I-I-Eye method for analyzing eyewitness testimony, and a scientific study of the I-I-Eye method that shows it can improve jurors’ ability to assess eyewitness accuracy.


Yeah, I trust the veracity of CNN - the mouthpiece of the inner Washington DC beltway. They parrot whatever the government wishes them to publish along with the other MSM sellouts. I'm not talking out my butt - I've seen it first hand; up close and personal, and totally inaccurate. Vet your sources.

Sadly, CNN is all I have in the way of a news broadcaster. I do get BBC but don't include them with any degree of accurate reporting on US events

Frankly I prefer Fox News but cannot receive them in my part of the world. I try to never provide a link to Fox since the rabid anti-Fox crowd seems to get apoplectic when their name enters the conversation.

Now with you saying I shouldn't use CNN...what am I to do?

PS: You'll notice I didn't provide a link to CNN. Without a link it could hardly be called a source, now could it.

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I was simply agreeing with you. I thought you wanted at least one person on your side so I bit the bullet and took the plunge.

Congratulations on your one month anniversary on the forum.

Thank you! This is very nice, especially from such an esteemed and experienced member of this Forum.

Although my guess is, with the childish posts you come up with lately, we should subtract 20 odd posts!

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