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Prosecutors set to arraign Myanmar men for Koh Tao killings


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Beetlejuice post # 116.


We have those on here like Siampolee who tries to overpower these threads by bullying, insulting, getting personal and accusing anyone who goes against the grain with them as either being conspirators for the State or being personally involved with those working on the investigation. I have to wonder where these people are and what they`re all about?

I predicted from the outset how this case would conclude and have no reasons to cast doubts on the verdict once this reaches the court. Those that disagree with the verdict and the way this investigation has been conducted can still go ahead on facebook publishing their crackpot conspiracy theories for the rest of eternity, but it won`t make the lightest different to the outcome of this case and will eventually fall on deaf ears once this case is concluded and laid to rest.

Bettlejuice you are a smooth tongued character full of flattery, .giggle.gif

But have you ever looked at the content of your posts or the posts you make at the behest of your wife who it seems by the comments made despises foreigners?

No doubt your two sons who you proudly claim are in the police farce force here will of course kept you fully informed as tovthe true(sic) state of affairs in this matter?

As an aside if you don't like that which I or others write several courses of action are open to you.

1. Don't come to the forums.

2 . Put those offensive (to you) posters on ignore.

Your problems are then solved.

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"He said police had backed their investigation report with witness statements, circumstantial evidence and forensic evidence."

We were told for a long time there were no witnesses..... magic, all of a sudden?

Circumstancial evidence? In a murder investigation?

We all know the forensics are not worth any tissue they are scribbled on.

I sure hope their defence lawyer has not been bought, and tears this case to pieces.

Witnesses, circumstantial evidence, DNA, etc will likely be enough to convict.

Only if the DNA match is the DNA found on Hannah and not just a DNA match to a bottle etc near the incident
Sorry, I didn't think there was a DNA issue with a bottle, only a cigarette butt, the same brand as smoked by the B2. The serious doubts I have are that (1) the forensic integrity of the crime scene was corrupted, and therefore open to abuse,(2) the police originally stated there were 2 murder weapons, but now there is only a hoe? (3) The Roti interpreter was interviewed and stated the B2 said a large wine bottle was used in the attack? (4) The re-enactment of the murders was 'directed' by the RTP, because the B2 appeared clueless as to what actually happened and had to be 'coached'. There are many more inconsistencies, which hopefully a 'vigorous' defence lawyer(s) will persue, if allowed to do so.

I don't know if there is. I'm just saying that only a match of their DNA on her body is pertinent. DNA from random objects near the scene proves very little.

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What about the British police observers? Have their observations been released in the UK? Has there been any feedback since they returned to the UK?

They will not make any statement. Not until the inquests in January.

........Not much help to the Myanmar boys then.

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I am very concerned by the lack of any public report from the British Police sent to overview the case - even if they have to say "we were not given sufficient independent access" it would strengthen the case for further investigation into the police activity.

This I also quoted about in some earlier threads.

The British police were only there as a public relations exercise to appease the doubters, observers only. They will not go against the grain with the investigation or if they do have any criticisms these will be stated subtly and still will not have any influence on the judgement of the court.

This is true. They will have spoken to the victims family to tell them what they observed. But it wont be announced publicly. It is true they came as observers im sure they will privately say how much the case has been f. up from the start with all the different Police statements and top cop being ;moved' off the case. But they wont get involved in any court case.

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"He said police had backed their investigation report with witness statements, circumstantial evidence and forensic evidence."

We were told for a long time there were no witnesses..... magic, all of a sudden?

Circumstancial evidence? In a murder investigation?

We all know the forensics are not worth any tissue they are scribbled on.

I sure hope their defence lawyer has not been bought, and tears this case to pieces.

Witnesses, circumstantial evidence, DNA, etc will likely be enough to convict.

I will agree with you on this one JD.

I'll even go so far as to say that No witnesses, No evidence and no DNA will likely be enough to convict.

I fully disagree with your assessment.

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If these boys can get top class legal representation, on the level of OJ Simpson's Dream Team, and a trial by jury, this case will be shown to be a railroad job and an international travesty.

Jury trial? In Thailand?

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"He said police had backed their investigation report with witness statements, circumstantial evidence and forensic evidence."

We were told for a long time there were no witnesses..... magic, all of a sudden?

Circumstancial evidence? In a murder investigation?

We all know the forensics are not worth any tissue they are scribbled on.

I sure hope their defence lawyer has not been bought, and tears this case to pieces.

Witnesses, circumstantial evidence, DNA, etc will likely be enough to convict.

Unless the Judge can be convinced otherwise.....$$$$.....

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Big party at the AC bar tonight for Nomsod and his gang and their mighty protectors!!

"We got away with it..........................again"

Makes me wanna puke!!

Is that what they were saying or is it just your imagination in action again? No-one's got away with anything yet...

Simply more defamation by the anonymous users of an internet forum.

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"He said police had backed their investigation report with witness statements, circumstantial evidence and forensic evidence."

We were told for a long time there were no witnesses..... magic, all of a sudden?

Circumstancial evidence? In a murder investigation?

We all know the forensics are not worth any tissue they are scribbled on.

I sure hope their defence lawyer has not been bought, and tears this case to pieces.

Witnesses, circumstantial evidence, DNA, etc will likely be enough to convict.

To convict them, yes. But that is not the same as saying that they are guilty. And I suspect that you know that they aren't guilty, which is why you phrased your comment in the way you did.

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Big party at the AC bar tonight for Nomsod and his gang and their mighty protectors!!

"We got away with it..........................again"

Makes me wanna puke!!

Is that what they were saying or is it just your imagination in action again? No-one's got away with anything yet...

Simply more defamation by the anonymous users of an internet forum.

JOC is their any evidence of the AC bar partying? You would hope the Old Bill have told them all to keep quiet.

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"He said police had backed their investigation report with witness statements, circumstantial evidence and forensic evidence."

We were told for a long time there were no witnesses..... magic, all of a sudden?

Circumstancial evidence? In a murder investigation?

We all know the forensics are not worth any tissue they are scribbled on.

I sure hope their defence lawyer has not been bought, and tears this case to pieces.

Witnesses, circumstantial evidence, DNA, etc will likely be enough to convict.

To convict them, yes. But that is not the same as saying that they are guilty. And I suspect that you know that they aren't guilty, which is why you phrased your comment in the way you did.

Your suspicion is wrong.
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"He said police had backed their investigation report with witness statements, circumstantial evidence and forensic evidence."

We were told for a long time there were no witnesses..... magic, all of a sudden?

Circumstancial evidence? In a murder investigation?

We all know the forensics are not worth any tissue they are scribbled on.

I sure hope their defence lawyer has not been bought, and tears this case to pieces.

Witnesses, circumstantial evidence, DNA, etc will likely be enough to convict.

I will agree with you on this one JD.

I'll even go so far as to say that No witnesses, No evidence and no DNA will likely be enough to convict.

I fully disagree with your assessment.

There is no evidence, no DNA & no witnesses.

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I believe the UK police report is to be published next month, when I understand there is to be an enquiry re.these tragic deaths, but I could be wrong or misinformed about the actual enquiry, but certainly the police will report in January

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Indicted and convicted whatever the evidence, because the RTP put the B2 there, and the judge will believe the RTP and not the B2 whatever the defence. And no-one on here can do anything about it, but accept that what will happen will happen.

Agreed, we can do nothing about it, nor legally can the UK or Burmese governments, but in hand with those official channels we can carry on to express our distaste at this enormous travesty of Justice and lack of respect to the victims family, all to keep the tourist $$$ flowing

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"He said police had backed their investigation report with witness statements, circumstantial evidence and forensic evidence."

We were told for a long time there were no witnesses..... magic, all of a sudden?

Circumstancial evidence? In a murder investigation?

We all know the forensics are not worth any tissue they are scribbled on.

I sure hope their defence lawyer has not been bought, and tears this case to pieces.

Witnesses, circumstantial evidence, DNA, etc will likely be enough to convict.

I will agree with you on this one JD.

I'll even go so far as to say that No witnesses, No evidence and no DNA will likely be enough to convict.

I fully disagree with your assessment.

There is no evidence, no DNA & no witnesses.

Because you are privy to the case Files? <snip> Edited by Jai Dee
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I am very concerned by the lack of any public report from the British Police sent to overview the case - even if they have to say "we were not given sufficient independent access" it would strengthen the case for further investigation into the police activity.

This I also quoted about in some earlier threads.

The British police were only there as a public relations exercise to appease the doubters, observers only. They will not go against the grain with the investigation or if they do have any criticisms these will be stated subtly and still will not have any influence on the judgement of the court.

This is true. They will have spoken to the victims family to tell them what they observed. But it wont be announced publicly. It is true they came as observers im sure they will privately say how much the case has been f. up from the start with all the different Police statements and top cop being ;moved' off the case. But they wont get involved in any court case.

If this is really true than the British Police is a big disappointment to me. That is certainly not what I signed the petition for.

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Indicted and convicted whatever the evidence, because the RTP put the B2 there, and the judge will believe the RTP and not the B2 whatever the defence. And no-one on here can do anything about it, but accept that what will happen will happen.

Agreed, we can do nothing about it, nor legally can the UK or Burmese governments, but in hand with those official channels we can carry on to express our distaste at this enormous travesty of Justice and lack of respect to the victims family, all to keep the tourist $$$ flowing

This is the whole problem. The RTP, prosecutor, judge and the authorities will say there is no travesty of justice otherwise they wouldn't have been convicted, which will bring closure to the victims families. And there's nothing we can do to change this outcome.

I really hope I'm wrong, but I have little faith in the judicial process here.

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