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Alternative Retirement Destination?


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If you speak good Portuguese and Spanish, my best advice, by my personal and direct experience of many years in those countries, will be Mexico or Brazil. Mexico at this moment still less expensive than Brazil, specially in small provinces. In Mexico, the best option and beaches are situated on the east coast, south of Cancun, called Riviera Maya. Playa del Carmen and Cozumel Island will be perfect beach spots, safe, clean, and cheap... just one hour driving to Cancun, and one hour flight to Havana, Cuba or Puerto Rico. Do not need more than $3000/month in total expenses to have a very confi life in Mexico or Brazil. Because for foreigners is easy to have access to cultured people in those countries, is also easy to meet English and French speakers.

In Brazil, many options. Close to Rio de Janeiro, small beach spots like Cabo Frio, Buzios, Angra dos Reis or small beach spots close to Salvador, in Bahia State. Brazil real estate prices increases in the last 5 years.

If you are single, Mexican and Brazilian women are very friendly with foreigners, and it is very easy to make a lot of friends in short time. If you need connections in Mexico or Brazil, let me know.

My favorite place if I will move from Thailand, will be the East Mexican coast, Cozumel or Playa del Carmen...to spend weekends in Cuba and Puerto Rico few times a year. The west coast of Mexico is where all the violence is happenning.

Good morning Umbanda and all. Thank you for the positive info. It is a tough decision to move away once more at a certain age. But like many others, I am becoming more and more negative and bitter here. Just can't adjust to the country/culture Thailand has become....And I won't end like so many here pretending all is paradise.

I am very grateful to anybody contributing to this move and right now I am 75% Mexico and 25% Portugal. I have lived & loved in NE Brazil for 5 yrs. in the 90's and left because of crime & cost. Still miss the place, so.

The Yucatan seems to tick most of my boxes. Hot, clean sea, holiday-feeling, but option to settle in a not so touristy place, exotic, great culture, westernized and most goods available, healthcare, near other great destinations etc. etc.

I hope to make a first trip there begin of 2015. If anybody has some specific spots, areas, towns that are a MUST-VISIT, kindly post them. I used to travel a lot, but this time feel a bit apprehensive starting on this adventure. But I am serious, have already sold most of my properties here and starting to learn Spanish.

To remind: Beach, clear waters for snorkeling & diving, affordable home near beach, keeping dogs and other animals, nature, internet, healthcare and good shopping within 25 miles.

I am dreaming of a large open home, hacienda type.Hopefully don't have to spend more than 3-400K $. I am an all-rounder and can resolve most problems that present themselves, learned that in various countries but mostly during a very busy and active life here in Thailand.

I would move to FL anytime, lived there too for several years, but major tax consequences prohibit this, as I am not US citizen.

Thank you all and have a nice Sunday. wai2.gif MS>

I've used this site many times for info on Mexico:


Merida is ranked very highly as a nice place to live. I've been there and it's a nice Mexican town. Playa del Carmen is a very international town, but very touristy. That whole area has some fantastically beautiful beaches.

A couple of interesting articles:




Thanks for this! I am looking at Mexico also.

I had always heard Mexico was unsafe but people said that about Thailand also.

Who ever told you that Mexico was unsafe?

<picture removed>

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One thing to bear in mind is that where-ever you go, there has to be a reason for being there other than saving money, or you run a big risk of boredom/frustration. It's easy to be a "tourist" for a while, but the reality is that you need something to do - in the same way as you need to fill your days if you are retired in your own country. Sitting bashing out posts to TV doesn't count! giggle.gif

I'd prioritise the search for Nirvana as:

Climate I like,

Language I can speak/learn

Local food I like

A culture that offers me lots of interesting things to do

A place I can afford


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Interesting you mention PV. We really liked it there. A bit touristy, especially when the big cruise ships come in, but a neat town. We also liked the Ixtapa/Zia area as it's more tropical, the water is warmer and it doesn't get as cold as PV and points north. Some friends spend the winters somewhere south of Cancun and just love it. There's also a very large and active expat community in the lake Chapala area. Never been, but seem to have everything setup for expats.

With Portuguese, you should be able to pick up Spanish easily! 55555

I've only spent a few weeks in Brazil, but member Naam spent a lot of time there and loved it. Not sure where, but it was up in the mountains. He backed off on his plans after the currency started to rise. Made things too expensive there. I was in Rio, the crime is insane there.

With 8k USD a month to play with, you should be able to afford it! 55555


Puerto Vallarta was nice in the early 90's - if you don't mind touts on your shoulder refusing to leave you in peace. But LOS is getting that way in tourist areas in recent years. Cancun beaches were nice. Cuban cigars cheap... but Mexico is just too dangerous now, forget about it. Cartels and corruption all day long.

Murder - Mexico ranks 3rd while Thailand is 32nd;




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There are only a few countries where Americans can't collect social security and Cuba is one of them.

Americans may have a residence but spend time elsewhere, I would imagine.

The OP asked the question and is not American.

He speaks multiple languages... definitely NOT 'mericun ;~)

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There are only a few countries where Americans can't collect social security and Cuba is one of them.

Americans may have a residence but spend time elsewhere, I would imagine.

The OP asked the question and is not American.

He speaks multiple languages... definitely NOT 'mericun ;~)

For those of us that are not conditioned from birth to negatively stereotype other people or nationalities what is 'mericun:-)?

Edited by thailiketoo
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  • 1 month later...

Speaking of Naam, in a thread at least a year ago, someone asked where would be the best place in the world to live. Naam posted simply "The United States of America."

He had owned a home in Florida but ran into problems getting permanent residency. You could ask him what that was. I do know you can buy a home when only on a tourist visa, so you might check out what it would then take to get regular tourist visas.

The US is frankly cheaper to live in than Thailand. Shocker maybe, but so many things are so heavily taxed in LOS that about the only things that are cheaper in LOS are some utilities, Thai food, and housing. But I think that is offset by other very expensive things in LOS. Any consumer good including a car, Western food, even gasoline can be sky high in LOS.

I wouldn't write it off without some research.

I tire of third world countries with dodgy water, electricity, internet, and roads and rule of law etc. I could never permanently move to Thailand even though I like to visit.

I'm not comfortable in Mexico or Central and South America except maybe Ecuador. They did have a good visa program but I'm not current on that.

with 8k a month to live on i cant imagine why the orignal poster is living in thailand, i would be in either san diego, kailua hawaii or florida, u have all the races of girls, they are raised just as loose as thai girls are today, just with better standards of health and better skin and brains. esorts today are the same price as women of the night as well, people dont grasp that to fly to thailand for a two week bender is so foolish today, so fickle and so stupid.

for the 1300 ticket to eat food that isnt 9 bucks but is 3 and to be with girls who expect lets face it more then date's cost.

i met a english guy in karon, he had remodeld my other buddies old bungalow, had a indoor pool, had a car, but he told me it cost him like 50k in pounds a year to live and this was back in 04.

ive come to learn that the usa is the best, just is what it is, we got it all .

and though many hate to see this for fact, the dollar is about to rally while the euro tumbles, the baht tumbles, the yen tumbles etc.. deflation is upon us, for some its good for others bad, but its worse for everyone else globally then americans love em or hate em, yell at yellin not me.

puerto vallarta sounds cool though, latin women outshine siameese women any day of the week, and im talking performance.

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Speaking of Naam, in a thread at least a year ago, someone asked where would be the best place in the world to live. Naam posted simply "The United States of America."

He had owned a home in Florida but ran into problems getting permanent residency. You could ask him what that was. I do know you can buy a home when only on a tourist visa, so you might check out what it would then take to get regular tourist visas.

The US is frankly cheaper to live in than Thailand. Shocker maybe, but so many things are so heavily taxed in LOS that about the only things that are cheaper in LOS are some utilities, Thai food, and housing. But I think that is offset by other very expensive things in LOS. Any consumer good including a car, Western food, even gasoline can be sky high in LOS.

I wouldn't write it off without some research.

I tire of third world countries with dodgy water, electricity, internet, and roads and rule of law etc. I could never permanently move to Thailand even though I like to visit.

I'm not comfortable in Mexico or Central and South America except maybe Ecuador. They did have a good visa program but I'm not current on that.

with 8k a month to live on i cant imagine why the orignal poster is living in thailand, i would be in either san diego, kailua hawaii or florida, u have all the races of girls, they are raised just as loose as thai girls are today, just with better standards of health and better skin and brains. esorts today are the same price as women of the night as well, people dont grasp that to fly to thailand for a two week bender is so foolish today, so fickle and so stupid.

for the 1300 ticket to eat food that isnt 9 bucks but is 3 and to be with girls who expect lets face it more then date's cost.

i met a english guy in karon, he had remodeld my other buddies old bungalow, had a indoor pool, had a car, but he told me it cost him like 50k in pounds a year to live and this was back in 04.

ive come to learn that the usa is the best, just is what it is, we got it all .

and though many hate to see this for fact, the dollar is about to rally while the euro tumbles, the baht tumbles, the yen tumbles etc.. deflation is upon us, for some its good for others bad, but its worse for everyone else globally then americans love em or hate em, yell at yellin not me.

puerto vallarta sounds cool though, latin women outshine siameese women any day of the week, and im talking performance.

Currency and ladies aside -- how can you compare living in Thailand with almost anywhere - at the same standard - for the same money? Maybe the cost of living in the cheaper spots in western countries compare with the tourist hotspots in Thailand, but not vice-versa ;)

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Speaking of Naam, in a thread at least a year ago, someone asked where would be the best place in the world to live. Naam posted simply "The United States of America."

He had owned a home in Florida but ran into problems getting permanent residency. You could ask him what that was. I do know you can buy a home when only on a tourist visa, so you might check out what it would then take to get regular tourist visas.

The US is frankly cheaper to live in than Thailand. Shocker maybe, but so many things are so heavily taxed in LOS that about the only things that are cheaper in LOS are some utilities, Thai food, and housing. But I think that is offset by other very expensive things in LOS. Any consumer good including a car, Western food, even gasoline can be sky high in LOS.

I wouldn't write it off without some research.

I tire of third world countries with dodgy water, electricity, internet, and roads and rule of law etc. I could never permanently move to Thailand even though I like to visit.

I'm not comfortable in Mexico or Central and South America except maybe Ecuador. They did have a good visa program but I'm not current on that.

with 8k a month to live on i cant imagine why the orignal poster is living in thailand, i would be in either san diego, kailua hawaii or florida, u have all the races of girls, they are raised just as loose as thai girls are today, just with better standards of health and better skin and brains. esorts today are the same price as women of the night as well, people dont grasp that to fly to thailand for a two week bender is so foolish today, so fickle and so stupid.

for the 1300 ticket to eat food that isnt 9 bucks but is 3 and to be with girls who expect lets face it more then date's cost.

i met a english guy in karon, he had remodeld my other buddies old bungalow, had a indoor pool, had a car, but he told me it cost him like 50k in pounds a year to live and this was back in 04.

ive come to learn that the usa is the best, just is what it is, we got it all .

and though many hate to see this for fact, the dollar is about to rally while the euro tumbles, the baht tumbles, the yen tumbles etc.. deflation is upon us, for some its good for others bad, but its worse for everyone else globally then americans love em or hate em, yell at yellin not me.

puerto vallarta sounds cool though, latin women outshine siameese women any day of the week, and im talking performance.

Currency and ladies aside -- how can you compare living in Thailand with almost anywhere - at the same standard - for the same money? Maybe the cost of living in the cheaper spots in western countries compare with the tourist hotspots in Thailand, but not vice-versa wink.png

well its a no brainer.

your 800 baht a night room per month for some shitty dinky room is what?

your beers are how much, wasnt walking street quoted recently for 180 baht aka 6 dollar beers?

sure ho's lets call them what they are cost what 1k, 33 bucks, it doesnt cost 30 dollars for legit girls in the west its the same price as thai's, about 3 days of chat n jokes n they deliver the body to you just like all girls do even thai ladies of the night do.

food? foods cheaper but not much, certainly its trival in comparssion.

the only benefit i see is the attitude of the girls in relation to being a girlfreind who excepts 30 dollar gifts upfront over free in a few days.

everything else like being in thailand, around thai people and police and everything else is second tier and even the thai food is second tear, its better in the west

reemmber im talking about places in the usa that are warm year round, have the sea and have more beautiful women thats a fact, escorts are 50-100 bones, thai agogo girls ask for 3k, thailand is not some shangra la were u live for 200 a month in a beach house and then have girls for 8 dollars.

thai girls are dependants too, modern girls contribute they have too.

thailand is merly a old mans home today and nothing is wrong with that but there isnt gonna be any new breed of pig farm buyers in the coming decades, the value is gone.

and pattaya compared to san diego? rats at the beach, fecal ocean water, stinky drains....

now we dont all want just the girls and thailand isnt pattaya but whats better, bkk? polluted chiang mai air? issan? no thank u.

id be in some shiek area of the usa and merely visit thailand on occasion.

the new morgages are given out at 3 percent down, u can get a 300 house for 6k, if u dont ever make another payment untill u get foreclosed on thats two years of rent at 150 bucks a month, ill take my 50k in pounds yearly salary to the west.

Given your attitude to girls and thai people in general I can believe that most of us will be glad that you don't live in Thailand. It's one less farang whose attitude the rest of us have to apologise for........ ;)

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dont apologize just be thankfull for youself, your the guest. This is my opinion as thats what this thread is about.

u have to rrealize that its not the east your in when your in thailand, the east n west are the same today, everyones on the same shit, it comes down to were to u want to live like a westerner, now void of the girls which aint that great or that cheap im saying what's it got?



just being honest, i dont find thai people all that wonderfull, im not a drinker and i dont like to pay for hookers.

this is the reason why u dont see hordes of young dudes anymore in thailand they dont need it anymore, all girls are loose.

and after that what u got?

most people know thilands best days are gone and think bout leaving ll the time, meaning they will soon regret not leaveing earlier, it doesnt mean u have a bad attitude it just means your want to see more things and something differant.

thailand is best enjoyed on the fly anyways. your simply a life long guest anyways.

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dont apologize just be thankfull for youself, your the guest. This is my opinion as thats what this thread is about.

u have to rrealize that its not the east your in when your in thailand, the east n west are the same today, everyones on the same shit, it comes down to were to u want to live like a westerner, now void of the girls which aint that great or that cheap im saying what's it got?



just being honest, i dont find thai people all that wonderfull, im not a drinker and i dont like to pay for hookers.

this is the reason why u dont see hordes of young dudes anymore in thailand they dont need it anymore, all girls are loose.

and after that what u got?

most people know thilands best days are gone and think bout leaving ll the time, meaning they will soon regret not leaveing earlier, it doesnt mean u have a bad attitude it just means your want to see more things and something differant.

thailand is best enjoyed on the fly anyways. your simply a life long guest anyways.

You have more of a subtle way of putting things into perspective ball dip,you are quite correct,but it comes to being old and buggered,too idle ,lazy perhaps to make a move until its too late....the airplane will not carry you anywhere anymore....you look too buggered

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Anyone got any experience of expat retirement living in Mauritius or Sri Lanka ?

I've visited only for holidays but both are such not only beautiful but varied islands but also have a "compact" feeling. I've often thought that I would love to live there but obviously everyday life is different to a holiday what with affordable healthcare, residency etc. Sorry if my question has already been answered but I made to page 6.

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